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Level Up: Violent Circle: Book Five

Page 14

by Shade, S. M.

  I continue to ogle her as she gets dressed in a pair of leggings and an oversized sweater. “I’m going with the girls tomorrow. You’re off the hook.” She shifts her bra around. “Ugh, I guess I need to go up a bra size too. At least I’ll get to see what having boobs bigger than a B cup is like.”

  “I love your boobs.”

  She tosses a smile back over her shoulder. “Aw, I love your cock.”

  That’s another amazing thing to come from this pregnancy. It’s made her constantly horny and I’m reaping all the benefits. “That’s the sweetest thing a woman has ever said to me. I might need to commemorate it with a tattoo.”

  She sits on the edge of the bed. “Trey, have you thought any more about telling your parents?”

  Groaning, I sit up. “Can’t we just show up with a kid in a few years?”

  She crawls up beside me. “It’s your call. I’d just hate for the parasite to have family it doesn’t know.”

  “I know. It’s going to be screwed up enough with its mother calling it a parasite.”

  She shrugs, grinning at me. “You don’t want to open the envelope.”

  A white envelope taunts us from the dresser. When we went for her four month ultrasound, they were able to determine the sex, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. Sasha agreed not to look until I do. I like the idea of it being a surprise, but it’s getting harder by the day not to look.

  “Did Becca talk you into a baby shower yet?”

  “Nope, I don’t want to sit around with a bunch of women and play pin the bib on the baby or whatever. It sounds like torture.”

  An idea occurs to me. “What if we let her throw a little gender reveal party instead? We could give her the envelope and I’m sure she’d love to do it.”

  Sasha’s eyes light up. “Really? You’re sure you want to know?”

  “Will you stop referring to my baby as a parasite?”

  “Deal. I’ll call Becca. She’s going to be so excited.” She scoots off the bed. Patting her belly, she says, “Come on, Spawn, we have things to do.”

  “That’s not any better!”

  Her laughter follows her down the hall.

  I guess it’s time to tell my parents. I haven’t put it off because I care what they think, but I know Sasha will be disappointed with their reaction. She may bitch about her family, but they were thrilled with the news. Her father called me to congratulate me, and her mother keeps sending little baby gifts. We aren’t going to get that reaction from my parents. They never seemed too thrilled to have me or my sister.

  Sasha and I go out to lunch before she has to go to work, and I take the opportunity to bring up another subject we’ve been dancing around. “Your lease is up in a couple of weeks, right?” I begin. “Have you made a decision?”

  She peeks at me over the top of her strawberry milkshake. “Are you sure you want to move in together?”

  “Absolutely. We spend every night together as it is, and once the baby comes, we should have a stable home for it. Plus, you know, I love you and stuff.”

  She grins at me. “I love you and stuff, too. Okay, we can find a place together.”

  “And you can just stay with me at Frat Hell until we do. You’ll just have to keep the moans and screams of ecstasy down.”

  “It’s not my fault you rub my feet so good.”

  After lunch, Sasha heads to work, and I pace the empty apartment, dreading the phone call I’m about to make. Mom doesn’t answer her phone, so I leave her a message that I have some news and to call me. Dad picks up on the first ring, which is kind of surprising. We haven’t really spoken since I left to pursue a career he considers frivolous.

  “Hi Dad.”

  There’s a moment of silence before he replies. “Trey. If you’re calling about graduation, I told you we won’t be coming to watch you get a degree in playing video games.”

  Glad we don’t have to pretend to be nice. Any way I describe my news—news most parents would be thrilled to hear—it’s going to be met with the same attitude. What I say at this point hardly matters.

  “No, just calling to let you know you’re going to be a grandfather. Knocked my girlfriend up real good.”

  His seething can be felt through the air from a state away. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, I have a baby on the way. Just thought you should know. I left Mom a message to call me.” After a moment, I add. “Oh, and we’re moving in together, living in sin and all. So, how are you? Still golfing every weekend?”

  “We will not be supporting you or any baby. You wanted to be on your own and make your own decisions. You can live with your mistakes.”

