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Little Hoodlum (Hood River Hoodlums Book 2)

Page 16

by K. Webster

  “You may think you’re doing the right thing, even if for selfish reasons,” I mutter. “It doesn’t feel so right to me. You guys should come to Campfire Chaos. Roan was talking about everyone meeting up again. The three of you should make an appearance. Does Sebban like to camp?”

  “Don’t you ever say my son’s goddamn name!” Gio roars.

  “Whatever, man. I’m late for work. I’ll back off, but inevitably you’re going to have to face reality.”

  “Get fucked.” He storms over to his sedan and jumps in. For such a stupid dad car, it sure does peel out and make a shit ton of noise like it’s something badass.

  Annoyed at this altercation that’s making me even later for work, I hurry to my car and climb inside. The drive to the restaurant doesn’t take long. I’m rushing to get out and inside when I’m suddenly shoved from behind.

  What the fuck?

  I swirl around, ready to level Gio’s ass if he followed me, but come face to face with Renaldo. His features are murderous.

  Oh, shit.

  “Renaldo,” I grit out.

  “Hold him,” Renaldo says to two guys who approach.

  I tense up, but they’re on me before I can escape. The vein in Renaldo’s neck thumps hard as his face turns purple with rage.

  “One job, motherfucker. You had one job.”

  He swings a fist, hitting me square in the jaw. I groan as pain explodes in my face.

  “You were supposed to watch him,” Renaldo snarls. “Not let him get his ass kicked by that cop’s douchebag kid!”


  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  I take another hit to the face. This one, splitting the skin on my cheek. Another hit. My eye starts to swell. Another hit. Lip is busted. Another hit. Black out. Another hit. Wake up, confused. Another hit.

  Over and over.

  And then I’m on the ground.

  Kick after kick after kick.

  My spine burns and my kidneys ache. I’m seconds from puking on the gravel. The world spins violently around me, making my stomach churn harder.

  Renaldo squats and peers down at me, his head blocking out the morning light behind him. He thumps me in my head, making my throbbing headache worse.

  “I don’t give people a second chance. I’m not your fuckin’ parole officer.” His eyes narrow. “But Juno is good to me. And because of that, I owe him one.” He spits on me. “One, Jordy. That was your one. Had Kayden been shot or worse, I would’ve kicked your face in until you were unrecognizable, and they’d be forced to close your coffin.”

  A groan rasps out of me.

  “I’m watching you, Martinez. Your every move. The places you go. The people you see. The bitches you fuck.” He chuckles. The sound of it is dark and ominous. “All it takes is one more fuck-up and I’ll destroy everything you care about.”

  I black out and don’t come to until Renaldo is long gone. Bob fusses over me, asking what the hell happened. He doesn’t offer to call the cops because he can’t. If I’ve learned anything the past couple of weeks, it’s that Renaldo owns this fucking town.

  And it’s going to take more than just me to bring that motherfucker down.

  Everything I cook today makes me queasy. The smell of the savory meats and vegetables would normally have me starved by dinner time, but I can barely function without wanting to be sick. Bob wanted to send me home, but the last thing I wanted was for Roan or Roux to wake up seeing me like this. Who the hell knows what Roan would do. I don’t need his ass out there trying to fight my battles for me.

  A sweet, familiar voice cuts through my haze. I cut my eyes over to the register where Bob talks to Roux. She’s handing him an application that’s been filled out. Last night she mentioned she needed to get a job, but I didn’t think she meant here.

  Panic claws at me.

  She can’t work here.

  Not with Renaldo breathing down my neck.

  A smile is tugging at her lips until her eyes meet mine. One quick perusal of my beat to shit face, and she’s pushing through the door into the kitchen.

  “Jordy!” she shrieks, her eyes teary as she looks up at me. “What happened?”

  I wince when she touches my bruised cheek. “Got in a scuffle.”

  Her amber eyes turn hard. Just like Roan’s. “Oh hell no. Not now. Not after everything. Tell me who did this to you. I’m not buying your usual protector bullshit. Tell me the truth.”

  “Renaldo,” I mutter with a sigh.

