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Level Up: Violent Circle: Book Five

Page 5

by Shade, S. M.

  Yvonne nods. “Thank you.”

  “You know which apartment Becca is in?” I ask.

  “Yeah, Frat Hell,” she mumbles, and people laugh.

  “That’s where I’m staying. Dillon and Brian will be fine with me,” I assure her.

  “My door is unlocked,” she says. “I don’t know how long this will take.”

  “Okay, it’s no problem, really.”

  Trey talks to Brian, who has calmed down a little since his mother and siblings aren’t panicking anymore. “At least you didn’t break it in the spring. When I broke my arm, I had to wear a cast all summer. Couldn’t go swimming or anything. But you won’t miss out on anything. And all your friends can sign your cast.”

  Brian gives him a weak smile. “Will you sign it?”

  “I’ll be the first to sign it. I mean, we’re obviously the bravest guys here since we both crashed and bled.”

  Brian chuckles, and I see relief pour into his mother’s face.

  A small whoop of a siren fills the air as the ambulance pulls up and everyone scatters to let them get to the boy. Pete and Dillon don’t hesitate to come with me, and Yvonne calls out to me, “They haven’t eaten yet.”

  “I’ll make sure they do.”

  Within minutes, the ambulance is pulling away with Brian and his mother.

  “Never a dull moment,” Becca says, taking a seat on the bench beside me. The boys are playing on the swings like nothing ever happened. Kids are so resilient.

  The wind picks up, and I feel a few sprinkles hit my skin. “We should probably go in and eat,” I remark, waving to Dillon and Pete to join me.

  Everyone is starting to head inside with the same idea.

  “Let’s go,” Becca says. “I’m starving.”

  Chapter Four


  My ass hurts.

  Really really hurts.

  When I landed, it jarred me until my eyeballs vibrated in my head, and the sharp pain in my tongue was nothing compared to the one in my tailbone. I’d bet money I broke it, but there’s no way I was going to the hospital to have my ass x-rayed. I’m pretty sure it’s one of those injuries that just has to heal on its own, anyway.

  Maybe I’m getting too old for that shit.

  Sasha was worried about me, though, so there’s a bright side. When she kissed me in the bathroom, I wanted to lock the door and fuck her right there, but just walking without showing pain is hard enough. For once, Denton’s interruption was fortunate.

  Watching her tonight, laughing and hanging out with my neighbors, I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. I’m not sure exactly what she meant by not being in a good place in her head to get involved with someone, but I understand she isn’t ready. I’m not going to push her, but I’ll make damn sure she knows I’m here when she is.

  A spike of pain through my ass reminds me I have other problems at the moment. The alcohol has helped, and after I eat, I’ll go home and crash. It’ll probably be better in the morning.

  A light mist has cooled the air and everyone heads inside to eat. There’s a line around the table and at the microwaves, since nothing is hot anymore, so I join Denton in the back of the room where he’s waiting for it to clear out a little.

  He grins at me when I lean against the wall beside him. “Sorry I interrupted. I was just trying to check on you. That was a lot of blood.”

  “You didn’t interrupth. I bit the hell out of my tongue.” As I say the words, I realize they don’t sound right, and it isn’t just the alcohol. “I gueth it’th a little thwollen.”

  Denton stares at me a moment then bursts out laughing. “Say that again.”

  “Fuck you, athhole.”

  Yeah, that doesn’t help. Still chuckling, he wipes his eyes. “Don’t worry, I won’t say anything. About Sasha, I mean.”

  “We weren’t—”

  “Dude, come on, I know. Noble heard you guys the night of the festival.”

  Damn. Sasha isn’t going to like this. “What about Becca and Jani?”

  “Nah, I didn’t tell Becca, and Noble didn’t tell Jani. Whatever you two have going on is your business.”

  Shrugging, I watch as Sasha hands a plate to each of the boys she’s watching. “She wanth to keep it quiet for now.”

  “Of course, I mean, you sound like you’re trying to talk with a dick in your mouth. I wouldn’t brag if I was banging you.”

