Bond Mates

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Bond Mates Page 28

by Kirsty Moseley

  "You do too" she said sitting on the couch and motioning me to sit next to her.

  "Sarah, I'll go put these in your room" Sean said raising her bags up a little higher to show what he was talking about.

  "Thank you Sean" she said with a sweet smile, she turned back to me once he had left the room.

  "He is very sweet, you're a lucky girl" she said holding my hand.

  "I know I am, and thank you for letting him move in here with us" I said squeezing her hand back.

  She just smiled and waved her hand dismissively. "Of course, it's going to be hard you know, now I'm back to stay clean, I really appreciate you being here to help me, and Sean too, he's such a good boy" she said affectionately. I smiled widely, I could tell that he had won my mother over the same as he seemed to be able to charm everyone.

  "So I thought I could cook dinner tonight" Sean said behind me.

  I just laughed and wrinkled my nose, "Err, maybe I should cook tonight lover boy, give Mom a chance to settle in before she samples your cooking, she might want to kick you out" I said giving him a flirty wink.

  He looked at me faking shock "What are you trying to say about my cooking?" he asked with mock horror.

  Mom just laughed at the two of us, "How about we all cook?" she asked standing up and walking to the kitchen.

  "Ok good idea but I think we should get Sean to stick to making a salad or something" I joked slapping his hard chest playfully as I walked past him, he gabbed my ass with a chuckle kissing my neck as he followed behind me.


  Mom had been home for a week now and she was doing really great, she loved her job at the bakery. We were going to Sean's parents house tonight for a barbeque, I was going to introduce my Mom to Sean's family for the first time and we were going to be doing some intense wedding planning. My Mom was so nervous. She had changed her outfit three times and fixed her hair time and time again, she was currently straightening her shirt as we walked up the drive to the house.

  "Sarah, calm down, it's going to be fine" Sean said rubbing his hand on her arm giving her a reassuring smile. They were getting along great, she already thought of him as a son and he just loved that I was happy so that made him happier too.

  Kate and Jack as usual were adorable and immediately welcomed my Mom with open arms as part of the family as soon as she walked through the front door.

  "I just love Sean, he's such a good boy, you two really did a great job raising him" my Mom gushed to Kate and Jack as we were sitting round eating burgers and hot dogs, stake, baked potatoes and just about every other kind of meat that you can cook on a barbeque.

  "Thank you Sarah, you're right he is a good boy and we're so glad that he met Tyler, I think she's the best thing that could ever happen to him" Kate said back sending me an affectionate smile, I just laughed and shook my head.

  Sean and his brother and Dad were still eating, damn shifters eat a lot I thought watching them in awe. "So about this wedding then, five weeks is not long Tyler we need to get some serious decisions made today" Kate said clapping her hands like a child as she bounced in her seat with excitement.

  "Tyler has been doing some sketches" Sean said with a wink, I gasped, what the hell? He knows I don't like showing people my drawings!

  "Sean" I said frowning.

  "I'm sorry baby, but you know exactly how you want the wedding and I do too, so if you showed people the sketches you'd be able to get everything done quicker" he said with a shrug and an apologetic smile.

  I rolled my eyes at him and nodded, he shot up and ran off to get my drawing pad. He handed it to Kate, and she and my Mom immediately started looking through it gasping with wide eyes.

  My Mom looked up at me, "You drew these Tyler?" she asked shocked as hell, I couldn't speak I just nodded.

  Sean wrapped his arm around me and kissed my cheek, 'I'm sorry baby, I didn't think it would upset you that much, I shouldn't have said anything about your drawings, please forgive me' he sent in my head.

  I just looked at him and smiled, how could I stay mad at this sweet, amazing boy? I kissed him passionately and wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss.

  "Err! We'll have none of that today, I see enough of that at home" my Mom joked rolling her eyes as I giggled and pulled away from Sean who looked a little disappointed.

