Whispers of Tomorrow (The Alina Chronicles Book 2)

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Whispers of Tomorrow (The Alina Chronicles Book 2) Page 2

by Regina J. Robinson

  I’m shaken from my musings when a faint chuckle surrounds me. Looking at the maggot still encased in chains, I cock my head to one side, narrowing my eyes at his weak form.

  “How are you still fucking smiling?” I ask, lowering myself to my haunches so I am at his eye level.

  “Because it doesn’t matter what you do to me. Not anymore. You want to know why?” He leans forward a little as if trying to share a secret. I stare at his pale face, growing more pallid from his loss of blood. Deciding to entertain him a smidge, I lean forward to listen.

  “It’s like I said. You. Are. Going. To. Die. I may not be around to witness it, but you will die by Alina’s hand. It’s only a matter of time. You’ll see.” He whispers with a weak grin.

  Fuck this shit. I’ve had enough for one day. Jumping to my feet I grasp his hair hard, holding his head in place as I bring my knee up repeatedly slamming it into the pathetic maggot’s face. I don’t stop until he goes limp underneath my hand. Ha. He’s passed out. That’ll show you shithead.

  I stare at his unconscious form for a moment, noticing he is still breathing before quickly turning and stalking out the door. With a wave of my hand, I listen for the sound of the locks and barriers clicking into place. I’m not worried about him dying on me. The joy of the possession curse I placed on him all those centuries ago means he cannot die while under my control. It’s one of my cruelest tricks. Making him think he will die one of these days, when in actuality he’ll be healed by morning. Ready for my next playtime.

  Standing outside the closed door, my fists shake. My blood is boiling from the fact both of my favorite toys are acting up and not doing as they are told.

  Why have things got to fucking change? I hate change, unless it’s going my way.

  Pushing aside the sickness brewing in my gut, I storm along the hallway. I am still full of pent up anger. The maggot’s words on replay in my mind. Usually I’m happier once I’ve inflicted pain, but this time I feel no different. So, I guess I better head toward the only other source of release I can have.

  As I round the corner, I bump into a mass of pink and purple. I glare at the woman before me. Idnera. Fuck, why is this bitch so fucking hot? I mean she is the Goddess of Love and Beauty, but still.

  “Vemnos! My goodness, I didn’t see you there,” she stutters, eyes growing wide as she takes in my height.

  “I’m bright fucking red with large black horns, how did you not see me?” I ask, crossing my arms against my chest. My second playtime can wait if it means I get to mess around with Goddess Candyfloss. I give her a lingering once over admiring her flawless bright pink skin, wide hips, pert breasts and the longest fucking purple hair I have ever seen. Perfect for wrapping around her long neck several times and holding onto as I fuck her from behind. My dick throbs like fucking crazy. Images of Idnera on her hands and knees in front of me, screaming out my name in a mix of pain and pleasure nearly makes me blow my load right here in the damn hallway. My haze of lust dissipates enough for my eyes to meet hers.

  “Why are you looking at me like that Vemnos?” Her voice trembles. As if she doesn’t know where my mind went.

  “Why, I was wondering how good you’d taste,” I hiss back, my grin growing wider.

  I see a hint of fear grace her features, which she tries to mask. Only her eyes betray her real feelings.

  “What’s wrong Pinky?” I query stepping forward. She steps back straight into Ebris’ chest who appears from behind her.

  “What’s this? Are you two having a party? Where’s my invitation?” he asks with a mock pout. “Honestly, just because I’m all death and destruction doesn’t mean I don’t love a good party. Or even better, a juicy threesome.” Holding the pink goddess in place, he peers over her shoulder roving his eyes down to get a great view of her tits. “What do you say, beautiful? Fancy seeing what two nasty bad boys can do to your delectable body?” Ebris whispers in her ear, then pokes his tongue out to lick the lobe. She shudders and squirms in his grip, struggling to get loose.

  My dick is screaming within the confines of my pants, begging, weeping from his lack of attention. Pinky’s eyes zero in on the tent my dick has created and visibly gulps. Not from arousal, she reeks of fear and disgust. The perfect aphrodisiac to a fucked-up bastard like me.

