Bond Mates

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Bond Mates Page 26

by Kirsty Moseley

  I snorted a laugh, "Yes Sir" I said standing up to leave, I gave Lacey a smug smile as I walked out of the office.


  It was now lunch time and we were all sat at our usual spot in the canteen. "I can't believe Lacey got suspended for a week! That is just too funny" Chase said again shaking his head in disbelief. "And the whole friggin tape is now going around school, one of Lacey's clones made a copy and sent it to Ray, Ray sent it on so now everyone has seen you punch the crap out of her face" he said laughing again and slapping his thigh.

  "Guy's seriously it's not funny, that shit hurt" I said raising my eyebrows in horror making chase laugh harder.

  "Aw sweetheart maybe I could give you some private lessons in how to punch then it won't hurt so bad next time" Rich said in a voice like he was talking to a three year old but giving me a flirty wink at the same time.

  "Yeah sure Rich only if you let me try it out on you" I said giving him a sly smile back.

  "You can try anything out on me that you want" he flirted back making me laugh.

  "Really? Now there's a offer! See but the trouble is between school and fucking the shit out of Sean I just don't think I have time to squeeze you in" I said giving him my sweetest smile. Sean choked on his juice and nearly spat it everywhere when I said that.

  "Baby cakes do you mind if Will comes to see that movie with us tonight?" Chase asked giving me

  'help me out' eyes.

  "Err, sure that's fine" I said slowly a little confused, his face lit up, I gave him my what the hell look but he just grinned like a mad man and gave me a sly wink, ok not sure what that is about but we weren't even going to see a movie. Maybe he's gonna say we cancelled and then he gets to go with Will on his own.

  I turned my attention back to Sean who was looking extremely hot in his black t-shirt and combat trousers and was sitting mere millimetres away from me. I could feel his body heat on my side, my eyes were starting to get heavy from my lack of sleep last night so I rested my head on his shoulder taking in his beautiful smell.

  (Tyler's Dream)

  I was running through the woods terrified, they were gaining on me I could hear how close they were, suddenly I burst into a clearing there was tall grass making it hard to run through, I tripped and fell. I could hear growling coming from all directions. I jumped up and looked around me, there were shifters everywhere at least eight that I could see. I couldn't get away I spun around looking for a way to run but they were closing in on all sides. I started to panic, fear rising up in my throat making it hard to breathe. One of them shifted back, he was very tall and had dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. He was obviously naked, I tried to look away but my eye's got caught on his mark, it was familiar to me I didn't know where I had seen it before. It looked like a campfire with a couple of black flames shooting out.

  "It's good to see you again Tyler, you're looking good, married life obviously suits you" he said with a sneer looking me up and down. I flinched as he walked closer to me, I could feel his hot breath on my face. "Don't worry we won't hurt you, yet, it's not you we're actually after, its your other half and he'll be here soon, as soon as he realises we have you, I promise we'll make it quick, you two won't even feel a thing" he sneered as he reached out and grabbed the tops of my arms.

  "Why? Why are you doing this?" I cried struggling to get out of his grasp.

  "We don't want the one from the prophesy to get in our way, he could be very bad for the organization" he whispered in my ear making me shudder in terror.

  I jerked awake with a scream, at the same time Sean picked me up and almost threw me against the wall standing protectively in front of me his back inches from my face, his hands shaking violently.

  I looked around, school canteen, shit it was a dream!

  "What the fudge?" Chase said, then I realised that Dan had jumped up too and was standing next to Sean, he was scanning the room looking for the danger. Everyone in the room was quiet staring at us three standing there looking like complete idiots.

  "Shit what the hell was that? She screamed and you two jump half a fucking mile" Rich said laughing his ass off.

  I quickly grabbed Sean's hand to calm him, he took a deep breath and turned to Dan "It's ok man but thanks" he said giving his brother a punch on the arm the guy code for affection. He turned to me looking scared shitless. "Did I hurt you Tyler?" he asked wrapping his arms around me rubbing my slightly sore back.

  "I'm ok" I said holding on to him tight as if my life depended on it. "Did you see that?" I asked, he just nodded, "What is that? And does it have something to do with us going to see some Council in England?" I asked shaking slightly Sean stiffened and just held me tighter.

  "I'll tell you about it later ok?" Sean said kissing the top of my head as the bell sounded. Oh shit that didn't sound good!


  I looked at her sitting on the benches chatting with Chase waiting for my practice to finish, God she is so beautiful, I can't believe I hurt her earlier throwing her against the wall like that, I'm such a stupid idiot! But I couldn't help it, as soon as I snapped out of the premonition she pushed on me my body went into overdrive. It's just lucky I didn't shift in front of everyone, I was close to it. I must remember to check her back later make sure she's really ok, I can't feel any pain at the moment but I know that it hurt her earlier when she said it was fine.

  I can't believe she knows about the prophesy and the council, shit! I wanted to keep it from her until she had to know to save her from worrying but looks like that plan's out the window now. I wonder how she knew about the council in the first place, did Ryce talk to her? If he did I'm gonna kick his ass he fucking promised me. Taking a deep breath I tore my eyes from my angel and got my head back in the game.


