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Prince's Babies: A Royal Baby Romance Boxed Set

Page 18

by Ella Brooke

  At lunch, Ariana chattered about the art community in Shreveport, the museum she had visited, and how she had been surprised but delighted to see some of Kaleidoscope’s pieces featured in a nearby art market called Agora Borealis.

  “We definitely try to keep connected to the rest of the community.” Hanna cut up her salad and nodded. “It’s a benefit of the city. I know it might not seem like much, but with the museum and other art shops, it’s actually helpful. People are actively seeing out art to buy and classes to take. I was thinking I could try offering a few basic pottery classes. It would be easier on my back if we set up the second floor for that and I could teach people the basics.”

  Ariana nodded. “That sounds like fun. Maybe something to do after the baby is born, too, since you’ll need time to recover. I’m not sure you’d have time before, though.”

  “What do you mean?” Hanna tilted her head to the side.

  “We’ll be leaving for Artigua soon, now that you’re in your second trimester.”

  Hanna’s expression clearly said she didn’t want to go. Mateo put his hand on her shoulder.

  “We don’t have to go right away,” he assured her. “You’ll still be pregnant in a few months.”

  Ariana’s face fell. “But… We’re meant to come back to the palace for the rest of the pregnancy. King Tommaso and Queen Maria are expecting us.”

  “There is no rush,” Mateo said firmly.

  Ariana didn’t continue to argue, but she was visibly rattled. Clearly, she’d been looking forward to going back, possibly to see Rico. It was petty, but Mateo found it difficult to feel guilty on that account.

  After lunch, Mateo dropped Ariana off at the condo and then drove out to the Red River where the casinos were located. Hanna gave him a curious look but followed his lead as he took her inside to the spa.

  “I thought you could use some relaxation,” he explained. “You seem so tense.”

  “Maybe.” Hanna sat in the “Relaxation Chamber” while they waited for her masseuse. “Look, I know you told Ariana we wouldn’t go to Artigua right away. But what does that mean, exactly? When will we have to go?”

  “I’m sure my mother would like us to come back at some point. I don’t think Father will mind as long as he gets to see the baby eventually. He’s a pretty busy man.”

  Hanna crossed her arms over her chest and sighed.

  “What is it? You don’t want to go?”

  “It just feels like if we go there, we’ll be heading right into the future where you’re not with me.” Hanna sucked in her lower lip.

  “Darling, I will make sure that doesn’t happen.” Mateo touched her chin. “I absolutely promise.”

  Hanna nodded. He rubbed circles on her back. When they got into their room, he instructed the masseuse to take special care of her neck, back, and shoulders. At Hanna’s suggestion, Mateo even let them put a hydrating facial mask on him.

  An hour later, he held her hand as she lay back in her chair, hair pulled back and (amusingly) a clay mask on. She was still the most beautiful woman he’d ever known. Mateo would protect her from every stress in the world if he could.

  Chapter Twelve


  Hanna rose from the hotel bed where she’d been resting and pulled her shirt back on. Back in New Orleans, they had rented out their old room for the weekend, and Hanna was glad to have this time away from the others. She’d made her peace with Sam and Maris. Hell, even Blaine seemed more or less accepting of the situation. But she still felt tension from Ariana, who seemed both accepting of the time Hanna and Mateo were spending together and anxious to be stuck in Louisiana.

  Hanna supposed it wasn’t “done” for the arranged couple to simply live in different countries before the marriage. If she had any say, as much as she liked Ariana as a person, Hanna would send her back to her Artiguan fiancé, so she and Mateo could be together in peace.

  Placing a hand on her belly, Hanna smiled at the light movements deep inside her. Now that she could see and feel the baby all the time, it was becoming real in a way she hadn’t anticipated. She loved Mateo. They’d said their “I love yous” shortly after he’d declared they wouldn’t be heading back to Artigua soon, and he had blossomed into not just a devoted partner but a passionate artist. Hanna was getting a bit too pregnant to sit at the wheel for hours creating pottery, and so had started teaching her classes. Without her work to glaze, Mateo was spending his time in the workroom getting back to his craft.

