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Page 12

by Evelyn Adams

  Pushing the thought aside she stripped off her boots, T-shirt and jeans. She needed a shower before they went anywhere, and she was running out of time. She found a small bag of makeup and toiletries on the vanity in the pristine white marble bathroom. Not the trial hotel size, but actual body gel, moisturizer and hair spray in the brands she used. How could he possibly know what kind of moisturizer she used? He must have house elves. No one could pay attention to all of that.

  She didn’t have time to wash her hair so she piled it on top of her head and stepped under the hot spray, quickly washing away the day’s grime and touching up with the razor she found in the shower. By the time she wrapped herself in one of the huge white terry cloth towels she’d managed to leave the jobsite and police station behind her. She ruthlessly shoved thoughts of work from her mind. The lingerie on the bed proved a good distraction.

  The stockings and garters were self-explanatory. They were whisper soft with a back seam and small satin bows that sat at the top of the back of her thigh where the garter fastened. She slid them up her legs, careful not to snag them and clipped the lacy tops to the garter belt. Slipping on the tiny lace panties, she was left facing the corset and the impossibly short skirt. She pulled the skirt up over her hips, but by the time she zipped and fastened it at her waist there wasn’t enough fabric to completely cover her ass. The tiny thong didn’t offer any coverage and there was no way she could sit down, let alone bend over.

  Stepping into the heels so she wouldn’t risk ruining the stockings, she wrapped the corset around her and held it in front of her breasts. She had no idea how she’d fasten the thing by herself. She couldn’t go out wearing nothing more than a few ruffles and lace. With someone as possessive as Luke was she couldn’t imagine he’d want her to. Her mind drifted back to the last time she’d gotten dressed up for him and he made her watch in the mirror as he took her from behind, marking her as his. Her skin flushed at the memory.

  Standing in front of the mirror this time, she had to admit she looked beautiful. The clothes were delicate and feminine. The ruffles on the corset complimented the flounce of the skirt and the bows on the back of her thighs. She looked like a precious decorative object. Pretty and fragile and so unlike the woman she was used to being. She didn’t want to pretend to be helpless; she couldn’t imagine it, but there was something intoxicating about slipping into another persona for a while. She could still be the woman who ran her own business, who had both her electrician’s license and her contractor’s license, who wore steel toe boots most days, and then sometimes she could be Luke’s sex kitten. It was a side of herself she hadn’t really explored until him and one she had no intention of giving up. There was a place for both parts of who she was.

  Which still didn’t solve the problem of how she was going to fasten the corset on her own.

  She twisted, wriggling to work her hands behind her but all she succeeded in doing was cramping her back. She was about to say uncle and call Luke when she heard a soft rap on the door.

  “Ms. English,” said a woman’s voice. “Mr. Masters said you might need a hand.”

  “Oh, please,” said Claire. “Come in.”

  The door opened revealing a pretty young woman wearing a pencil skirt and a smock engraved with the hotel’s logo. Claire caught a glimpse of Luke frozen in place on the other side of the room. Yes, she could definitely do sex kitten. If it had that kind of effect on a man like Luke, it was worth a bare ass and uncomfortable shoes.

  The woman slipped into the room closing the door behind her and blocking Luke from Claire’s view. She came to stand behind Claire at the mirror, picking up the laces on the back of the corset.

  “My name’s Julie,” she said, smiling at their reflection. “And you look stunning.

  “Thank you, Julie. I feel naked. And stuck.”

  “I’ve got it,” she said, starting to tighten the laces. “Let me know if it’s too tight.”

  Claire adjusted her breasts before they were squashed and sucked in her breath as Julie cinched and tightened the corset. By the time she reached the top, Claire’s breasts were pushed up and out like an erotic offering and she knew she wouldn’t have to worry about the skirt when she sat down. She couldn’t bend enough to sit without the corset pushing her breasts up to her ears.

  “Thank you. I think,” she said, and Julie laughed.

  “My pleasure. I can help with your hair and makeup if you like.”