  I'd done sketches of everything that I had seen in my premonition, the white chairs in rows with the maroon carpet up the middle, the arch at the end with the white roses and lily's. I'd drawn Rachel in her white princess dress with the ribbon, scattering the white rose petals up the aisle. I'd even drawn the dress that I wanted, but I had been careful not to let Sean see that one. But my favourite drawing that I had done by far was the one of Sean standing there with his beautiful smile in his black suit and maroon waste coat looking so handsome I could melt. I'd spent a long time on that drawing making sure I got in every perfect detail of his face and body.

  "These drawings are amazing Tyler, so beautiful, I....I never realised you were so talented" my Mom said wiping a tear from her eye. I couldn't speak, my Mom liked my drawings? She thought I was talented? I just smiled and mumbled a thanks looking at the floor.

  "These are perfect Tyler, I've already gotten the permission of the National Park for us to hold the wedding there, the grounds president owed me a favour" Kate said with a wink, "And now that all these decisions have been made we can get to ordering the things! I know where we can get all of this stuff" She exclaimed clapping happily again. I just laughed she looked like a kid in a candy store.

  The sun was beating down and it was beautiful outside, Sean, Dan and Jack were playing touch football, Rachel was being the referee and my Mom and Kate were sitting talking happily about the wedding, they're getting along great I thought with a smile watching them.

  Taking nice deep breaths of the fresh warm air I closed my eyes soaking up the sun on my face, I was just thinking about Kate and Jack being parents again. Damn that baby is going to be one lucky little shifter to have them as parents. I wonder if they will have a boy or a girl I thought to myself.

  Suddenly I was sitting on the ground and a beautiful little girl of about two ran over and jumped onto my lap, "Tie-la" she said as she proceeded to put a bit of chocolate into my mouth making me laugh. She laughed too, the sound was like little ringing bells.

  "Gracie! Have you been eating chocolate again? Mom's gonna tell me off, you know I'm not allowed to give you sweets unless it's the weekend" Sean said as he scooped her up off of my lap and tickled her.

  "Swwon stooooop!" she giggled trying to push him off.

  Just then Kate walked out, "Sean, your not giving your sister sweets again are you?" she said narrowing her eyes.

  I snapped out of the vision and gasped, Sean stopped playing immediately and ran to my side,

  "What? What is it?" he asked staring at me intently.

  I burst out laughing, 'I know the sex of your mom and dad's baby! I even know the name' I sent him smiling happily.

  He gasped too and gave me a big smile, 'Don't tell me I don't wanna know' he sent back laughing and picking me up. I laughed and looked at Rachel, she was going to be so happy, she wanted a girl.

  "What's going on? You two do that a lot you know, it's like you're having some sort of secret conversation" my mom said with a frown.

  "It's nothing, I just fell asleep that's all, nothing important" I said sitting back down, and giving Sean a little push back towards the football game, "Go play lover boy" I said with a smile.

  I can't believe I was just thinking about the sex of the baby and bam I fall asleep and have a premonition about it, but did I fall asleep? I don't think I was asleep, and maybe I had the premonition BECAUSE I was thinking about the sex of the baby. Ok if that's true lets try something else. I closed my eyes again letting the sun warm my face as I thought about where Sean was taking me for the hon
eymoon, he wouldn't tell me he wanted to surprise me but I really wanted to know.

  Suddenly I was on an aeroplane with Sean, I was sitting looking at my left hand rolling my two rings around smiling at the thought of being Mrs Sean Houston, I was so happy I could burst. I looked over at Sean, he looked like a kid on Christmas morning. "I can't believe that your taking me to Barbados for our honeymoon! How did you know I always wanted to go there?" I asked Sean he just grinned his beautiful smile.

  I snapped back to the garden. "NO! I wanted to surprise you" Sean shouted looking at me disappointed. Oops, I must have pushed that one onto him. Well I can't believe that it worked! I can just make a premonition happen? And about whatever I want? Damn that's cool.

  I jumped up excited, Sean was taking me to Barbados? "Are you serious? Barbados?" I asked jumping up and down squealing, he ran over and wrapped me in his arms pulling me away from the table slightly so we could talk without everyone hearing.

