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DIRTY SWAPS: Hardcore Gender Swap Bundle

Page 9

by Tina Majors

  Along with the nervous, curious feeling I also had a kind of flip-flop feeling in my stomach. You know, the kind of feeling you get before a big mid-term exam, or maybe before a first date? I wanted to investigate this noise, I felt compelled, but I also felt… scared.

  Well, ultimately curiosity got the better of me.

  I decided that I simply had to know. The noise was still coming strong, on and off, every few moments. If anything, the volume had increased.

  Hey, I’ve got nothing to lose, I thought. It’s probably some workmen shining the floor tiles with some kind of new technology that preserves them better. Yeah, that’s almost certainly what it is, I thought.

  Still, I had to see for myself.

  With that, I walked close to the door, put aside any feelings of fear, and gradually pulled it open, stuck my head inside.

  What I saw filled me with shock, confusion, and the kind of thrill that is truly rare.

  I knew there was no turning back, I had to find out more.

  “Well, as I thought,” Professor Mysteros said, appearing behind me. “You better come inside with me.”

  Mysteros placed his hand firmly on my shoulder and we walked into the theatre, the door shutting heavily behind us.

  I knew then that my curiosity would indeed have consequences – and not just for my plans for the rest of the day.


  Mysteros led me inside the theatre, towards the dais. The empty seats, along with the cavernous nature of this lecture hall, one of the biggest on campus, gave a slightly chilling, intimidating vibe to the room.

  I could now see the source of the unusual noise close up. It certainly didn’t look like a kind of expensive antique floor cleaner to me, not even close.

  Let me describe it.

  It was like one of those old time computers, you know the kind that used to fill a whole room? Yeah, that’s right. Except the difference with this one was that the materials being used seemed kind of like they were from the future. Certainly not the kind of dusty facias and flashing buttons from the old style network routers of old. There was a large vertical touchscreen in the middle of the machine.

  This is was had caught my eye when I initially peeked inside.

  You see, on this touchscreen, a series of absolutely stunning women in various states of undress flashed up with numbers and stats next to them. I mean, it was every kind of woman you could imagine.

  Super hot, athletic types – check.

  Curvy, big breasts and booty types – check.

  Amazonian athletic – check.

  Amazonian BBW – check.

  I must admit, my first thought was that it was some kind of super involved sex simulator or heightened porn experience. I guess that’s just where my mind naturally went. Sue me.

  But, something just didn’t quite click.

  “I can see your mind working at infinity miles per hour?” Mysteros said.

  He walked up to the machine and pressed a couple of the buttons, the result being the machine made more of the low hum noises, except this time with a few added bleeps.

  “Any questions of shall I just give you the full run down?” Mysteros added, a look on his face that I couldn’t quite decipher.

  It was as if Mysteros was enjoying this.

  “I’ll take it from your silence that you wish for a full explanation,” He continued. “Very well. This is where my research time has been going. As a result of making some highly interesting and incredibly rich contacts on the guest lecture circuit, I have been given the task of developing a fully operational body swap machine. I’m not talking about clumsy, unappealing sex change operations. No, what I mean is a full on body swap experience that can transform an average Joe male into his ultimate fantasy female. As you can see from the HD screen, I have a wide selection of uber babes to choose from. Any questions, or shall we proceed?”

  I was in total shock.

  Absolute disbelief.

  I simply could not believe what I was hearing.

  But here’s the thing. I simply had to accept what I was seeing, right before me, didn’t I?

  My mind was racing.

  Even though I hadn’t had time to process what was being said, I knew that I felt turned on. I knew full well where my fantasies had been going recently. Hell, it was only this very morning that I was getting hard, on the verge of cumming, over the thought of a super hot alpha male. I mean, I had to consider – would I want to experience this unreal experience that the esteemed Professor was talking about?

  But wait.

  What did he mean by proceed?

  “Of course, you don’t think this is an accident?” Mysteros said, seemingly reading my mind. “The fact that you are here, is far from a coincidence. You see, a benefit of my financial backing is that I am able to monitor internet usage, do deep dives on the preferences and fantasies of potential participants in my project.”

  “You’ve been spying on students!” I piped up, indignant but also worried about what he had seen on my browsing history.

  “Oh calm down,” He replied, totally shutting me down. “The very fact that you have used library computers to access lewd material means that you could be looking at a suspension, possibly more in the current climate. No, you can keep your snowflake complaints to yourself. You should feel glad to be a part of this. This, after all, is a fantasy of yours, is it not? To become the kind of babe you lust after, the type of campus babe who all the top ranking jocks and alphas lust after? Answer me!”

  “Y-y-y-y-yes,” I replied, meekly.

  I guess I could have tried to deny it, but in truth I knew that would probably be pointless. He had me bang to rights, and I knew it.

