Bond Mates

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Bond Mates Page 25

by Kirsty Moseley

  "You're gonna pay for that little stunt you pulled at lunch" she said sneering at me.

  "Listen why don't you just chalk that one up to experience and don't start on me again" I said smiling as I turned to walk away.

  She grabbed hold of my hair, "I'm not finished talking to you, you little bitch" she said harshly in my ear.

  "Lacey so far I have been nice to you letting your bitchyness slide, but if you don't let go of me by the count of three I'm gonna break that bad nose job of yours" I told her calmly, she pulled on my hair again and I gritted my teeth.

  "One" I said.

  "You can't just walk into this school and steal my man from me" she said in my ear.

  "Two" I said a bit louder.

  "Sean is mine you need to stay away from him" she spat pulling my hair again.

  "Three" I said as I twisted out of her grasp turning around and punched her straight in the nose.

  Pain shot up my hand at the same time that her nose exploded, blood was pouring from her face, she screamed dropping to her knees.

  "Ow! Damn it! I've never punched anyone before, that shit hurts!" I said shaking my hand making it hurt even more. "So Lacey did I get it right?" I laughed. One of her clones laughed too but quickly stopped when Lacey shot her an evil glare.

  "You have that on film right? Her punching me?" Lacey said turning to clone number 2 who was standing there with her cell phone open filming the whole thing. Clone 2 just nodded, Lacey sneered at me as she staggered to her feet still clutching her nose.

  "You might want to get that looked at, I think you broke your nose" I said laughing harder.

  Just then Sean ran over he was soaking wet still he had obviously just jumped out of the shower and threw on his clothes when I hurt my hand. "Tyler! Are you ok? What happened?" he asked frantically looking at me.

  "She broke my fucking nose!" Lacey shouted still holding her face trying to get the bleeding to stop.

  Sean looked at her quickly with wide eyes, "You did that Tyler?" he asked quietly, I nodded waiting for him to scold me for being violent or something.

  "Wow, I'm proud of you, that must have been a really good punch" he said shaking his head making clone 1 laugh again.

  "I didn't realise it freaking hurts to punch someone otherwise I would have kicked her" I joked making Sean chuckle, he took my hand and looked at it carefully.

  "Come on baby, lets get this looked at" he said pulling me away.

  "No way! We need to go to find a teacher, she fucking punched me! You're gonna get expelled for this" she shouted to my back as we walked away.

  'Shit Sean will I really get expelled?' I asked him directly into his head. I started to worry, crap if I get expelled there goes all our plans that we made last night about senior year and college!

  'Don't worry about it, if it happens then it happens ok' he said rubbing soothing circles on my back.

  By the time we reached the hospital my hand was burning, it literally felt like it was on fire, making me breathe loudly through my teeth, silent tears were falling down my face. Sean felt sick with worry and I could tell by the way he was fussing over me that he felt helpless. "Hey it's fine I promise" I said trying to keep the pain from my voice, but it was no use he could feel the fire in his hand anyway, so he just gave me a 'shut up and stop trying to console me' look, making me giggle.

  My Doctor gave me a shot of some painkiller straight into my hand and sent me down for x-rays.

  They took four pictures of my hand, but by the time I actually got back to the cubical they assigned me, the painkillers had kicked in and my hand wasn't hurting at all anymore. After about 30 minutes my Doctor came back in with another man in a lab coat, they both looked stern and a bit confused.

  "Hi Miss Morgan, how is your hand feeling now?" My Doctor asked taking my hand and touching it gently and moving my fingers.

  "Actually it's fine now, those painkillers kicked in pretty fast" I said smiling at him, he looked stunned as he continued to move my fingers, rotate my wrist, prod my knuckles.

  "No pain at all now?" he said making my hand back into a fist.

  I shook my head, "Nope" I said popping the p. He shook his head at the other man looking totally confused now.

  "Miss Morgan, we're gonna send you down for some more x-rays" the other man said writing out another set of forms for me to take with me.

  Sean jumped up "Why? What's wrong? Did you find something? Is something wrong?" he asked frantically.

  "Sean calm down" I said putting my hand out for him to take again, he took a deep breath, I could feel the worry in his system.

