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Bond Mates

Page 24

by Kirsty Moseley

  "So Sean seems like a nice boy, and he's so handsome" mom said with wide eyes, tell me about it I thought.

  "Yeah he's great Mom, you'll really like him and yes he is extremely hot" I said, she nodded enthusiastically.

  We started weighing the ingredients. "So where did you two meet?" she asked casually.

  "School, he's a senior" I said mixing the bowl and adding the chocolate chips.

  "Oh so he's three years older than you? Bit of a cradle snatcher is he?" she said with a teasing smile, I stiffened, fucking cradle snatcher is she serious?

  "Tyler you ok?" she asked concerned.

  "He's not a cradle snatcher mom, I'm 17 now remember, he's 18" I said a bit harsher than I meant to.

  "Oh, right sorry I was just kidding anyway" she said apologetically but looking a little confused.

  Maybe she didn't realise how old I was now.

  "So are you two being safe?" she asked. I was suddenly embarrassed to be having this conversation with her, this woman hasn't been a real mom to me in over 10 years.

  "Yes Mom, I still have my implant remember" I said looking away from her.

  "I thought that they only lasted 2 years those implants, you got that when you were 14 didn't you?"

  she said shaking her head thinking.

  "I got a new one Mom, last year, I'm good for another year" I said quietly. I really didn't want to start an argument with her, I had only had one day with her like this since I was 7. She did clean up her act a bit for a few years but I was in no mood to do anything with her, our relationship was ruined the day I told her about him and she choose not to believe me. I could never forgive her for that, ever.

  "You know I always thought you would end up with Ryce, that young man is clearly in love with you" she said with a chuckle. I stared at her shocked, did everyone think that he was in love with me? God why did everyone think that?

  "Ryce isn't in love with me mom, I was his job" I said sternly.

  "Yeah right, that's why he was at your beck and call night and day and even slept on the floor of your room for six months right?" she said laughing. I didn't say anything, to be honest I was surprised she could remember, I didn't want to talk about the times that Ryce laid with me while I cried myself to sleep, or how he woke me every night when I started to scream. I couldn't talk about these times with her, so I just said nothing. We made the cookies in awkward silence after that.

  "So you're getting married huh?" she asked after we had put the cookies in the oven, "Have you met his parents?" she asked me smiling again.

  I nodded, "Yeah they are really nice, he has a younger brother and sister too" I said smiling at the thought of them.

  "That's nice, do you think maybe I should meet them before you get married?" she asked wiping the sides down. I stiffened, Holy Shit! What the hell do I say to that? Ok she won't remember this tomorrow when she's wasted again anyway so I could agree to it.

  "Sure why not, I'll invite them over this week we can have dinner or something" I said sweetly, yeah right!

  She started beaming, "Oh my little girl getting married, your father would have been so proud to walk you down the aisle" she said with her eyes starting to fill up, what the hell? I don't want to talk about my father to her.

  'Sean come down please!' I begged in his head.

  I knew if she was here she wouldn't cry and she wouldn't talk about anything bad. He instantly came bounding down the stairs. "Wow those cookies smell great Sarah" he said breaking the tension and wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me to his side tightly.

  "Thank you Sean, Tyler and I used to bake cookies all the time before Dean died" she said shaking her head sadly.

  No one said anything, it was getting uncomfortable, shit come on Tyler think of something to say. "I was thinking, I'm actually gonna ask Ryce to give me away" I said trying to break the silence.

  Sean looked at me and beamed "That's a great idea" he said kissing my cheek.

  "Don't you think that's a little insensitive Tyler?" mom asked frowning.

  I shook my head "No Mom, Ryce likes Sean, they got on great this week" I said biting my tongue a little, I wanted to shout at her.

  "Ryce was here? Why didn't he stay here with us?" Mom asked confused.

  "He did Mom, you were to spaced out to remember" I said nastily. Sean gripped me tighter.

  "He, stayed here? What do you mean, I didn't see him" she stuttered looking sad.

