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Pride: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Kingdoms of Sin Book 4)

Page 15

by Willow Aster

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  I’m exhausted. The stress level is at an all-time high right now. Keeping things at a manageable distance with the three men who look at me like I’m their target practice takes work. I stay in my room most of the time and Solvang has been a nice distraction the past couple of days. She’s funny and helps the days go by faster. I bring food to her throughout the day and we pour over bridal websites, ordering ugly party favors and getting ideas for centerpieces, the more hideous, the better. It’s weird having a built-in friend that I still don’t know very well, but I think we’re both lonely enough that it’s working. From what she’s told me, she’s surrounded by men at all times too.

  I stretch out across the bed, swiping from one picture to the next and hardly able to keep my eyes open. The next thing I know, Solvang is placing a blanket over me and moves my laptop, typing away while I give in to sleep.

  I hear a shriek and sit up, heart racing. Solvang is leaning over me and someone is gripping her arm. She looks at me with an intensity that scares me and I back away, rubbing my eyes, still foggy.

  “She was going to hurt you,” the man behind her says.

  I look at him closer, expecting to see one of our guards who doesn’t know Solvang has been staying here, but it’s—is that really Alex Forbrush?

  “King Alex?” I rub my eyes again.

  The king of Yuman is such a good-looking man, there are few who can compare. He has a face that is impossible to forget. Jadon is the only man who has ever made me weak in the knees, but I can appreciate how Alex must affect a lot of women.

  “Is that really you? What are doing here?”

  Solvang wiggles, trying to get out of his grasp and he tightens his hold on her. A large knife drops from her hand. She shoots him a murderous glare and I stand up, holding out my hands.

  “This is Princess Solvang, from Caninsula? She’s been helping me. You can let go of her. She must have heard you coming…”

  Alex grits his teeth and leans into Solvang’s ear as he mutters angrily, “She was about to murder you in your sleep…if I hadn’t shown up when I did…”

  I stare at Solvang and she looks away, her shoulders dropping.

  “I wouldn’t have been able to go through with it,” she says.

  She holds her head higher, as if daring me to argue with her, but her eyes betray her. Sorrow and underlying rage.

  I’ve been so eager for a friend that I haven’t seen the way she despises me.

  It hurts, but I’m used to being betrayed. And why wouldn’t she hate me? I don’t know why I trusted that she’d want to help me anyway. I sit back on the bed and stare up at them, feeling lost.

  “You won’t get another chance to test that theory,” Alex says.

  He starts tying her to my bed and I jump up again.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You’re coming with me, and she’ll be found like this…tomorrow, if she’s lucky. Let your cousin deal with her. He’s known for poisoning whoever gets in his way.” His eyes narrow on Solvang. “You’re working for him, aren’t you?”

  “I’m not.” She shakes her head. “My father is dead because of her. I had unfinished business. I didn’t plan on getting…attached at all.” She looks at me then. “Please, Delilah. Believe me, I wouldn’t have killed you.”

  I hold up my hand. “Stop. Talking.”

  Her mouth drops and she closes it quickly.

  Alex continues tightening the rope and Solvang stops fighting him.

  “What did you mean about Caulder poisoning someone?”

  “I have reason to believe he’s been poisoning your father. A guard of Jadon’s saw him pour powder into your father’s food and later checked the bag Caulder tried to dispose of…”

  I stand up and start pacing. My dad has seemed off again for days now. “Why didn’t the guard stop Caulder?”

  “You’re the priority. Jadon is in Alidonia and wants you out of here before hell breaks loose.”

  I shake my head frantically. “No. I can’t leave my father! Knowing he’ll be murdered as soon as I’m gone? There’s no way I can leave now. If you try to take me, I will scream at the top of my lungs and it won’t matter which kingdom you rule over, you’ll be a dead man.”

  “Delilah, come on,” Alex steps away from Solvang, walking toward me.

