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Little Hoodlum (Hood River Hoodlums Book 2)

Page 24

by K. Webster

  I stick my tongue out at him and Jordy flips him off.

  “Children,” Garrett chides. “How are you both feeling? How’s your foot, Roux?”

  I blink in confusion.

  “Still feeling the effects of the morphine, I see. When they ween you off the good stuff, let me know then,” Garrett says with a smirk. “That was quite a nasty burn on your foot.”

  Roan sets his coffee down and walks over to me. He strokes my hair out of my face and places my old glasses on my face since my newer pair probably got destroyed in the fire. All of their faces sharpen into view.

  “Is it all really over?” I ask my brother.

  He smiles. “Yeah, Roux.”

  “When do I get to see my nephew?”

  Garrett approaches the bed. “Samantha is working out all the legalities to transfer guardianship. It might be a few days, especially since Roan has been dealing with the Feds and worrying about you two, but Sebban will be home soon.”

  “Why are you always helping us?” I ask Garrett.

  He frowns at my question. “I lost my family once because I was an asshole. I have much to atone for. My family needs me, and now their family has grown to include Roan and Jordy and you. I’m doing what I can to show them I’m a changed man.”

  It’s too late for his ex-wife considering Kelsey loves Mike, but it’s not too late for his children.

  “Can you save Charlotte too?” I ask, my bottom lip wobbling.

  Garrett’s face darkens. “I’m working on it, sweetheart.”

  I won’t let Roan know because he’s not been a Garrett fan the past four years or Hollis because of everything his father did to him, but I like Garrett. I think people can change if they want to. And Garrett reminds me of my own dad. Not always good with words or people, but protective when it counts.

  “I’m tired,” I say with a sigh.

  “Close your eyes, Little Hoodlum,” Jordy grunts out. “I’ll be here when you wake up. I’ll always be here when you wake up from here on out.”

  Roan doesn’t kill him, which makes my heart soar.

  I close my eyes and pass out, knowing the people I love are always watching out for me.

  A week later…

  Snoring wakes me up and it takes me a second to get used to the sweaty body clinging to me.


  A smile tugs at my lips as I rake my fingers through his dark hair. Having a three-and-a-half-year-old living with us has taken some getting used to. To say we’re all on top of each other is an understatement.

  For some reason, in this stressful transition for Sebban, he’s chosen me to cling to. Roan seems hurt, but I know it’s because the poor little guy lost his mother. I’m another dark-haired woman, and I think he just gravitates toward me for that reason. As a result, I’ve been sharing my bed with him so he won’t cry at night.

  “Momma,” he cries out, jolting awake.

  My heart breaks for him. I’m thankful he’s so young and doesn’t fully comprehend his loss yet. The social worker said it was best if we distract him rather than trying to explain what happened.

  “Dadda Roan will make pancakes if we ask nicely,” I tell him, tickling his stomach.

  He squeals, rolling away. I manage to wrangle him over to me to change him out of his diaper and into new clothes. He’s not potty-trained yet, so it’s something we’ll have to work on with him.

  Once I have him dressed, I take his hand and walk him into the living room. All three guys are at the table drinking coffee. Jordy still looks a little worse for the wear, but no matter how beat up he is, he’ll always be handsome to me.

  And my savior.

  I smile at him and then lift a brow at Roan. “Where are the pancakes?”

  “Pancake,” Sebban agrees.

  Roan’s smile is so cute as he reaches a hand out to his son. Sometimes, like now, Sebban shies away from him. I know it hurts Roan, but he’s determined.

  “Want to help me make them?” Roan asks, squatting in front of Sebban and pushing a lock of hair out of his eyes.

  Sebban nods and reaches for him. Roan’s eyes flash with joy as he scoops up Sebban like he weighs nothing. My nephew squeals with laughter. He carries Sebban into the kitchen and sets him on the counter. Patiently, he tells Sebban all about pancake making. Like pouring water into the canister and shaking it is actual rocket science.

  “I do it,” Sebban tells him.

  Roan hands him the canister and Sebban shakes it up, happy as can be at helping. I peel my gaze from them and sit in Roan’s vacated chair. Hollis has a goofy smile on his face as he watches his husband be a daddy. It really is heartwarming.