  “Why would he…” she trails off, horror washing over her features. “Kayden? Is he…”

  “He’s fine. Just got his bitch ass kicked when I left last night.”

  “Because of me.” Her eyes water and her bottom lip trembles. “I’m so sorry.”

  I cup her face with my palms, frowning at her. “This is not your fault. None of this is your fault.”

  “You should go to the doctor. Your cheek looks like it might need stitches.”

  “Nah,” I grunt. “I’ll be fine. Why are you even here anyway? Not that I mind seeing you.”

  She nods, gesturing to the wall. “Garrett’s buying the building. The vacant space next door is where he’s going to open his office.”

  “He’s staying here? Charlotte and Penny will be happy.”

  Her smile is brief. “Yeah. I think it’ll be a good thing having her dad here. Anyway, Hollis and Roan are looking at the space with him. I decided to come over here and apply for a waitress job when I saw the sign in the window. Wouldn’t it be cool if we worked together?”

  My heart clenches in my chest. Working with her, under normal circumstances, would be fun. Getting to see her more often would be great. But it can’t happen.

  “I’d like that but not with Renaldo riding my ass. It’s not safe, Little Hoodlum.”

  All happiness fades as understanding dawns on her.

  “I want to kill him,” Roux seethes. “Can’t we go to the cops?”

  I grab her hand, leading her to the back where Bob has a small desk wedged into what looks like used to be a supply closet. Quickly, I close the door behind us.

  “Listen, baby,” I murmur, pressing a kiss to her mouth even though it hurts my split lip. “You can’t say shit like that. He has people everywhere. Even here.”

  Fear shimmers in her coppery eyes. “I didn’t think…”

  I stroke my fingers through her soft hair. “Just be careful what you say. I’ll be fine. I guess I needed the reminder of what a psycho Renaldo is.” I close my eyes. “It’s not safe for you to be around me. If he knows what you mean to me…” I swallow down that statement. “He can’t know.”

  She hugs me. “I’ll be careful. I’m so sorry, Jordy.”

  “It’s okay,” I rumble. “Everything’s going to be okay. Give me some time to work shit out.”

  Her head tilts up so she can see me. “I want to help.”

  “You can’t,” I growl.

  “I’m not letting you go to prison again. And I sure as hell am not letting you die. Tell me what I can do.”

  Everything in me screams to take her back to the dining room and deposit her into her brother’s arms where she’s safe. But Roux’s not some helpless, scared girl. I know how she grew up. She’s had a rough life. The girl is made of tough stuff.

  She’s a Hoodlum like me.

  I draw her close, brushing my lips to her ear.

  Whispered words tumble from my mouth. With each word, she hardens, straightens, grows determined.

  I guess she’s right.

  Having people on my team is better than going at it alone.


  Kayden’s not here.

  Every school day, but especially on Mondays, after not seeing me all weekend, he’s usually waiting for me by my locker, ready to woo me. Today, he wasn’t there. There were lots of rumors going on about what Ryan did to him, but I stayed out of it like Jordy told me to. Jordy said Kayden’s okay and not dead or anything. So that alleviates some of the worry.

bsp; I make it to the top of the stairwell, headed for Wes’s class, when I see them.

  Ryan and Charlotte.

  The arrogant creep has her caged in against a bank of lockers, one hand above her and his body close to hers as he bitches her out. Her head is bowed, her limp hair hanging in her face. He must sense my staring because he turns, his sadistic grin making me shiver. Slowly, he raises his middle finger at me. Then, he pulls Charlotte to him, kissing her in a possessive way that makes my skin crawl. I hurry to class, hating Ryan with every fiber of my being.

  Wes’s eyes brighten when I enter the classroom. I give him a small smile before heading to my desk. Quickly, I tap out a text to Hollis.

  Me: One day it’ll be too late. Ryan will do something he can’t undo and Charlotte will suffer the consequences. I thought your dad was working on removing Ryan from her life. It’s taking too long.

  He responds immediately.

  Hollis: Thanks for letting me know. You’re a good friend, Roux.

  I roll my eyes, hating how even Hollis blows me off. My phone pings.

  Wes: You okay?

