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Lost in the Dark

Page 12

by Ann Jensen

“You are una reina, my queen. Your and Lali’s things have been moved to the compound. The only thing you have to worry about is getting better. You’re not alone anymore, Tari. I will protect my girls. We will figure everything out.” He lifted her chin and met her watery onyx eyes. “I promise. Before you know it you and mi princesa will be spoiled.”

  Dragon wished he saw belief in Tari’s eyes but she was too scared for that. He did at least see a slow acceptance growing there.

  “I envy you.”


  “Your mama. What you seem to have with your Brothers. It has been just me and Citlali for so long.”

  “Do you want me to call your parents?”

  Tari snorted. “I don’t have parents anymore.”

  Dragon let her lie back stroking her face. “I’m sorry I didn’t know they–”

  “Oh, they’re not dead.” She cut him off with a wave of her hand. “They disowned me when they found out about Citlali.”

  Disbelief hit him in the chest like a blow. He remembered her not talking fondly of her parents’ goals for her but this went way beyond that. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  Tari shrugged and winced. “They are good people in their minds. They adopted me as a baby because my mother died while they were ministering to her not because they actually wanted a child. The world is black and white, there is good and evil. To them what I did with you was evil.”

  She shivered and Dragon wanted to rip apart the people who had hurt his woman like that. He tried to remember what she had said about them in the past but it wasn’t much. They were religious missionaries. A horrible thought occurred to him.

  “What did they do to you?” Dragon knew there was fury lacing his tone. If they had beaten or harmed them in any way, they would feel the same back tenfold.

  “They didn’t physically hurt me.” She patted his hand. “That was never their way. I was shunned. Which in the community I grew up in was the final and ultimate punishment. In all things that matter, I am dead to them.” Tari closed her eyes, but Dragon could still see the hurt on her face. “I don’t think they wanted proof of their own failure to raise me right lingering around, casting doubt on their own perfect piety.”

  “You aren’t a failure, and if they can’t see that, fuck them.” He gave her arm a little shake. Tari opened her eyes and Dragon tried to show her with every part of his body that he meant every word. “You are my family now. You and our gorgeous little girl. My family is yours now. You have a doting mother, a troublemaking little sister, two nephews, and more Dark Son Brothers than you will know what to do with.”

  Tears shimmered in her eyes as he leaned in to kiss her. He could only hope she believed him; determined to fulfil every promise he had made and more. “You don’t have to worry about them or anyone else.” He might not hunt down her parents but he would find Chobo and make him pay for every injury on her body with interest.

  Chapter 21

  So far you’ve survived 100% of your worst days.

  Tari woke up feeling much better than she had the day before. It wasn’t just her body, though removing the stitches had done wonders for not feeling unexpected sharp pain. Mentally she felt rested and like she could face the problems ahead. She was able to take a shower though the nurse made her sit down on a bench. When she got dressed in clean comfy yoga pants and a big t-shirt, Tari almost felt normal.

  “Hey beautiful, you ready to blow this joint?” Max said with a teasing tone.

  She smiled when Dragon scowled at his Brother, finding the small display of jealousy comforting. “Don’t we have to wait for the doctor to sign me out?”

  She really was looking forward to leaving. The future may be uncertain, but she was ready to be moving forward and, more importantly, she wanted to see her daughter.

  “He came in while you were in the bathroom.” Dragon stepped up and gave her a kiss. “You do look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” Tari blushed. The relationship between them still felt rushed but she was doing her best to go with the flow. “So, we can leave?” The last word felt fuzzy and she wondered what language it had been.

  “The nurse went to get a wheelchair. Tek is downstairs playing chauffeur.” Dragon must have understood what she had asked.

  She didn’t want to admit that the idea of a wheelchair sounded amazing. She could walk, but every muscle ached, and she didn’t know how far it was to the front doors. “Chauffeur?”

  “I don’t own a cage, so Tek offered to drive.”

  “Cage?” She worried that her brain had started hearing odd words.