  "It's nothing like that" My Doctor said shaking his head, "It's just that we took four x-rays. There must have been something wrong with the machine because in the first picture Tyler had clearly broken a finger and two knuckles, but in the second picture it was just the knuckles and the third and fourth there were no breaks at all. Looking at her hand now, the swelling has gone completely, the movement is back and there's no pain, so the only explanation we can give is that her hand was stunned, and the pictures somehow got corrupted or mixed with someone else's. We're going to send you for some more just to be sure that there are no breaks" the Doctor said smiling at me.

  I looked over at Sean he was white as bone and sweating a little. "I'm sorry that you've had to wait all this time Miss Morgan just to have to go through it all again but, faults do happen from time to time" the Doctor shrugged apologetically. I just nodded trying to block out the feelings that Sean was giving off, confusion, hurt, worry, a lot of worry, and some hopefulness? Hmm that can't be right what has he got to be hopeful about?

  Sean couldn't calm down, he was so worked up it was making me feel sick to my stomach. After my second set of x-rays we were sitting in the cubicle waiting for the Doctors again. "It's going to be fine baby, you might have to have a plaster cast or something for a couple of weeks but it'll be fine don't worry" Sean was cooing in my ear over and over.

  "Sean honestly it doesn't even hurt anymore, it feels fine will you please calm down your going to make me sick soon" I said back touching his face tenderly. He was taking deep breaths but couldn't banish the worry away. I just giggled and shook my head at him, jeez he is so overprotective!

  After a few minutes the Doctor came in carrying two sets of x-rays. "Well Miss Morgan, it appears that there is definitely no break" he said with a smile clipping two pictures onto the light board.

  "Sorry about all the confusion but as you can see from these there clearly looked like a broken finger and two knuckles" he said pointing at the first picture.

  Sean jumped up to look taking in a sharp breath, "But as you can see from this latest one even the swelling has gone now" he said pointing to the other picture. Sean's head snapped round to look at me, relief clear across his face and also some sort of wonder and excitement. "We'll have to check the machine, maybe time for a service" the Doctor said laughing and shaking his head. "Well, Miss Morgan, you're free to go, I think your hand was just stunned, if it gets bad again feel free to come back and see me" he said smiling and handing me a card.

  "Thank you Doctor I will" I said smiling back and climbing off the bed.

  Sean was at my side in an instant helping me off the bed. "Are you ok to walk? I could carry you"

  Sean said frowning, I just laughed at him and pushed him away slightly.

  "Lover boy I hurt my hand not my legs so I can walk trust me" I said kissing him quickly on the cheek. He sighed loudly and we made our way to the car.

  "Mom?" I called as we entered the house, "Mom?" I shouted again, nope no one home, she was probably at the local bar. Oh well it was nice while it lasted. "Want to order a pizza or something?" I asked Sean not really in the mood to cook.

  "I need to talk to you first" he said pulling me to the couch and making me sit. Uh Oh, not another talk I thought wildly. "Tyler when you hurt your hand did you think you'd broken something?" he asked looking at me intently.

  I nodded "Yeah,
it hurt like a son of a bitch" I said.

  "And then what then pain went away?" he asked slowly.

  "Yeah, but first it got worse, like my hand was on fire or something" I said grimacing at the memory of it.

  He gasped and grabbed me into a tight hug, excitement bubbling over through the link. "Tyler, I think you did break you hand, I think you can heal yourself too!" he cried excited pulling back to look at me with a huge smile on his perfect face.

  "What? What are you talking about?" I asked confused, heal myself like as in like a shifter? Is he crazy?

  "That's what it feels like when you heal, like a fire" he said kissing my cheek, "I can't believe this, you can heal yourself! Oh thank God, I was so worried about if you got hurt or injured but now you can heal yourself" he said almost jumping up and down in his seat.

  No way, that can't be right, well only one way to find out I guess. I got up and walked to the kitchen, Sean jumped up following me still excited. "Tyler, what are you doing baby? We can order a pizza in a minute we still need to talk about this" he said as I walked over to the knife rack. I needed to do this quick, if he knew what I was going to do there is no way he would let me do this he's so overprotective. Grabbing a knife I quickly sliced it across the fleshy part of my palm near my thumb. Pain shot through me in an instant making me hiss through my teeth.