  “I mean it, Alex. Take care of Solvang, or let Jadon deal with her however he sees fit. I’ll deal with my cousin.”

  “Jadon won’t like this.”

  “It’s not up to him.”

  “How will we know you’re safe?”

  “You were able to scale the wall to my bedroom. Seems like you can figure it out.”

  I turn my back to him and try to quell the fear in my gut. I don’t have any idea what I’ll do, but I don’t want Alex to know that. I need them out of my room so I can think. And it’s crucial that I get my dad out of here.

  I turn around. “You need to leave. A guard usually walks by in five minutes and I don’t want anyone getting hurt…”

  Alex drags Solvang to the door and opens it. “We have cameras on you. If you could step on the balcony regularly to let us know you’re okay, it would probably set Jadon’s mind at ease. If anything will after this,” he adds, shaking his head.

  I get a warm feeling in my chest that Jadon is looking out for me, that he didn’t just wash his hands of me when we said goodbye.

  I nod and walk to the door, putting my hand on Solvang’s shoulder. “I know you came with the wrong intentions and for all I know, you would’ve killed me tonight had Alex not stepped in at the right time, but…your presence here the past few days has helped me at a time when I felt so alone. Thank you for that. I’m so grateful for the sacrifice your father made for me, he was truly a good man, and I will forever be sorry that my family is responsible for his death.” I back away, my hand dropping by my side. “But if you come near me again, I will slit your throat without batting an eye.”

  Her lips press together, tears forming in her eyes. She nods and blinks and a tear rolls down her cheek. “Fair enough,” she whispers.

  I watch as Alex secures her to him with the rope and grabs the other rope that he used to get up here. He crawls over the edge and Solvang holds onto him for dear life. She whimpers and buries her head in his neck and I feel a small sense of satisfaction that she’s afraid.

  I lie awake for hours, the sense of dread building. Part of me hopes Jadon will scale the wall next and force me to get out of here. But no, I have to make sure Caulder doesn’t win…and Jadon never shows his face.

  I need to find out if what Alex said is true, if Caulder has been poisoning my father.

  It’s impossible to know who to trust anymore and sad that my family is probably at the bottom of the list.

  The next morning, I stumble into the kitchen hours before I normally do. The men shouldn’t be around for a while, but our chef, David, is already at work preparing breakfast.

  “I’d like to be the one to deliver my father meals from now on,” I tell him.

  “Your cousin has been in charge of that.” He frowns.

  “I’ve just been made aware of that, and I’d like to be the one to do it from now on,” I repeat. “My father has been getting worse each day, and I’d rather not blame you for that, so I suggest you let me see you prepare his meals and then I’ll be the one to deliver it.”

  He looks appalled that I would suggest anything suspect coming from his kitchen, but it could all be an act. For all I know, he could have been in Caulder’s pocket for a long time.

  “I assure you, I use all the best ingredients and nothing is ever spoiled. Your father is in no danger from my food!” he says hotly.

  I grin and raise my eyebrows. “Let’s keep it that way, shall we?”

  I can tell he wants to argue the merits of his cooking, but he swallows it down and nods. “Yes, Princess Delilah.”

  “What time does Caulder usually eat?”
  He looks at the clock over the stove. “In an hour.”

  “I’d like to take my father’s meal to him at least half an hour before Caulder shows up each day. Can you make that happen?”

  “Of course.” He shrugs.


  He prepares a tray with a beautiful plate of food and when it is exactly how he wants it, he lifts it for me to take.

  “Here you go. I hope it is to your liking.”

  I beam at him and he stares at me, blinking fast.

  “It’s perfect.”

  Relieved, David returns a lopsided grin and lets out a long breath.

  Delilah 1; Caulder 0.

  My father is still sleeping when I knock on his door. I peek in and he lifts his head and looks at me blankly.


  I rush to him, setting the tray on his bedside table before placing my hand on his forehead. His face is pallid and clammy.