  Max laughed, relaxing her. “It’s what bikers call cars. With that little girl you are going to have to buy a minivan, Dragon.”

  The look of horror on the sexy man’s face was priceless. Tari wished she had a camera to capture the moment and decided to play along as she switched to Spanish. “Oh, that would be amazing. With one of those video players in the ceiling, she could watch her princess movies when you are taking her to playdates.”

  Lali had never been on a playdate, and was much too young to start, but Dragon actually paled a bit and it was hard not to giggle.

  “I… uh,” Dragon sputtered.

  She couldn’t hold it in anymore and sat on the edge of the bed clutching her aching stomach as her giggles filled the room.

  Max gave a small chuckle. “Good to know your woman has absolutely no poker face.”

  Dragon narrowed his eyes as if angry but the sparkle in them told Tari he wasn’t really mad. She was saved from whatever reprimand he would have delivered by the nurse coming in with the wheelchair.

  The mood was light as they took her downstairs; Max and Dragon throwing friendly insults back and forth. A sleek, black Escalade was parked in front of the double doors with a handsome man leaning against the back door. If he hadn’t been wearing a Dark Sons’ cut Tari would have never guessed this clean-cut man was part of a motorcycle club.

  The double doors opened as they got close and Dragon raised a hand in greeting. “Tek—”

  Whatever else Dragon was going to say was cut off by the sound of glass shattering and loud bangs. Tari couldn’t understand what was going on as she was knocked to the ground. Screams echoed around her as Dragon scooped her up in his arms. Max was shooting past the SUV at something she couldn’t see. His left arm was dripping blood onto the ground. Over Dragon’s shoulder she saw the nurse who had been pushing her being pulled backward by a security guard, blood staining the chest of her scrubs and painting the floor beneath her.

  Automatic weapons exploded around them as Dragon practically dove with her through the now opened door of the SUV. Bullets pinged against the side of the vehicle somehow not shattering the glass. White starbursts in the glass kept her from being able to see the outside world. Tari twisted around trying to get her bearings, confused because the inside of the car reminded her more of a spaceship then anything she had ever seen. How were they going to survive this?

  “Are you hit?” Dragon asked as he pulled up her shirt and scanned for new injuries.

  Sitting on the floor, her back against one of the two plush seats, Tari took a minute to evaluate herself. Her stomach was sore as hell from the rough treatment, but nothing really hurt. “No.”

  The thuds of bullets hitting the car stopped and a minute later Tek was in the driver’s seat and they were driving off at top speed.

  “Max is going to see if he can catch the shooters on his bike,” Tek said as he took a hard right out of the parking lot sending Dragon and her sliding on the floor. “I’m getting you and your woman back to the compound.”

  “Wasn’t Max shot?” Tari was sure she had seen blood.

  “Said it was just a graze,” Tek responded coolly.

  Tari maneuvered herself so she was sitting in one of the chairs and watched Dragon do the same. What kind of life did these men lead, that they could be shot and still get on a motorcycle to chase after someone? If shooting and high-speed chases were pa
rt of their everyday life, did she want her daughter being part of their world? A horrible thought crossed her mind and she launched herself at the man she was quickly falling in love with.

  “Oh my God, were you shot, Dragon?” Tari started pawing at his clothes trying to see if he was bleeding anywhere.

  “Your woman speaks Mandarin?” Tek asked as he took a turn and shot onto a highway without slowing.

  “And nine other languages apparently.” Dragon gripped her hands to stop her clumsy fumbling. “I’m fine, Tari. I wasn’t hit.”

  He pulled her onto his lap, kissing the top of her head. Tari tried to relax and enjoy the sensation of being held as only he could. In his arms she felt small and feminine, but this time the adrenaline had everything racing in her body and she couldn’t lose herself in the sensation.

  “Call Deep,” Tek’s voice announced, followed by the sound of a phone ringing which cut off whatever she would have thought to say.

