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Words From the Heart

Page 8

by L C Taylor

“Parker…” her voice warned.

  Parker couldn’t stop himself, he stepped into the shower and pulled her against him. His mouth found hers. She kissed him back, her wet body melding against his.

  “Delilah.” He mumbled against her lips, as he hoisted her up into his arms. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist as he pressed her against the shower wall. His hands wound their way into her hair, as his mouth trailed down her neck. Her hands fisted his shirt, “Parker, please.” She slipped her hands beneath the fabric, her nails raking his skin. Leaning into her, he pressed his body into hers as he pulled it over his head, shifting arms to hold her and shimmy out of his soaking shirt. Her hands gripped his shoulders as his lips found hers again. Their kisses were fevered as the water poured over them. Delilah slipped her hand to the button of his pants, releasing the snap holding them on. Slipping her fingers beneath the waist, she fisted his cock. Parker bucked into her, moaning as his tongue licked and tasted her tender flesh. His lips found her pert nipple, sucking in between his lips.

  “Please.” Delilah moaned, her hand struggling to free him. She pushed at his jeans and boxers below his hips, freeing his engorged member. Gripping his shaft in her hand, she wiggled her hips lining the soft head of his cock against her folds. With a swift thrust, he was buried inside her. “Oh God.” Delilah leaned her head against the cool tile as Parker nipped and licked her flesh. His hips bucked and pounded, hitting her g-spot as he thrust in and out of her channel. Her body tensed and exploded like a fourth of July celebration. She saw spots as her vision swam in ecstasy. Parker slipped in and out, their flesh smacking echoed inside the stall. Their moans mingled with their heated breaths.

  “Fuck, Delilah.” Parker pressed his lips to hers, then rested his head against hers, “I can’t hold on.”

  “Then don’t.” She thrust her hip into his, his cock hitting her most sensitive spot. Her walls tightened, swallowing his dick deeper, “I’m going to come.” Delilah said through her panting. Parker sped up, thrusting into her with no regard for their safety. The water tumbled around them, as he bellowed into the small space. “FUCK!” he erupted inside her like a dormant volcano exploding for the first time in years. His come spilled out as her pussy clamped and claimed his seed as her own. The water had run cold by the time they’d come down from their orgasms.

  “Shit.” Parker reached behind Delilah and cut off the freezing shower. Stepping out, he wrapped a towel around her before setting her down. His jeans hung below his hips, soaked against his skin. Delilah blushed, “Um… sorry.”

  “For what? Fuck, Delilah. I should apologize to you. I’m the one who barged into your shower.”

  “I didn’t force you to leave.” She giggled. “Look,” she paused, “This thing between us… I still don’t know what I am doing, but I know I want you in my life. I just need some time to make sense of everything.”

  Parker fingered a wet lock hanging against her shoulder, “Delilah, I’ve waited my whole life for you. Waiting a little while longer isn’t going to hurt me.” He pressed a quick kiss to her cheek and stepped around her, “I need to change. Hank is probably wondering what the hell happened to me.”

  Chapter 23

  Delilah had forgotten about the letter from Momma Belle. Her morning tryst with Parker had left her more confused than ever. She’d been back home a couple of months and her feelings for him were more than she could comprehend. Pulling on some clothes, she decided a visit to her grandmother’s attorney was in order. Maybe he could shed some light on what she’d meant to tell her.

  When she came out of the house, her vision was assaulted with a shirtless Parker and Hank. Both men were sights that took your breath away. Chiseled perfection that glistened in the afternoon sunlight. And although Hank was a fine specimen in his own right, her eyes couldn’t stay off Parker.

  “Parker,” Delilah called out, “I’ll be back. I need to go in to town to see my grandmother’s attorney.”

  “Be careful,” Parker stalked toward her as she slipped into the driver seat of her green truck. Leaning into the cab, he pressed his lips to hers, “I have to work tonight, so I’ll stop by on duty.”

  “Ok.” Delilah pulled the door shut and backed out. This man was going to wreck her.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  “Hi, Don,” Delilah smiled as she took a seat across from the older man.