  Shoving him out of my way, I open the cooler and grab a cup of ice. Sucking on it should take the swelling down so I won’t sound like an idiot.

  “It’s moving!” someone shouts, and I look up to see Mallory, another neighbor, pointing at the large turkey. The turkey leg is bouncing up and down seemingly on its own. What the hell? I make my way closer just in time to see a tiny white head poke out of the back of the turkey.

  Oh god. Is that?

  “A mouse!” Barney yells, and attempts to stomp on it as it dashes across the floor.

  “Don’t hurt him!” Dillon shrieks. “He must’ve gotten out of the box!” Dillon runs over to a box sitting in the corner and throws back the lid.

  “There’s another one!” someone shrieks, pointing to the table where another mouse wanders between the uncovered dishes of food, unperturbed by the shouts. It dives into the bowl of mashed potatoes like it’s a rodent sized swimming pool.

  So many people are focused on that, they don’t see Dillon accidentally tip the box over and at least ten more mice scatter throughout the room. It doesn’t take long for them to notice, and panic breaks out. Shrieks and shouts accompany the pounding of feet stampeding in random directions.

  Laughter bubbles out of me. I can’t help it. They’re just mice, not rabid dogs.

  “It’s okay!” Dillon shouts above the cacophony. “The snake will get them!”

  Dead silence. All heads swivel in his direction, and Sasha speaks up. “Dillon, did you let your snake go in here?”

  Dillon shrugs. “I put him in the bathroom sink, but he got out. Don’t worry, he’ll eat the mice.”

  Never in my life have I seen a group of people try to get out one door at the same time. It’s complete bedlam, and I might piss myself laughing. Sasha pulls the boys back where they won’t get trampled. Mice have now taken over the table, feasting on all the food laid out.

  Denton joins us, backed against the wall while everyone escapes. He’s laughing almost as hard as me as he gestures to the corner, where Barney is using the distraction to quietly stuff a few bottles of beer down his pants.

  Mitch pushes Vera past in her wheelchair, and she swats at Elijah, who stepped in front of her. “Move your ass before I kick you with my crippled foot!”

  Finally, the room is empty except for me, Denton, Sasha, and the two boys. Both look up at us like they’re waiting to get scolded into tomorrow, but Denton grins and lays a hand on Dillon’s shoulder.

  “You two are my new favorite people,” he laughs.

  A five foot long ball python slithers out from under one of the tables, and I snatch it up and turn to Dillon. “Can you take him home and put him back where he belongth?”

  “Sure. He’s probably scared after all that.”

  Sasha grins and nods at his older brother. “Go with him and make sure, okay? Then come right back.”

  As soon as the door swings shut behind them, Sasha raises her eyebrows at me. “Scared of bats, but mice and snakes are cool?”

  “They aren’t going to flap in my fathe.”

  Denton snorts out a laugh at the expression on Sasha’s face. “His tongue is swollen. Hey. Trey, say Sasha’s name.”

  “Thuck my dick, Dent.”

  “You should suck on some ice,” Sasha giggles, and I pick the cup of ice back up, popping a couple in my mouth.

  We survey the damage. There are still mice everywhere, now covered in food. They’ve also managed to track a lot of food around. Plates, silverware, and drinks lie scattered, after being dropped in the melee.

  Denton shakes his head. “What a m
ess. I’ll go get something to put the mice in.”

  He exits, and we follow him to find everyone still gathered outside, talking and exclaiming over the situation. One of the kids cries out about being hungry, and I have an idea. There’s no way I’m making any kind of announcement since I can’t speak without lisping, but I tell Noble, who spreads the word.

  Getting on my phone, I pull up a local pizza place website and put in a huge order. Why not? For once, I can afford to be the one who steps in and saves the day. After confirming the order, I glance up at Sasha, who has returned with the two boys.

  “Leth catch the mithe and clean up. Pitha will be here within the hour.”

  The boys catch most of the mice while we throw away all the tainted food. It really is a shame, but every now and then I remember that mouse popping out of the turkey and start laughing again.

  Once the last mouse is caught and the last table wiped down, Sasha sends the boys into the bathroom to wash their hands. Most of the neighbors return, though some cautious looks are thrown around no matter how much we assure them the snake and mice are gone.