  “Not everyone considers their kids a mistake. Mine sure as hell isn’t. The only reason I let you know was because my girlfriend wanted to make sure my family knew. You won’t hear from me again.” I disconnect the call and resist throwing the phone against the wall.

  It’s no more than I expected, but it still pisses me off. For as long as I can remember, my sister and I were brought up to fulfill the goals he set for us, not ours. I was supposed to go into engineering or medicine, something “respectable” that pays a lot. When the time came to apply for college, and I argued that it wasn’t the career I wanted, he gave me an ultimatum. Follow the plan or leave.

  I left, got into college on my own, and used student loans and my job at Tasty Tacos to survive. My life has only improved since I left his tyrannical ass and the upper class neighborhood I grew up in behind. I found the Frat Hell guys. Real friends who don’t give two shits about the label on my clothes or what kind of car I drive. And I met the love of my life, who is giving me a child.

  He can’t see it. He thinks he’s won somehow, and I guess that shouldn’t bother me. That’s the true punishment for people like him, living with who they are, in their self-righteous misery.

  While I plan a life with my own family, surrounded by my friends.

  The phone rings and my mom’s face pops up on the screen. Might as well get it over with. “Hey Mom.”

  “Trey! Your father said…is it true?”

  “Yeah, my girlfriend, Sasha, is pregnant.”

  “Oh my goodness.” At least there’s some warmth in her voice. She’ll never stand up to Dad, but unlike him, I know she cares. At least as much as she’s capable of caring. “How are you doing? I haven’t heard from you in months.”

  “I’m good. I’m really happy. Getting ready to graduate and get a place with Sasha.”

  “Do you have a job lined up, a way to take care of yourselves?”

  “Yes, I have some good prospects, and Sasha is a tattoo artist. We’ll be fine.”

  “A tattoo artist.” I can hear the disdain in her voice. “When is she due? Do you know if it’s a boy or girl?”

  “She’s due in August. We don’t know the gender yet.” She sighs and awkward silence ensues. It’s time to change the subject. “How is Kelly doing?”

  “Wonderfully!” Her voice brightens right up. “She just got engaged to a neurologist! We’re planning the wedding for this fall!”

  “That’s great, Mom.” Sometimes I think my sister got the even shittier end of the stick. While I was expected to become this extremely successful man, she was expected to marry one. It sounds like they got their wish there. I listen to her go on and on about the wedding and how beautiful everything is going to be until I make an excuse to get off the phone.

  For better or worse, they know. It’s done.

  Chapter Eleven


  The first thing I do every morning now is stand naked in front of the mirror. I can’t believe the changes in my body and how fast they’re happening. It’s killing me not to know whether I’m having a son or a daughter, but I promised Trey I’d wait for the gender reveal to find out. Thank goodness it’s today because I’m not sure I’d make it much longer without hunting down Becca and stealing back my envelope.

  Becca was thrilled to plan the gender reveal. That’s all she’s talked ab
out for two weeks and finally, today is the day. I’ve been asked a few times whether I want a boy or girl, and I just can’t choose. One day, all I can think of is how adorable a little carbon copy of Trey would be, then the next I’m dreaming of the things I could teach my daughter.

  It’s a beautiful spring day and though we’ve reserved the same multipurpose room where mice and a snake caused such an uproar on Thanksgiving, most of the guests mill around outside, talking and chatting. A good portion of Violent Circle is here, along with a few other guests. My parents and sister are due in any minute as well.

  Jani walks up to me and grins down at my belly. “Finally, you look pregnant. I thought you were going to be one of those annoying bitches who don’t show until the kid is practically walking.”

  “Five months today and it just seemed to pop out there,” I laugh.

  Jani points to the building when Veronica and Neal walk up carrying a gift. “Gifts go on the table inside.”

  “Where’s Noble?” Neal asks.

  “He went to pick up the reveal cake. Denton’s inside, though.”

  “Gifts?” I exclaim. “I told Becca no baby shower. People didn’t need to bring gifts.”

