Bond Mates

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Bond Mates Page 27

by Kirsty Moseley

  "Man you must be amazing in bed" Rich said looking at me lustfully.

  "You won't find out bud" I said flicking him on the nose giggling. Man was I tipsy already?

  Will came over then "Hey drinking games in the living room" he shouted and half of the people in the kitchen disappeared.

  "Come on baby cakes we are definitely playing" Chase said grabbing my hand pulling me out of the room. I spotted Sean standing in the doorway, as Chase dragged me past I slapped his ass making him laugh. I gave him a seductive wink and sauntered past purposefully wiggling my ass when I knew he was watching.

  "Don't tease me baby or I might just throw you over my shoulder and take you upstairs for a quickie" he said.

  "Not too quick I hope lover boy" I said making Chase giggle like a little school girl and Rich slap Sean a high five. I could feeling the his lust leaking through the link making me squirm.

  Chase pushed me down in the circle of people and sat next to me. Will gave Chase a smile which I noticed he didn't give everyone else. Rich was pouring neat vodka into large plastic cups and handing them out to everyone. Oh crap what the hell have I got myself into now?

  "Ok we're gonna play I never" Will said, "Ok I'll go first" he said looking at me a bit slyly, "I have never punched a girl in the face" he said. I burst out laughing, ok shit I am definitely gonna suffer for this game!

  I took a mouthful of drink and notice a couple of girls across the circle take one too, "I'm staying away from them" I said laughing and pointing at the two girls who laughed too.

  "I have never been engaged" Rich said looking at me with a wink, I took a mouthful of drink.

  "I have never stood in my bra in the middle of the canteen" Blake said laughing.

  "Oh come on this is a set up! Screw you guys" I said taking a mouthful.

  "I have never had sex in a public place" one girl said quietly, almost everyone had a drink that time.

  By now my cup was empty so I had to get a refill.

  'Slow down there baby you're gonna be sick in my car' Sean sent to me jokingly.

  I turned and looked to see him laughing his ass off. 'Tell your friend's to stop picking on me then' I sent back with a smirk making him laugh harder.

  "I have never orgasmed more than once in one session" Claire said flushing slightly. I took a drink and everyone cheered for Sean.

  "Hey how do you know it was with him?" I slurred feeling really tipsy now.

  "Was it?" Rich asked.

  I just nodded with a goofy grin "Oh hell Yeah" I said raising my eyebrows making everyone laugh harder.

  Ok shit it was my turn, I couldn't think of anything "Err, I never err, oh I got one! I never got kneed in the balls" I said laughing as Rich took a drink narrowing his eyes at me making me laugh even more.

  "I never drank so much that I threw up on someone's carpet" Will said. One boy took a drink, Will's head snapped round to him, "Right Craig you need to leave just in case" he joked pointing to the door.

  Oh crap I don't want to drink anymore. My head was swimming already, "Guys I've had enough" I said starting to get up.

  Chase pulled me back down "No way baby cakes you need to help me get Will drunk so he will finally admit it" he whispered in my ear, I just rolled my eyes ok I could do a couple more I guess.

  "I have never started a fire" Zoë said, oh shit! I took a drink and everyone watched me.

  "What? It didn't hurt anyone" I said giggling and leaning on Chase.

  "You started a fire? On purpose?" Will slurred, I nodded I wasn't going to tell them about it though.

  "Yep" I said popping the p, Chase put his finger in his mouth and pulled it out pinging his cheek making a popping sound sending us into a fit of hysterics.

  Sean came up behind me then and sat down putting his legs either side of me and putting his arms around me kissing my neck making me horny.

  "I have never....played this game before" Rich said giving me another smile, I sighed and took another drink, Ew now I have definitely had enough I thought leaning back into Sean's perfect body.

  I looked over at Will he was definitely getting drunk he kept glancing at Chase slyly when he thought no one was looking. I gave Chase a smirk looks like he might get some tonight I thought giggling my head off. Mmm speaking of getting some. I slipped one of my hands behind my back subtly and started to rub Sean's crotch he responded immediately, getting hard and groaning lightly in my ear.