  A few minutes later, the place is full of laughing, talking people, eating pizza like nothing ever happened. The ache in my tailbone grows stronger by the minute, and I take the opportunity to sneak out.

  I pop a couple more ibuprofen and chase them with a shot of whiskey before falling into bed on my stomach and passing out.

  * * *

  Denton and Becca’s laughter wake me, and I hear the front door slam a moment later as they leave. Pain shoots through my ass when I try to sit up, and I gasp, freezing in place.


  No, no, it can’t be this bad.

  Rubbing my palms over my face, I try to give myself a pep talk. Just get out of bed, Trey, and move around, I’m sure it’ll loosen up. It’s just stiff, that’s all. Another attempt at sitting up only increases the fear because that fucking hurts. Bad. I couldn’t even stop the yelp I let out before I fell back down onto my back.

  No, I am not stuck in this bed. Taking another approach, I roll out of bed and force myself to my feet. It’s not as bad as sitting down, but it’s far from comfortable. My steps are more of a shuffle as I move around, hoping for improvement.

  I rarely go to the doctor. I’m more of a rub some dirt on it or walk it off kind of guy. I’m no lightweight when it comes to pain, but I’ve been up five minutes and I know this isn’t something ibuprofen is going to solve.

  I manage to piss and put on a tee shirt and sweat pants, though the pants are a struggle. It doesn’t matter what I look like. I’m going to the emergency room. The only healthcare option on a holiday because of course I did this on Thanksgiving.

  The apartment is quiet and it doesn’t occur to me until I grab my keys that I’m not going to be able to drive. No way can I sit on my tailbone and work the pedals.

  Denton is gone with Becca, and Noble won’t be up this early after last night’s party. He was halfway to trashed last I saw him. Defeat drips over me as I realize I only have one choice.

  “Sasha?” I tap on her door and she opens it almost instantly. At least she’s up and dressed so I didn’t have to wake her.

  “Trey, you’re pale as a sheet.” Concern wrinkles her brow.

  “Yeah, I need a ride to the emergency room. I think I…broke something after all.”

  There’s not a second of hesitation before she has keys in hand and we’re headed out to her car. I feel a hundred years old getting in the seat, leaning to sit more on my hip. Even with that, I’m still in agony. I’m glad the hospital is right down the street.

  It’s a small town hospital that’s never really swamped, but it’s a ghost town today. “Thanks, I’ll just text you to pick me up,” I say as we pull in the lot.

  Her eyes roll, and she turns into a parking spot. “I’m not leaving you here.”

  Great. I should be grateful, but this is embarrassing enough without the woman I’m falling for witnessing it. I know her well enough to know there’s no point in arguing.

  The waiting room is empty except for a young woman who smiles up at us from the desk. “Hi, I need to see a doctor. I think I’ve…broken a bone.”

  “Have a seat,” she says, gesturing to the two chairs across from her.

  Sasha sits down, but I lean against the wall behind us. “I’ll just…stand.”

  The lady nods and takes all my information. “Where is the pain located?” she asks, typing away on her computer.

  “Uh, I think I broke my tailbone.”

  The corner of Sasha’s lip curls up for just a moment, but I’m the only one who notices.

  “Did you injure it?”

  “Yes, I…fell on it.”

  “An accident?” she says, brightly, still typing.

  “Unless stupidity is a box you can check,” Sasha quips, and the nurse flashes a grin at her.

  “I’ll just let you explain the circumstances to the doctor.”

  Fantastic. Can’t wait. She copies my insurance card and then leads us back to a room. “The doctor will be with you shortly.”

  Sasha takes a seat, and I eye the paper covered table. I can’t do it, not unless I’m going to lie down. “You don’t need to be back here for this. You know they’re just going to do an x-ray or something, probably send me home with some painkillers.”

  “Nobody should have to be in the emergency room alone, Trey. Don’t be embarrassed. It’s not like I don’t already know you hurt your ass. It’s no big deal. I promise not to tease you.”