  “It’s not a shower. It’s a gender reveal. With gifts,” Jani grins.

  “I knew that bitch would find a loophole. I’m not bobbing for nipples or anything, if she has some crazy game planned.”

  “Don’t judge nipple bobbing until you try it.” Noble’s voice comes from behind me, and I turn to see him carrying a large, rectangular box. He carefully carries it inside the building.

  Trey catches up with me, sliding an arm around my waist just as my parents arrive.

  “Sasha! Oh my goodness, look at you!” Mom comes rushing up, hugs me, then lays her hands on my belly. Dad and Tina walk up just behind her.

  “Wow, you’re really pregnant,” Tina says, grinning at me. “Maybe if he wore the condom instead of you…”

  She leaps back, laughing when I take a step toward her. “Don’t think you won’t pay for that video.”

  “Hey doodlebug. You look beautiful,” Dad says, glancing around. They haven’t been here to visit before. “Your neighborhood looks like a…friendly place.”

  “Everyone is great here.”

  Becca sticks her head out the window of the building and bellows loud enough to scare the birds off the power lines. “All right! Everybody get your asses in here!”

  Becca has gone all out decorating the place. Balloons, streamers, little cutouts of babies and rattles. A table in the corner is piled with gifts while another has a spread of finger foods. The real center of attention is the giant white cake box on the center table and everyone gathers around it. Becca pulls me and Trey up to the head of the table.

  Smiling, excited faces surround us. They seem as eager to know about the baby as we do. My stomach knots in anticipation as Becca cuts the tape on all four sides of the box.

  “Shit,” Trey mumbles, his hand tightening on mine. “My parents are here.”

  After hearing their reaction to our news, I’m surprised too, but I’m not going to let them ruin this moment. “It’ll be okay,” I whisper, dropping a quick kiss on his lips.

  Becca grins up at us. “Everyone knows why we’re here,” she begins, addressing the room. “My best friend is having a baby.” She looks up at me. “Sasha is more than my best friend. We’ve been through a lot together, and she’s someone I can always count on. I love you like a sister.” A lump forms in my throat as her gaze shifts to Trey. “And Trey is, well, like an annoying brother in law, but I guess I love him too.” Chuckles travel around the room and I notice a smile on Trey’s mother’s face, but his father’s expression is grim.

  Becca grabs one end of the lid, and nods to Denton, who grabs the other. “It’s my honor to reveal that you are having a beautiful baby boy!” she announces as they remove the lid.

  So much happens all at once. Trey turns and pulls me into his arms. His face is in the crook of my neck as he chokes out the words, “A son. We’re going to have a son.”

  We hold each other for a long moment until the cheers end and laughter starts to take over. “The cake,” Trey snorts, as I wipe my eyes.

  “Noble!” Becca snaps. “I said a boy cake. Like, blue, with the word boy written on it or something! This isn’t a bachelorette party!”

  My body shakes with laughter when I look down to see the giant penis shaped cake laid out in front of me. Whoever made it has talent, I’ll give them that. It’s detailed, down to the black dots that represent pubic hair on the generously sized balls.

  “Well, it’s clearly male,” I point out, hugging Becca. “Thank you for everything.”

  The shape of the cake doesn’t deter people from wanting a piece. Paper plates and forks get distributed and Becca grabs a knife to cut the cake. She points it at Noble for a moment. “Pay attention because you’re next,” she warns, cutting into the penis.

  “I’ll take the tip,” Noble says.

  “You’re getting a piece of hairy ball sack.”

  Laughter rings out again, but there are two people who haven’t found this one bit funny. Trey’s parents have moved to the back of the room. His father grabs his mother’s arm, clearly trying to get her to leave.

  “You should talk to them,” I tell Trey. “Introduce me.”

  The corner of his mouth tucks in. “They won’t be nice. I can guarantee it.”

  “Nothing can spoil this day.”

  He grabs my hand, and we start toward them. Trey’s mother forces a smile and her voice sounds like the love child of a thousand customer service agents when she greets me.