  And he was incredibly good. Hanna hadn’t been prepared for how good, even though he’d taken to glazing so well. He’d even spent some time shadowing Sam as he worked to hone the line drawings to base his painting on.

  Lucky Hanna, with all of her guys getting along, Mateo was itching to do a nude painting of her in the family way. She wasn’t so sure, but she suspected she’d give in sooner or later, maybe minus the nude part.

  Mateo came from the shower and placed both hands over her belly. “Enjoying the view?”

  “The view, the music. I really love being back in New Orleans.” She paused. “Let’s spend tomorrow morning by the pool before we head to the market. Can we? I love getting sun.”

  “I think I’ll love you in your bikini.” He tweaked the flesh on her side, and she giggled and pushed him away.

  “You perv!”

  “Oh, indeed.” Mateo combed his fingers back through his hair. “I got a few people on the phone. We can put in for a stall in the French Market next month. It would be good advertising. I know New Orleans is a bit far, but I think it would be smart to keep spreading the business. Also, I’ve looked up a few events in Jackson that would be worth looking into.”

  “You’re just head over heels with this art stuff, aren’t you?” Hanna teased. She turned to face him, and he draped his arms over her shoulders and bowed his head toward her.

  “Completely and utterly, my love.”

  Hanna closed her eyes, sighing softly. His lips pressed against her forehead. “I want to stay like this. But I’m starving.”

  “Let’s get you something to eat, then.”

  Baking in the sun by the pool, Hanna let all her concerns drift away. Mateo rubbed suntan lotion over her body, and she sighed happily. If only this could last all day long.

  “You know, I thought I’d be more self-conscious by now, but I really couldn’t care less.” Hanna stretched her arms over her head.

  “You shouldn’t worry.” Mateo lay in the chair beside her. “You’re a golden goddess.”

  “A goddess.” She chuckled.

  “Very much worthy of worship.”

  Hanna opened one eye. “Are you spoiling me for any particular reason?”

  “Hm. Maybe because you’ve made a place for me in your life. Because you’re a force of nature. Because I love you.”

  She reached for him and let their hands hang between their chairs. “I love you, too.”

  “And I know we don’t talk about it much, but you’re bringing my child into the world. That in itself deserves a bit of pampering.”

  “I won’t disagree with you on that one.” Her fingers trailed over the ever more prominent curve of her belly.

  “Do you feel okay?”

  “Just the usual complaints. And my back keeps getting sore. “

  “I’ll have to be more careful with my goddess,” Mateo said.

  He leaned over to her and kissed her. She sucked in his lower lip and sighed.

  The evening before they were set to head back to Shreveport, Hanna waited for Mateo in their room, scrolling through her email and sipping ginger ale. She let out a soft gasp as she opened up a message from an e-mail account she didn’t recognized titled: “Prince Mateo Bangs Nobody Slut.”

  She hesitated to open the message, but anxiety prickled over her skin and she couldn’t bring herself to leave it be. The video was exactly what was advertised. Someone had taken a video on their phone of she and Mateo having sex in the workroom. She wasn’t sure exactly when it
had been recorded, but she looked roughly as pregnant as she was now.

  God, what were they going to do if someone leaked this? The message didn’t even leave any demands.

  When Mateo returned, he sensed something was wrong immediately and sat on the bed with her as she showed him the video.

  “I’ll get someone on this right away,” he said.

  “It’s an anonymous message,” Hanna said.

  “True, but there are people who can track pretty much anything.” Mateo kissed her neck. “Don’t worry.”

  “Oh. I’ll worry. This is a sex tape, Mateo. That’s a million times worse than someone leaking that you have a girlfriend.”

  Mateo stared stonily at the screen. “I’ll take care of it.”

  Hanna said goodbye to Mateo at the door to her apartment and headed to her room, where she flopped back on her bed. She’d enjoyed the trip immensely, but couldn’t help but wonder where that video had come from, and what this anonymous person would do with it. She was scared. Everything they’d built together, all of it, could come crashing down around them if this video came out.