  Jordy, though, is watching me. His dark eyes probing into the deepest parts of me. He reaches over and takes my hand, winking at me.

  “Morning, beautiful.”

  “Morning, handsome.”

  “Ew,” Hollis jokes. “I think I’m needed in the kitchen.”

  As soon as he’s gone, Jordy tugs me into his lap. I curl up against him, nuzzling my nose against the column of his neck.

  “Garrett’s gonna rent me the apartment above his office,” he says, running his finger lightly up and down my arm. “I can move in whenever.”

  The thought of him moving away from us makes my stomach hollow out.

  Another peal of laughter from the kitchen steals our attention. Hollis and Roan are playing with Sebban. They’re ridiculously cute. There’s no doubt in my mind those two will give that little boy the best life. After losing two parents, the kid deserves it. Hollis and Roan are two of the best people in this world, so Sebban is lucky to have them in his life.

  “I want you to come with me, baby,” Jordy murmurs.

  I jolt up and furrow my brows at him. “Really? You want me to live with you?” The idea of giving Roan more space to raise Sebban makes me feel better, though it’ll be sad to leave them.

  “Of course I do,” Jordy says. “Even asked your dickhead brother first to see if it was okay.”

  “Still not okay,” Roan hollers out over his shoulder. “But then he reminded me it’s your life, not mine. That you’re a big girl who can make her own decisions.”

  I laugh. “I’ve been trying to tell you that for years, Roan.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” he playfully grumbles. “You’re always welcome here, Roux. If that dude ever fucks up, you can come home.”

  “Fuck!” Sebban yells out, cackling.

  Jordy snorts out a laugh. “Nice, man.”

  Hollis swats at Roan. “That mouth is going to get you in a lot of trouble.” Then, to Sebban, Hollis says, “That’s a no-no word. Want to go look at ducks after breakfast?”

  Sebban starts chanting duck instead of fuck, much to everyone’s relief.

  “Yes. I’ll move in with you.” I kiss Jordy’s still bruised cheek. “But once I go, you can’t get rid of me. I’ll always be yours.”

  Jordy squeezes my ass. “You’re already mine, Little Hoodlum. Now it’ll be official.”


  Two months later…


  So fucking cute.

  “Are you listening?” Terrence says on the other line.

  “You’ll be here tonight. Around nine. Yep. Heard you loud and clear.”

  The giggles commence, and I grin.

  “What are you doing?” Terrence asks. “Oh God. If you’re fucking Little Hoodlum, keep that shit to yourself. That’s practically incest, dude.”

  “Fuck off,” I grumble.

  “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”


  “Shh, Terrence,” I say loudly. “I can hear Sebban. I think I know where he’s hiding now.”

  “Jesus,” Terrence grumbles. “You’ve gone full-on dad and he isn’t even your kid. What are you going to do when Roux pushes one out?”

  I freeze. “How the fuck did you know she’s pregnant?”

  Terrence howls with laughter before he finally catches his breath. “I do now, asshole. Oooh, this is exci
ting. Can I tell Roan? I want to watch him lose his shit. Seriously. You knocked her up already? Are you going to marry that girl or what?”

  I already wrote to Jace last week to tell him I was gonna marry his daughter. He wrote me back and said if I hurt her, he’d find a way to hurt me like he did Renaldo. I didn’t expect any other response, and I figure I’ll get similar sentiments from his son when he finds out.

  “I got her an engagement ring. I just need to give it to her. Been trying to think up a romantic ass way to do it. But I’m not a romantic ass. So I don’t know what to do. She deserves a romantic ass, though. Fuck.”

  “Man, cut yourself some slack. This isn’t some prissy bitch. It’s Little Hoodlum. Give it to her tonight at Campfire Chaos. She won’t care how you do it, just that it’s coming from you.”

  My racing heart calms. “For a fuckin’ player, you sure do have some relationship game.”

  He snorts out a laugh. “I’m the only Hoodlum who has any game. Hence why I’m coming later than Cal. I had a certain sexy little professor to give a special goodbye to.”

  “A professor? Really?”