  "Yes Mom he stayed here the whole week, and you threw yourself at him every time you saw him same as usual" I said rolling my eyes.

  "I....I don't remember" she said a tear escaping down her face.

  "You don't? So you don't remember the witness protection officers showing up yesterday?" I asked bitterly crying now too. She stiffened and looked at Sean, "It's ok Mom he knows everything" I said waving my hand dismissively at Sean.

  "He does?" she asked surprised.

  Sean nodded and looked straight at her, "Yes Sarah I do, if you don't remember the witness protection officers yesterday then you don't remember that Peter Symons is dead" he said. I looked at him and he gave me a little squeeze of reassurance and turned slightly so I was almost behind his body, protecting me in case my Mom kicked off.

  "He's d...d....dead" she stuttered gripping the counter for support, Sean nodded his head his eyes hard and uncaring as he looked at my mom.

  She swayed slightly, then came towards me. Sean twisted me further behind his body, "Tyler! Are you ok?" she asked. My head snapped up, she was worried about me? What the hell? Sean seemed a little shocked too and allowed her to reach for me the second time.

  She wrapped her arms around me and sobbed. "It's over" she sobbed. I rubbed her back being the parent again as usual, me comforting her again. After about an hour of my Mom sniffing and apologising over and over about everything that had happened she went to bed, surprisingly she was still sober.

  "Are you ok baby?" Sean asked wrapping his arms around me and lifting me bridal style carrying me to the bedroom.

  "Hey! I am capable of walking you know" I said a bit harsher than I meant to.

  "I know that" he said quietly.

  I slipped out of my clothes and got straight in the bed naked, I didn't really see the point of changing into pyjamas Sean would only take my clothes off me again anyway. He smiled a small smile and stripped his clothes off too climbing in the bed in just his boxers and wrapped his arms around me.

  When he didn't make the first move I rolled on top of him, "What's the matter lover boy? Lost your mojo?" I asked him teasingly. He just laughed and kissed me hard rolling on top of me, I could already feel that he hadn't lost anything.

  "No, I just thought you might be tired that's all, it's been an emotional day for you" he said looking at me worried as he stroked my hair tenderly.

  "Yeah it has, but don't worry, she'll be back to business as usual tomorrow, I promise" I said grimacing at the thought of losing my mother again. "Make me forget everything Sean, give me something else to think about" I said pulling his face to mine roughly.

  "Yes Ma'am" he whispered against my lips.

  Chapter 23: Business as Usual

  (Tyler's dream)

  Sean and I were sitting on an aeroplane, it was a long flight, he was sitting there just watching me and I was trying to read a book but I couldn't concentrate on the words. I kept sneaking glances at him out of the corner of my eye, he was staring at me lustfully, I smirked and tried to ignore him.

  After a while I couldn't stand it anymore,

  'What is it lover boy?' I sent to him still not looking, I could feel his lust throbbing through the link and it was turning me on so bad I could barely sit still.

  'Want to go join the mile high club?' he asked chuckling wickedly.

  'Sean Houston you are terrible! Can you really not wait?' I sent him laughing now too.

  'Mrs Houston I can't wait another minute' he sent back leaning over to kiss my neck.

  God this flight was taking foreve
r. 'Sean, come on it's only another hour and then we have to go and meet the Grand Council, so lets just try and keep our heads ok' I sent back trying to calm the lustful feelings that were pouring out of him, but now my body was throbbing in need too. 'Oh alright jeez, you really are incorrigible! Meet me in the bathroom in a couple of minutes' I sent him laughing and standing up purposefully rubbing against him seductively as I passed making him groan.

  I walked up to the toilets, there was a man standing outside waiting, he was in his mid twenties, with reddish brown hair and blue eyes, I smiled politely, and tried to ignore him checking me out.

  "Hi, will this be your first time in England?" he asked looking me up and down lustfully. I just nodded, I didn't really want to be chatted up outside the toilets of an aeroplane, "I live there, the weather will be bad this time of year, hope you and your brother have packed warm clothes" he joked.