  She could lose everything, and if she lost Mateo— which she wasn’t sure she would survive— she would definitely lose the baby, too.

  The undefined nature of what would happen with the baby had been weighing on her longer than she wanted to admit, but it was impossible to ignore now. The child wasn’t hers, not genetically, but she’d been with this little baby since his or her conception, and Hanna knew she wouldn’t be able to just step away.

  “Hey, hon,” Sam called. “Are you back?”

  “In here.” Her voice was thick and tight. Hot tears rolled down the sides of her face.

  Sam poked his head in, then rushed to the bed. “What happened? Are you okay?”

  Hanna sighed and told him. “Mateo is off finding someone to track down whoever sent the video. But it won’t mean anything if they leak that video before we find them.”

  “You… had sex in the workroom?”

  “Oh, don’t judge me right now. Blaine and Maris have both done it.”

  Sam scratched the back of his head. “Well, first… Gross.”

  Hanna rolled her eyes, but his reaction did make her laugh.

  “Second, if you can figure out when that video was taken, I can check the art house’s security cameras.”

  Hanna sat up so abruptly that her head spun.

  “Easy.” Sam put his hand behind her back.

  “You have videos of us having sex, too?” Hanna asked.

  “I possibly have videos of all you weirdos banging in the workroom. We can get into that later. The security system is for insurance. In case anyone tries to steal art or supplies.” Sam patted her shoulder.

  “I’m going to call Mateo. I was so panicked seeing that video, I don’t know exactly when it happened.”

  Sam covered his eyes. “How many times— You know, I don’t wanna know.”

  Hanna pinched his cheek. “You’re my favorite, Sam.”

  “It’s incredibly unfair that you guys make me be the most logical person in the room.”

  Mateo didn’t pick up his phone, and she frowned. It wasn’t like him not to answer her calls, so he was probably talking to someone, or busy. Hanna twisted her fingers.

  “Do you want to walk over to his place? Check if he’s there?” Sam suggested.

  “Yes. Thank you. I know you’re not thrilled about all of this.”

  “Hon, I just want to protect you. Right now, I would love to punch some creepy asshole in the face, but I’ll settle on pressing charges against them.”

  Hanna wrapped her arms around Sam and hugged him tightly. He offered her a hand up, and they headed next door.

  She’d expected that Mateo wouldn’t be home at all, but to her surprise, she could hear him inside. Yelling, very loudly. Her heart jumped into her throat, and she looked at Sam, who had subconsciously rolled his shoulders back and looked ready for a fight. She grabbed his forearm and shook her head.

  “Stay back, okay?” Sam tried the door. It opened and he let out a heavy breath, before stepping inside.

  “I’m not staying out here,” Hanna argued.

  “You smug asshole!” Mateo yelled.

  “No, stop!” Ariana squealed.

  Sam ran up the stairs, and Hanna followed as quickly as she could. In the den, Ariana had grabbed Mateo around the waist and was pulling hard, which didn’t do much. Facing him was a tall man with dark, curly hair who already had a red mark on his eye.

  “Mateo?” Hanna said.

  “How dare you? In our house? You would be so bold?” Mateo snapped at the man.

  “As if you care! You just got back from a weekend away with your pregnant slut!” the man yelled back.

  “Hey!” Sam objected.

  “That’s not helping, Rico! Just step back,” Ariana pleaded.

  Mateo shrugged her off and glared at her. “You are not the mediator here. You are the woman who allowed herself to be engaged to me while she was already engaged to another man!”

  “As if you’re innocent,” Rico said.

  “I got together with Hanna after I found out about you two, you dick.”

  “None of this matters!” Hanna shouted.

  “Sweetheart—” Mateo said.

  “No, Mateo, it doesn’t matter. I don’t care about this. Don’t scream at her. This situation is the fault of your parents, and to a lesser degree, all of us, for not talking to each other and telling each other what we really want.” Hanna shook her head. She couldn’t fight the tears. “I love you. I want to be with you. But everything is falling apart. What, are you going to beat up this guy for catching him with the fiancée you keep swearing to me is like a little sister to you?”

