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Whispers of Tomorrow (The Alina Chronicles Book 2)

Page 9

by Regina J. Robinson

  “See you in a bit mate,” I reply with a mock salute. Alina walks ahead of me, and I follow behind to the sound of Galen whispering in my mind to tell Alina of my feelings for her. Quickly thanking him, I continue up to the house.

  Walking up the porch steps, I pull the door open for Alina to walk through. She flashes me one of her beautiful smiles as she brushes past me. Closing the door behind me, I walk toward the kitchen. I take a moment to lean against the doorframe with my arms crossed and silently watch Alina busy herself in my kitchen. She grabs a pan, empties the contents of a can of soup into it and pops it on the stove top. As she reaches to grab some bread, I catch a glimpse of her pale freckled skin on her waist when the shirt rides up. Raising my hand, I scrub it down my face. Damn it. I need to get my thoughts in order otherwise this will be a very uncomfortable meal.

  “Hey Killi, could you pass the cheese please?” Alina’s sweet voice breaks me away from my overactive imagination. Killi? I don’t think she’s ever called me that before, not like I mind. It brings a smile to my face as I grab the cheese out of the fridge, placing it on the counter next to her. I lean back against the counter and watch how she effortlessly makes what appears to be the tastiest grilled cheese I’ve ever seen or smelled.

  Hardly any time has passed before she is shooing me to sit down. Once I have, she places a steaming bowl of soup and a sandwich in front of me, then takes the seat opposite.

  “How come you were down in the barn? It’s just usually you’re here when I wake up and I became nervous when I couldn’t find you,” she asks swirling her soup with a spoon.

  “I woke up earlier than usual and I wasn’t quite ready for coffee, so I thought I’d speak with Galen for a bit. I didn’t realize how long I was there until you showed up. I’m sorry if I startled you.”

  “Oh no. Don’t worry about it. I guess I’m just a little on edge, but I’ll be alright. Anyway, never mind that, let’s eat before lunch gets cold.” As she talks, she takes her sandwich and dunks it in her soup. I stare as she brings it to her mouth to take a bite. A small droplet of soup trickles down her chin and I can’t stop myself as I reach across and catch it with my thumb. Her eyes meet mine as I place my thumb against her lip and I feel her tongue peek out and lap it off of me. My poor heart is thundering in my chest to the point I think it may burst out and fly off. I take my hand away and sit back down, our eyes stay locked until she looks away to carry on eating. With a swallow, I do the same.

  We say nothing else for the rest of the meal. I catch her glancing my way once or twice and I’m guilty of gazing over at her at any opportunity I can find.

  Galen’s advice dances around my mind, making it hard to concentrate on anything other than Alina. Though I still manage to finish my lunch without making a huge mess. Alina offers me a smile as she grabs our plates and bowls and takes them over to the sink.

  “Don’t worry too much about those, I’ll clean them later. Go and relax or something.” Glancing back over her shoulder she smiles once more, then returns to filling the sink with foamy bubbles. “It’s alright, I don’t mind doing them. The sooner they’re done, the sooner they’re out of the way.”

  I know she’s right, but I would prefer it if she relaxed. “You’ve already made me lunch. I can’t expect you to do the dishes as well.” Pushing my chair away from the table, I stand and walk over to Alina, who’s still standing facing the sink.

  “You’re not expecting me to do anything. I’ve offered to help, so let me.” Fine if that’s what she wants. Once again, my mind runs through the conversation I had with Galen. I know I need to speak to Alina, tell her how I feel about her. Or better yet, as Galen suggested, show her.

  Taking a slow, shaky breath, I reach forward to brush my hand through Alina’s silky hair. She halts what she is doing for a moment as my fingers caress the back of her neck. I watch mesmerized, as tiny goosebumps spread across her skin and I move closer to rest my front against her back. The vibrations of her rapid heartbeat reverberate into my chest and I place a soft lingering kiss to her nape. She shudders beneath my touch.

  “What are you doing Killian?”

  I move my mouth to press a gentle kiss behind her ear.