  “Congratulations, Sasha. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “It’s nice to meet you too, Mrs. Bryant. I’m glad you could come.”

  “We aren’t staying!” his father snaps. He sneers at Trey. “This is how you want to live?” He gestures to the room full of happy people.

  Trey looks him in the eye. “This is exactly how I want to live. With people who care more about each other than trying to be better than someone else. They’re happier than you’ll ever be.”

  Trey’s mother pulls me aside as they continue to argue and slips an envelope in my hand. “It’s just a little something for the baby.” She glances at Trey. “Trey was always such a sweet little boy. I’m sure his son will be too.”

  I hate the way she talks about Trey, like he’s dead instead of standing a few feet away from them. I barely manage to thank her before her husband marches over and insists they leave.

  He tosses one last warning back over his shoulder. “Don’t even think about calling us when you run out of money.”

  “Hey!” Denton calls from across the room. He points to Trey’s father and holds up a plate, drawing the whole room’s attention to them. “We saved you the foreskin!”

  The room erupts in laughter and his father storms out, his mother right on his heels.

  Becca rushes over. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know your parents didn’t approve. I thought I’d surprise you.”

  Trey grins at her. “Don’t worry about it. They can’t ruin today. I’m having a son.”

  The rest of the party is wonderful. The guys wind up outside playing basketball, and I end up surrounded by women of all ages giving me advice on pregnancy and babies while we devour the penis cake.

  Embarrassing stories are being tossed around, so I share my little emergency room trip for constipation.

  Veronica laughs and lays her hand on my arm. “Girl, I’m sure you weren’t the first one. That shit hurts.”

  “That lack of shit hurts,” Yvonne corrects, and everyone laughs. “The hemorrhoids are the worst, though.”

  The look on my face makes them all laugh. “Seriously? That’s like, sores on your ass, isn’t it?”

  Yvonne nods. “Swollen blood vessels that bleed and hurt like hell.”

  This time it’s the oldest among us, Vera, who speaks up from her wheelchair. I learned at Tha
nksgiving you never know what’s going to come out of her mouth, but it’s usually inappropriate. She’s awesome.

  “They’re terrible, when I was big with my second, Henry, my ass looked like I was growing a bunch of grapes. Ungrateful bastard doesn’t even visit me but once a year,” she adds, grumbling.

  Oh god. “It hasn’t been too hard so far. I didn’t have morning sickness, just some early queasiness.”

  The discussion turns to the birth, and I’m glad because I do have questions. “Has anyone had a natural birth, because I keep hearing it’s better for the baby?”

  Yvonne speaks up. “You want drugs.”

  Veronica nods. “All the drugs.”

  Vera shakes her head. “Back when I had my first, they used to knock you out completely. You’d wake up and they’d hand you a baby. Best way, if you ask me. My second was a home birth because he came so fast and damn near ripped me hoo to ha, if you take my meaning. Third was in the hospital with laughing gas, and I still felt way too much. If I’d had the chance to be numb from the waist down, I’d have taken it. It ain’t like your son is going to come ask you years later if he was born with a little buzz.”

  She gives me a toothless grin. “You want my advice, don’t be worrying what other people got to say about how you raise your babies. Whether you breastfeed or bottle feed, put him in his own bed or in yours, potty train him at two or three, it don’t matter one bit. As long as you love them, they’ll be okay.”

  “But he is going to destroy my vagina,” I clarify.

  Yvonne shrugs. “It heals. Ice packs in the panties helps the first few days. Especially if you get stitches.”

  I haven’t really worried much about the birth yet. But it’s on my mind as the party ends and Trey walks with me back to the apartment. Becca, Denton, and Noble are still cleaning up, but they insisted we go, and I head to Trey’s bedroom, flopping onto the bed. My mind is full of so much information from tonight.

  So much good and so much terrifying that my thoughts are all over the place. I’m going to have a son. An adorable, probably red headed little boy who I can’t wait to meet. But my genitals are going to be mutilated in the process. It’s stupid to be worried, right? This is how babies are born. Almost all women do it.


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