  "Husband, and yeah we have thanks" I said smiling politely and waggling the fingers on my left hand so he could see my two rings on my ring finger.

  "Oh, damn married, ok I get it, never mind then" he said laughing. Just then the toilet door opened and he went in.


  I woke up a little startled, what was that? Another premonition? I looked over at Sean he was sleeping soundly, looking at the clock I realised that its only three thirty in the morning. I rolled over and buried my head in Sean's chest, he wrapped his arms around me tighter in his sleep and I smiled happily. I'll have to remember to tell him my dream in the morning I thought as I drifted back to sleep. Sean and I overslept in the morning, well not so much over slept but showered together for too long. So we were rushing to get to school on time. We pulled into the school and had to run to our first class. I never got a chance to speak to Sean about my dream.

  At lunch time we were sat with all the guys as usual, Rich and Will had actually managed to claim another one of the tables last week and pulled the two together so that we could all now sit comfortably and the boys latest girl toys could also sit there too. "I'm gonna go get a drink ok?" I told Sean standing up, as I turned to walk to the line Lacey walked smack into me with her tray tipping her chilli fries down my top, with a big smirk I knew she did it on purpose.

  "Oh Tyler, I am soooooo sorry! I can't believe that! I ruined top" she said with a fake smile but her eyes told me that she was loving this.

  "Don't worry about it Lacey, it's not that bad" I said rubbing it with a napkin, I could feel Sean's anger, 'Calm down lover boy I can handle this on my own' I sent him quickly.

  "Oh but your top is ruined!" she cried giving me a sneer.

  "Lacey, don't be so negative! Wow you really need to get some positivity in your life" I said smiling at her, "Positivity? What exactly can you get out of looking like a chilli DOG" she said snickering.

  I laughed with her, "Well I'll show you the positivity shall I? Every cloud has a silver lining, watch this, you might want to take notes" I said with a big smile.

  I stripped my top off over my head so I was standing there in just my black lacy bra, Sean's eyes went wide. I turned to my table where all of the boys were staring at me with lust written across their faces mouths hanging open. "Could any of you boys spare me a t-shirt, I'd be very grateful" I purred in a seductive tone. There was silence for a couple of seconds then all of the boys on my table and half the boys from the canteen jumped up and stripped off their t-shirts holding them out to me.

  I turned back to Lacey, "See there's your silver lining, now I'm surrounded by half naked hotness" I said waving my hand around at the boys and wagging my eyebrows.

  Everyone in the whole canteen was laughing. She snorted in defeat and turned to walk off "Hey Lacey, tell your Mom sorry for me would ya?" I called at her back.

  She stopped and turned back, "My Mom? What are you talking about?" she asked nastily.

  "Well that was your Mom's top, I borrowed it this morning when I finished having a foursome with her and your Dad" I said throwing my soiled top at her. She actually stamped her foot and stormed off. The canteen erupted into laughter again.

  "Foursome?" Sean asked raising an eyebrow.

  "Yeah lover boy, you were there, you remember right?" I said kissing his cheek as I pulled his t-shirt over my head making him chuckle.

  The guys were all putting their tops back on still laughing. Chase slapped me a high five, the boys on my table were still talking about me standing there in my bra, Sean was getting a little irritated by their comments and stares. The whole of the girl population, even some teachers I noticed, were staring at Sean's naked chest almost drooling. I grabbed his hand and excused us to his gym locker to get him a new shirt before he was jumped by a gang of horny girls.

  Once I realised we were alone in the locker room I pushed him roughly against the lockers and kissed him passionately, my whole shirtless thing had backfired as I couldn't keep my eyes off of his flawless body. He grabbed me around my waist and lifted me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and he moved so that I was now pressed against the lockers. He pushed himself closer to me every inch of his body pushing against mine making me almost burst with desire.

  He kissed me until my head started to spin and pulled out of the kiss to kiss down my neck just as the bell rang. He groaned, "Now that's what I call bad timing" he muttered shaking his head.