  "I have never ridden in a Porsche 911 turbo" Blake said smirking at me.

  "Jeez are you guys trying to make me sick?" I said taking another drink and finishing my second cup of vodka, well at least it didn't burn anymore I thought giggling again. Rich poured me another cup, I shook my head "I don't want to play with you guys anymore" I said pouting like a little kid.

  "You have to play until we run out of vodka or the first person passes out" Rich said waving the cup in front of my face until I took it.

  "Lover boy remind me not to play games with these cheating asses again" I said waving my hand at them all.

  "We could always play truth or dare" Rich said.

  "Oh hell no! No way I'm playing that, nope na-uh" I said shaking my head but it felt like my eyes were moving to slow, I put my head back on Sean's chest and closed my eyes.

  "Ok fine! My turn again, I have never had sex in a friends house" Blake said. I laughed and jumped up, ok well jumped isn't really the right word I kind of half pushed up off the floor and Sean pushed me up to standing and held my waist to stop me from falling over.

  "Where the hell are you going?" Rich asked with a frown.

  "Well I don't want to drink anymore so I'm gonna go have sex in a friends house so I don't have to" I said with a wink and a giggle as I tugged Sean up to standing, the guys were laughing hard slapping Sean on the back and cheering. I tried to walk but I was swaying everywhere so Sean turned me around so I was facing him, and lifted me. I wrapped my arms and legs around him as he carried me out of the room.

  "Not in my Mom's room" I heard Will shout as we climbed the stairs making me giggle uncontrollably again.

  I woke in the morning, naked, in a room I didn't recognise, I looked around for Sean but he wasn't there. I could hear noise coming from downstairs, Damn I am so thirsty I thought sitting up. As soon as I moved my head started pounding, Oh Shit! How much did I drink last night? And where the hell are my clothes?

  I looked everywhere round the room but all I could find were my panties, I slipped them still looking for the rest of my stuff, just then I spotted my bra hanging from the lampshade, I blushed as I remembered doing a strip tease for Sean last night and throwing it up there. Crap I was wasted, oh well he didn't complain. I found Sean's t-shirt at the end of the bed I slipped it on and walked out of the room, the light coming from the window in the hallway hurt my eyes making me squint and cringe.

  As I got downstairs the noise coming from the kitchen was excruciating, my head was banging.

  Standing in the doorway I noticed that there was only four people in there, some blond cheerleader who was wrapped around Rich. Will and Chase who were standing very close to each other shooting sly smiles when no one was looking, I must remember to get the gossip from Chase about that one!

  As I was standing there covering my ears trying to block out some of the noise a pair of hands grabbed me from behind making me scream. Whoever it was picked me up and threw me over their shoulder and slapped my almost exposed ass, I looked down at a beautiful muscled back and perfect ass in a pair of well fitted jeans.

  I laughed "Sean put me down" I screamed slapping his ass, he just laughed and carried me into the kitchen finally setting me upright on the kitchen counter.

  "Good morning sleeping beauty" he said kissing my cheek, I buried my head into his naked chest.

  "I don't feel good" I whined wrapping my arms and legs around his waist.

  He laughed "Tyler baby I'm not surprised, you drank sooooo much last night" he said rubbing my back.

  "Nice outfit b
y the way" Rich joked, I sent him a scowl as Sean pulled his t-shirt further down my legs covering me up.

  "I couldn't find my clothes" I said putting my head back into Sean's chest trying to block out the sound of the laughter. "What?" I mumbled against his skin.

  "Your clothes are drying baby" Sean said laughing hard. I pulled back, what the hell? Drying?

  "What are you talking about lover boy? And could you all be a bit quieter?" I asked putting my hands back over my ears to try to drown out the sound.

  "You don't remember playing truth or dare last night?" Will asked laughing again, I shook my head.

  Shit the last thing I remember was the strip tease for Sean when we went upstairs.

  "Baby you were hilarious last night! When we came back downstairs they were all playing truth or dare and you wanted to join in, so........" Sean said trailing off.

