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Expose: A Secret Baby Sports Romance

Page 8

by Henley Maverick

  "We can't," she looked around and her words were cut off when Lucas lifted her up and shoved her panties aside. He raised her above his cock and sat her down on it. Her eyes widened in delight as slowly, they rocked rhythmically. As he fucked her, she screamed and he pulled her dress down to her waist and filled his hands with her breasts. He palmed them as she rocked faster and faster.

  A while later, she collapsed over him. With one hand, he played with her breasts while he stroked her leg with the other.

  "Wanna go to my place?" He murmured. "There is a really cool shower, you know."

  Amada did not need to hesitate.

  Thirty minutes later, they were entering his condo. They did not get to the bathroom before their clothes were peeled off and flung away. Ravaging each other like their lives depended on it, they found their way to the bathroom.

  Inside the shower stall, Lucas trapped her against the glass wall and slowly he kissed his way all over her body. One of his hands held her hands trapped above while he licked kisses all over her body. Warm rivulets hit them from above. He got to the sensitive throbbing part of her and skillfully and deftly, he kissed and licked her clit. By the time, he let go of her, all she could do was pull at his hair as she screamed from pure pleasure. She could feel her legs getting weak and knew that she would come any minute.

  He straightened up and slammed his full length into her. His hand held her hip around his waist while her other leg was planted on the floor. The position made it possible for her to accommodate him and as he slammed harder and harder, he bit her breasts. Amanda kept screaming his name over and over again as her warm, wet insides clamped around him. He emptied into her and she bit his shoulder, panting as her fingers raked his back.

  They finally ended up in the bedroom but it was not over. This time, they had one more bout of lovemaking in which they thoroughly explored and enjoyed each other. They were slow and they took their time.

  The pair woke up early the next morning, spooning and it led to another round of sex before he took her home.


  Lucas shut his eyes as the memory of just two days before hit him hard. Now he understood why he had not seen her the previous afternoon like she had promised. She had probably found out about it then.

  Lucas walked down the corridor, still dazed. He was more than astounded at what he had heard. More memories of the times he had spent with Amanda flashed through his mind. Two nights ago had been one of the best of his life, starting from the wharf to his room. All the times he had spent with her had always been so intense, exhilarating and fun but he could not believe it. Was it love he felt for her? Yes, he loved having sex with her, he loved being with her, it was always an adventure, but could he call it love? Was he ready to give up his dream, the future he had always envisioned to be with her?

  He could not believe she was pregnant. And then, he heard a voice in his head. Oh man, you love skin to skin so much when you were with her. Not once did you ever sheath yourself. Can you blame me? He retorted. The thought of her alone clouds my judgment. I can never think straight and want to always feel all of her. Lucas shook his head, the result notwithstanding; he did not regret the times he spent with her. The sex, the laughs, the talks. He absolutely adored spending time with her and that was something he would never get out of his head. But the question here was, could he do it? Could he give it all up and indeed, did he want to?

  What on earth was he supposed to do now? His dream was calling; finally, the Ryders wanted him. Lucas shook his head and leaned against one of the balconies that canvassed the length of the stadium. Yes, he liked her, there was no doubt about that, he loved spending time with her and he loved talking to her. He looked forward to being with her but then, the top question, was that love?

  A child, my goodness, he was going to be a father. Party boy Lucas Dennison, always in the news for one thing or the other, he was going to have a little one who was going to have his blood flowing through his or her veins? Well that really should not be so surprising. You should have seen it coming, the voice said again. You both always had great sex, last night was a great adventure and a typical example. Was he ready to be a father? Could he be a good father? A child. A child. The two words kept resonating in his head as he leaned against the banister.

  This particular one faced the inside of the stadium so his eyes lingered on the field. Could he give up that green? Did he want to? He sighed as he ran a hand down his face. How ironic it was that it was only yesterday that he and Colin had finally got the ball rolling on their newest real estate venture. And to think that when Colin had told him about leaving the game, he had laughed and said that the possibility of it happening was zero. Who would have predicted that he would be standing at that point in his life in that moment? Could he give up the sport if it came down to it? For Amanda? For his child?

  The sound of someone clearing his throat jolted Lucas out of his thoughts and he spun around in shock. His heart was already racing very hard as a result of the news that he had just heard and the sound of someone that he had not expected caused his heart to only skip faster.

  His tension eased a little when he saw that it was his coach. The older man walked up to Lucas, a brow quirked.

  "You okay, son?"

  Lucas was quick to nod in the positive, Coach Ward narrowed his eyes, and Lucas swallowed hard. He could only understand what was running through coach's mind. His quick reply probably seemed suspicious.

  "I've been calling you for a while now, son. I stood there for a pretty long time but you were obviously too engrossed in your thoughts, whatever they were to notice me," Coach Ward said quietly

  "Coach, I..." Lucas trailed off. What could he really say? He was definitely not okay and there was no point lying to coach. The man was tough, true but he was like a father to them, and he was a man of wisdom. He had proven it many times and in many situations.