  “I’m not sure I can eat,” he croaks. He tries to sit up and leans back on his pillows, sagging deeper into them.

  “David made you healthy things today,” I tell him. “When did you start feeling worse?”

  “I haven’t felt right for a few days.”

  “What have you been eating?”

  “Mostly soup. Caulder brings oatmeal in the morning, but soups the rest of the time.”

  My face feels hot at the mention of Caulder. “Do you usually eat it all?”

  He gives me a small grin. “Every now and then I throw it out so I don’t have to hear Caulder griping at me.”

  I put my hand on the wall, my relief nearly knocking me over. Maybe the effects of whatever he’s been given aren’t very bad because he’s not eaten enough of it yet. I should’ve known if Caulder was capable of this, he wouldn’t wait for me to get out before moving forward with his plan for Papa. Why didn’t I act then? I put my hand over my heart and try to calm myself; it feels like it’s going to pound out of my skin.

  He clears his throat. “How’s the wedding planning coming?”

  I take a deep breath and an idea begins forming in the back of my mind. It’s crazy, but it just might work.

  “It’s going well. I was wondering…how would you feel about our wedding being televised? I think it would put a positive message out there to all the kingdoms, that we stand united?” I’m talking nonsense, but my father perks up, his cheeks even flushing a bit when he smiles.

  “That’s a wonderful idea!” He motions for me to come closer and he takes my hand. “I’m so happy you’ve come around to this marriage, Delilah. It’s for the best. I just—”

  He coughs and it rattles his chest. I grab his water and hold it for him to have a sip when he slows down. I study him carefully, confused by his symptoms. He looks like he did right before things got really bad. Has it been poisoning all this time?

  My god.

  I start shaking, my insides quaking until it shows on the outside too. I spill water on my father and hurry to wipe it off. “I’m sorry, Papa. What were you going to say?”

  “I want to be at your wedding more than anything. Just one more week…”

  “You’re not going anywhere. You’ll be feeling better in time for the wedding. Don’t worry.”

  I help feed him and even though we don’t talk much, it’s the best time I’ve had with him in so long. Almost like old times.

  Before I knew who he really was.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  “What is this?” I yell when I see Alex at the appointed meeting place.

  Alex is steadying Solvang and has a hold on the rope around her, tugging on it as they walk toward us. She stumbles behind him and he tightens his grip. He holds up his thumb, motioning toward Solvang.

  “She was about to kill Delilah when I walked in.”

  “What?” I stare at Solvang, the girl I’ve always considered a friend. “Do you want to explain to me what the hell you’re thinking? Murder? Who are you?” I get in her face. “Your father would be devastated by this,” I say it quietly, but she flinches like I’m still yelling.

  “My father isn’t alive to be devastated…because of her.” She closes her eyes for a second, then stares at the ceiling, anything to avoid eye contact with me. “I wouldn’t have gone through with it. I-I grew fond of her in spite of everything. I don’t think she meant for any of this to happen. But I don’t think she deserves you either…that’s what I really planned on stopping.” The tears start falling in earnest then and her nose drips. She tries to reach her nose to wipe it, but she’s bound too tightly to Alex. “I know you don’t feel the same about me, but I—”

  “What, you think you deserve me?” I laugh. “Give me a fucking break. You don’t get a vote in what I deserve. You lost that right when you lied to my fucking face. I trusted you…”

  “You’re willing to throw away your respect, your dignity, all the people who are following your leadership…all for that pint-sized fairy? She’s weak, Jadon. She let me into her trust within minutes—you can’t trust someone like that who doesn’t see danger coming straight for her.”

  “I think that’s all the more reason to trust her—the fact that she believes in the good in people, whether they deserve it or not.” I hold up a hand and turn around, walking away from her. “I can’t look at you.” I give Alex a withering look and force myself not to hit him. “Tell me why you left her there to rot and saved this traitor.”

  I hear Solvang crying and rub my eyes. I’m fucking exhausted and all the meanness is coming out of me.