  Glancing up, I find him watching me, his brows furrowed with worry. All weekend he tried to get me to meet up with him at the bookstore, but I spent Saturday and Sunday nursing Jordy after he got his ass beat by Renaldo. Roan was pissed when he’d seen how bad Jordy looked but did nothing in retaliation.

  All this patience is not usually a Hoodlum virtue.

  But here we are.

  Not acting. Not reacting. Doing nothing.

  I hate it, but it’s necessary because Renaldo is one evil sonofabitch.

  Me: I’m fine.

  Wes: You’re not fine. Stay after class and we’ll talk.

  Me: Roan will be waiting to pick me up.

  Wes: Tell him you have a ride.

  His persistence is annoying today.

  Me: I can’t. Sorry.

  I look up to find Wes’s eyes. They flash with anger.

  “I’ve decided since half of you failed last week’s quiz, I’ll do another one. This one is longer.” He tears his gaze from mine as he walks over to his desk. “It’s difficult, but you can use your book. Think of it as a pre-test. A sample of what the mid-term exam will look like.”

  Anger swells up inside me.

  Is he really giving us a test because I told him I couldn’t stay after?

  Charlotte enters the room late and falls into her seat. Wes says something to me when he sets a test down on my desk, but I ignore him, watching her as she swipes a tear off her cheek. Seeing her hurting and deteriorating kills me. Wes doesn’t even bother giving Charlotte a test. Her head is already on her desk, her eyes closing.

  Why won’t anyone do anything?

  My phone buzzes in my hand.

  Wes: Better tell Roan you’ll be late. We can do the test at Josie’s if you want.

  Me: That was a dick move.

  He doesn’t respond, simply crosses his arms over his chest and sits on the corner of his desk, his eyes pinning me. I let out a sigh of resignation and text my brother.

  Me: I have to take a test after school. I’m sure I can catch a ride.

  Roan: I’ll wait.

  Me: You don’t have to.

  Roan: I know.

  Me: How’s Jordy?

  Roan: Back at work. How are you?

  Me: Fine.

  Roan: Hollis told me about your text.

  Me: They’re letting her fade into nothing.

  Roan: They’re trying to get her away from him. Cuntingham’s dad is worse than him. Has the power to make everyone’s life a living hell. Plus, you know how Char is. If they forbid her to see him, she’ll find a way. Do something drastic. Just let Garrett do what he needs to do.

  Me: What exactly is he doing?

  Roan: That asshole can be likable apparently. Already super chummy with everyone who’s anyone in our shit town. He’s going to put pressure on Ryan’s dad. Work that angle.

  Me: And if that doesn’t work?

  Roan: Then Ryan’s going to get a good old-fashioned Hoodlum ass kicking.

  Me: Thank God.

  Roan: Good luck on your test. I’ll see you after.

  I put away my phone to discover Wes blatantly glaring at me. He can be pissy all he wants. I’m pissy too. It was a dick move to force me to stay after with him.

  The hour goes by in a hurry and before I know it, the bell is ringing. As soon as it does, Penny pushes into the classroom, her blond ponytail bouncing. Ryan is hot on her heels, his nostrils flaring. The asshole looks like he might want to push around Penny, but Penny isn’t some weak girl. She’d probably headbutt him or rip his balls off.

  “Let’s go, sis,” Penny says, ignoring Ryan’s brooding presence behind her. “Hollis texted. We’re all meeting Daddy at his new office. He ordered pizza for dinner. Thought we could hang out as a family.”

  This has Charlotte perking up, a rare smile on her face. “Really?”

  “No,” Ryan barks out.

  Penny swivels around, fury pulsating from her. “Nobody asked you, douchebag. Daddy’s on his way to pick us up.”

  Ryan’s jaw clenches and he fists his hand like he might hit Penny, but she holds her own.

  “Call me as soon as that shit is over,” Ryan orders Charlotte. “I’ll come get you.”

  He storms out of the classroom. Penny shoots me a thankful smile before hooking her arm with Charlotte’s. The rest of the class has already bailed, so when they leave, Wes walks over to the door and closes it.

  “Who were you texting?” he asks.

  “My brother.” I scowl. “Why are you being an asshole?”