  “You and your toys, Tek.” Tari looked around at what had to be one of the most high-tech and luxurious cars she had ever seen. The back of the car was separated from the front with gadgets and computer screens on every surface that wasn’t glass.

  “Be glad I like my toys, or this Escalade wouldn’t have an armor rating higher than most military vehicles.”

  A grumpy voice Tari didn’t recognize filled the car. “It’s Saturday morning and the kids are away, this better be important.” Who was Deep and why was Tek calling him now?

  Tek was polite enough not to voice his laugh. “Sorry, Brother, but you need to put your lawyer face on. We were just in the middle of a shootout at Denver Health. I’ve got Dragon and his woman in my car and we are fleeing the scene.”

  “Shit. You guys start it?”

  Dragon spoke up, “No. If I had to guess it was a hit on my woman.”

  Tari wasn’t sure if she liked, or hated, being claimed in such a caveman style. She tried to get up and move to her own seat but he held her still. His hands clenching down on her thighs had inappropriate thoughts flickering across her brain.

  “Two guys in a POS car with automatic weapons opened up when Tari and Dragon started out the door,” Tek added.

  “Casualties?” Deep asked.

  Dragon’s voice rumbled in his chest as she settled against him deciding to take comfort in his arms. “Nurse hit but alive when we left and Max was grazed. Don’t know if any other bystanders were hit, the idiots weren’t being selective.”

  “Either of you pull weapons or fire?” Deep’s voice was now all business.

  “No, just Max,” Tek answered.

  “Okay, I’ll deal with him later. What I’m hearing from you is a shooting broke out and, fearing for your life, you left. You have no other information that isn’t pure speculation. I will contact the police and let them know you will be happy to answer any questions through me. Anything else?”

  “None that can’t wait.” Dragon moved his hands slowly up and down her thigh. Tari was sure it was just a motion of comfort but the feel of his fingers brushing the soft cotton had her body coming alive for completely different reasons.

  “Okay. You all heading to the compound?”

  “Yes,” Tek answered.

  “Call me when you are there and I’ll let you know what’s next.”

  Tari shifted slightly and felt the evidence that Dragon was having the same inappropriate feelings she was. A part of her brain knew arousal was just the normal reaction to the adrenaline from being so close to death, but she couldn’t get her body to relax. It needed an outlet. Her breathing became shallow as she imagined the perfect solution to both their problems.

  They were alive and together. Her logical brain said now was not the time, but his hand was so high up on her thigh she couldn’t stop her body from reacting to his touch. She looked up front to see Tek glancing in the rearview mirror.

  “Will do.” A beep sounded and she assumed the call was done.

  She needed to get her hormones under control. While she admitted to enjoying watching others have sex on occasion, she never had the urge to be the show herself. Tari tried to stand again, figuring the only way to ease the situation was to put distance between her and Dragon.

  The minute she had space between them, he had her by the hips and pulled her back down but now she was straddling his lap and their faces were inches apart. Unable to resist the temptation she fit her lips over his and kissed him. The warmth of his mouth was sweet for just a moment then he was claiming her.

  Her sore stomach and tired muscles were barely a tiny thought as she was consumed by his kiss. Tari could feel the hard length of him contained in his jeans pressing against her core through the lightweight pants she wore.

  How did this man short circuit every logical part of her brain with just a kiss? Dragon’s hands slid under her shirt and cupped her breasts gently and she groaned wanting so much more but knowing they needed to stop.

  “Dragon.” His name was a plea but she didn’t know if she was asking him to stop or keep going.

  “I almost lost you again. I need you, Mami. I need to feel you alive, warm, and wrapped around my cock.”

  God, she needed that too, but a chuckle from the front helped her keep focused. “We can’t do this right now. Later, Papi.” A strange whirring sound came from behind her and she turned to see what made the noise. Her stomach spasmed as the movement pulled on the healing wounds and she winced in pain.

  “I take it back, Tek, I love your toys,” Dragon told Tek through a rising, black wall.

