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by Danny E. Allen

  Chapter Nine

  Prey's predicate

  ...Due-diligence, commandment and conciseness, were part and whole, were for her, innate and dutiful. With this new-reality commits and commending, allows her forceful-allusions; to tenets and challenges... Just as the 'air' of possibilities and contentions, so she was allowed a dedicated formitivity... It had been a challenge so far which Prey loved and was gratified in, along with earnestness and provality was to become a maxim to her very-existence. ...She powered-up to all things deliberate, in an inward understanding by an opus and operon, as a proof of a consummate, she was virtually reared-on objective verbatim.

  An especial suiting, was the avid and astute-symmetry of which oath and obligation, were a self-revered attitude. An inception-agiled and active, in the resolve and absolution-praised and proper. It had been an ease of implement-from purpose to possibility, and she adeptly, took to and devised, what was the ensuing of a life. ...Putting her weapons in its gun-locker back at the station, it was 4:45 pm. ...She'd been out looking for witnesses of a major-case assault; a drive-by shooting. Possibly, gang-related with a slight chance of chance occurrence. In the lower-eastside which was known for it.

  Most Cop's put a lean on the area due to regular-crime activities. It was an everyday-activity. Many residents considered police activity was strong-arm, so both sides were irritated. But detectives were different, they could pull strings, and without the overbite of armed and determined Cops. The area had been delapidated for generations. That didn't mean people didn't live there. For some it was intimidating, but Prey decided that was someone else's call. She thought it was an easy place to work because tolerance went a long way. The pivot of violence and lifestyle proved a necessary worthiness, so as crimes occurredl an act could be seen without regret...

  An instigation sometimes was an alert thing of pride, against authority, but if you were civil; it fell to a subjective-atoning... So embellishment, was to demonstrate logic out of embarrassment, it was something most Cops took for granted. She was to report before the roster CO, and converse with her fellow-detectives... The paperwork would be done and objectives met. She was asked by the Captain to become rooted in the leader-routine... To take notes and be instilled to their-functioning, she was to adopt a future reference; as potential Captain. After six months she was to take over roster-control, were she was responsible for sergeants, corporals and officers...

  The differing elements were being attained and obtained, she was the proud and definite credit of the Force... Adjusting to this new-ennobling, was exciting and new; she was to wear the Commissioner's appointed-shield, to participate in any duty or genuine authority as a second-Captain... The cases, she now participated were temporary adjusted easements, aiding the case, and taking an authority-role. ...It was as the NG reserves, in the pre-graduation years, a fond but dangerous and serious-time. But danger, duty and drive were parallels to be handled astutely.

  And now, more mature, it was an inimitable.respect and deliberation. She'd reached a diligent-apex, for what was significantly her life's work. It would be April in six months, a time of renewal her time off, to do things before final-upper-class legal work... It was a commense of service and servitude, for which she was honored. She had an impeccable career, the many roots, ratifications and rules were ascended and achieved. An agreement of transactional graduated through by concert, thought and motivation.

  With her solid consolation she made definite strides toward what was her goals... Having an integrity to be advised of her career objectives, without impunity; she remained gallant and strong. A self-strength, original and self-derived in an ordinal self-esteem, one going up and beyond, with the good-sentiment and mentality, like no other. An inspiration endowed and enrich by growth, background and ultimately self-assurance... With each new-day one's intrinsic experience and execution, proved itself. And with mental-acuity one could see farther into what was needed.

  As she left for home things no longer seemed the same, the great facade of the age-old precinct; which she passed many times was now hallowed-ground, the once naive and noble instigation; for which time would reveal was now-simple and unspecific. It was rewarding work, but times change, people find other more concerning activities, and the austerity of noble-duty loses its shine. But those who remain carry-on in discipline and self-determination... Those who did possess acumen to account for more avowed-duties.

  And the imposed-componency, were therefore devout and implicit. Coming to see their zenith, and its conclusion. It would always be bitter-sweet, a thought-scale for which was a near unknown. An unaware-prosperity was only a conjunction, which becomes fused and fissured. An empathy and subjection carefully, taken-up. An institution only those of superior ability could ascertain, but as well a necessary assumption entitled and exactingly, empirical. Prey never lost sight of her goal, it was simply an reverent-value taken on, all its own...