  "Tyler! What the hell?" Sean cried as he grabbed the knife and threw it into the sink taking my hand and covering it with a tea towel. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he shouted in my face scaring me a little.

  "I'm just trying out your theory" I said through my teeth as my hand felt like it was on fire, he put pressure on it to make the bleeding stop and pulled me into a hug.

  "You silly silly girl, don't ever do that again" he said in my ear. I shook my head, damn this hurts!

  My hand was burning. I buried my face in his neck breathing in his delicious smell biting my lip trying to think of something else.

  The pain started to recede I pulled away slightly from Sean and looked down at my hand pulling on his hand so he would take the tea towel off. We both looked at it, blood was everywhere, he wiped it gently with the tea towel wiping away the blood and gasped. The cut was healed, the skin where I had cut had a faint red line as if it had been done a week ago, but even as we looked that started to fade too. I just stood there shocked until Sean grabbed me around the waist lifting my feet from the floor and spinning round in a circle laughing.

  "Maybe now you won't need to worry about me so much lover boy" I said teasingly wrapping my legs around his waist.

  "I will always worry about you, I can't help it its in the bond" he said kissing me with a huge smile on his beautiful face.

  Just then the phone rang bringing us out of our own little world. "Hello?" I answered.

  "Hey Tiger, it's Ryce" he said down the phone.

  "Hey Ryce, you ok? How's the job? You missing me already?" I teased smiling.

  "Yeah Tiger, I always miss you, how's Sean?" he asked I looked at Sean he was smiling at me leaning against the counter.

  "He's good, he's in a very good mood actually" I said giving Sean a wink.

  "Mmm and I could guess why but I don't want to know about your sex life" Ryce said laughing.

  "You are so crude" I told him trying to sound firm but failing miserably.

  "Listen Tiger there's a reason I'm calling, your Mom called me last night, she was pretty upset, she said she wanted to sort herself out and asked me to help her get into a rehab clinic" Ryce said seriously, Oh My God! My mom wanted to get straight? I couldn't speak. "She booked into Jimmy Craker's and will be there for at least a month, she wanted to go straight away so she left once you left for school, she was embarrassed and she asked me to tell you" he said.

  I still couldn't speak I just looked at the phone in shock, Sean walked over and wrapped an arm around me, "Everything ok baby?" he asked I just opened my mouth and handed him the phone walking over to make a glass of water. I could see him talking to Ryce but I couldn't hear what he was saying. My Mom wanted to get straight? She wasn't going to drink anymore? I couldn't get my hopes up, I didn't want to feel rejected again when she started drinking again, but what if she doesn't a small part of me wondered.

  "Tyler, you ok? This is good news right? Why do you feel so confused?" Sean asked in my ear, I shook my head slightly, "Ryce said that the programme is for a month and that after two weeks your allowed to go visit if you want to, you can write to her if you want" Sean whispered in my ear.

  I turned and wrapped my arms around him "Do you think she'll stick to it though? What if I get my hopes up and she can't do it?" I asked in a small voice.

  "But what if she can do it?" he asked looking into my eyes, he's right, what if she can? What if I get my mom back? What if everything from now on will be perfect? I smiled a small smile and kissed him passionately, I couldn't help it I already had my hopes up.

  Chapter 24 :The truth

  I couldn't sleep that night, so many things were going through my head, my Mom wanting help and actually going to get help of her own accord, us making cookies together. Thoughts of her meeting Sean's family, being at the wedding, and other thoughts of being expelled from school, finding another school, trying to fit in without Sean, me being able to heal myself.

  I think Sean knew I was awake but he didn't say anything he just kept me wrapped tightly in his arms, he was pretending to be asleep but I could feel his worry for me through the link. Finally giving up on sleep at around 4am I turned to him and kissed his nose, I saw a smile tug at the corner of his mouth but he was still faking sleep. I suddenly felt like teasing him so I curled myself against him, closing my eyes and making my breathing heavy I started moaning gently as if I was having a sexy dream.