  “Delilah, it’s great to see you. How have you been settling in so far?”

  “I’ve been good. Look, I don’t want to take up all your time, so I’ll just get to the point.”

  “Wow, just like your grandma – no wasting time. Alright, what is it?”

  “Did you know if there was something wrong with Momma Belle?”

  Don shifted in his chair, “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I found a box of letters she wrote me. And one of them made it sound like something was wrong. But she said she’d tried to call me – of course I found out that my ex-fiancé had been blocking her calls and deleting my voicemails, so I never got the message.”

  Picking up a glass filled with water, Don swallowed. He wiped his forehead, obviously nervous. “Were there any other letters?”

  “Well, yeah. But I got sidetracked and didn’t read another one yet. I thought maybe you could just tell me.”

  “Delilah, you need to finish those letters. She left them for a reason.”

  “So, you don’t know or just won’t tell me?”


  “Can’t?” Delilah questioned.

  “Your grandmother made me promise to let you learn things on your own. The only thing she asked me to do was get the finances taken care of and if you didn’t find the box, to tell you where to look. But it looks like you found it.”

  “Wait… this makes no sense, Don. She’s dead. How will she know what you told me? Please. This is driving me nuts.”

  “She was clear, Delilah. And I loved that woman, more than she will ever know – so the last thing I intend to do is honor her wishes. Go home. Read the letters. All will be answered and revealed.”

  Delilah pushed her chair back, “Thanks for nothing, Don.” She turned on her heel and stalked out of his office.

  “Delilah,” Don called after her.

  “What?” she glanced over her shoulder.

  “Read the letters. When you’re done. Find me – ok?”

  “Sure… Whatever.” Delilah rushed out of the office and hurried to her truck. She couldn’t believe Don refused to help her. He knew something, she was sure of it. She was so lost in her head, she was pulling into her driveway before she realized it. Parker and Hank were gone, leaving her alone in the house. Sadness filled her when she glanced towards the barn, suddenly remembering Ed wasn’t there waiting for a ride made her eyes burn. She should have never left Alabama all those years ago. Maybe things would be different.

  Hurrying up the stairs, she anxiously pulled open the box and pulled the next letter free. Slamming the lid shut, she tucked it under her arm. She needed to be outside, breathing fresh air as she read her grandmothers words.

  Dear Delilah,

  Remember the curve ball I told you about? Well, I must be the unluckiest human on the planet because I had another one thrown. For your entire life I knew nothing of your father. Your mother had been so tight lipped and after she died, I found nothing. For years I couldn’t understand how I’d missed her being in a relationship. But she had been, or else you wouldn’t be here today. A few days ago, I was going through some boxes in the barn, and I found her diary. I couldn’t believe all these years the key was buried in a damn box – right under our noses. Delilah, your father’s name is David Brighton. He was a Marine, like Parker. From what I could gather, he was a captain and had been deployed. They’d dated for a few weeks, and the day after he left, she learned she was pregnant. Her entries were a bit sporadic, but it seems as though she lost contact with him when he went on a mission. The last entry she talked about trying to locate him because you were
turning one. She wanted you to know your dad, but she died. Baby, I wish I was able to locate him. I haven’t talked to Parker about it, I want to talk to you first. Maybe he can help find your dad.

  I love you,

  Momma Belle.

  Delilah couldn’t stop looking at the name penned on the paper. Her father. David Brighton. All these years her dad was in the barn… well, not really. But she could have searched him out long before now had they just gone through the boxes sooner. Rapping her fingers on the wooden lid, she tossed the folded sheet inside and pulled out the second to last letter.

  Part of her was nervous about opening it as it was the only connection to Momma Belle she had left. Once she read them all, what would there be to make her feel Momma Belle’s presence? She flicked the envelope, slipped it back inside the box, and closed the lid. For now, she needed to talk to Parker. Maybe he could help her locate information about her dad.