  "I can't believe that, I wanted to surprise you, I wasn't gonna tell you until we were at the airport" he said with a pouting his lip. I grabbed his face and kissed him hard biting his lip gently, I was so happy I could burst.

  "Thank you and I'm sorry I ruined your surprise" I said looking straight into his eye's, I felt so guilty about ruining his surprise.

  He rolled his eyes "That's ok baby girl, you can't help it" he said with a sigh but he didn't seem that upset anymore.

  "Actually I could help it" I admitted looking at him apologetically. He looked at me confused and gave me his what the hell face. "I can control it now I think, I was thinking about the sex of the baby and bam, then I wondered if I could do it again so I thought about where you were taking me for the honeymoon and then we were on the aeroplane" I admitted in a small voice giving him an apologetic smile.

  He gasped again, Oh crap here it comes he's going to chew me out for ruining his surprise on purpose! "Are you serious? You can control it?" he cried in shock a bit too loud because everyone was now looking at us, which wasn't too bad for his family as they new all about our abilities but my Mom had no clue.

  "Control what?" my Mom asked. Everyone looked at her with the same expression, SHIT!

  "" I stuttered looking at Sean.

  "Her hormones? Does that mean that you two are gonna stop sucking face every five minutes?" Dan said laughing, everyone else laughed too, I sent a grateful smile to Dan who winked at me.

  "I'm gonna go get another drink anyone want one?" I asked as I pulled out of Sean's arms.

  "Yes please" my Mom said holing her empty orange juice glass out for me.

  "Sean want to come and help me?" I asked sweetly taking hold of his hand. He took the glass from me as we started walking to the house.

  Once we were in the kitchen he grabbed my waist and sat me on the counter, "Seriously? You can control them now?" he asked paler than usual and with wide eyes. Can I control them now? I'm not sure.

  "Honestly I don't know but maybe" I said.

  He suddenly got excited "Try again baby think of something else" he said rubbing my thighs.

  "Ok like what?" I asked smiling at how excited he was.

  "Err how about the lotto numbers for tonight?" Oh I like it, we could be rich!

  I laughed, "You wanna win the lotto? But that would be cheating" I said narrowing my eyes trying to hide my smile.

  "No, we won't buy a ticket but at least we could check almost straight away, they draw at eight right?" he said with a innocent expression, ok this boy is way to honest! If I can predict the lotto I am definitely buying a ticket next week!

  "Ok I'll give it a try, I'm not sure if I'll be able to push it to you or not, grab a pen and paper" I said closing my eyes and taking deep relaxing breaths, what are the lotto numbers going to be tonight I thought over and over. Suddenly I was sitting in the living room watching TV when the news flashed on announcing the numbers, 6, 12, 19, 23, 36, 39. I snapped out of it and looked at Sean with a wicked grin, he was holding the paper out to me so I wrote the numbers down with a giggle.

  "If I can predict the numbers we're going straight to the betting shop tomorrow to place a big bet" I said raising my eyebrows. Sean laughed his head off and kissed me again slipping his tongue into my mouth making me moan.

  "Wanna go try out my old bed my beautiful fiancée?" he said, suggestively running his hand up the inside of my thighs and pressing his thumbs gently on my core through the material of my jeans. Oh hell Yeah I do I thought biting my lip, but we need to check those numbers and I can't leave my Mom here on her own, even though she is getting on great with the Houston's.

  I shook my head and he groaned, "But I haven't made love to you all day" he whined interlacing our fingers and giving me the puppy dog eyes, making me almost change my mind. No Tyler be strong think of your Mom.

  "We can't Sean, I can't leave my Mom out there on her own, it wouldn't be fair" I said giving him an apologetic smile.

  "I can't believe you can just have a premonition about whatever you want, whenever you want" he said shaking his head and looking at me in awe.

  He was immensely proud of me I could feel it through the link, he kissed me again then moved off and grabbed three glasses and a carton of orange juice putting them in my lap then picking me up bridal style and carrying me back to the garden kissing me the whole time sending shivers of desire down my spine and making me moan and reconsider my earlier refusal to check out his old bed.