  I groaned "What the hell did I do?" I whined flushing.

  'Don't worry I stopped you before you went too far' Sean sent to me, I smiled at him gratefully.

  "Well, you made a few prank calls" Chase said giggling, ok that's not too bad.

  "You took a shower fully clothed" Will added, ok well that explains the clothes.

  "You gave Sean a lap dance" Rich said with a smirk, ok that I don't mind.

  "Well I hope he enjoyed himself" I said giving him a seductive smile and wink.

  "Hell yeah I did" he said kissing me hard.

  "Annnnnndddd, you walked to the 24hour shop to buy condoms, lubricant and whipped cream wearing just a t-shirt and high heels" Rich said with a smirk, holy shit!

  "I did not!" I cried looking at Sean intently he winked at me. "Wait! You let me walk to the shop on my own wearing hardly any clothes?" I said to Sean laughing, that so does not sound like the overprotective Sean I know I thought.

  "No he refused to, so Sean and I followed you about 5 feet behind. You were so wasted you didn't even know we were there, you didn't have enough money to pay so Sean had to help you out and you still didn't even realise that we were with you" Rich said laughing his head off. I looked at Sean he was laughing too, I shook my head man I must have been wasted!

  "Oh well, whatever, can we go get some breakfast? I'm starving" I said rubbing my stomach, they all laughed again.

  "Baby its three in the afternoon" Sean said kissing my neck making me squirm and wrap my legs around him tighter.

  "Hmmm, well maybe we could kill another hour and then go out for dinner" I suggested giving him a seductive smile waggling my eyebrows, he caught on immediately putting his hands under my ass and lifting me off the counter.

  "We'll be upstairs" he called over his shoulder as he started to carry me out of the room.

  "Wait! Wait! Sean stop" I cried he stopped, and looked at me confused, I lent over and grabbed the can of whipped cream from the counter top. "Ok now I'm ready" I said giving him a flirty wink, he let out a breathy moan making all the boys laugh again.

  "Ok he's right, I'd propose to her after two weeks too if she was mine" I heard Rich say when we were out of the room.

  Chapter 26: Control

  We had been out all day looking at churches and I was exhausted. I was spread eagle across my bed while Sean went to make dinner, I was hoping when he said he would 'make' dinner that it meant

  'order' dinner because that boy could not cook worth a damn.

  Ok so now it's the middle of May and we still haven't even found a church that I like. We have looked at every single church in the area but I don't like any of them, at least Sean doesn't seem to mind me dragging him to place after place he just smiles all the time and shakes his head with a small chuckle.

  I was starting to panic, we needed to find one soon, Sean was due to graduate in just over a month and we wanted to get married in the beginning of July, I don't know why it just sounded right. Time was ticking away, six weeks was not a long time to plan a wedding and I needed to find a place.

  Jeez come on! I thought shouting at myself mentally, but I was so tired. I'll just take a catnap while he's doing dinner I thought as my eyes drifted closed.

  (Tyler's Dream)

  I was at the lake where we had our first date, there were white wooden chairs in rows with a maroon carpet going down the middle making an aisle, at the end of the aisle there was a beautiful white wooden arch with pink lily's and white roses wrapped around it. There was a vicar standing under the arch and he was talking to someone in a black suit. Suddenly violins started to play and I saw Rachel start walking slowly up the maroon carpet towards the arch scattering white rose petals as she went. She had on a beautiful white princess dress with a maroon ribbon tied around her waist and a matching ribbon tying her hair up, she turned and waved at me, she looked so beautiful I couldn't help but smile and wave back at her.

  Ryce walked up to me, he was wearing a black suit too with a maroon tie, he looked so handsome.

  "You ready Tiger?" he asked holding out his arm for me to take. Was he kidding? Jeez of course I was ready. I was so excited I wanted to run down the carpet but Ryce made me walk slowly to the beat of the music. I couldn't wait to get to the arch, I was so excited I thought I would burst, just then the guy that was talking to the vicar turned to face me.