  “She refused to come, Jadon. I told her about Caulder poisoning her father and she wouldn’t leave him.” Alex puts a hand on my shoulder and grips it.

  I count to ten and shake him off. “She’s in that castle with a murderer and you decided to save this one? You need to both get out of my sight. Lock her away. I don’t need to hear the details, just please take care of it, Alex. I thank you for your trouble tonight. Next time, I’ll know to take care of things myself.”

  Alex starts to say something and stops, pulling Solvang with him. I hear a car start up and know that I should see to it myself that Solvang is behind bars, but I let it go.

  I drive back to the little brick building and go straight for the camera room. Delilah is standing out on the balcony and I take a deep breath, reassured that at least for now, she’s safe.

  I stare at her until my sight blurs.

  Of course she won’t leave her father. The girl knows loyalty, that’s for damn sure. Her father is willing to toss her to that trash Avaban, and yet the minute she finds out her father’s health is compromised again, she’s there to protect him. If only everyone had someone in their corner like that.

  It reminds me of Ava and Eden’s love for me, my love for them, and my heart softens toward Delilah even more. If I can’t get her out of the house without her father, I’ll just have to drag Vance out of there too.

  The entirety of the kingdoms will know I’ve lost my mind if I save Vance Farthing.

  The next day, I talk to Paquin, my guard stationed at Delilah’s house.

  “She won’t leave her dad’s side,” he says.

  I can actually see Paquin outside. He knows where the cameras are and he looks directly into one as he talks to me.

  “Has anyone besides Delilah, Caulder, and Xang been in to see Vance?”

  “No. Caulder and Xang have left Vance alone today. They talked about golfing.”

  “I’ll put an additional tail on them if they leave. Stay on Delilah.”

  “Will do.”

  I talk to Quincie and have him arrange guards to follow Caulder and Xang’s every move while they’re out of the castle.

  “Do whatever you can to keep them gone as long as possible,” I tell Quincie.

  “I can do whatever I want?” Quincie grins.

  “Within reason, absolutely.”

  He rubs his hands together and takes off while I turn back to the screens. I haven’t seen Delil
ah yet this morning and it has me uneasy. I don’t relax until I see Caulder and Xang pull out of the garage, their car creeping away from the castle.

  I tell Paquin to create a diversion and I head to the Farthing castle myself. My blood is pumping. I’m going to see her today…hopefully, I can be more convincing than Alex.

  I’m almost to the house, already over the gate and next to the gardens on the south side, when my phone vibrates. I turn it on but don’t say a word.

  “Caulder’s coming back!” Paquin yells. “And Delilah is gone. The butler said she left five minutes ago. I don’t know how she got past me, but she’s not in her room. Nothing is showing on the cameras. My diversion must’ve helped her get out without being noticed. Shit!” He fumbles with something and curses again. “The camera near the back exit is busted.”

  I didn’t see her leaving, so it must’ve been the minutes between my run here and climbing over the gate. I curse violently, hanging up the phone and bending over to catch my breath.

  I stay hidden in the trees and when it gets too hot to stand any longer, I walk back to the guard station. Quincie is back and we exchange a wordless look while we sit in front of the screens.

  “I’m gonna get another shower,” I say after we’ve sat for an hour with no movement. “If she comes back, pound on the door.”

  I’ve showered and am putting clean clothes on when Quincie pounds on the door.

  “She’s back. And Caulder and Xang just left.”

  I hustle back to the grounds and wait a while to make sure I don’t see any guards outside. I throw the rope up until it hooks over the stone and crawl up as fast as I can, leaping over the balcony. She’s standing in the doorway and her eyes widen when she sees me walk toward her.

  “This is becoming a habit, visitors invading my space…who knew we needed a moat?” She opens the door to let me in and I turn to her, wanting to take her in my arms and hold her tight.

  She walks to the opposite side of the room and turns to face me, her body language screaming distance.


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