  The cool-January air, would give way to a mild-February, the sun's precious light would give a delicate glow until Spring. She'd watched the sunset many times of the year, but late-winter derived an intimate intricacy and flavor. By April, they'd be gathering for the Iron-man, and she'd be ready. The fresh resolute returning warmth would be inviting and deferring. LA was an ever-enjoyable place, but after the fun and frolic there was the necessary synergy of job and devotion. Being a Cop, was also a disposition which inordinated itself.

  The following week, was a play on poetic poignancy, crime for some reason had trickled to a near standstill. It was as if the culture had enough; perhaps it was a number of things:weather, persons, profit perseverance all could have lent to this. As the week transpired the flow of tasks dropped to a low of just six-officers in the pool-working. This novelty, made some officers practically 'getty', but after this wore off everyone kept vigil, just in-case. The powers of perception sometimes needs reorienting; character has a way of barging-in. After about 11 am,on the third-day, it happened... Many of the station's phones rang-off the hook. Seven calls were assigned across central LA, and some from the upper-peninsula... Prey and her partner were assigned look-out duties on Brown St., the 'Bronx' of LA. They arrived to find a car alarm going off, youths smoking pot sitting on the corner and a woman screaming out a window...

  Her new-partner was frustrated, he thought perhaps they'd get an easy day-off. But now there was work to be done. He'd been assigned backwardly, something Prey could get her head around; with her great potential. With her, he was getting the hang of it. He'd went to Purdue and got his-bachelors and decided to move west... He joined the force a year ago, and rose fast perhaps, too fast. Now, with time and new-terms with the Commissioner, who'd saw him as a potentially, good-detective...

  Perhaps, he'd thought he'd been worked too hard, Prey was going to give him a week of desk-duty, but thought against it. He was like a wild-palomino which had to be worked-out a bit, before being allowed to rest. It had to be as a lesson, or it would be forgotten before long. She was sure her superior was right, he typically had good-insight about such things. It sensibly, was a universal-reality, a regiment usually set one apart in the long-run... Though, Prey wasn't sure of all his 'epistemology', she did see in his-eyes a genuine spirit of courage. He just needed to work things out. ...He did choose the right-area. There was a saying about being over-anxious, that what you reap you sow, but there was always, exceptions. It was more within the qualms of circumstance and foundry, that even the unwise could become widened by careful and diligent-work... Even the wisest-old sage could appreciate a deriving, determination. ...Frank Sanders was his name, and he could enlist paperwork from almost any sort of policing duty. Some where along the line, he became quite effective as a workforce attainee. But one thing, that he had much trouble at was the footwork... Instance and attitudinal, was the ultimate causative-'firebrand' of enforcer...

  Work, and what withdrawal were ultimate-pinions; to which he ha
d to utilize and understand, so just after 12-weeks ago he was given mentorship to Prey, in her commanding exemplary work. Prey accepted the challenge and within weeks, he was sent-out on detective patrol. Penetration and punctual, her hand divvied up and guided her in a reprising-hand. She became an extended-conferer, and confident-character formatively, atoning and entrusting; by the collective-discipline that had been undermining for so long...

  The possible-caress of a gentle-hand had perhaps made his resistant-heart melt a bit, or perhaps he saw in her a worthy 'emissary' of a new-endeavor... Frank was complicated, but a good-Joe. Prey could appreciated a man with effective skills, he was simply unmotivated which made Prey sort of a teacher or tutor, it took a variable number of tasks to be appointed a Captain, at least that's what her-superiors said. While out on the beat, she attempted to give a nudge in the right direction. As she understood and new LA she tried to get his thinking about his job and duties.

  Rather reluctantly he bit. He thought it was a wonderful place to live, then she explained that she had resided there most of her-life. Then, she expressed the importance of her work, which had never wavered. He could see why, then what had held him back was revealed. He was engaged to a divorcee when without a reason she broke it off. He explained how he was so in-love and happy. She'd been in a bad relationship, where he left her for another woman leaving her with his child alone. He spent much energy trying to convince her not all men were like that he'd even taken her boy to the zoo and spending quality time with him. But to no avail.

  It was the classic-boy meets girl, boy loses girl, and now he had to pick-up the pieces. The classic-Police policy was to never take your home-life to work, but he'd suffered some major psychological scarring which native-consigning allowed a flair for personal healing. In the native-ways ailments were entities of bad-jost. And good-jost could only occur when one accepts and believes in healing. This was serious business not to be done lightly. To empower yourself to release bad spirits one had to face it dead-on. Prey, took this very-seriously, as sue stepped-into his, she did so with gentle-compassion and grave diligence...