  “Me?” he huffs out. “You’re clearly upset and need to talk. I know how you like to clam up. I’m just giving you a safe space to vent.”

  “Maybe I just need space.”

  He frowns, giving me one of his usual wounded looks that typically guilts me. I’m too upset today to let it affect me. I look down at my desk, waiting for him to start the test. He lets out a heavy sigh and sits in his desk chair. Slowly, he rolls it over to me until he’s right next to me, his knee brushing against my thigh.


  “Just give me the test.”

  He’s silent for a beat. “Fuck. I’m sorry, okay?”

  “It’s fine,” I say, “just give me the test. Roan is waiting for me.”

  Reaching forward, he takes my hand in his. “Please don’t be mad at me. I’m sorry. I fucked up, okay?” He pulls my hand to his mouth and kisses my knuckle. “Let me fix this. Fix us.”

  I tug my hand from his grip. “Wes, we’re not an us. You’re my friend. But friends don’t hold each other hostage.”

  His face crumples. “I fucked up. Roux, I’m sorry.”

  “Just give me the test—”

  “Fuck the test,” he snaps, taking my hand again. “You can have an A. I don’t give a shit. I just want to see your smile again. I don’t want you pissed at me.”

  I squirm, uncomfortable with the intensity rolling off him. “Wes, can I go?”

  “No,” he barks out. I flinch at his word. His gaze softens as he tenderly strokes my hand with his thumb. “I mean, please don’t leave when you’re mad.”

  “You’re freaking me out,” I whisper, my heart in my throat.

  “Hey,” he croons as he stands. “You never have to be afraid of me.”

  I’m pulled into his arms and he squeezes me tight. I’m stiff and my heart thunders in my chest. When he nuzzles my hair, it’s not like when Jordy does it. This chills my blood. He pets my hair like I’m a kitten. Like I’m his. Teacher’s little pet, I suppose.

  “Can I go now?”


  I swallow hard, blinking back tears. “Please.”

  “No.” He sighs. “I feel like because I fucked up, now you’re going to shut yourself off from me. I can’t…I can’t lose you, Roux.”

  I’m not yours.

  “I’ll text you later,” I say, my voice shaki
ng with my lie.

  “You’re lying,” he whispers back.

  I close my eyes, swallowing down a terrified sob.

  “Shh,” he murmurs. “I’m sorry. I fucked up. I fucked up so bad. Let me fix it. I’m just having a bad day. Text Roan and tell him you have a ride. I’ll take you to dinner or a movie. We can just relax and hang out.” He kisses the top of my head. “Or I could take you to my place. I have more poetry books there.” He laughs. “And coffee.”

  “Maybe another day,” I breathe.

  “No,” he whines. “Today. Please, Roux. I feel myself losing you and I can’t. I can’t lose you.”

  His fingers thread into my hair and he tightens his grip, tugging me until I’m forced to look up at him. The guy really is broken up about this. He looks seconds from crying. Guilt assaults me, but fear of his erratic behavior is driving my emotions right now. He rubs his nose against mine and then softly kisses my lips. When I start to pull away, his grip tightens. A whimper of fear escapes me—one he gently kisses away.

  “I need assurance we’re not over,” he pleads, his mouth ghosting over my trembling lips.

  “We’re not over,” I rush out. “I just want to go home.”

  “You’ll text me later?”

  I nod, more tears cascading down my cheeks. He kisses them away.

  “I don’t fall for my students,” he murmurs. “You’re just different, Roux. You get me in a way no one else does.”

  I don’t get this.

  I don’t understand him right now.

  “I’ll text you later,” I say. “I swear.”

  And I will. Anything to get me out of here.

  “I’m sorry,” he murmurs. “Do you forgive me for acting like an idiot?”


  He gives me a boyish grin. “Thank God.” He laughs. “I was freaking the fuck out.”

  I force a small smile. “You can calm down now. Everything is fine.”

  “It probably needed to happen,” he says with a sigh. “To take us to the next level.”

  “Maybe,” I choke out.

  His eyes flash as he kisses my lips again. “This weekend tell Roan you’re staying with a friend. I’ll take you someplace fun. We can have dinner and go out. Then, later, I’ll show you how much you mean to me.”



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