  He immediately started to get aroused I could feel him pushing against my thigh so I curled myself closer, making my moans slightly louder, I could feel his breathing getting heavier as his lust started to leak through the bond. "Oh Ryce" I murmured, he stopped breathing I felt the bed move and I tried my hardest to fake sleep knowing he was looking at me, "Ryce, oh Ryce" I murmured again, this time I ground myself against him.

  "Oh Shit!" I heard Sean whisper, jealousy, hurt and rejection started to leak through the bond.

  Oh crap now I felt bad! I snapped open my eyes, he was propped on his elbow looking at me the saddest expression on his face. "Hi" he said quietly, I grabbed his face and kissed him with everything I had to give. He responded immediately wrapping his arms around me pulling me closer, I pushed him so I could roll on top of him and straddled him, pulling back to look at the sexiest man I had ever seen in my life.

  "I was awake you know, I was just kidding" I whispered as I trailed kissed along his jaw, he sucked in a deep breath.

  "You were kidding? You weren't dreaming of Ryce?" he asked sounding so happy I could cry.

  "No you silly boy! You are the only one for me, you know that, jeez I never thought you would believe me" I said kissing him again, he rolled so he was on top of me.

  "I'm so scared of losing you, you are the only thing that matters to me, sometimes it scares me so much, I start imagining all of the things that could take you away from me" he said looking at me intently.

  "Lover boy, another man will never take me away from you, I'm yours and only yours, you don't ever need to worry about that" I said tangling my fingers in his hair and pulling his face to mine.

  By the time we got to school I was so tired I started dozing off in English, resting my head on Sean's shoulder. Suddenly the door opened and a student handed a note to Mrs Ward, she read it and looked up at me, "Miss Morgan you are needed in the Principal's office" she said. Sean stiffened beside me, Oh shit here we go, I'm gonna get expelled!

  I packed up my stuff and stood up and started walking for the door, "Mr Houston, please sit down, Miss Morgan is perfectly capable of taking herself to the office" Mrs Ward snapped.

  "But I was just" Sean started, I turned to look and
he was throwing his stuff in his bag standing up.

  "Sit Down!" Mrs Ward snapped, I just chuckled at him quietly jeez he is sweet!

  'I'll be fine lover boy, I'll let you know how I get on' I sent as I walked out of the door.

  Once I got to the office I saw Lacey sitting there, she had medical tape over her nose and bruises under her eyes, I stifled a laugh at the sight but then I saw her smug expression which brought me back to reality. "Miss Turner, Miss Morgan the Principal will see you now" the lady behind the desk said pointing at the door. I took a deep breath as I followed Lacey through into the Principal's office.

  Mr Beckwith was sitting at his desk, he was a small man, with round glasses and reseeding hair line, when I met him when I registered for the school I actually quite liked him. He motioned for us to sit opposite him. "Now girls, tell me what happened yesterday after school" he said looking at us sternly.

  "I was talking to Tyler and for no reason whatsoever she punched me straight in the face, breaking my nose, I had to spend four hours with my Doctor last night" Lacey cried outraged. I just looked at her, trying to not to laugh, no reason whatsoever yeah right!

  "Miss Morgan? What do you have to say for yourself?" The Principal asked, I opened my mouth to speak, I had no clue what I was going to say.

  "Mr Beckwith, I actually have the whole incident on video, one of my friends just so happened to be filming at the time" Lacey butted in handing him the phone.

  "Really? Well lets view it then" Mr Beckwith said pressing play.

  I could hear the voices on the tape:

  "You're gonna pay for that little stunt you pulled at lunch"

  "Listen why don't you just chalk that one up to experience and don't start on me again"

  "I'm not finished talking to you, you little bitch" I could hear the whole thing as he watched it on the phone with wide eyes.

  After it was finished he put the phone on the desk, "Well, it was lucky that this was recorded, do you want to press charges?" he asked. Oh great just fucking great now I'm gonna get arrested for it!

  But he was looking at me, wait, what? "Miss Morgan, clearly you were attacked first, you were threatened and assaulted and gave clear warning as to what would happen if you were not released, this is clearly self defence" he said waving a hand at Lacey's face, I sat there in shock. "Well, would you like to press charges?" he asked again. I just shook my head, "Ok very well you may leave, but Miss Morgan next time you act in self-defence please try not to enjoy it quite so much" he said with a smile tugging at his mouth.


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