  We were back at home now watching the news at ten, Sean and I were sitting close together he was squeezing my hand, he was so excited I thought he was going to pee himself. Suddenly the news ended and the lotto numbers were announced, "Tonight's lotto numbers from earlier today, in numerical order are.... 6, 12, 19, 23, 36, 39. Good luck and hopefully you've won something" the anchor said. I turned to Sean who was holding the paper I had written on, his hands were shaking he was white as bone.

  "Well how many did I get? I know I got 6 and 23 but I can't remember the others" he didn't answer.

  "Sean?" still no answer, ok shit I'm worried now. "Sean are you ok?" I asked turning his face to look at me, his mouth was hanging open in shock, "How many did I get lover boy?" I asked again kissing his cheek trying to snap him out of it. Still no response, hmm I know how to get his attention, I lent forward and licked along his bottom lip, brushing my tongue along his bottom teeth before biting his lip gently. That snapped him out of it.

  He dropped the pad and wrapped his hand around the back of my head pulling me back to kiss him again, slipping his tongue in my mouth with a moan and pulling me onto his lap, I could feel him getting aroused under me. Ok stop now Tyler and ask the question! Instead I wrapped my arms around his neck and tangled my hands in his hair. Tyler how many numbers did you get? Say it, stop kissing him and ask! But he slipped his hands up the back of my top and unhooked my bra scratching me gently making me moan. I needed to stop before I forgot what the hell I was asking him. I pushed back to look at him but he just carried on kissing down my neck "Sean" I whispered.

  "Mmm hmm" he mumbled against my skin the vibrations making me gasp.

  "Sean!" I said pulling back further, "How many did I get?" I asked him.

  He just smiled, "How many what baby?" he asked kissing me again.

  "How many lotto numbers?" I asked.

  He pulled back immediately, "Holy Shit that's right! You got them all!" he cried hugging me tight

  "Every single one, you can control your premonitions, I'm so proud of you baby" he said looking at me lovingly.

  "That's it then tomorrow morning we go to the betting shop, I'm picking a horse" I said excitedly.

  "Tyler we can't do that, we can't cheat, we don't need the money, we can't abuse your gift like that baby" he said looking at me sternly but also pleadingly he was leaving the choice up to me.

  "Ok your right lover boy" I said touching his forehead smoothing out the frown line.

  "So what sex is my parents baby?" he asked getting excited again.<
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  I laughed and shook my head "Nope, you didn't want to know" I said sticking out my tongue at him like a five year old.

  "You stick that out at me again I'm going to bite it" he said simply with a wicked smile. I stuck my tongue out again and laughed, he pushed me on the sofa pressing his body to mine and pinned my hands above my head and kissed me passionately, he licked my lip and I opened my mouth feeling his tongue massage mine suddenly he bit the tip of my tongue gently making me laugh. "Told ya"

  he said kissing me again until my world started to spin.

  Chapter 27: Too late to call if off?

  The six weeks passed in a blur of school and wedding plans. If I wasn’t doing homework or helping Sean study for his finals, then I was with Kate and my mom making decision after decision for the wedding. In total honesty I just wanted it over and done with already. I loved the idea of marrying Sean and I desperately wanted to be his wife, but with our moms getting involved it seemed like the day wasn’t even about us anymore. Two weeks ago school had finished for the summer, and I’d literally been dragged here there and everywhere to look at balloons, cakes, dresses, folded napkin designs, food tastings…… it was endless.

  The night before the wedding I was laying on the bed with Sean, my head on his chest, listening to his heart beating in his chest while I stroked my fingers across his mark softly.

  “I can’t wait for tomorrow night,” I admitted. “This whole fiasco will be finished and it’ll just be you and me on a flight to paradise.”

  He sighed and gripped his hand in the back of my hair. “Tyler, if you are really hating this all so much then why don’t we just call it off?” he suggested, casually.

  I gasped and jerked up, he didn’t want to marry me anymore? “What? You don’t want to get married?” I asked, looking at him confused, he wasn’t sending me any feelings like this was a bad thing, I couldn’t feel anything other than happiness and contentment coming through the bond.


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