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Lost in the Dark

Page 4

by Ann Jensen

  “Of course, sugar.”

  “Stop worrying. Americans have this competitive drive and anxiety-based culture. That is so harmful to the soul, it is a wonder anyone can do anything being so weighed down by stress. Take six months and just enjoy being in love with your man. Tell him the baby making is off and you just want to enjoy his body’s ability to give you orgasms.”

  Val threw her head back and laughed. “So, I demand orgasms and I get a baby?”

  “No, you get orgasms. But more to the point, I am guessing it has been a long time since you had sex and didn’t think ‘I wonder if it will work this time’ when he came.”

  “I wish I could say you were wrong. Six months of just having sex when we feel like it sounds actually kind of nice.”

  Pixie piped in. “Well, that is how I got knocked up so who knows. How ‘bout you, Tari? Was Citlali a result of overindulging in the orgasms your man could give you?”

  “Well she wasn’t planned and life hasn’t been easy, but I wouldn’t trade her for anything.”

  “I don’t see a ring and you haven’t ever mentioned a man. Does her father help out at all?” Val’s question wasn’t mean spirited but it was always hard thinking about Dragon.

  “It’s complicated with a capital C. I don’t know where her father is and he doesn’t know he has a daughter.”

  “If you think that is enough information you are crazier than a rocking chair granny. Spill.”

  So Tari told them about the crazy cheerleaders and talking all night with Citlali’s father. Then about the motorcycle ride home that had led to three hours of the most amazing sex of her life.

  “Motorcycles are definitely an aphrodisiac,” Pixie said with a sigh.

  “So he didn’t call?” Val asked.

  “I don’t know. When my parents found out I was pregnant they took everything including my phone, the money they knew about, my clothes, and the years of mementos I had from childhood. Then they shunned me out of the community. If I hadn’t had another bank account, and the job at Dark Zen, I don’t know what I would have done.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me? I would have helped.” Val seemed genuinely upset.

  “Before tonight we only ever interacted when most of the class went out together. I counted you as a casual friend, not someone you drop a truckload of issues on.”

  “I suppose so, but that tale is officially over. We are now sharing and caring friends. So you better call me if you have problems or need someone to watch and pamper your little princess.”

  Val didn’t understand how much her words meant to a woman who had never had a good friend. A few people had been close over the years, but either moving or her own insecurities got in the way. Tari could play confident for short periods of time, but for the most part she was a mess. She tried on some of that confidence and teased her new friend. “I think I would need your number to do that.”

  Val rolled her eyes and held out her hand. “Phone.”

  Tari dug out the prepaid phone she kept for work calls. She only had around a hundred minutes left on it but she thought she might have to buy more if she was actually going to have someone to talk with.

  Val started typing on the screen and paused. “You only have four contacts on here.”

  Tari shrugged trying to pretend it didn’t matter. Her life was work and her daughter. There hadn’t been the time or desire to branch out and make friends.

  “Okay, I’m putting mine and Dozer’s number in here.”

  “Put me and Sharp in too. You can call if you ever need a babysitter or just someone to talk with.”

  Tari gave a small snort watching her daughter make a mess on the table with her fruit slices. “You want me to call the vice president of the Dark Sons MC to babysit my kid?”

  Pixie looked at her, offended. “Do you have a problem with the fact that we’re part of an MC?”

  “No! I meant don’t you think he has slightly more important things to do than watch my daughter when my babysitter flakes?”

  Both women relaxed, smiling and Tari felt like she had dodged a bullet. “He always knows where I am so if I miss your call he can find me.”

  Tari doubted she would ever use either man’s number but thanked them anyway.

  Pixie got a thoughtful look on her face and turned to Val. “Do you think Tek would help her to find her baby daddy?”

  “That’s an amazing idea.” Val clapped in excitement.

  “Who’s Tek?”

  “He’s one of the Brothers who among other things helps find people. Mind you it is usually kidnapped kids but he would probably be able to find him if anyone can. Tell us what you know and we’ll ask him.”