  The black partition was rising and slowly shutting off the back from the front, like she had only seen in movies. Tari breathed through the pain, struggling with her body’s conflicting needs. Now that they weren’t going to have an audience she wanted to strip and climb on top of him, but she didn’t think she could between muscle fatigue and the pain from her stomach.

  “Are you okay?” Dragon’s voice was soft with concern.

  She cupped his cheek loving the way her dark skin looked against the warm amber of his. “I want you, Dragon. I want you so bad my panties are soaked but…”

  “But what?”

  Frustrated, she swept a hand down her stomach trying to find words that didn’t make her feel weak. He smiled and brushed his thumb over her nipple sending a bolt of pleasure straight to her pussy.

  “Don’t worry, Tari. I’ll be gentle but if I don’t get to taste your sweet honey soon I’m going to go crazy. Kneel on the other chair and let me do all the work.”

  The deep sexy growl in his voice had her moving over. He moved the chair somehow and it started to recline. She was kneeling on the seat facing backward, almost hugging the headrest and her pulse raced as she wondered what he was going to do.

  He pushed up her shirt and planted kisses slowly down her spine. Every brush of his lips was a pleasant little torture that slowly erased the aches of her injuries. By the time he pulled down her pants she was panting with need.

  “I have dreamed about the taste of you for years. I can’t wait to have your sweet pussy dripping on my tongue.”

  Dragon pushed her knees apart and his tongue swept up into her folds. The action was almost enough to trigger a small orgasm and she moaned her pleasure into the soft leather of the seat. He wasted no time, his fingers began circling her clit as he feasted at her entrance, licking, sucking, and nibbling; making her whole body ache with need.

  She felt the orgasm building deep within her. She had missed this feeling so much. The knowledge that someone so special knew her body better than she did herself and used that to bring her to the highest heights. When his other hand started rimming her ass, she lost all control; the dirty pleasure too much to contain.

  True to his word, she felt him sucking down her release, his tongue inside her while his fingers played with her clit dragging the orgasm out longer than she thought possible. He let her come down slowly. Tari moaned wanting more, needing him deep inside her. When she felt the length of him at h
er entrance she whimpered.

  “Tell me what you want, mi reina.” He slid his cock along her folds rubbing the head against her swollen clit.

  “I need you, Dragon.” Tari pushed back against him begging with her body for him to fill her.

  He bit at her ear. “Give me the words. I want to hear that pretty mouth begging for dirty things.” Dragon reached around, his hands finding and twisting her nipples in exquisite pleasure. “Can you be dirty for me, Mami? Just for me?”

  His words tripped a switch inside her. “Please, Papi, fuck me. I want to feel your cock deep inside me.”

  In less than a second he slid home, deep and sudden. He was so big, for a moment it hurt, but then everything was right. She began orgasming with his first stroke. She forgot they were in a car, forgot what had happened earlier. Nothing mattered at that moment but the feel of him deep inside her; she screamed out her pleasure.

  He began hammering her with sharp thrusts of his cock; rubbing wonderfully against her G-spot. Each push driving her to higher peaks with one orgasm folding into another.

  “Your pussy is so fucking tight. Cristo, you’re fucking perfect, you make me forget myself.” Dragon started to pull out.

  Confused, Tari looked back. “What’s wrong?”

  “Condom, Mami.”

  She bit her lip not sure if she should say anything but she loved the feel of him inside her bare. “I’ve gotten the shot since Lali was born.” The cost had been hard to cover but even though she wasn’t sleeping with anyone she hadn’t wanted to risk an unplanned pregnancy again.

  “Fuck. I’m clean I swear.”

  She nodded, and with a growl he was back inside her. His hands reached around her as his cock worked magic on her G-spot. He pinched her nipples as he thrust in and out of her quickly bringing her back to the edge of ecstasy.

  Tari gasped as she reached another orgasm and the sensation continued to build. Lights began to dance in front of her eyes. The pleasure was too much and when she felt another orgasm building she wasn’t sure she could survive it. Dragon’s rhythm became jerky and she thought his orgasm would save her from her own.


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