  She smiles at my doubtful look. “Until you’re healed,” she adds, and I can’t help but chuckle. Screw it. She’s right. And I’m kind of glad not to be here alone because I’m not a fan of hospitals and doctors.

  A curt tap on the door warns us the doctor is entering. He’s an older guy, probably in his fifties, with a reassuring smile. “You’re my first holiday injury, Mr. Bryant,” he says. “What happened?”

  “I fell on my tailbone and I think it might be broken. It’s too painful to sit, and even walking hurts.”

  Nodding, he jots down a few things on his chart, asks about allergies and such, then stands behind me. “Lower your sweatpants a bit, and tell me when it hurts,” he says. The urge to punch him in the face when he touches the area is strong but I manage to just grunt out, “That hurts.”

  A nurse enters and he instructs her to contact radiology. Nodding, she takes the sheet of paper from his hand and exits.

  “You may have a fracture or a dislocation.” He gestures to the table. “Just lie on your side facing your girlfriend while I examine you, then we’ll get some images.”

  I manage to get on the table without too much trouble, and he lays a white paper over me before pulling down the back of my pants again. My body jerks as he feels around the area, and Sasha reaches out, taking my hand.

  There’s no laughter on her face as he pokes around, and I try not to yell out. “I don’t think it’s dislocated,” he says. “But I want to put a little direct pressure on your coccyx to be sure.” Direct pressure. That sounds painful. At this point though, whatever he has to do to make the pain stop.

  He turns around and grabs a pair of gloves, slipping them on, then picks up a tube that looks suspiciously like lube.

  No. I take it back. Not whatever he has to do.

  “I’m just going to put one finger in your rectum so I can palpate the coccyx from the inside.”

  “Nope, I’m good,” I exclaim, trying to sit up, which I can’t fucking do fast enough because pain shoots through me.

  “Trey!” Sasha shakes her head. “You aren’t good. You can barely get off the table.”

  Amusement shines in the doctor’s eyes, but his voice is kind. “Son, I’m fifty-seven years old and I’m here to tell you, it’s something we all have to do sooner or later. No one enjoys it, but it’ll be over in a few seconds. Now try to relax.”

  Relax. Try to relax while I’m being humiliated in front of the girl I’m crazy about.
Relax while some guy shoves his—

  Oh my god, his finger is huge.


  Who fucking has a finger the size of a damn tree trunk?

  I owe every girl I ever did this to an apology. And flowers. And a car because the more he moves it around the more it hurts.

  “Dude, are you reaching for my tonsils?” I snap, and he withdraws the finger with a chuckle.

  “You can pull your pants up. Radiology will be down to get you in a minute for some X-rays, and we’ll get you something for the pain.” He regards Sasha. “He isn’t driving, right?”

  “No, I’m driving him.”

  I’ve never felt a heavier silence than when the door closes because what am I supposed to say after she witnessed that? To make things worse, I can feel the lube between my cheeks and it’s disgusting.

  “I’m going to the bathroom,” I mumble, escaping the room.

  Luckily, the minute I return from wiping my ass, the guy from radiology appears to take me for X-rays. Sasha waits in the exam room while I try to figure out if my face will just be bright red around her from now on.

  The x-rays don’t take long, and I’m returned to the exam room, where Sasha sits on the chair in the corner. The nurse walks in right after me and hands me a cup of water and two pills. “The doctor will be in with your results in a few minutes. These will take the edge off the pain.”

  “Thank you.” I take them, gratefully. I’d like to take the edge off this whole situation.

  As soon as she leaves, I lean against the wall and close my eyes, hoping the doctor will hurry.

  Slim arms wrap around my waist, and I look down into Sasha’s pretty eyes. Without a word , she presses her head to my chest and hugs me. I cup the back of her head, holding her against me.

  “You looked like you needed a hug,” she murmurs into my shirt.

  Her body relaxes in my arms as I rub her back. “You can be really sweet, you know that?”

  “Don’t tell anyone.”

  Chuckling, I shake my head. “Seriously? I think that’s my line today.” Whatever painkiller they gave me is starting to work fast, and it seems to be numbing everything, not just the ache.


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