  Chapter 24

  Delilah pulled the remaining two letters from the box and set them on her nightstand. She was going to open them, but only after she called Parker. Glancing at the clock she realized it was nearly midnight. After eating something, she’d sat outside on the porch in the night sky thinking. Now, with her mind made up, she dialed Parker’s number. The line rang, then went to voice mail. Leaving him a brief message, she momentarily worried. He’d promised to come by and hadn’t. Slipping her clothes off, she slipped beneath the covers. Maybe he was just busy tonight, being a police officer wasn’t exactly predictable. Sighing, she closed her eyes and gave into sleep.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Constant banging pulled Delilah from her sleep. Wiping the haze from her eyes, she sat up. Realizing immediately someone was banging on her door. Slipping out from the covers, she grabbed a pair of leggings and slipped them on. Her night shirt was long, but not long enough to leave her comfortable enough to answer the door at almost three in the morning.

  Peering out the peep hole, she was shocked to see Hank standing on the other side.

  “Hank?” she pulled the door open.

  “Delilah, there’s been an accident.”

  His words paralyzed her. Blinking rapidly, she tried to get her senses straight, “Whaa… what did you say?”

  Hank pushed in passed her, “You need to get dressed. Parker was in an accident.”

  The world tilted on its axis, nearly knocking Delilah on her ass. Hank grabbed her shoulders, “Whoa, I got you. Look, get dressed, I’ll drive.”

  Rushing upstairs, she slipped a bra on under her night shirt, changed into jeans, and pulled her hair into a ponytail. Splashing water on her face, she brushed her teeth. Snatching her phone off the nightstand, she shoved the two letters resting beneath it in her back pocket.

  “Hank, what happened?” Delilah slipped into the passenger seat next to him.

  “All I know is a patrol officer came by the house and told me he’d been hit head on by a drunk driver.”

  Tears spilled down her cheeks, “Oh my God.” She whispered into the cab. Hank reached over and took her hand in his. Delilah forced a smile, “Please let him be ok.” She closed her eyes and prayed as they drove in silence.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Delilah was out of the truck before Hank had it in park. She rushed into the emergency room, “Can you tell me where Parker Masters is?”

  “Are you family?”

  “Um… not exactly.” Delilah huffed.

  “I’m sorry, but we can’t discuss his status unless you’re family.”

  “BULLSHIT!” Delilah slammed her palm against the granite countertop, “I am all he has. His family died a long time ago. PLEASE…” she begged, needing to know if he was ok.

  “Excuse me?” A young doctor interrupted her, “Are you here about Deputy Masters?”

  “Yes,” Delilah shot the nurse a death look, “please… is he ok?”

  “Can we sit over here?” He pointed towards a bank of empty seats. As they seated themselves, Hank strolled through the doors and sat next to Delilah. “Can you tell me your relation to Deputy Parker?”

  “I’m his best friend Hank, and she’s his girlfriend, Delilah.” Hank spoke. Delilah made a choking sound, but Hank elbowed her, silencing her words.

  “His supervisor told me he had no family, other than two friends he’s mentioned. I’m assuming that’s you two?”

  “Yes… please, just tell us.”

  The young doctor wiped his face, “Deputy Masters,”

  “Parker,” Delilah cut him off, “His name is Parker.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Parker, as I was saying, was involved in a car accident. He was struck head on by a driver under the influence as he was going around a curve. There was no time to react, so the vehicles struck each other at full speed. Now Deputy…” the doctor cleared his throat, “Parker, was in a large SUV, and that saved his life. The other driver, well they weren’t so lucky. They died on impact.”

  “But Parker?” Delilah shuffled on her feet nervously looking between Hank and the Doctor.

  “Yes… Parker suffered severe trauma to his left leg. It was pinned beneath the dashboard and shattered. We splinted the injury for now.”

  “Why not cast it or do surgery?” Hank asked.

  “His leg injury, while severe, is not the most concerning thing. Parker suffered a head injury. We cannot do any surgery on him until the swelling goes down and he is stable enough to be operated on.”

  “Shit.” Hank swore, causing Delilah to inhale sharply.

  “What does that mean?”

  “Delilah, we have Parker in an induced coma. We need to give his brain time to heal. We won’t know if there will be any long-term damage or not. The brain is fickle like that.”