  He smiled the most beautiful smile that it actually took my breath away. Sean. He looked so handsome in his black suit, he had a maroon waistcoat on, when we got to him he held out his hand and I took it, his touch sent sparks through my body and I shivered with desire.

  "You ready to get married baby?" he whispered seductively in my ear.

  I giggled "Hell yeah lover boy" I whispered back as we took the last step towards the vicar.

  I opened my eyes and laughed, the lake! Oh my gosh, why didn't I think of that? I jumped out of the bed and bolted out of the door, as I was running down the stairs I met Sean who was running up the stairs looking as excited as I felt.

  "The lake" he said wrapping his arms around me, I nodded as I threw my arms around his neck.

  "I'm really starting to dislike these visions you know, I never get to see what you look like" he whined kissing my neck.

  I laughed, "Sorry lover boy, next time I'll try to look in a mirror for you ok?" I asked teasingly, "But you did look extremely handsome in that suit" I said raking my eyes down his perfect body which unfortunately was covered in jeans and a shirt.

  "Hey stop that pervert" he complained jokingly kissing me tenderly. "Well at least we don't have to make any major decisions now either, you've done all the hard work, colour schemes, dresses, suits"

  Sean said grinning. Just then the doorbell rang, "Dinners done" he said with a laugh going to pay for our takeaway.

  I sighed with relief that he didn't cook, his second from last attempt was spaghetti bolognaise and the pasta came out in one big lump and the sauce was burnt, how you can burn sauce I don't know but Sean managed, and his latest attempt at hot dogs had actually set fire to the grill. Bless him he may be good at almost everything but that boy can't cook.

  Now all we had to do was arrange everything, but that would probably be easy Kate had been itching to get arranging, and as she was an interior designer she had a lot of contacts so the wedding plans would be a synch now we knew what we wanted.

  Sean had moved in with me about two weeks ago and we were living like an already married couple, well ok we were living like a couple that were on their honeymoon. We never argued, we were very romantic, Sean gave me gifts everyday like flowers, chocolates, music, anything he could think of, he left me little love notes around the house even in the fog on the mirror in the bathroom, and we had sex a lot. The craving for his body had not diminished one little bit even after the month we had been bonded.

  I had two or three premonitions a week, nothing important so far, Chase was going to get a new car, Ryce was going to get a promotion, things like that, none of them had happened yet and as they don't have date stamps that could be months or years in the future. It was actually quite annoying trying to figure them out
so we stopped trying. I didn't push all of my premonitions onto Sean, only the ones that I was emotionally involved in like if I was happy or scared. But I had managed to master sending them to him at will, I was getting quite good at it actually, it hardly took any effort at all now.


  My Mom was coming home today. I'd seen her three times and spoke to her every other night on the phone for the last three weeks. She was coming home today she had been in the rehab clinic for five weeks and was totally straight. I just prayed that she would stay that way.

  She had asked that Sean be the one to pick her up, she said that she thought she would cry if I was the one to get her and that she would be able to detach a bit better if Sean was to go on his own.

  Sean being Sean he didn't mind, he would do anything for me therefore that extended to her too. I held my breath as his car pulled up, I heard them get out and Sean's laugh as he told her that her bags weren't to heavy for him I smiled at the thought, I could hear them walk up the path to the door.

  Oh shit I feel sick, please, please let her be ok, let her stay clean please! "Hey Mom" I said as she walked in the door. I waled over to her slowly a little nervous.

  "Hey Tyler, I've missed you" she said throwing her arms around me.

  I hugged her back "I've missed you too" I said honestly, it was weird but ever since that first day when we made cookies I've started to miss her, well miss that version of her anyway, miss what we could have had. Sean and I went to visit once a week as soon as we were allowed after she had the settling in period. She was doing great there, she had made a friend called Karen and she had her sponsor. She seemed really happy and together which I hadn't seen for years, they had even set her up with a part time job in the local bakery which she was due to start in a couple of days.

  "You cut your hair" I said playing with her now shoulder length brown hair, she even had on a little makeup, her eyes seemed to sparkle a little she looked pretty, just like the mom I remember from when my Dad was alive. "You look really great" I told her kissing her cheek.


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