  He put me down and I could feel his dissapointment mixing with mine. Wow I really was obsessed with his body. He sighed, "Come on baby, lets get you to class" he said taking my hand and pulling me towards his gym locker to get a new shirt. I pulled at the back of the his t-shirt I was wearing tying a knot in the back so that it was fitted in the front and showed a little of my stomach, "Mmm, that's hot" he said touching my stomach running his fingers over my exposed skin seductively.

  "Wanna skip the rest of the day?" he asked kissing my neck.

  "Sean where do you get all your energy from?" I asked curiously, he seriously seemed up for it twenty four hours a day and I almost couldn't keep up.

  "Mmm I just can't get enough of your beautiful body" he said bending to kiss me again, I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the locker room just as the next class was walking in.

  "Hey this is the boys locker room" Coach told me angrily, then looking at Sean with a what the hell look.

  "Oh yeah so it is, Sean what the hell are you thinking bringing me in here?" I joked slapping his chest playfully, he just laughed and pushed me through the door quickly as all the boys started laughing loudly giving cat calls and whistles.

  We ran down the hallway and got to Mr Raven's French class just as he was shutting the door. There was two seats left, one next to Lacey and one next to Matt. I slipped in the seat next to Matt quickly laughing at Sean's face that was now giving me the pleading puppy dog face.

  'Suck it up lover boy, you can go get molested all lesson by Lacey' I told him with a giggle.

  'I suppose I can cope for one lesson if it will save you getting another detention arguing with her' he sent back with a smile.

  'Have fun' I sent him waggling my eyebrows at him and giving Lacey a little wave as she was staring practically eating Sean with her eyes, Yeah right, good luck with that one skank I thought trying not to laugh at Sean's obvious discomfort as she draped herself over him immediately.

  Matt and I had quite a fun lesson watching Sean squirm as Lacey got more and more desperate, touching his leg and arm flaunting her cleavage in her low cut top and giving suggestive remarks. I could feel his discomfort and almost anger every time she touched him.

  I decided to tease him some more so I waited until he was looking at me and started sucking on my pen, rolling my tongue around the tip, I could feel his mood change straight away as I started to turn him on.

  'Eye's front lover boy' I sent trying to calm him down, his lust was filtering through the link making me horny again, Jeez that backfired!

  'Hmm, feels like you turned yourself on with that little act to
o' he sent me, I looked at him and he was smiling his beautiful smile, I couldn't help but smile back.

  After school finished Chase and I were watching the football practice, Chase said he liked to watch practice. Him and Will had been getting on really well, Chase said he was getting a reading on his

  'gaydar' so he started watching practice last week. I just laughed at him, Will is an awesome guy, funny and friendly and incredibly good looking. I was watching Will and Chase laugh about something or other, there is definitely something there, I think Chase could be right. They actually make a really cute couple.

  Sean was jogging over to me smiling when Rich launched himself at him from the side sending him sprawling to the ground. Pain exploded in my side making me gasp but as quick as it had come it was gone.

  "You fucking idiot Rich! You could have hurt him" I screamed as Sean picked himself up laughing.

  "Oh I'm scared" Rich said laughing at me as he rammed into Sean again this time the pain shot through my chest. Oh shit, Sean and football are going to friggin hurt from now on I thought trying to hide the pain in my face from Sean who had finally made it over to me.

  "Hey baby, you ok? You look a bit pale" Sean asked concerned.

  "I'm just tired that's all" I said giving him a weak smile.

  "Ahh, poor baby, is Sean keeping you up late at night?" Rich asked ruffling my hair like I was a little kid and pouting.

  "Not in the mood right now Rich" I said with a small warning smile.

  "Oo who got your knickers in a twist?" Chase joked tearing his eyes from Will finally.

  "Guys seriously what is this pick on Tyler day?" I asked standing up, "Sean, I'm gonna go wait for you in the car ok?" I said grabbing my bag and blowing him a kiss.

  As I walked across the field I heard Lacey shout me from behind, I turned to see her standing there with two of her clones.


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