  “What can I say? I fucking hate her class. This was the only way to ensure I left with a B.”

  “B for blowjob?”

  “Fuck off, man. See you soon.”

  “Bye, T.”

  I shove my phone in my pocket and frown. Sebban is quiet. Quiet usually means trouble. I peek in the laundry basket where I last heard him. Sure enough, he’s snoring, finally passed out.

  This babysitting shit is exhausting.

  I leave the lid off and then walk over to my dresser. The clock on top says Roux will be here any minute. Quickly, I open the drawer, retrieve the ring box, and shove it into my shorts pocket.

  Just in time too.

  The front door to our apartment opens and Roux calls out. I stalk out of the bedroom, my finger to my lips.

  “Bad boy just crashed. Laundry basket.”

  Penny walks in behind her frowning. “Why does it smell like shit?”

  “Sebban had a blowout. Don’t say shit, Unlucky.”

  “Don’t call me that,” Penny grumbles. “And when are they gonna potty train that kid?”

  “You got picked for babysitting duty. That makes you the unlucky one,” I grunt out. “And they’ve been trying. He’s not ready.”

  Penny rolls her eyes and plops down on our sofa.

  Roan’s on call at the station and Hollis is home with a headache. While Penny and Roux were shopping, I stepped in to babysit. Now that they’re done it’s time to tag in Aunt Penny.

  “What did you buy?” I ask, nodding at Roux’s bag.

  “A new outfit. For when I visit Dad.” She walks over to me, hugging me around my middle. “You smell good.”

  “So do you.”

  “Gross,” Penny says, pretending to gag. “Get a room.”

  “We’re going to get a tent, actually,” I say, winking over at her. “Maybe one day, when you grow up, you can go to Campfire Chaos too.”

  She flips me off. “I’m not much younger than your pregnant girlfriend. I don’t go because I choose not to. It’s a bunch of losers trying to hold onto their youth. I’d rather change Sebban’s shitty diapers.”

  “Because they match your shitty attitude? And how did you—”

  “I had to tell someone,” Roux blurts out. “Don’t be mad.”

  “I’m not mad,” I say with a chuckle. “Terrence knows too.”

  “You told him?” she shrieks. “He’ll tell Roan!”

  “He guessed and he’s not going to tell Roan. He does, however, want to be present when we tell Roan. Terrence thinks I’m going to get my ass kicked.”

  “You knocked Roux up and haven’t even put a ring on it. He’s totally going to whip your ass,” Penny chimes unhelpfully from the sofa. “Don’t you dummies have to go? Better leave before I change my mind.”

  I give Roux a quick kiss before we grab our shit and go.

  Sebban is all unlucky Penny’s for the night.

  As much as I love the new apartment we started renting from Garrett above his physician’s office, Cal’s campground will always be home. It feels right sitting on the porch with my girl curled up in my arms while I shoot the shit with Cal. It’d be better if Roan didn’t have to be at work or Hollis didn’t have a headache. It’d be even more awesome if Terrence would get his ass here already. But it’s still pretty damn perfect.

  “Where are you going to apply now that you’ve got your degree?” Roux asks Cal.

  Cal takes a long swig of his beer. “Not sure. I could help Dad run the campground since he’s getting older, but that sounds boring.”

  “We’re hiring,” I suggest with a smirk.

  “I’m too fucking smart to wash dishes,” Cal complains. “Fuck you, Jordy.”

  I shrug. “Hey, asshole, I actually like my job. Now that Renaldo isn’t breathing down Bob’s neck, he’s taking time off and letting me run shit around there. And you don’t need brains to spray slop off a plate. You just need headphones.”

  Garrett, at one time, planned to expand his practice and take over the restaurant space, but once I started renting from him, he has held off. I’m not sure what his plan is, but I’m glad I still have a job for the time being.

  “Pass,” Cal says grumpily. “Maybe Terrence and I will get a job with Garrett. That would be fucking hilarious. Doctors and shit.”

  “You didn’t go to medical school, dumbass,” I volley back. “You actually need a brain, which you don’t have, to be a doctor.”

  Cal flips me off. “You’re awfully smug for someone who refries beans.”