  “Kissing you. Don’t you like it?” I move my head to let my breath ghost over her shoulder as I hover over her skin. A soft moan seems like an answer. However, I need more than that. I want to know if she wants me too. “I’ll stop if you want me to. But if even a tiny part of you wants me back, please tell me. Don’t push me away again because you’re scared.” The last words are more of a plea. All I want to do is wrap my arms around her and hold her forever, but if she pushes me away this time, I won’t try again. Please tell me you care too.



  I swear my heart is going to spontaneously combust at any moment. The gentle lingering kisses Killian is touching my neck with cause me to shiver with anticipation. The hand which was holding my hair back slowly traces down my back to land on my hip where he gives it a gentle squeeze. My fingertips tingle and I know I’m growing hotter but I push the feeling down.

  I want nothing more than to turn around and kiss him back, yet I hesitate. What if I do give into this? What will happen if everything goes the same way it did with Branor? All I want to do is shut out the doubts and questions pounding in my head. I want Killian, more than he could possibly know, I’m just not sure if I would survive if anything bad happened to him.

  Killian brings his other hand up to rest on my left hip. I now have both of his large hands on my hips squeezing gently, but I can sense his need for an answer in his grip.

  Can I risk hurting him if I choose to follow my heart or do I hurt him more by pushing him away?

  “Alina? What are you thinking about?” Killian’s warm breath tingles against my ear, as his chest rises and falls against my back. Is he as nervous as me? “Please Alina, just tell me what you want?” His lips graze against my ear and I have to close my eyes to try to control my overloading senses.




  “I want—” Exhale. I place my hands on top of his and lift them off my hips. I feel him go rigid against me, probably thinking I’m rejecting him again. Releasing his hands, I turn around to face him. Worry and apprehension fill his beautiful chocolate eyes. I reach up and place my palms against his cheeks. With a small smile, I breathe out the one word I know may change everything. “—You.”

  Shock and happiness flash in his eyes and his mouth gapes open. Moving my thumb, I use it to close his mouth and lean forward to place my lips against his. I move back to look into his eyes. A mix of heat and adoration stare back as he whispers, “Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” is the only thing that can leave my lips before his are on mine. He places his hand back on my hip but his grip is firmer, holding me against him. His other hand finds the back of my neck and he deepens the kiss. I feel his tongue run along my lips begging for entrance and I open my mouth to let him in.

  Sparks course through me, yet it’s not my fire. I feel like I’m burning up from the inside out as our kiss gets more heated. Releasing my lips, he looks at me panting. He rests his forehead against mine and takes several steadying breaths. I move to place a kiss against his stubble covered chin and trail my own kisses against his neck as he tips his head back grunting out a rough moan. I can feel how hard he is against me and I know for a fact he wouldn’t make the first move to go any further. Slipping my hand down between us, I tentatively graze my fingers over his hardness. A full body shudder rakes through him as he curses my name. The way he says it feels so right.

  He moves his hands away from my hip and neck to brace them on the sink behind me. He drops his head to rest against my shoulder, trembling as if he’s holding back. I don’t want him to hold back. I want him. All of him. “Killi. Let go, I want this.”

  He lifts his head again and I can see heat reflected in his eyes. Surging forward, his lips claim mine as his
hands cup my backside. His hands slip under my thighs and with a little jump I wrap my legs around his waist. Our lips stay locked as he moves us so I’m resting on the countertop next to the sink. His fingers run down the outside of my thighs and come to a rest underneath my knees. I can feel him pressed hard against me as his lips leave mine and trail down my chin, and along my neck where he begins peppering searing kisses along my collarbone.

  My fingers tangle in his wavy hair holding him close. Tipping my head back, I can’t help the moan which slips past my lips. It seems to be the tipping point for Killian as his hands move back up my thighs to slip them underneath my t-shirt. His calloused fingers graze against my sensitive skin leaving thousands of goosebumps behind.

  Releasing his hair, I shrug off the overshirt I’m wearing as one of his hands runs along my bare back underneath the t-shirt. Once I’m free of the shirt I reach for the hem of his, lifting it a little. Killian takes the hint, halting his lingering kisses. With one hand he pulls his t-shirt over his head, dropping it on the floor behind him.