  "You do not look like someone that just won a game against a team that was dreaded and feared, Lucas. I understand if you do not what to say anything but I want to advise that you try to share whatever is eating you up with someone, you know what they say, two heads are better than one. You could try that Kates' girl, Amanda right? She is very bright and she obviously has a good head on her shoulders. If you don't want to share your problem with an old man like me, perhaps you could do so with her. Talk to her, talk to someone, share what is wrong with you, son."

  Coach turned around to leave when Lucas said, "Coach, you're right. I do have a problem, a decision that is weighing down on me and I have no idea what to do about it."

  Coach walked over to Lucas and. He looked at him. He was patient, waiting for Lucas to confide in him at his own time.

  Lucas swallowed hard and said, "The Rough Ryders want me. I got a call from Grant after the game."

  Coach smiled and said, "Well that is not surprising, Lucas. You are a star. It was only a matter of time. But I know that can't be the issue here. You have wanted to join the Rough Ryders since you were a boy and although I would hate to see you go, I understand that it is your dream."

  "True," Lucas said quietly as he nodded.

  Coach watched him and then said, "From what I can see, Lucas, the decision is one that you are fighting with. And it comes to me as a shock because you have wanted this for a long time. There is more to this, isn't there?"

  "Yes there is," Lucas heaved a breath and said, "Well.... You see… Amanda and I... we've not... It's not just been her shadowing me and all that, we've been having sex. But it didn't start because of the book or..."

  He trailed off and coach watched him, waiting for him to go on. He finally dropped the bombshell, letting the cat out of the bag.

  "She's pregnant, coach, and I don't know what to do. I mean, how could this be happening just now? Now when my dreams are coming into reality? What am I going to? I'm going to be a father, and I am still trying to wrap my head around it and..."

  "Do you love her?" Coach asked quietly.

>   "I don’t know, and besides, it’s not that simple."

  "And why is that? Why isn't it so simple? It's a question of if you love her or not. Don't you think? Do you love her enough that you are willing to give up the Ryders?"

  Lucas looked at his coach, a stunned look on his face. It was obvious that he was devastated and as lost as a person in a maze.

  Coach smiled and placed an arm around Lucas' shoulder.

  "Come with me, son."

  Lucas walked with the man. The stadium was almost empty so the corridors that they walked through were quiet. Their footsteps resounded in the quiet space, as they got closer to their destination.

  They finally arrived and the coach unlocked the door to his office and he stepped in, inviting Lucas to enter as well. The office was on the highest floor of the stadium. It had glass floor to ceiling windows, which overlooked the beautiful town of Winton. Lucas had been in the office many times and he looked around, wondering why coach had brought him there. Maybe he just felt that they needed a more private place to talk, he wondered.

  Coach Ward walked over to a wall and he waved Lucas over to join him so slowly, Lucas walked towards him. The entire lower portion of the wall was covered by a glass shelf. He had seen it every time he went to the office but he never really paid any attention to it. For the first time ever, he did. He saw that the shelf was filled with awards and medals and plaques. The remaining part of the wall above was covered with different picture frames. As he looked over them, he realized that they were not the official pictures that he had always thought they were. That was why he had never bothered to look at them before today. But as he stood there, he realized that they were all family pictures, there was the coach with his beautiful wife, another picture showed the coach at his daughter's recital several years ago and another one was of the coach with his granddaughter. There were just so many pictures; there was one of him fishing with two young men who bore a striking resemblance to him and Lucas was sure that they were his sons.

  He looked closely at the awards’ shelf and understood what they all were. Every one of the awards belonged to either the coach's sons or daughters or grandkids. They were all memorabilia marking coach's life especially the presence of his wife and kids and their families. The whole wall was dedicated to his family and it was a lot.

  Lucas straightened up to see that Coach Ward was staring at him. The coach pointed at the wall across from them, below which was an ornate brown table. Lucas did as he was instructed and walked toward it. He could see pictures, pictures of the team, a few official pictures. On the table were some awards. But this wall was not filled up to even a quarter of the coach's family wall.

  Lucas looked back at his coach as he tried to comprehend the significance of all he had just seen. Coach Ward said, "Let's have a seat, shall we?"

  Rather than seat behind his large mahogany desk, he headed to the seating area off the main office and they both settled into settees. Lucas' eyes flitted around and they rested on a beautiful vase made of glass crystals. It was set on a side table. It had not been there the last time he was in the office.

  He tilted his head towards the coach and said. "That's really beautiful, coach. Where did you get it?"

  Lucas watched as his coach's face was suddenly transformed by a large smile. He fingered the edge of the vase and looked back at Lucas.

  "This? It's priceless. My granddaughter made it for me. It was part of her arts and crafts in school. That girl, she's very artsy. She is certainly going places."

  "Well as long as she has your blood, coach, she is definitely destined for greatness." Lucas smiled despite the situation. Indeed coach was right when he had said the vase was priceless. Was this how his child was going to make stuff for him? He wondered and he was shocked and confused some more. Was he considering it? He did not want to live a life of regret and the last thing he wanted was Amanda to do so too. He did not want to trap her in a loveless union, a marriage of convenience. It would break his heart more than anything to see her suffer through a marriage with him.