  Tari didn’t want to get her hopes up but couldn’t help the flutter of hope. “It’s embarrassing but I don’t know much. He’s said he was a Navy SEAL who had family in Denver. He was on leave two years ago. I don’t think I even know his real name.”

  “Do you have a picture?” Val asked.

  His face was etched into her mind but she shook her head. “He looked like a blend of Lou Diamond Phillips and Ryan Guzman but more defined.”

  “That is quite a lust inducing combo.” Pixie reached over with a napkin and wiped a streak of fruit pulp from Tari’s daughter’s face. “What name did he give you and why don’t you think it’s real.”

  “Honestly, I didn’t think about it till I went to the Navy recruiters to see if they could find him. It seems obvious now that Dragon wouldn’t be his real name, but at the time I just thought it was unique.”

  Both women had stilled, staring at her in disbelief. Tari felt silly enough that she hadn’t even considered it might not be his real name. She had spent one wonderful night with the man giving him her body and heart, but she didn’t even know who he really was. Pixie almost dove head first into her tote bag and pulled out her phone typing like a mad woman.

  “What’s wrong?” Tari was confused by the woman’s strange reactions.

  “Could it be?” Val sounded like she was shocked. She studied Citlali’s face as if she was searching it for something.

  Pixie made a squealing noise and shoved her phone at the confused mother. Tari took the phone and looked down. The picture was a selfie of Pixie. A gorgeous man sat next to her looking like he was trying to ignore both her and the camera. Tears began blurring her vision as she took in the all too familiar features. It was Dragon.

  His midnight hair was just a little longer than she remembered, but there was no denying that face. He was wearing a black leather vest like Sharp, but the name on the front clearly read Dragon. Her hands shook as she looked over to see her new friends grinning like they had just won the lottery.

  “I can’t believe it. How?” Tari’s voice was barely a whisper as she tried to talk around the emotions clogging her throat.

  “This is like a fairytale. I have his number let’s call him.” Pixie was bouncing in her chair.

  Shock was quickly replaced by fear. What if Dragon hadn’t ever tried to call her? They hadn’t made promises that night. She had built up this fantasy in her mind and now faced with the reality all the possible problems overwhelmed her.

  “No!” Tari practically shouted. She needed a minute to think.

  “Why not, honey? Dragon is a good man. He deserves to know he has a daughter.”

  “You can’t just call up a man and say, ‘Remember that girl you banged two years ago? Well she’s here and surprise, you’re a Daddy.” All her insecurities scrambled Tari’s mind. What if he didn’t want to be part of their lives or worse decided he had to, but only out of obligation.

  “I guess that would be a bit much.” Pixie sounded like a child who had just had their dessert stolen.

  Citlali started fussing and Tari picked her up out of the highchair and wiped her face. She used the time to come up with a basic plan; trying to keep what was right for all of them at the front of her mind.

  “What if we set up a meeting? Don’t tell him it’s me.”

/>   “Why wouldn’t I tell him it’s you?”

  Tari blew out a frustrated breath. “We don’t know if he really was going to call. Most men wouldn’t be thrilled by a one-night stand showing up and using his friends to get him to see her again.”

  Val shook her head. “This is sounding like you don’t plan on tellin’ Dragon about his daughter unless he is happy to see you and that just don’t fly with me.”

  Was that what she was doing? He had a right to know. But was no father in Lali’s life better than one there only out of obligation? Tari would never force anything on Dragon. She looked down at her daughter before responding.

  “Is it selfish of me to want to know if he feels something for me as a woman before letting him know about our daughter?” Her voice was quiet, and she feared their answer.

  Val reached out and squeezed her hand. “Oh, precious. We understand but the road to Hell is paved with half-truths and good intentions.”

  Pixie looked like she was about to cry. “Dragon is a good man. He deserves to know he has a daughter.”

  “If I swear to tell him within the week can you give me that much time to see how he feels?”