  I take a moment to look at his bare torso. With just my fingertips I trace over his collarbone, letting them move down over his lean muscle. He’s not completely free of hair like some men, it’s long enough for my fingers to run through it to rest over his heart. I can feel it thundering in his chest. He removes his hand from where it had been resting under my t-shirt to place it on top of mine.

  A slow emotion filled smile tugs up his lips as he strokes along my fingers. He doesn’t stop me when I slide my hand downwards, not until I reach his waistband where he lifts my hand away. Confusion crosses my mind for a moment before he moves to lift the hem of my t-shirt. I comply by reaching my arms above my head. The cool air makes my nipples harder than they already were. It’s in that moment I remember I’m not wearing a bra. Not that I’ve worn one since my last regeneration. Killian’s eyes fall onto my breasts and his eyes widen with passion flaring within their chocolate depths.

  Leaning down he captures one nub in his hot mouth and runs his tongue around the outside before sucking it in. My head rolls to the side as his calloused fingers cups my other breast. I grip my nails into his shoulder and my other hand holds the back of his head. Soft panting moans leave me in rapid succession. I bite my lip and toy with it between my teeth as his mouth and hands leave my nipples. He alternates between blowing warm air and placing kisses against the sensitive skin. He moves lower and lower until he is at my navel. His hands snake around to my lower back, slipping his fingers into the waistband of my pants and boxers. Using his shoulders to steady myself, I lift my bottom so he can tug them down. As he does, his lips follow the clothes until he’s rubbing his stubbled chin against my thigh.

  Once I am sitting on the countertop completely naked, Killian crouches down onto his knees and gazes up at me with hooded eyes. In that one look, I can feel so many emotions. Once again, he’s waiting for my permission, which I happily give with a nod and smile.

  His beautiful eyes twinkle with glee as he casts them back down to where I am fully exposed to him. Using his warm fingers, he gently spreads my legs wider and I notice the flash of hunger in his eyes when he licks his lips. Leaning backward slightly, he runs his hands along the outside of my thighs and places a delicate kiss against my knee. He continues with the featherlight kisses along the inside of my thighs just before he reaches the apex. He looks up at me once more before diving forward and burying his face between my legs.

  I brace one hand behind me and entangle the other into Killian’s hair as he alternates between licking and sucking. He grabs one of my breasts squeezing it, almost bordering on pain, but all it does is heighten my senses. I nearly jump off the counter when I feel one of his fingers tease against my entrance and push forward. He replaces his mouth with his thumb, resting it against my clit moving in small circles. He gazes up as he continues touching me and squeezing my breast, scraping his calloused thumb against it.

  With my grip still in Killian’s hair, I gently tug him upwards. His hand on my breast slips around to hold my back steady, but he keeps teasing me with the other.

  “Are you okay?” he whispers, searching my eyes. Mine fall to his glistening lips and I lean forward to place a kiss against them. I can taste myself lingering on his lips as I move back a little to meet his eyes again. “Yes,” is my only reply as his lips capture mine again. My hand leaves his hair and I use my nails to scrape down, following the contours of his back until I reach his waistband. Lifting my other hand off the counter behind me, I bring it forward to rest on his hip.

  I dip my nails under his waistband, using both of my hands to slowly push down his pajama bottoms and boxers over his ass. I give it a gentle squeeze just letting my nails bite into his skin a little. A hiss leaves his lips as I look down between us. He glances down just in time to notice me pushing the front of his clothes down to reveal his impressive erection. I tentatively brush my fingers against it before gently wrapping them around him. He feels so hot, straining in my hand.

  Turning my gaze back to meet his, I surge forward to kiss him at the same time using the hand on his cock to guide him to where I need him and my other hand pulls him forward. His cock nudges against me at the same time his lips claim mine again. Removing my hand, I bring both of them to land on his chiseled hips and bring him forward so fast he enters me with one thrust.