  “What I am offering to you,” He said in a most authoritative manner, “is the chance to live out a fantasy that so many yearn for but basically no one has ever had the chance to experience properly. You should be honoured. I have faith in you that you will be able to cope with your new found form. You will be free to do as you please, barring of course reporting back to me with your findings. You see, the world is changing. For the better. With this programme we can get the world on track, redress the balance so to speak. Now, if you sign this document we can begin. Be clear, I am not forcing you. You can back out. You can do what you will.”

  With that, the Professor – who was showing a far steelier, more commanding side to his personality than I had ever seen before – passed me a sheet of paper covered in text, clearly a contract and disclaimer of some kind, with a space to sign at the bottom.

  “What am I signing up for?” I asked. “I mean, what exactly am I agreeing to?”

  “Well,” He replied. “Put simply, you will be offered the chance to completely transform you appearance, to become one of the women you see up on the screen. To live out all of those fantasies of being a cock hungry, cum guzzling, horny college senior who is ready to serve at a moment’s notice. Now stop being coy and admit how appealing this sounds!”

  I knew full well that this did sound appealing.

  There was no denying it.

  I felt my rather small cock pulsing against my pants, hard at the prospect of becoming a woman with a hot, wet pussy. The irony!

  My hand trembling a little, and without bothering to read the small print, I signed the form and handed it back to Mysteros.

  “Good, perfect,” He said, taking the paper and placing it on the desk beside him. “Now, strip naked, all off, and then sit up on the chair.”

  I looked up and saw the small chair that protruded from the front of the large computer unit. It looked pretty innocuous, a little futuristic maybe, what with the wires and the cables leading from its back into the mainframe.

  Feeling myself blush, I took my clothes off. As I pulled my boxers down, I felt humiliated that my erection would be on display. Luckily, Mysteros didn’t seem too bothered by it.

  “Don’t worry, that silly little thing will be a distant memory soon enough,” He said, laughing as my cock bounced
around, being pushed to the limit by the continually alternating series of hot, mostly naked women up on the touch screen.

  I then followed instructions and took my place on the seat. Mysteros fiddled around behind me as I waited.

  What was going to happen?

  I really began to wish I had perhaps taken more than a passing glance at the contract, or disclaimer, whatever it was.

  Suddenly, I began to sweat. My heart was racing. I was panicking. Did I really want to switch from a man to a woman? I mean, sure, I had fantasied about it a lot, and at an ever increasing level, my fantasies getting dirtier and more and more explicit.

  But did I really and truly want this?

  “Professor, I’m not sure I can-” I said.

  “Too late,” Mysteros replied. “The contract had been signed and is legally binding. You gave your full consent and that is simply the end of the matter. Now, when I press this button, the process will begin.”

  Before I had a chance to reply, I felt a VR headset being placed over my head. The screen in front of my eyes was a blank, neon pink kind of colour. I heard the humming noise from the machine behind me intensify. Then gradually a vibrating effect seemed to be emanating from the chair and running through my body.

  It felt weird.

  It felt… kind of good.

  “Now, you’ve seen the options up on the screen,” Mysteros said, clearly concentrating on something else. “Now describe to me how you would like to look in your new form.”

  I really wasn’t sure where to start, I was suddenly lost for words.

  The vibrating intensified, the vibrations flowing through my body, sending pleasure throughout.

  “Cat got your tongue?” Mysteros said. “Well, we’ll try it another way then. I’ll start making suggestions, projecting images into your VR, and then depending on how your body reacts on the machine’s data screen, I’ll know if we’re on the right track.”

  “Y-y-y-yes, Sir,” I said. “Mmmmmm, I’m ready, make me a woman.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was saying. The VR headset was now projecting images of the kind of women I had often looked at, desired, and then desired to be.

  Small waist.

  Large breasts.

  Toned, muscular thighs.

  A booty that was a perfect mixture of muscle and jiggling flesh.

  Long blond hair.

  Plump, red lips.

  Long eyelashes framing seductive, smouldering eyes.

  My mind and body was losing control, the images were burning themselves into my mind. I couldn’t think straight. I realised that all I was doing was moaning in pleasure, my entire body shuddering in ecstasy.

  “Nearly there now,” Mysteros said, but I barely took notice of his words.

  Then I felt it.

  From underneath me, I felt a vibrating, cold, lubed object entering my ass, slowly easing its way inside of me.

  I let out a long moan, orgasming more powerfully than I ever had before in my entire life. Except this was different.

  Much, much different.

  The orgasm was longer, harder, totally overwhelming.

  It began to feel like it would never end.

  Then, gradually the vibrating stopped, my orgasm slowed, the screen in front of me returned to its neon pink.

  I felt my eyes closing.

  Then darkness.


  I felt my eyes gradually opening. Had it all been a dream? Was my desire to become a woman so deep rooted that my mind had created such an immersive fantasy that felt so truly real? Had I in fact simply slept in, missed my alarm, and had imagined the whole thing?

  No, of course not.

  This was as real as the sun in the sky.

  “Ah, she’s awake,” Mysteros said.