  “That’s okay,” said Claire. “I think I can manage. Thanks anyway.”

  “No problem. You look amazing. He’s going to wear a hole in the floor out there with his pacing,” she said with a laugh. “And when he sees you, he’ll forget how to breathe.”

  Yep, that would make it worth not being able to bend. Seeing Luke frozen in place because of how she looked – not Gretchen or any of the other dozens of woman he’d had on his arm – would make it all worth it. She shoved the thought aside. He said nothing happened and she believed him. Luke might break her heart but he wouldn’t lie to her.

  “Thanks again, Julie.”

  She nodded and slipped out the door without opening it enough for Luke to see inside. Claire hurried to the bathroom as fast as her shoes would let her and fixed her makeup, applying an extra smudge of smoky shadow around her eyes the way Andre had taught her. She smoothed on some red lipstick and brushed out her hair, spraying it with hairspray and scrunching it with her hands to bring out the waves. When she had an auburn mane spilling over her shoulders, she sucked in as much breath as the corset would allow and went out the door to meet Luke.

  He’d changed, replacing his white shirt with a black one which looked dangerous with his charcoal gray suit. He hadn’t bothered to shave and the start of a beard only added to his allure. The top buttons of his shirt were open revealing a tanned triangle of skin that made her mouth practically water. But it was the expression on his face which had her knees going weak. His jaw was clenched with the obvious strain of holding himself back and his eyes were dark with hunger. He looked fierce, the perfect alpha male, all hard edges and long lines to her soft curves, and she wanted him so much she stumbled with the force of it.

  “Fuck,” he said, the single word carrying the weight of both their desires. “You look amazing.”

  “Thanks,” she said swallowing hard. “Thanks for sending Julie. I’d never have gotten into this without her.”

  “I thought you might need help.” The mighty Luke Masters looked sheepish and it was the best thing to happen all day.

  “And you couldn’t do it because you were afraid to be alone with me,” she said, grinning.

  “Fuck yes. Have you seen yourself?”

  Claire couldn’t contain the smile which lit her face. She took a step toward Luke but he turned from her, hurrying to a closet by the door. “Don’t,” he said, reaching inside for what looked like a long black velvet cloak with a black satin lining. “I’m hanging on by a thread here. If I touch you before we get out the door, I’m going to have to fuck you. You said you needed a distraction and I know the perfect one. I can’t wait to take you there.”

  “Luke, I can’t go out like this.” She glanced over her shoulder trying to judge how much of her ass was hanging out of the skirt. “I’m practically naked.”

  “Trust me, sweetheart,” he said, folding her in the floor length cloak. “Where we’re going, you’ll be overdressed.”

  THE CAR PULLED UP IN front of a nondescript brownstone in an affluent section of the city. Luke climbed out of the car, coming around to help Claire. She kept a death grip on the cloak as Luke tucked her under his arm and helped her up the stairs to a small door to what looked like someone’s private home.

  “Where are we?” She hadn’t been able to get him to tell her anything. He’d been cryptic since they got into the car.

  “You’ll see in just a moment.”

  Luke rapped the door knocker and almost immediately a slot in the door opened and Luke passed a black credit card th
rough the slot. Seconds later the door was opened by a sexy young woman, wearing a skirt similar to Claire’s and a corset. Instead of the corset holding the woman’s breasts, it sat under them. She wore a gauzy white shirt with layers of ruffles and depending on how she moved, she flashed glimpses of the dusky rose of her nipples. Her thigh high boots zipped up the back and the round swell of her ass was clearly visible beneath her skirt. She was walking sex.

  Claire couldn’t help but wonder what she’d gotten herself into, but she couldn’t be jealous. Not with the way Luke kept his hand wrapped possessively around her waist.

  “Mr. Masters, it’s so nice to see you again. And I see you brought a guest. Are you participating or watching tonight?”

  “Watching,” he said tightening his grip on her.

  “Collar or cuff?”

