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Lost in the Dark

Page 10

by Ann Jensen

  Pain spiked as the action pulled the stitches in Tari’s scalp and she hissed out a breath. Dragon apologized and quickly got the little girl’s hands untangled.

  Tari breathed, slowly pushing away the pain and then managing a smile. “I’m fine. The nurse said that all my stitches will come out tomorrow. If all goes well, I can go home the next day.” The nurse had said her body was healing remarkably fast, but her mind was still uncertain. It bothered her that the only way she could talk without problems was in another language. That wouldn’t work for most people.

  “Isn’t that too soon?” Dragon looked concerned.

  “They are only keeping me that long to be sure I’ve recovered from the coma.”

  “Don’t you worry, son. I will stay with her and that lovely Val is a nurse. She will be fine.” Mama Rios patted Dragon on the arm. “I will leave you two lovebirds alone and get the little princess home to sleep.”

  Tari hated to see her daughter go but it was getting late and she needed to ask Dragon some questions before he had to leave when visiting hours were over. With kisses and promises to visit tomorrow Tari said goodbye to her daughter and the woman who was going to be her mother-in-law.

  “Puck will escort you back to my place, Mama, he’s waiting downstairs.” Fear shot down Tari’s spine as Dragon gave a final kiss to his mother and daughter. Where did Dragon live? Was the place childproofed? Did he live in the city or suburbs? Thousands of questions bubbled up but they boiled down to a single question.

  “Is your place safe?”

  “Yes, Mami.” A thrill of something other than fear filled her at his use of the Spanish endearment. “I live at the Club compound; there isn’t a safer place for them.”

  Tari wasn’t sure she liked the idea of living in another compound but pushed the thought away for another day. This was her first opportunity to be alone with Dragon that she remembered. Everything since she woke up felt like she was living a weird but wonderful version of the life she remembered. Her solitary existence had been turned upside down and she knew it had everything to do with the wonderful man now smiling at her with hungry eyes.

  “You are so beautiful, mi reina.”

  Tari shook her head. She had taken time to look at herself in the mirror. Her right eye was still swollen, and bruising was visible along her jaw. She had managed to untangle the mess that was her hair but the line of stitches that ran from the bottom of her throat, between her breasts, to her abdomen was clearly visible. That didn’t count the Frankenstein horror show that was her stomach or the shaved patch at the base of her skull where they had drilled a hole.

  “You doubt me?”

  “I looked in a mirror.”

  He came over and sat on the bed. Tari normally would love the way his big body made her feel like she was small, but pain and uncertainty made her wish he was a little less tall.

  “You will always be the most beautiful woman in the world to me.” He took her hand in his and kissed her knuckles sending pleasant shivers up her arm.

  His action reminded her of a question she had been pondering. “How did we get engaged? Actually, how did you find me? I know I’m missing two months but it is like I’ve missed years instead.”

  Dragon looked like he was torn. He looked away from her gaze and Tari got a sinking feeling he was going to avoid the question. What could be so bad that he didn’t want to tell her? Had he only proposed because of Lali? Was she misreading everything?

  “Tell me the truth. I need to know.”

  He cleared his throat. “You found me, or I guess, really you told Val and Pixie about me and they made the connection.”

  A sharp sting of memory flashed across her mind. A restaurant and Pixie showing her a photo. As quickly as it came it slipped away.

  “Our first meeting didn’t go well and our second wasn’t much better. Misunderstandings happened and I tried to move too fast. I didn’t know about our daughter. I was so happy to see you again after so long I tried to pick up right where we left off.”

  Since they had left off sweaty and satisfied in a motel room Tari could only imagine what that meant.

  “Well, I guess we worked through that since you asked me to marry you, and I said yes.” Had he only proposed because of their daughter? Tari didn’t think she would have said yes if that was the case. Lali should have her father in her life but that would be tainted if he was stuck in a marriage he didn’t want.

  “We’re not exactly engaged.”

  “What does not exactly mean? The nurse called you my fiancé and your mama…”

  “You were hurt later that night on the same day you contacted me. You hadn’t yet told me about our daughter. When Puck found you unconscious, Lali was with you. Val took care of her till I got here and told me everything. We lied to the hospital so they would tell us what was going on.”

  Her daughter’s cries echoed in her mind as phantom pain tore through her stomach. She tried to form words, but they just wouldn’t come. She breathed deeply focusing her energy centering herself.

  “You okay, Tari? Should I get the nurse?”

  She shook her head slightly afraid of losing her control if she moved too much. Random ideas ping-ponged through her mind. Relief that it couldn’t be Dragon’s fault that she was here. Confusion over the connection between the two of them. Without months of forgotten history between them it didn’t make sense.

  “So, we are nothing to each other?” Each word was hard won but she knew she got each one out clearly.

  “Don’t say that, querida. Never say that. You are special to me. The mother of my child and the woman who sets my pulse racing with a thought.”

  “Dragon, I would never keep your daughter from you. You don’t have to pretend.”