  Coach waved his hand around and smiled. "Do you understand the implication of what I just showed you, Lucas?"

  "I am not really sure, coach."

  "Family and your dreams, family and the job, which do you think weighs more? Which is more important? I met my wife at the peak of my career. I was around your age actually and I knew immediately that she was the one. I admit that in our years together, it has not always been rosy. We have had our good times and we have had our bad times but the constant has always been the love and respect for each other. No matter what happens, we are always willing to fight together. I never achieved all that I wanted, I mean, there is so much I wanted for my life but you know what? I have no regrets. What I have with my family is better than any dream. I put those pictures and memorabilia up not just to show my family that I am proud of them but to also show that they are my fulfilled dreams. They are my legacy and the ones that make up my life. I would not trade them for anything. Think of your life now and think of what you want it to be in a couple of years’ time. Would you want to be in a stadium, making a touchdown or would you rather be in the arms of this young woman creating a family? Think of the life that you would live that you would not have any regrets, son. Think of the life in which no matter the obstacles you face, you are ready to fight through."

  Lucas stared at the man before him. Indeed he was full of wisdom. As his coach spoke, bells rang in Lucas' head and finally the truth he had been too blind to see, the truth that he had been denying all this while finally dawned on him. He absolutely loved Amanda more than anything; as the light bells went off, he realized that he had loved her for a long time, even before he had found out about the pregnancy. Who had he wanted to tell the news of the Ryders to as soon as he heard it? Amanda. Heck, when had he ever enjoyed a girl's company? When had he ever been with a girl for nothing more than sex? When had he ever had more than a one-night stand with a girl? When had he ever slept with a girl wrapped in his embrace? And when had he ever woken up and been happy to have her beside him? The answer to these questions was never. Never, that is until Amanda came into his life.

  Lucas jumped to his feet and said, "Thank you so much, coach. Thanks a great deal. You've helped me put things into perspective."

  "Glad I could be of help, son."

  Lucas flew out of the office. He needed to find Amanda, she was the love of his life and he needed to tell her that.

  Chapter 10


  Amanda had no idea how she found her way to the parking lot but she did. She was glad that she had not come across anyone she knew on the way there. She just did not want to have to explain why she was crying her eyes out. With a heavy heart, the young woman started searching around the lot. She could not for the life of her remember where she had parked her car. She stretched her key out and pressed the button. And slowly, she followed the sound of her car beeping.

  Amanda slipped into the car and locked the door after her. Her hands on the steering wheel, she let herself sob loudly. As her wracking sobs filled the small space of the car, her heart only ached more. What had she actually been expecting? That he would break down and profess his love for her? Well so maybe she had been expecting that, what was so wrong in wishing that the man you loved with all your heart loved you too? Why did it have to be just a faraway dream? One that she was never going to be able to touch.

  She looked up and stared out through the windshield although she really could not see much. Her tears were obscuring her view. Well, that had certainly not been the worst-case scenario, she told herself as she tried to cheer up. After all, he had not ran off screaming like a banshee but he certainly had not ran into her arms and held her like she was the only woman in the world either so she was still left nowhere.

  Amanda lowered her head on the steering as the tears started rolling down her cheeks with increased intensity.

  She could not help but think back to the previous
day, the moment that had led to where she was right then.

  The previous afternoon

  "Hmm... This blouse is going to look exceptionally good on you, Mandy," May said as she studied a bright red crop top.

  Amanda rolled her eyes and checked the time on her wristwatch. She could not understand why she had agreed to let her sister go along with her. They had been heading to the hospital and then, May suddenly had an itch to stop at the mall. Can you believe it? An itch. They were putting off her health because of an itch. And when Amanda reminded her that she needed to go to the hospital, May waved her words aside and said, "Oh relax, Mandy. You're doing much better. It's written all over you."

  Her sister walked over to another aisle and Amanda groaned. She looked around and found herself a seat. She loved her sister but hated going shopping with her. She was a fashion freak and always took forever to decide on what she wanted. Frankly, it was time consuming and energy exhausting.

  Just then, Amanda's phone rang. She pulled it out and her face lit up when she saw who it was. Without hesitating, she swiped to answer the call.

  "Hello beautiful," his husky voice floated to her through the phone and she relaxed visibly. His voice alone always caused her fluttering heartbeats. She really was losing herself. She was going deeper and deeper. Though she knew it, she could not stop herself, she could not stop wanting to be with him, even if he probably had no plan for her and, even if she could stop herself, she knew that she would not want to. At that moment, she wished she was in his arms and he was caressing her, just like the previous night. Amanda longed for his touch, she longed for his body next to her.

  "Mandy, you still there?"

  Amanda's breath hitched. So many people called her Mandy but when it was him, it sounded different. It sounded intimate and it caused shivers to run through her body. How could one seemingly harmless word be so dangerous? Man, she was gone, she said to herself.


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