  Delilah nodded, hearing what the doctor was saying, but not really understanding.

  “Can we see him?” her voice barely audible.

  “Yes. But I warn you. Parker isn’t going to look like the man you saw this morning. He is bruised, covered in bandages with a lot of wires attached to him and a tube coming out of his mouth to help him breathe. So, prepare yourself. It will be a shock.”

  Delilah and Hank followed the doctor through the doors to the back. The walk to ICU seemed to take forever. They stopped in front of his door, “You can go in when you’re ready. Remember, how he looks now won’t last forever.”

  The doctor left the two of them standing alone in the hallway. Hank tugged Delilah’s hand in his, “You ready?”

  “Yeah.” She took a deep breath and followed him through the door.

  Chapter 25

  Nothing could have prepared Delilah for what she saw. Parker laid still on the bed. His head was wrapped in gauze, a plastic tube protruded from his mouth that ran to the machine placed by his bedside. The slow and steady sound of air filled the room. What could be seen of his face was swollen and bruised. Delilah couldn’t move. She couldn’t breathe.

  “Jesus Christ.” Hank muttered, rubbing his hand over his face.

  Delilah cut her eyes towards him, tears pooling on her cheeks. She hadn’t realized she was holding her breath until he’d spoken. Hank pulled a chair to the edge of the bed, “Sit, Delilah.”

  Nodding she took the empty seat, her hands folded in her lap. She couldn’t believe this was happening. “Why did this happen?”

  “Delilah…” Hank squeezed her shoulder, “This was an accident. Parker is a tough son of a bitch, he’ll pull through.”

  “He has too…” She laced her fingers with Parker’s hand on the bed. “I need him to know how I feel.”

  Hank’s phone buzzed in his pocket, Delilah listened as he talked to the person on the other end. She couldn’t take her eyes off Parker. Her heart ached – she needed him to be alright.

  “Delilah,” Hank broke her train of thought, “That was Meghan. She’s going to meet me in a bit to give me Ed’s remains. Will you be ok here?”

  “Yes… Thank you for taking care of that, Hank. I am not leaving his side.”

  Hank squeeze
d her arm, “Take care of yourself too, Delilah. Parker is going to need us when he wakes up.”

  “I know. See you later?”

  “Call me if you need something before I get back.” Hank walked closer to the bedside, “Parker, we need your ugly ass to wake up.” Hank tapped his arm, turning and leaving Delilah alone with him in the room.

  She scooted her chair closer to him, “Please Parker, wake up.” Delilah stood, leaning down towards his face, “I need you to wake up. I need to tell you how wrong I was. How…” she swallowed, “please…” her tears spilled onto his exposed skin. Delilah sat back down, the letters she’d shoved into her pocket crinkled beneath her. Pulling them out, she set them on the table. She couldn’t think of reading anything right now. Not with Parker lying so helplessly in front of her. Folding her arms across the edge of the bed, she rested her head against her forearms and closed her eyes. She had no intention of leaving his side – not until he woke up at least.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  “Delilah,” a warm hand pressed against her back, stirring her from her sleep. Sitting up, the memory of where she was rushed back to her, propelling her from her resting position.


  “He’s still not awake.” Hank stood against the wall beside her, “Doc will be in to give us an update. You slept here all night. The nurses said you didn’t budge at all.”

  “I couldn’t leave him.”

  “Good morning,” the doctor walked through the door, “I see you’re awake now.” He smiled as he walked towards Parker. “His vitals all look good, but the swelling has not gone down enough for surgery. We are going to redress and splint his leg – hopefully in the next twenty-four hours the swelling will subside some more and we can take him in for surgery. The good news is the swelling on his brain has gone down. We are going to remove the breathing tube and take him off the medicine keeping him in the coma.”

  “Is that safe? Could it… I mean, can he…” Delilah’s words hung in the air, her hand laced with his on the bed.

  “Delilah, there is always a chance he could not wake up. But we need to see if he can breathe without the tube. Plus – it may allow him to wake up. Right now, the medicine is preventing that for sure.”


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