  He leaned in and kissed her lips, gentle at first, but his tongue swept out demanding entry. Tari gasped, and he took advantage, claiming her mouth with his. Fire ignited deep inside her and all the pain and confusion melted away. Memories of pleasure echoed through her body like phantom hands and she could almost feel him deep in her core echoing the motions of his tongue.

  “Does this feel like pretend?” He took her hand and placed it on his lap.

  She could feel the long, hard length of him through his jeans. She rubbed along the bulge and felt his cock jump against her palm.


  “I dream of your voice, your laugh. I sometimes imagine I can still taste you on my tongue. I’ve been building a list of all the things I want to do with your gorgeous body and when you’re better, I intend to go through every last one of them.” Her hand and her pussy clenched at his words and she could almost wish he would start right now. He gripped her wrist stilling her hand. “If you don’t stop that I am going to be coming in my pants like a teenage boy.”

  She licked her lips wishing she could suck him off but knowing she wasn’t there yet. A naughty thought crossed her mind and she closed her eyes shivering as she pictured it.

  “What was that thought that has your nipples so hard I can see them through your shirt?”

  Her pussy clenched and her stomach twitched sending tiny shocks of pain and pleasure through her system.

  “Nothing.” She blushed, embarrassed by her own thoughts. Here she was lying in a bed looking like hell imagining her hot, sort of boyfriend doing sexual things to himself.

  He lifted her chin till their gazes locked. “That wasn’t nothing, Mami. I think you have something you want me to add to that list.” His grin was absolutely wicked and his heated words gave her courage.

  “No, Papi. It’s something I want you to do now.”

  Sparkling fire seemed to leap from his eyes, but it gentled. “I would love to do wicked things to your body but I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Not to me. I want to watch you touch yourself while you look at me. I want to see you come while I think about how wonderful it will feel when you can finally sink deep inside me.” She bit her lip wondering if she had asked too much. She had sli
pped back into Spanish wanting to be sure he knew what she wanted.

  He growled low and stood up. Tari thought she had lost him as he strode over to the bathroom, looked around, and for some reason grabbed a washcloth. A sexy smirk played at his lips as he paused in the doorway to the bathroom and leaned against the doorframe.

  Standing there framed in the doorway he was like a piece of dark artwork. Anyone coming in the main door wouldn’t immediately be able to see him because of the curtain, but she had the perfect front on view. He opened his zipper and Tari moaned at the beautiful sight as he pulled out his cock. She had remembered he was big but the in person visual made her wish she could jump out of bed and join him.

  He took several slow strokes twisting his wrist as he reached the head. She only wished she could see the wonderful muscles of his chest. Surely after two years he still had that luscious V that had played a starring role in her masturbation fantasies.

  “Is this what you want, Mami? You want to see my cock as I fantasize about the feeling of your tight pussy wrapped around me.”

  “Yes.” Her breathing sped up as she watched him stroking the length of himself. She could almost feel it inside her. She imagined herself down on her knees tasting the salt of his sweat as he pushed in and out of her mouth. The soft velvet over steel feel of his cock gliding over her tongue.

  “I want to spend hours claiming every part of that gorgeous body, till you have trouble remembering what your body feels like without me in it.” His strokes sped up and Tari could see his muscles flexing under his shirt.

  His voice became breathy and Tari swore she could see his hand straining as it roughly moved up and down. “First, I’m going to fuck that sweet mouth while you ride my face until you’re screaming from orgasm.”

  Tari clenched her hands in the sheets, her panting breaths now matching his rhythm.

  “Then I’m going to fuck you so hard and deep you’ll feel me in your womb. And when you’re boneless from coming so hard you don’t think you can move, I’m going to fuck your tight ass and make you come one… last... time.”

  Tari’s body spasmed and she swore she came right along with him even though she hadn’t been touching herself. Dragon had brought the washcloth down as his face contorted with ecstasy, catching his release. Tari wished he hadn’t thought to use the towel because her mind filled in the image of her body covered in his cum.

  A knock on the door broke them both out of the breathless haze they had entered.

  “Visiting hours are over.” A pleasant voice called through the door.

  Dragon stepped back, tossing the towel in the sink and tucking his cock into his jeans. A teasing smile lit his face as he zipped up. He strode over to the bed and captured her lips in a passionate kiss. Tari was completely breathless when he finally pulled away.

  “Oh, that is definitely going on my list, Mami along with any other dirty fantasies you have.”

  Chapter 18

  Stay real. Stay loyal or stay the fuck away from me.

  Riding back to the compound was one of the hardest things Dragon had ever done. Tari was awake and, even though he knew she had protection, he wanted to be the one at her side. They had a long hard road ahead of them and, until he knew the men who had attacked her were permanently gone from this earth, he didn’t believe they could start down it.

  The doctor had warned him Tari would probably have physical and emotional issues on top of the language ones she already faced. He didn’t care. He would find the money to get her the best therapists Denver had to offer. The language thing was scary but she did fine in Spanish so they already had a way around that. If she had trouble walking, then he would carry her everywhere she needed to go.

  All that mattered was she and their daughter were safe and happy. He pulled up to the Clubhouse and saw, by the number of motorcycles out front, most of the Brothers were already there. Knowing he was holding up the meeting, Dragon didn’t waste any more time.