  "So are you going to tell me now?" she asked holding my hand, we were at my house now sitting on the couch in the living room. I nodded, ok how do I tell her? Well I'm just gonna have to go for it I guess, rubbing circles in the back of her hand and took a deep breath.

  "Well we have a book for shifter's it's full of information about traditions and laws and other stuff, every family has one, it's passed down through generations to the eldest shifter, my Dad has one" I said rubbing the back of my neck.

  I'd already got the book from my Dad's study in case she wanted to read it for herself, ok shit here goes. "Ok well, about a two thousand years ago, no one knows exactly when as time was measured different back then, but there was a shifter who was well known for being able to see the future, he made a prophesy that one day a male shifter would be different, that he would bond different and that his bond mate would gift him with special abilities" I looked at her she was slightly pale and seemed to be holding her breath.

  "Breathe Tyler" I said putting my arm around her and pulling her closer to me. "The prophesy even mentions mind-speak" I said giving her a small squeeze.

  She snapped her head up to look at me, "So this prophesy about you" she asked in a quiet voice.

  "Us" I corrected "And yeah, I didn't think so at first but the more abilities that show up the more I'm sure that it is about us, there is a council of Elders in England that I think we need to go and see" I said giving her an apologetic smile that I was gonna have to drag her half way across the world.

  She smiled back "I've never been to England" she said, I breathed a sigh of relief, God I loved this girl! She was so easy going. "So can I have a look at the prophesy?" she asked, I stiffened, shit once she's read that she'll start to worry.

  I nodded, I couldn't keep it from her so I found the right page in the book and handed it to her. After she had read it she laughed a small nervous laugh, "Ok so you're gonna ensure the survival of shifters worldwide? That's a lot of responsibility Sean, are you sure you're ready for that
?" she joked in a shaky voice shaking her head slowly.

  I could feel her worry but she didn't say anything about the harm part, I gave her a big hug, "I won't let anything hurt you, ever, I promise" I told her taking her face in my hands.

  "I know that Sean, I'm not worried about me" she said, typical she was worrying about ME again!

  Jeez this girl.

  "I won't get hurt either" I said with a chuckle.

  She kissed me tenderly, "So our kids will have special gifts too?" she asked breaking the silence.

  I laughed, "If you want kids with me after reading that" I said.

  She pulled herself closer to me and pointed at the book "That won't scare me away from you" she said smiling her heartbreaking smile."Ok so my dream I had in the canteen, what do you think that means? They said something about the one from the prophesy being bad for the organization, what's that about?" she asked looking scared.

  I shook my head I really didn't know I had been thinking about it all afternoon but I still hadn't come up with anything. "I don't know baby, I've never heard of any organization, maybe the Elders from the Council will know when we go there" I said honestly. "So when do you want to go?

  There's a break coming up from school in two weeks wanna go then?" I asked eager to get it out of the way, but she shook her head sternly.

  "No we don't go until after we're married" she said matter of factly. What? What is she talking about? What had Ryce said to her?

  "What do you mean baby?" I was really confused now.

  "Oh that's right I forgot to tell you! I had a dream we were going to England, we were married though" she said with a funny smile.

  "When did you have this dream? I didn't have it, anyway what's so funny?" I asked smiling a little too in spite of being confused as hell, I couldn't help but smile back at her.

  "I was thinking about these premonitions about why sometimes you can see them and sometimes you can't" she said her beautiful nose scrunching up a little. "I think that if I am really feeling some sort of emotion I can push it onto you because our link is already open, does that make sense?" she asked.

  I gasped. She was right, the first couple of times it happened she had been terrified I could feel it.

  Beautiful and smart, I was so proud of my girl. She was scared in the dreams that she had pushed onto me too. So because I was already feeling her feelings that's why I could see the premonitions, because she had strong emotions.

  "You're right baby" I said kissing the top of her head.

  "So anyway I wonder if I open up the link what would happen if I TRY to send you my premonitions?" she asked frowning but looking excited at the same time. I just shrugged not really knowing what to say I had no idea what she could do and what she couldn't this was all new to me too. "Let me try" she said taking hold of both of my hands and closing her eyes scrunching up her face in concentration.

  Suddenly I was sitting on an aeroplane. I watched Tyler's premonition of us on the plane about to join the mile high club. When it ended I laughed "That's all there is? Did we join the club or not?" I asked pulling her onto my lap, she laughed too and wrapped her arms around my neck.

  "Well I didn't see, but I would say definitely" she said kissing my cheek sending prickles of pleasure down my body. "So see we were definitely married in both of those premonitions so at least we don't have to worry about anything until after the summer right" she said in a small voice. I wrapped my arms tightly around her and rocked her in silence trying to ease the worry that she felt.

  A little while later my parents came home. "Tyler! Seaneee! I didn't know you were here tonight, I've missed you" Rach said as she went to jump on Tyler again, I caught her before she landed on her and put her gently on her lap instead. Dad started to laugh and Tyler shot me the look that said she wasn't impressed with my over protectiveness, Oops shit I forgot, I can't help it. I gave her an apologetic smile and ruffled Rachel's hair.