  I wonder how her blood would taste? Probably like the sweetest nectar ever. I reach out to finger at a loose strand of her purple hair, desperately wanting to grab it and pull. Hard.

  “You sick fucks! Take your disgusting hands off me now,” the pink goddess screams shoving both mine and Ebris’ hands away from her. I watch as if in slow motion as her hand rears back and slaps me hard against my cheek. She swivels around to do the same to Ebris but he grabs her wrist mid-air. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Idnera. You may be too quick for him, but that shit won’t work with me. Do you know why?” he growls, pulling her closer until they’re almost chest to chest. “Because it only makes me harder when they struggle. Run along Pinky. A pretty thing such as you shouldn’t be messing with the big boys,” he whispers menacingly, releasing her.

  She clutches her hand close to her, eyes wide, before they dart between me and Ebris. “You are monsters,” she declares running away from us.

  “You have no idea,” Ebris shouts after her retreating form. He turns back to me. “What the fuck was all that about? How many bloody times have I told you not to mess around with the goddesses?” he bellows smacking me upside the head.

  “What? So, you can dick around with whoever you want, but I can’t?” I clench my teeth, glaring at him.

  “I didn’t say you couldn’t get your dick wet, I simply told you to leave the fucking goddesses alone. There are plenty of whores around if you want to play. Those goddesses are nothing but trouble. So bloody well listen to me. Got it?” he bites back poking me in the chest.

  “Back off asshole. You’re only grumpy because you’ve had trouble with little blue. Oh and let’s not forget—”

  “Don’t you dare say that name!” Ebris snarls back, gripping me by the throat and lifting me off the ground. “Don’t you ever mention that name to me. You got it bitch boy?” His fingers grasp tighter around my neck, his nails piercing my skin.

  The loss of air is such a rush. The harder he squeezes, the harder my dick gets, he’s screaming now. My eyes roll back in my head from the pure euphoria I’m experiencing. Ebris notices, his yellow eyes glazing over a little, knowing how fucking turned on I am. Through my hazy vision I can see how he studies my face for a moment, before he crushes his lips to mine in a punishing kiss. The tight hold he had on my throat loosens a little so I can swallow and as I do, I suck his tongue into my mouth. His hand moves from my throat so his fingers can tangle into my hair. He runs them through the strands, tracing over my horns. He holds one firmly in his fist, as his other hand smooths over my back to grip my waist, pulling me against his chest. I moan from the contact. The sound vibrating from within, drawing out an answering moan from Ebris. His hardness presses against me and I crave for him to fuck me.

  I mean I want to fuck his ass, but that’s not likely ever going to happen. Ebris likes to be in control of everything. And he thinks he is. Oh, if only he knew.

  Snaking my hands up, I grab a delicious handful of his ass. I squeeze it hard, letting my talons bite into his flesh through his clothes. I receive a sharp hiss in response. He breaks away from our kiss and stares intensely at me. “What is it about you? You’re like a fucking drug.”

  He pushes away from me, his fingers still gripping one of my horns. As he walks away. I have to bend a little to keep in step with him as he drags me along the hallway toward his bedroom. Fucking finally.

  We reach his room and he slams the door open with a tremendous force, banging it against the wall. He hauls me into the room behind him, pushing me against the door to close it and crashes his lips to mine again. Ah. there’s the dominant asshole.

  Ebris’ hands grab the back of my pants and pull hard. A light b
reeze hits my exposed skin as the material shreds underneath his fingers. I don’t have a moment to lament the loss of yet another pair of pants before I’m forcibly turned so that my face presses hard into the stone wall. Within seconds there’s pressure from his cock nudging against my ass. Cursing at the small amount of resistance he’s receiving, I feel the sharp sting of his talon slicing across my ass cheek. Using one of his hands, he smears my blood over my entrance. With no words, Ebris plunges forward, impaling me hard onto his thick cock.

  Fucking heaven.