  “Collar.” Luke’s voice

  The other woman smiled at Luke’s response but Claire stiffened. Trying out her inner sex kitten was one thing, but she didn’t want to wear a collar. Not for any man, but especially not for one as assuming and arrogant as Luke.

  “Relax, sweetheart,” he murmured against her hair. “It’s not what you think.”

  “Better not be,” she said through clenched teeth.

  “Why don’t I let you do this,” said the other woman, handing Luke a black wristband and a strip of intricately worked lace. “And I’ll take this for you.” She reached for the cloak and Claire tightened her grip reflexively.

  Luke reached around her neck for the clasp and she had to choose between struggling to hold onto the big velvet covering or letting go of it. She couldn’t figure out a way to gracefully keep it and Luke was right, she was wearing more clothing than the other woman. Her nipples were covered, at least for now, but someone could throw a rope of diamonds at her feet and there was no way she’d bend over to pick it up.

  Luke whisked the cloak off her shoulders and the other woman’s eyes widened in appreciation.

  “Lovely,” she said, taking the cloak and disappearing, presumably to hang it up.

  As soon as she was gone, Claire turned on Luke, squaring her shoulders and giving him a look that would wilt lesser men. It was one she’d used in countless negotiations with misogynistic contractors who thought she couldn’t do the job she’d been hired to do. It had always worked in the past, but it was even hard for her to take herself seriously with half her ass hanging out. And Luke was not a lesser man.

  “Spill, Masters,” she said. “I need information now.”

  Luke finished sliding the black wristband over his left hand and Claire tried not to let herself get distracted by the way the leather looked cuffing Luke’s tan wrist. She had to get a grip, but the problem was she felt completely ineffectual. If she succumbed to the urge to stomp her foot, her tiny skirt would flounce. Actually flounce. She felt like she should have Juicy or Princess spelled out in rhinestones over her ass. She had no idea how to own her power when she was dressed like an expensive French maid.

  That wasn’t true. She’d seen the power she had back in the penthouse. She’d stopped the man in his tracks. Surely she could get a little information from him.

  She reached for his hand, running her fingertips lightly over the skin behind the leather band. She saw his amusement turn to heat as she stroked his wrist with a feather light caress. Squaring her hips, she threw her shoulders back, owning every inch of her body.

  “Explain the collar to me and this place,” she said, before dragging her plump bottom lip between her teeth. For a moment his entire focus shifted to her mouth and then he gave his head a little shake and grinned.

  “I fucking...” he caught himself with another shake of his head. “You’re incredible, do you know that?”

  “Flattery isn’t going to get you off the hook, Masters,” she said, smiling in spite of herself. She didn’t want to let herself fantasize about what he’d been about to say before he caught himself, but she loved going head-to-head with this intelligent, amazing man who was more than strong enough to be a match for her. To catch her if she needed him to.

  “This is a live sex club, Claire. Very private and very exclusive. Think naked cirque. Tonight we are here to watch, not participate, and the collar,” he said, holding up the lace strip and stepping close enough for her to feel the warmth of him along her body. “Tells everyone that you are mine.”

  He turned her so her back was to him. Moving her hair to the side, he bent and brushed a kiss over the exposed skin on the back of her neck. He scraped his teeth over the place where her neck met her shoulder and she let her head tip to the side to give him better access. Her nipples pebbled tight in the confines of the corset and her back arched, pressing her butt against his thickening cock. He slipped the lace band around her throat, pausing to let the warm strong pads of his fingers caress her before he fastened it.

  “Anyone who sees this,” he said, stroking a finger over the delicate lace, “will know I’m the only one who will be touching you tonight.”

  Claire’s breath caught in her throat, desire licking like a flame through her body. It wasn’t until Luke took a step back and she could clear her head that she saw the attendant had come back and was standing discreetly against the wall staring at them intently.

  She wasn’t ready to look too closely at her feelings, but knowing the woman had been watching them, seeing Luke put the lace around her throat tightened things low in her body. She watched the woman, her lips parting as Claire reached up to touch the collar.