  "We've missed you too Rach" Tyler said as she jumped up, "Jack, Kate we have something to tell you" she said as she sauntered her perfect ass into the kitchen, mmm jeez she is so sexy I thought as I started to get a little hard. I shook my head and dragged my thoughts away from her perfect body and what I wanted to do to it. If she could read my thoughts she would think I only loved her for her body but honestly I would never make love to her again just to prove it if that's what she wanted.

  What is she talking about anyway? Is she gonna tell them about her premonitions? Hmm maybe I should speak to my Dad about it actually. I quickly caught up with her and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind.

  "What's up sweetheart?" Mom asked Tyler giving her a loving smile, my family loved her like their own and I know that it made Tyler feel happy to feel included in a family, I smiled as I buried my face in her neck.

  "Sean and I have decided to get married this summer" she said happily, my mom started jumping up and down clapping her hands like a two year old.

  "Oh that's great! A summer wedding how beautiful, and before Sean goes to college such a great idea" Mom said beaming.

  "I'm not going to college this year Mom, I'm deferring for a year so that Tyler and I can go to college together next year" I said with a smile at the thought of Tyler at college doing an art class, making her happy.

  "Really? that's good thinking" Mom said with a smile.

  "Are you going to move in here after the wedding? We'd love to have you Tyler" my Dad said smiling too.

  Tyler stiffened and I could feel her become nervous, I'd already thought about this and I was going to ask Tyler if I could move into her place. We'd get more privacy and her mom would need a lot of support when she came out of rehab and I bet Tyler would love to spend some time with her mom.

  "We haven't actually spoken about it yet dad but I was actually thinking that I would move in to Tyler's place if she wanted as her mom would be on her own otherwise, or we could get our own place" I said trying to look at Tyler's face. I could feel happiness overtake the nerves so I guess one of those two options appealed to her, I smiled and kissed her neck.

  "Oh Ok, well the option is there whatever you two decide" Dad said with a smile, mom looked a little disappointed I knew she would have us live here with her forever if she could.

  "That would give you another room for the new baby too" I said offhand trying to cheer my mom up.

  "You really wouldn't mind moving into my house Sean?" Tyler asked that night as we were curled in my bed.

  "No baby, I'll be wherever you are and I'll be the happiest man in the world, I actually thought we could do that to support your Mom, she's gonna need a lot of help" I said pulling her tighter to my chest feeling her naked body fit into mine perfectly.

  "You are honestly the kindest most caring boy in the world and I don't deserve you" she said kissing my nose.

  "No you don't" I said giving a small shrug, she laughed and I rolled onto my back pulling her on top of me. "You deserve much, much more than I can ever give you, but I promise to try my very best to make you happy every single day for the rest of my life" I said running my hands down her back to grab her perfect ass.

  "You are too sweet sometimes Sean" she whispered as she kissed me hard ending the conversation.

  Chapter 25: Time to loosen up


  Today was Saturday and we were looking around a couple of churches trying to find where we wanted to get married. We had announced to everyone at school yesterday that we were getting married, everyone had gone nuts, the girls and Chase had all been cooing over my ring and about how romantic that was that we had fallen in love and were getting married so quick. The boys on the other hand were ribbing Sean so hard I think he almost regretted meeting me. Ok that's an exaggeration but they were bad. Sean just laughed it all off and wrapped his arms around me tightly saying that "If I was theirs that they would be getting married this summer too" he was so sweet all the girls were cooing again.

  Lacey was still suspended so she hadn't heard yet so I w
asn't really looking forward to the showdown on Monday. Anyway this was the third church we were looking at but I still just didn't like it. I can't explain it, it just didn't feel right. After the fifth church we gave up and went to a party that Will was having at his house.

  "Hey if it isn't Mr & Mrs under the thumb" Rich shouted as we walked in slapping Sean on the back, he just rolled his eyes.

  Chase grabbed my hand and dragged me to the kitchen, "Come on baby cakes you need to catch me up" Chase said putting a shot in one hand and a cup of beer in the other, I downed them both grimacing as I drank the beer, yuck that's disgusting.

  "So how did you do it? Sean has never even had a girlfriend before so how the hell did you get him to propose to you after three weeks?" he asked, well slurred he looked like he had drunk a few already.

  "Two weeks actually " I said laughing as I grabbed a shot that Rich was pouring on the counter behind Chase.

  "Two weeks?" Chase shouted shaking his head, I downed the shot and shook my head as it burned my throat.

  Rich choked "TWO FUCKIN WEEKS?" Rich burst out next to me spraying whatever he was drinking up the wall.

  I just laughed at him and poured another drink, I was planning on getting wasted tonight and having sex with Sean in the bathroom, I hadn't told him this plan but I was more than sure he would be up for it. I giggled at the thought of Sean refusing to have sex with me, yeah right.

  "Yes two fuckin weeks. will you watch your language there are ladies present" I giggled pointing at Chase who tried to look insulted but burst out laughing instead.


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