  “You’re being a total dick tonight. Your fuck buddy taking too long?” I taunt.

  “Fuck off,” Cal grumbles. “I’ve had a bad day.” He looks over at Roux, his face growing somber. “Ran into an old douchebag who likes to rough up girls.”

  I stiffen. “Who?”

  “You don’t know him. I wanted to beat his fucking skull in, but he left before I could do anything. Thanks to you dumbasses becoming besties with all the damn cops in Hood River, I had to keep my damn cool.”

  Roux reaches over and takes Cal’s hand.

  “Do I want to know?” I murmur, inhaling her hair.

  “Nope,” she says primly.

  “Maybe I should lick you until you tell me.”

  “You could try,” she purrs, rubbing her ass on my dick.

  All conversation is forgotten as I stand with my girl in my arms. Cal complains about us fucking like bunnies, but we ignore him. I carry Roux into the cabin and lock the door behind me before setting her down. She throws herself at me, attacking me in a claiming kiss. I fucking love when she gets needy for my dick.

  “Slow down, Momma,” I tease, nipping at her neck. “I’m gonna lick your pussy to get you nice and juicy for me.”

  “I can fucking hear you, assholes,” Cal barks out from the other side of the door.

  Roux giggles as I practically tear her dress and underwear off. I drop to my knees, eager to bury my nose in her cunt. She groans when I do just that. Her scent does things to me. Intoxicates and maddens me. Fuck, I love the way she smells.

  I haul her thigh over my shoulder, eager to lick her. She’s not showing yet, but after five positive pregnancy tests she took this week, there’s no denying she’s having my baby by Christmas. I’ve been unable to keep my hands off her stomach. Even now, I have to touch her soft belly.

  “I’m going to be the best damn dad,” I vow to her and then lick her clit. “You know that, right?”

  “Yesss,” she murmurs. “The best.”

  I suck on her clit until she screeches, all but ripping my hair out of my head. I could feast on her sweet pussy all damn day. Sometimes, when we’re both at home with nothing to do, I do just that. Easily, I bring my girl to climax.

  While I’m on my knees…

  “Roux, baby?”

  She trembles, caressing my hair as she looks down a
t me with hooded eyes. “Mmm?”

  “You want to be mine forever?”

  “I already am.”

  I grin as I fish the box out of my pocket. She doesn’t even look surprised, which makes me relax. This—us—was always going to happen. The universe just had to get its shit straight first.

  “Little Hoodlum, will you be my wife?”

  “Yes,” she breathes. “Of course.”

  I slide the ring on her finger, happy that it fits. Then, I toss the box before standing. I’m ripping off my shirt as she unfastens my shorts. It’s a frantic dash to get naked and then I have her in my arms, pressed against the door.

  “I love you,” I murmur as I thrust into her hard.

  Never slow with my girl.

  Always desperate. Needy. Never enough.

  She holds on, grinning. “Love you too.”

  “Jordy!” Cal bellows.

  Ignoring him, I fuck my girl until we’re both moaning in ecstasy. It isn’t until Cal starts beating on the goddamn door that I realize he’s not giving us shit for having sex. Something’s wrong.

  I scramble to throw on my clothes and slip out the door while Roux gets dressed.

  “What the fuck?” I huff out, scowling at him.

  His face is white as a ghost. “It’s Hollis’s sister, man. Fuck.”

  Penny. Sebban. Oh God.

  “What happened?” I growl.

  “Hollis called me. Roan and the other responders are just arriving on the scene. It’s Charlotte’s car. She got in a really bad accident. That’s all I know, man.”


  Not Penny and Sebban.


  Roux stumbles out of the cabin, grabbing onto my hand. “What? Charlotte’s hurt?”

  She sways and I pull her to me to keep from letting her crash to the porch floor.

  “I don’t know, Little Hoodlum. He said he’d call me back.”

  A choked sob escapes her. “Jordy…”

  “Shh, Roux. It’s okay. Everything’s going to be okay.”

  Dread settles in my gut. Something tells me nothing is okay.

  Rather than voicing that feeling, I hold my sobbing girl to my chest and pray like fuck her ex-best friend is okay because if we lose Charlotte, it’s going to rock everyone’s world.


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