  “My gut is tellin’ me this is the wrong move, but we can give you one week. Pixie will set up a meet for tomorrow.” Pixie nodded and Val reached out and brushed a gentle hand over her daughter’s cheek. “But darlin’, no matter how much love I have in my heart for you, Dragon is family. In one week, he will know about this precious girl one way or the other.”

  Chapter 7

  Going on blind dates is a good way to reassure yourself that dying alone isn’t that bad of an idea.

  Dragon had to resist the urge to hang up on the woman who was as close to him as his own sister. “I am not interested in a blind date, chiquita and I already have plans for today.”

  “It’s not a blind date.” Pixie was adorable when she got frustrated but that wasn’t nearly enough for him to give in to her demands.

  “You want me to meet a woman at a restaurant. You won’t give me her name or any details. I am pretty sure that fits the definition of blind. I am on my way in to spend three hours under Hannibal’s needle then I have to ride to Wyoming to start work on Dozer’s latest site. I don’t have time to meet your friend.” Why did women always feel the urge to set up their friends? Dragon hadn’t bothered with relationships since he had gotten out of the service.

  Women just didn’t appeal for more than a momentary distraction. What he wanted was a dream, that instant overwhelming connection that he had only experienced once in his life and he wasn’t going to settle for less. So when he didn’t feel the connection he quickly bailed. He wasn’t as bad as some of the Brothers but he definitely bounced around.

  “I’ll tell her to meet you at Dark Ink then. I promise you will thank me for it later.”

  Knowing he was beat since there was no way to stop her, Dragon gave in. “If you want your friend to meet me while I get my Club tattoo worked on fine. But I promise nothing.”

  “You won’t be sorry!” Pixie squealed, hanging up the phone. Dragon loved the crazy chick who had an obsession with running. They had met when he was still a prospect and the two of them often ran together several times a week, even pregnant she could set a decent pace. Dragon had served his first year in the SEALs with her old man, Sharp, and thought it was great the two had found true happiness with each other.

  It was just after eleven and Dark Ink was already busy. As the most famous tattoo parlor in the Denver area, they had a waiting list months long if you weren’t a member of Dark Sons MC. Dragon had been seventeen when he fell in love with Hannibal’s work and waited over a year before he could get his first piece. Since he became a Brother a few months ago both Hannibal and Ink had been working on his back piece and today it should finally be finished. The gorgeous work of art the two had designed had a black Dragon wrapped around a sun with the Club name in gothic script perfectly arching above the sun and under the existing tattooed dragon bodies that ran over his shoulders.

  Hannibal walked up and gave him a friendly nod. “Angelique is using my chair so I’m set up in the back.” The Brother’s Creole accent always reminded Dragon of fun times he had spent with some of his SEAL team on leave in New Orleans.

  “Works for me, but Pixie has a friend stopping by to meet me.” He tried but failed to hide his exasperation.

  “That’s what you get for being too nice. Girls try to set you up with their friends. You need to be an asshole like me.”

  “I may have to try that.”

  Dragon was face down on the chair two hours later trying to not think about the awkward meeting that was sure to come. What had possessed Pixie to not only try to set him up but be so impatient that she was forcing him to meet the girl today? Telling the mystery woman he wasn’t interested without insulting her in the short time he had before he had to hit the road was a feat he wasn’t sure he could accomplish.

  “Hello boys.” Dragon recognized Didi’s gravelly voice and prayed she wasn’t here to see him. She wasn’t exactly a Club sweetbutt but the woman was actively sleeping with multiple Brothers and, while he had shared a woman in the past, it wasn’t his thing.

  “Hey, Cher you’re early,” Hannibal said with obvious delight. Dragon couldn’t help but feel relief that she wasn’t here to try to tempt him.

  “You know me, I like to come early and often.” He heard her heels clicking on the floor over the tattoo machine.