  Ebris continues punishing my ass and I wrap my hand around my dick stroking it several times. What I would give to have my cock in his ass, returning the same abuse to him as he delivers it to me. His grunts fill my mind as he pushes me harder into the wall, crushing my hand against my cock, preventing me from jerking myself off. Bastard. He always wants to ruin my fun. I tilt my head to the side as Ebris runs his tongue along my shoulder, just before he sinks his teeth hard into my neck. The sweet attack takes me by surprise and I explode all over the wall and myself as Ebris pulls out and finishes over my back.

  I turn around panting and meet Ebris’ devilish yellow eyes. Bracing his arm against the wall beside my head, he offers me a cruel grin. “Next time, know your place. If you pull that shit with the goddesses one more time, I’ll make it so you never get your release ever again. Got it?”

  “My place? What do you mean my fucking place?” I snarl back pushing him away making him stumble. Regaining his footing, he steps into my space again. His face a few inches from mine. “You heard me. Let’s not forget who’s in charge around here.”

  I internally smirk. Him? In charge? He fucking wishes. Containing myself, I lean forward and give him a quick peck on the lips, pushing him away from me at the same time. “Whatever you say. Boss,” I quip, shucking off the torn pants and walking over to grab the sheet off of his bed. Tying it around my waist, I offer Ebris a two-finger salute as I open his door and stroll out. The last thing I hear before I leave is the faint grumble from Ebris saying, “damn fucking right I’m the boss.”

  If only he knew.



  Walking groggily in what I presume is the right direction of the kitchen, the smell of fresh coffee calls to me like a homing beacon. Killian must be awake.

  Last night I managed to fall asleep after tossing and turning for hours. I kept thinking Vemnos would come back, maybe catch me in my sleep. When I woke, I realized my powers had kept burning a little, as there appeared to be scorch marks on the bed sheet and comforter. Great, something else I need to repay Killian for. My mind wanders back to him and then to Galen. They must have heard something last night. Although neither tried to force their way into my room to see what was happening. I mean, it’s not as though I needed help. I could have easily burned that fucker if he hadn’t run away.

  Killian is facing away from me, gazing out the window when I make it to the kitchen. Taking a moment I lean against the doorway to look at him. He’s wearing a pair of loose-fitting sleep pants, hanging low, revealing a tiny sliver of bronzed skin peeking out from underneath his long-sleeved shirt. He looks cozy. I think back to how close I came to losing him. If it hadn't been for Galen, I probably would have. Shuddering, I take a breath and clear my throat. Killian’s back goes rigid as he quickly turns, facing me. When he sees it’s me I notice him physically relax.

  “Jeez Alina, you scared the shit outta me.” He offers a weak grin gesturing toward the delicious smelling coffee, “fancy some?”

  “Does a bear shit in the woods?” I smile walking across the kitchen to grab myself a mug. Killian lets out a chuckle watching me as I fill it to the brim. Bringing it to my lips I inhale the warming scent, breathing out a sigh of bliss. Out of the corner of my eye I notice Killian shiver a bit. “Are you cold?” Concerned, I place my mug on the counter.

  “Huh? What? No. I’m fine. Sorry. I think I just need more coffee,” he replies with a shake of his head, turning away from me and the coffee pot. Hmm, weird.

  “What’s weird Sparky?” Galen’s voice enters my mind, startling me a little.

  “Oh, nothing much. Where are you?” I peer out the window trying to spot him, but see nothing.

  “I’m just round the other side of the house, I went for a run after keeping an eye out for you guys,” he replies. Glancing at Killian, I can see he doesn’t appear to be listening, which means only I can hear Galen at the moment.

  “Wait, so you weren’t in the barn last night?” I ask, thinking back to how neither he nor Killian had heard anything last night.

  “No. I headed back to the clearing just in case Vemnos may have returned. Why do you ask?”

  “Oh, he wouldn’t have been in the clearing. He was in my room last night.” I reply with a grimace, awaiting Galen’s rant.

  “WHAT?” Galen’s deep voice bellows through my mind, making both myself and Killian jump. Great, he’s shouting at both of us.

  “What’s up mate?” Killian asks aloud, as Galen pushes his nose through the open kitchen window. I watch as Killian’s brow furrows listening to Galen telling him about my visit.

  “What? Why didn’t you wake us? Or call for us? Anything? What happened? Are you okay?” Killian’s questions assault me so quickly I’m struggling to keep up.