  Killian holds still as if he’s savoring the moment. He lifts his hands to hold my cheeks, rubbing his thumbs against them. I can see so much adoration and heat staring back it almost stops my heart. I tremble in his arms as he continues stroking my cheeks with a smile. “It’s okay Love, I’ve got you,” he whispers, his accent rich and welcoming. He moves one of his hands to grip the back of my neck and the other to wrap around my back holding me flush against him.

  I carefully rotate my hips to give Killian the hint to move, which he gladly answers. With slow and deep thrusts, he moves in and out of me so that his pelvis is rubbing against my clit.

  A mixture of moans and soft grunts fill the quietness of the kitchen. Releasing his lips, I tip my head back as he runs kisses down my throat and along my collarbone. His grip on me is firm and warm. He grinds against me and I meet him thrust for thrust. My fingers follow the planes of his lean muscular back and I wrap my arms over his shoulders and around his neck. He holds me close, making me feel like I mean everything to him.

  Silent tears prick at my eyes when he softly grunts my name in my ear. So much emotion and pleasure are overloading my senses the closer I get to my climax. Killian’s grip relaxes, and he brings his hand forward to play with my nipples. He pushes me back gently, causing me to brace my hands behind on the counter. Leaning down he captures a nipple in between his teeth making me gasp. He takes the opportunity to surge upward to kiss me, his tongue entering my mouth. Giving my breast one more squeeze, he grips my hips again and starts building up a quicker pace.

  He squeezes my ass firmly before letting go, then moves to hold my lower back, pulling me away from the counter until we’re flush against each other again. I loop my arms around his waist and rest my hands on his ass. He splays his fingers out against my back and continues his delicious pace. I feel myself climbing higher and higher and by the sounds of the blissful moans leaving Killian’s sensual mouth, he’s close too.

  We hold each other as close as possible as Killian continues pistoning his hips in and out, filling me perfectly. He rests his head in the crook of my neck, panting heavily against my skin. My whole body tingles and tightens with anticipation, buzzing, burning, so many sensations.

  With one more thrust, I’m there.

  I squeeze my eyes shut when immense pleasure spikes through me. My muscles relaxing as a flood of pure bliss washes over me. Within moments Killian follows, my name on his lips as he pulses inside me. He pants against my neck, his breath cooling my overheated skin.

  Neither of us move as we hold each other close. I can feel his erratic heartbeat matching mine as they pound betwee
n us. I take several deep breaths in an effort to calm myself as Killian rubs his hands up and down my back.

  He pulls back a little and places a gentle kiss on my nose and moves his hand to cup my cheek, lightly sweeping his thumb across it. I feel like I’m drowning in the deep depths of his chocolate eyes. So much warmth and kindness swirls within them, they look almost molten. The corners of his mouth are turned up into a sweet smile. Searching my face with his beautiful eyes he asks, “are you alright Love?” His voice is deep and raw, sending shivers down my spine. I return his smile as the afternoon sun filters through the window to highlight his sun kissed skin.

  I give a little nod, too overwhelmed with emotions to form words, instead I focus on the tender way he keeps running his thumb across my cheek. I close my eyes to hold back happy tears threatening to spill. I haven’t felt this kind of connection in centuries. Not since…

  No. I refuse to let my past ruin this moment.

  I open my eyes and lean forward to place a tender kiss on Killian’s lips. Taking my hands away from his waist, I place them over his shoulders to curl my fingers in his wavy hair.

  Killian studies me for a moment, his eyelids fluttering closed when I scratch my nails along his nape and into his hair.

  My body is rapidly beginning to cool and I let out a little shiver. Killian’s eyes snap open and he stares straight at me. “You’re cold.” It’s a statement rather than a question.

  Reaching behind me, he grabs one of the spare clean cloths folded up on the side. He turns the tap next to me to wet it, before placing it between us. He slowly pulls out and holds the cloth against my core. I take over holding it as I watch him place his cock back in his boxers and pajama bottoms.

  Leaving me propped up on the countertop, he reaches down to gather the clothes we had discarded. He hands me his borrowed overshirt and I slip my arms into it, yet don’t button it up. Wrapping the comforting material around me, I slowly warm up a little. I watch in silence as he gathers his discarded t-shirt and pulls it on.


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