  “Now, that is a lovely sight.” Dragon wondered what Didi was doing to have Hannibal’s voice dropping so low, but didn’t bother to turn his head to look. The man was an amazing artist, but Dragon wasn’t in the mood to be an audience for the very public sex the man enjoyed sharing with his longtime friend and business partner Ink.

  “I can’t help myself.” Didi’s voice had gone breathy. “The thought of you two touching me, filling me, always makes me impatient.”

  “My hands are busy right now but feel free to get yourself ready.” Hannibal groaned but the feeling of him laying in the last of the color on Dragon’s back never paused. The fact the man could keep working when there was obviously something so distracting going on was impressive.

  Dragon could hear Didi working herself up and, from the rate of her breathing, the woman would be reaching her climax soon. His body began reacting even though he wasn’t looking, or particularly interested, making lying face down uncomfortable.

  “Cristo.” Dragon was going to need to shift himself soon or risk pain. “How much longer?”

  “Five minutes.”

  “Give me a second to adjust myself.”

  “I can do that for you, Dragon.” The woman should get a job as a phone sex operator she would make a fortune. When Hannibal pulled the needles away, Dragon pushed up and caught site of Didi, naked and teasing her nipples in slow twists. She was beautiful, tattoos covered most of her torso highlighting all the many assets genetics had blessed her with.

  Movement behind her caught Dragon’s attention and he saw long black hair and red clothes disappearing in a rush back into the main part of the parlor. With the music that was playing he could barely make out the sound of hurrying feet. He dropped back down on the bench and banged his forehead a few times.

  “What’s up?” Hannibal asked.

  “I think the girl Pixie wanted me to meet just came in, got an eyeful, and ran.”

  “What did y’all do to that poor girl who just left?” Ink’s Texas twang preceded him through the curtain. He saw Didi and smiled stepping up and running his hands over her bare shoulders. “Hello, beautiful.” He kissed her neck before stepping back.

  “Fuck, Pixie’s going to be pissed.” Dragon was kicking himself for giving in to the tiny spitfire. He loved his Brothers but anytime more than one of the Dark Sons was present the chance of wild times increased exponentially.

  “If that was the woman Pixie was setting you up with, I would be thanking her and hopping on my bike to get to Traker’s
to try and lure that woman into my bed.” Ink was half paying attention as he watched Didi continue to play with herself. The woman literally had no inhibitions and Dragon could respect that even if it didn’t appeal. He liked things rough with an edge of kink, but compared to these two he was a priest.

  “Traker’s?” Hannibal asked as he started back on his work determined to finish up so he could join the play that was starting to get heated.

  “Yeah, she was wearing one of their red waitress uniforms and making it look good.”

  “What did she look like? Maybe we should track her down since the monk here isn’t interested.”

  Dragon was a little tired of the teasing he received for not banging every piece of ass that twitched in his direction. He couldn’t even explain to them that after tasting heaven it was hard to find any real enjoyment in fast and cheap. He was amazed Didi didn’t seem to care that the men she was about to fuck were talking about going after another woman.

  “Tall, lean, Nubian style beauty.”

  Dragon found himself picturing Tari with her dark amber skin, midnight eyes, and ebony silk hair. He lay back down on the table wanting the tattoo to be done. The slightly uncomfortable arousal he had been experiencing quickly turned to a full blown hard on as he considered maybe meeting this woman wasn’t such a bad idea. Easing the ache, he always had when he thought of that night would make the ride to Wyoming much more relaxed.

  He ignored the growing sexual banter lost in his own thoughts of the past. His phone rang as Hannibal sat back.


  Dragon pulled out his phone grimacing when he saw Pixie’s name on the screen. He sat up letting Hannibal place ointment and the bandage on as he swiped to answer.

  “Hola querida.” He winced as the sounds of Didi reaching a climax echoed his words.

  “What the fuck, Dragon! You knew Tari was coming and you decided to be fucking some chick when she arrived?”

  The name hit him like a knife in the gut. “Tari?”


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