  “Wait, please just let me explain,” I plead, raising my hands up in surrender.

  “Explain? That fucking bastard was in your room, in my fucking house and you didn’t think to wake me or call for help?” The words leave Killian’s throat with a strangled sound, making the guilt I already felt increase.

  “I had it under control.” I try explaining.

  “What do you mean you had it under control? Did you forget only last night that bastard sliced Killian’s throat wide open? Or that he’s the same guy who has been torturing you for centuries?” Galen growls in my head.

  “Hey, if it’s okay with you, please don’t remind me of what happened last night,” Killian replies looking pale. However, I can see something else in his expression. I’m not sure if it’s fear, anger, or disappointment. None of which I want directed at me.

  “Please guys, listen to me for one moment, before you start shouting your heads off.” Picking up my mug I take another sip of my now cold coffee, watching the two people I have come to care for staring back at me. “I honestly didn’t think to call out. I mean it. You’re right Galen. Vemnos has tortured me for centuries, which would mean I am the best person to gauge how he will act. As for what he did, he freaked out when I showed him my fire. I was this close,” I say holding my thumb and forefinger millimeters apart, “to ending all of this. But the little coward ran. The first damn time I stand up to him and he disappears in a puff of smoke. And as you can clearly see, I’m okay.”

  “I’m meant to be here to help you. How can I help you if you won’t let me?” Galen replies forlornly, bowing his head down.

  Heading over to the window, I lean over the sink to reach out and stroke Galen’s muzzle. “I’m sorry Miggles, I really am. But, no matter what you think, I had it under control,” I reply leaning down to place a kiss against his nose.

  “I know, I know. You’re the strongest person I’ve ever met. And I used to live with the gods, so that’s saying something.” He weakly chuckles, “nice touch, using the nickname I mean. Can’t exactly stay mad at you when you call me Miggles.”

  I smile in return as Galen’s piercing blue eyes dance with mischief. Killian subtly clears his throat behind me and I turn to smile at him over my shoulder.

  “Is this a group conversation, or just between you two?” He glances between Galen and me, probably trying to work out what we were saying.

  “Sorry. I forgot you can’t hear my thoughts. Why didn’t you hear Galen’s?” I ponder looking between the two.

  “I sometimes forget to extend the reach of my mind. I’ve never had a direct individual connection to two people before. Usually it’s only one.”

bet it’s a bit confusing too when all of us are not connected mentally. It’ll be interesting when you’re able to shift and become human again. I think it will be a very fun conversation.” Killian chuckles.

  I watch Killian glance over to Galen, as he appears to be listening. “I’m fine. Stop asking.” He turns to me when he notices my confused expression. “He was asking how I was feeling. For what seems like the fifth time since he stuck his head through the bloody window. I swear the two of you are going to kill me…” He abruptly stops, looking down, a glimpse of sorrow shadowing his features. “I didn’t…I didn’t mean it like that. Shit, this is so surreal.” He rubs a hand over his face.

  I reach over to him and rest my hand on his arm, trying to offer comfort. “I understand. This all sucks. The confusion, the emotions, everything. And I’m sorry if we keep asking if you’re alright, but we want to make sure you are. It’s better to talk about it, rather than withhold it until you burst.” I try to reassure him.

  “Talk about it? Really? What am I meant to say? How am I going to explain this mark if anyone ever asks?” he whispers, gesturing to the faint red line on his neck. I wince at the sight. At the memory of what may have happened if Galen hadn’t used his healing magic alongside mine.

  “I wish I had the answers for you Killian, but I just don’t. If you’ll let me, we can work something out together. In the meantime, it’s a good idea for you to rest for as long as possible. Perhaps the mark may disappear after a few days.” A soft smile is all I can offer him right now.

  “I agree with Sparky. Take time to recover before worrying about anything.” Galen’s voice sounds through my mind and I see Killian give a weak nod. “How about you go back to bed? I’m sure Sparky here will tuck you in.” I glance over to Galen, his blue eyes focused on me. He gives a cheeky wink and I can’t help but roll my eyes with a smile.


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