  The Dark Sons Clubhouse was a large, two-story building that was set up specifically for them. The first story had a large open space which held a bar, pool tables, and enough seating and tables that even when all the Brothers and the hangers-on were present it didn’t feel small. A huge industrial kitchen took up most of the back of the building along with offices for the officers. Off to the side was the meeting room where they held Church. The second floor had another lounge and several bedrooms that Brothers would use to crash or take women up to when they didn’t want to go home.

  The basement was completely open and mostly contained workout equipment and training mats; the Brothers often sparred there to keep up their skills. The entire compound was designed with the idea that if trouble ever came knocking, all the Brothers and their families could live and be safe for a time with high-tech security and everything a large group of people needed. The outlaw lifestyle wasn’t for everyone, but Dragon felt peaceful knowing he belonged to something bigger than himself.

  When Dragon stepped inside the building, he saw Puck behind the bar serving drinks. The week had been so crazy he hadn’t had time to speak to him and thank him for getting Tari to the hospital in time.

  “Hey Dragon, want a beer?” Puck offered up an open bottle that Dragon gladly accepted.

  “I haven’t gotten a chance to thank you for what you did for Tari.”

  “No problem. That was some intense shit. How is she doing?”

  “Better. She woke up today. Has memory loss and some other issues but she’s alive. I won’t ever forget how much I owe you.”

  Dragon could almost see a blush on the pretty boy Prospect’s cheeks as he shook his head. A punch landed on his shoulder and Dragon turned to see Hawk grinning at him. The President of the Dark Sons was in his early forties with black hair peppered with gray. His body was still in prime condition and was known for his brutal sparring sessions that often left his opponents groaning on the mat. Between him and Sharp, Dragon couldn’t have asked for stronger leaders who were ruthlessly loyal to the men under them.

  “About time you got here.” Hawk’s words were friendly. “Stop messing with the Prospect, it’s time for Church.”

  A few of his Brothers asked after his woman and Dragon was glad she had so many good men worrying after her. The beginning of the meeting was the usual boring things that had to be dealt with in a large organization. They had a charity run coming up in two weeks and they were doing several protection runs for the Minetti family which Dragon wouldn’t be participating in because he had a pass till the business with Tari was resolved.

  Dozer ran his hand through his hair. “That leaves the Dark Zen mess. Max and Dragon have the Intel on that.”

  Max leaned back in his chair at the officers table looking, as always, like he didn’t have a care in the world. “I’ve managed to confirm the Jacks have been using the location as one of their main distribution points for heroin for over seven years. Marco, the manager, was one of their upper member’s brother.”

  “Was?” Sharp asked from his end of the table.

  “Yeah, was. He was found beaten to death in his place last night. Fifi, who apparently wasn’t really Marco’s wife, has been missing since the day you fired her.”

  “You think she’s still alive?” Hawk asked.

  Max shrugged. “The Jacks aren’t known for being subtle so I think if she was dead, we would know it. What troubles me more is we got rid of over 100k of their product that was stored in the back room of Dark Zen. They haven’t done or said shit about wanting it back.”

  Hawk leaned forward, his angry face enough to give anyone pause. “Everyone knows we don’t deal in drugs and we don’t shit in our own backyard. They had the balls to keep using the location even after we bought it. Maybe they think if they keep quiet, we won’t figure it out.”

  Dragon was sure there was more going on than just fear of war. Dark Sons had the Jacks outnumbered, outgunned, and definitely outclassed but the street thugs lived on their reputation. If it became k
nown they had been punked by the MC they would be forced to react.

  “I think there is something we’re missing.” Dragon felt the puzzle pieces moving in his mind but they weren’t lining up. “From what I can tell, from the books, the only thing slightly correct in the numbers is payroll. Even there I can’t believe we have kept even a single employee at the rates listed. It’s like someone found the perfect numbers to pacify the IRS then doctored the income to show exactly a five-percent profit every month to keep us from looking closer. No business is that perfect.”

  “You think it is more than the drugs?” Dozer growled.

  “Yeah. Turns out there are files on fifty-three employees in a shop that maybe should have fifteen at the high end. One area for exercise and four spa rooms. We only knew about six of them and those are the only employees who log more than five hours a week. Two of those were the piece of shit management team we fired.”

  Hawk sat back and crossed his arms. “Prostitution?”

  Dragon nodded. “Men and women if what I am seeing is right; and too many of the tax ID numbers I found are for kids under eighteen. Their files listed them as personal trainer assistants.”

  Sharp cursed and muttered arguments broke out throughout the room. Dark Sons had a few strip clubs they ran where the services of the women extended to more than just dancing but they were very careful that their girls were clean, protected, and, most importantly, of age. They did not deal with drugs or underage anything, yet somehow the Jacks had used their business to cover up both.

  “Highdive.” Hawk barked the Enforcer’s name and the room settled down. “Get the names of the employees and interview each one of them. Find out what they know about what really happened there. Offer our protection to any you think worth saving. Max, setup a meet with the Jacks’ leader Diablo. Make sure he understands I am less than happy about this shit.”


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