  “I promised you a distraction,” said Luke, his hand a warm guiding presence on the small of her back. “I intend to deliver.”

  “YOU TWO ENJOY yourselves,” said the hostess, pushing on the panel that revealed the secret door.

  Luke had belonged to the club for years. He and Eric sometimes came together with a woman or women. Members were screened before they were allowed to pay the exorbitant entrance fee. It was completely discreet, safe and offered a wide range of kinks. It was the floor show he wanted to show Claire. They could sit in the anonymity of the dark, and he could watch her to see what turned her on when she could let go and didn’t have to hide from her desire.

  Her desire. Fuck, it was going to be his desire that was the problem. He wanted her so much already he ached with it. Watching her navigate uncomfortable situations was sexy as hell. She’d been nervous and unsure when they arrived. He’d seen the moment when she realized she still had power and she could use it on him. Something in her called to the deepest part of him, and he’d almost slipped and told her he loved her. Tonight was not about love. It was about wanton desire, letting go and giving Claire a break from the iron hard control she exercised over everything in the rest of her life. He was providing her with a distraction.

  The paneled door swung open on what at first looked like total darkness and Claire hesitated before going through. He kept his hand on her back, tracing the boning of her corset from her waist down over the swell of her hips, as he nudged her inside. Once they crossed the threshold the door shut behind them. As their eyes were adjusting to the dim light, a woman met them. She was naked but for some jewelry and her body made pale curves moving through the darkness.

  “I’m Mandy,” she said with an unassuming smile. “I’ll be taking care of you tonight. Follow me.”

  Luke felt Claire stiffen under his hand, but she didn’t stop moving. As they moved deeper into the club, the light changed to a red purple glow. It was still dark enough to provide some anonymity but much easier to see where they were going. They rounded a corner and the stage came into view. Sending the delicate silver chain connecting her nipples swinging, Mandy motioned to a curved high-backed booth facing the raised platform.

  “Here you are,” she said, sliding the small table out to make it easier for them to settle in.

  Luke saw Claire’s hesitation. It was the same thing she’d done when she tried to slide into the car. Her skirt was too short to cover her ass when she sat. She was obviously uncomfortable
putting her bare, tender skin on something she couldn’t see, which served his purposes perfectly well.

  “Here, sweetheart,” he said, sliding smoothly into the center of the curved seat. “Come sit on my lap.”

  She only hesitated for a fraction of a second before resting her warm, round ass on his thigh. Aside from the perfect feeling of holding an armful of warm willing woman on his lap, the position put the tops of her breasts almost in line with his mouth. He’d also be able to feel her responses to the acts.

  Mandy slid the table back into place with another swing of her chains. She was wearing a chain around her waist that, Luke knew from previous visits, connected to a jeweled clip snugging her clit, but he wasn’t sure if Claire had noticed. She was perched on his lap with her eyes large and round in the dim light, scanning the room and trying to take everything in. For the moment there wasn’t much going on. Booths similar to the one they sat in ringed the stage but the clever use of lighting kept the occupants hidden.

  “Salon Blanc de Blancs?” Mandy asked, and Luke nodded.

  “You come here often enough that they know what you want to drink?” asked Claire.

  “I don’t come here often. In fact I haven’t been here in quite some time, but part of what my membership includes is the staff knowing my tastes. I imagine there’s some kind of spreadsheet,” he said and she gave an unladylike snort.

  “I don’t want to think about it.”

  “You knew I wasn’t a virgin when we met, sweetheart.”

  This time she laughed out loud, and he cuddled her close, determined not to let anything come between them tonight.

  “Point, Masters,” she said. “But I don’t have to like it.”

  “How do you think I feel?” He tipped her head to him so he could slant a kiss over her mouth, tugging her plump bottom lip between his teeth and then licking the small hurt. “If I let myself think about another man tasting you, taking you, I’d go mad. In my mind I’m the only man you’ve ever had.”


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