  “Hanna, he has to be the one who took that video! He just shows up out of nowhere to threaten us?” Mateo said.

  “What are you talking about?” Rico said. “I’m here because you won’t let Ariana go home.”

  “I don’t give a damn where she goes,” Mateo spat at him. “She can leave right now.”

  Ariana stepped back and covered her mouth. “This is all my fault,” she said, her voice breaking.

  It sort of was, but Hanna couldn’t help but sympathize now that the both of them were crying. She grabbed Ariana’s arm and hurried back to the stairs.

  Sam practically leapt down the steps to make sure they didn’t fall. “Careful!”

  With his steadying hands on her, Hanna rushed out of the condo and didn’t look back, even with Mateo calling after her. She just wanted everything to stop and go back to that weekend when she had had the hope that, in spite of everything, they would all find their happy endings,.

  Halfway back to their apartment, Hanna blinked dizzily as the horizon slid sideways. She sank into Sam’s arms.

  “Oh God!” Ariana gasped.

  “Breathe, Hanna,” Sam urged, holding her close to him.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The hospital waiting room was noisy. Mateo paced back and forth impatiently as he tried to block out the voices of anyone who wasn’t a doctor coming to tell him how Hanna was.

  “Please, just listen!” Ariana was saying.

  “What makes you think I have any patience for anything you have to say?” Mateo snapped.

  Ariana had stopped crying in the car when Sam had driven them to the hospital, but her eyes were still bloodshot and her hair a disaster. She set her jaw.

  “Mateo, you are the most stubborn man,” Ariana groaned.

  He turned away from her as he spotted Sam, who held his hands up as he approached.

  “You can’t go in yet,” he warned.

  “Just tell me that she’s okay.”

  “The doctor said she had a blood pressure spike.” Sam swallowed hard, clearly struggling to keep his own feelings in check. It must’ve been difficult; he and Hanna were so close. “The baby’s fine. They want her to rest, and they’re doing some other tests to de
termine how serious it is for her.”

  “Oh, God.”

  “I can get in and out because I’m her emergency contact. I know it’s hard, but I think we should wait until she’s had some rest before you to go in, okay?” Sam met his eye.

  Mateo gripped Sam’s shoulder. “Thank you.”

  Waiting was agony, but at the very least, Mateo wasn’t here alone. Soon, Hanna’s other friends showed up, and their mere presence was a comfort. When Davide arrived, Sam seemed to go loose, and rushed over to lean into him.

  “God, this sucks. Why did she get sick so suddenly?” Maris said.

  “It was probably a combination of things,” Sam said. His eyes shifted to Mateo and Ariana. “The argument and that damn video.”

  “Video?” Blaine asked.

  “Someone sent her a video the night before we flew back from New Orleans,” Mateo muttered.

  “Don’t you worry. I didn’t get a chance to tell you, but we do have security cameras in the art house, Mateo.” Sam was practically shaking with anger. “I will find out who took that video and nail their asses to the wall.”

  Davide rubbed his shoulders.

  “It was clearly Rico,” Mateo said.

  “He didn’t do it,” Ariana argued. She jumped when Mateo looked at her, but she bullied on. “Rico only got into town this weekend. He wasn’t here to take videos of anyone.”

  “Then, it was you.”

  “Are you crazy? I want you and Hanna to work out!”

  Mateo narrowed his eyes and focused on her. “Speaking of crazy?”

  “It’s not crazy. If you, the prince, chose to back out of our arrangement, my parents couldn’t say anything. They don’t care that Rico proposed to me, or that we’d already started planning our wedding,” Ariana said. “But if you found someone else, well… I mean, my parents would probably still have to keep up their end of the arrangement, considering I, er, donated an egg for the throne, but…” She shook her head. “It was stupid. I only came up with the plan after I saw Hanna’s profile. She’s your type, so pretty, and you two had so much in common…” Her body sagged under the weight of this mess she’d made. “I’m sorry.”


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