  She! Wait-

  I opened my eyes and sat up from the makeshift bed next to Mysteros’s desk. I was wearing a soft, white dressing gown.

  “Well, I’m happy to say the procedure was a total success,” Mysteros said. “I’m just finishing my notes now. Our backers will be absolutely delighted that the first stage has worked so well. Would you like to take a look at the new you?”

  I was nervous. I mean, what if I didn’t like what I looked like? What if I wanted to change back? What if the entire thing just freaked me out too much?

  What the hell would I do if it was all just too much?

  There was only one way to find out.

  Mysteros told me to keep my eyes shut as he took me by my hand and led me to a full length mirror positioned just by his desk.

  “Allow me to do the honours,” He said. “Keep your eyes shut until I say.”

  With that, he knelt down and gently undid the robe’s belt, allowing it to open fully. Following on from this, he stood behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders. This felt different somehow. His hold on me felt super masculine, protective, as if I was no longer in possession of masculine feelings, but desired the touch of a man instead.

  He let the robe drop and told me to open my eyes.

  I opened up to a shocking sight.

  Stunned, I felt my legs wobble, become unsteady, and I nearly fell. Luckily, Mysteros held me up, reassuring me, whispering calming words in my ear.

  I regained some kind of composure and saw the new me.

  A beautiful, sexed up, curvy, ultra feminine vision.

  I knew that I had been transformed into the exact version of the woman I had always desired, and latterly had desired to be myself.

  My eyes were drawn down to my pussy, a perfect thin strip of dark pubic hair leading the way.

  I felt myself go weak again.

  A surge of energy came over me, a tingling that soon became so intense I just had to do something.

  “Sir,” I said, “May I pleasure myself? Will you help me?”

  “Of course,” Mysteros replied. “This is fascinating, clearly your mind has adapted to the feminine form instinctively, in a compelling manner. This is excellent data.”

  I then found myself knowing exactly what to do, one hand began to work my pussy, easing in one, two, then three fingers into the hot, pulsing, inside. My other hand was free to work my clit.

  My clit!

  The pleasure was intense, and assisted by Mysteros fondling my breasts, pulling on my nipples, grinding his hard cock into my ass, I felt myself cumming in a matter of moments.

  A shorter, but incredibly powerful orgasm.

  Followed by another almost immediately.

  Totally dazed, I collapsed onto the floor and crawled towards my robe, lying on top of it, totally out of breath, my heart racing and my pussy pulsing.

  Mysteros laughed.

  He walked over to me in a very matter of fact way, unzipped his trousers, and pulled his cock out.

  Rock hard, surprisingly large, he grabbed it and pulled on it hard, and quickly. Within seconds, his hot cum was spurting out, raining down on my spent body.

  “Now, get yourself wiped off and into some of the clothes I have over there,” Mysteros said. “I have work to do. You go and get used to your new form. We’ll talk reconvene late.”

  I found myself entranced by the sight of his veiny, hard dick.

  I had a funny feeling I would be seeing a lot more of it. And not just his, but plenty of others too…


  My head beginning to clear, I opened the door and walked out into the cloisters. The sun was hot, hotter than even I had predicted, and I was already sweating.

  Not a great combination.

  Aside from the complete craziness, the almost incomprehensibility of what had happened had, in a funny way, kind of already sunk in and I was now processing the world from a whole new point of view.

  I mean, was the world really that different anyhow?

  I looked around me and it appeared that tress still grew from the ground upwards, walls were still made of brick, people still enjoyed lounging around drinking from expensive looking water bottles.

  You see where I’m
coming from with this?

  No matter the extent of what had happened to me, a transformation that was undeniably staggering, quite patently the world was still turning just as it was earlier that morning.

  This in my mind, I decided to take the scenic route back to my dorm room so that I could shower, cool off, and plan what I was going to do with the rest of the day.

  I decided I would take a sort cut to my dorm block that involved a quick, albeit illegal, traverse over the super smooth lawned square that was central to the cloisters. It wasn’t as if people didn’t do it all the time.

  The only thing you had to look out for really was being spotted by an over officious campus security man. These guys were mostly okay, and in actual fact I felt sorry for many of them. Really, they were just guys working poorly paid jobs and having to deal with dumb students for most of their working day.


  There were some security staff that really seemed to have a chip on their shoulder, the kind who would go out of their way to find something wrong, to persecute a student, or just to make life as unnecessarily difficult as they could. I had no time for these ones, and not much sympathy either.

  The thing is though, that all being said, I still didn’t want to cross them unless I had to. Like I say, they could make things very difficult for people just by reporting them to the Campus Dean, or even to the Campus Security manager.

  There was one security officer who was almost legendarily grumpy and off-hand with students. He was known for handing out citations for even the smallest infringements – one time he booked a sophomore for placing his recycling bin on top of a full bin rather than calling the refuse department to ask what to do. I mean, petty or what? Well, a group of students decided to get revenge on this security guard and one night, when the guard was on night shift, flour bombed him and recorded his response.


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