  A partner was as close-companion, one you put your life upon, Frank knew this and Prey would comply. It was like a professional-mentor experience which she knew was a necessary lesson on her part. So she felt both inspired and endowed as his-associate. After their many talks at their desk, in the cruiser or on the beat Prey managed to unveil a true-partner to come into his own. By the time of his reassignment they were true-compatriots, he even achieved an upgrade to second-leuitenant. He was grateful to her and the arnate and ordinal-convoking. A bird found his-wings and to her that was wonderful thing.

  She commanded the six-officers from the lower-eastside satellite sector. A smalp-station which received much traffic, taking on everything from traffic to robbery to drugs-trafficking. She both volunteered and appointed by her-abilities. If everything turns-out well, she'd have the department up and running well. She arrived on a Sunday, to conference with the necessary officials. Everyone understood her-role and would present all she required. The enterprise and entitlement were to be presented to her objective accurately and occuringly, the first precepts would be hers to decree and advance.

  It was a very-interesting experience, and as she delved into the work she exacted a certain appreciation for the forms, factors and functionals which existed and required attending to. As assigned-Captain, her-work was to be descended down the staffing-echelon. She knew it was her crowning-glory, her especial accomplishments allowed her resume fit right-in. All her achievements and ability, mad her job fit like a glove. She no longer missed the precinct, the small-troup of police-officers she felt truly, confident. The role of her expertise were to prove her-capacity and earning, it was a whole new-world.

  She realized there was a needed safety component for which she was ever-responsibility. But the recommendations for such things typically overtook such things. In the priorities and properties were directly, under her watch. One had to be unimpassive about one's dedicating and deriving drive. It took some intellectual and objective guts to fill-in, but going through the motions and mission were from focus and refrain...

  It harkened back to the days of regiment and routine of her fully-impressed years. But she was now in-charge and fully-capable... She was fully-engaged and given to instance and extolled. She saw with complementary eyes, and from there carry-on, the interests of officers and operation before and after what had been bestowal and benefit. An astounding apparency and explanation came to each legalistic refining and reverentially was a gratifying persistence. By the order of devotees and devotion the legalist did their duty and believed in the chance to fulfill such a role.

  Prey signed a contract assigning her as the future Captain of a small-station in inner LA. She'd heard of all the differing contentions and tangles of west-coast urban-life, there were plenty of cliches and negative-ingenues to life here. She'd known of life here for some time. It was only an equate of their lifestyle past, present and future but those there saw it in deliberate terms and lifestyle incentive for which things were adjuring terms, for which one's residence proved valued and unantiquated. For any major city, there were those that have a deep-regard even in supposition.

  The orbital station had been established in '81, by assignment and city-commissioners. The crimes in the area were to be met by up and coming darlings of the California scenes. Mostly sun-worshipping Hollywood and upstate newcomers. The many were guided by the few, and so it was something that made the regulars eyes glaze over. The especial and espoused executives took over, as she sat in her leather fronted desk-chair in a quiet and dusty office which had not been redone since she too saw the motif-waste... There was old newspapers on tables dating back 8 years. Prey, then decided, she put in her Captain's pull and give the place referential decor once-over.

  Prey was getting the idea that she was in a managerial position everyday, though she went home at a decent time every day, she carried her job-with her. She pushed all the buttons put held-all the strings. It was an important and surmising job. Although she had potentially outdid her-uncle, she know went in a new-direction. But as her tribal-people had anointed and expected duty and determination she knew to take on all implications and intensities. The power and potential allot her-role as tribal-atoned. And with this, her uncle in deep and defining-drive imparted the duly, derivement... It was an universal commending, commandment and commiseration.

  The Fall came after Summer, and as policing went through the long hot season to again arrive at a waning days of harvest and downing sun. As the street filled with leaves from deciduous trees, sun-seekers dwindled and work again commensed, the ever-working police-side carried-on. The patriotism of officer, station and court, went into full-gear. This station was an orbital unit dating back to the eighties, when crime was more astute and society was less aware. But after that decade with 'COPS', America's Most-wanted, and urban cop-oriented reality-shows things changed. The new-reality was an insider-shows that romanticized Cops, criminals and crime... But with the real-life situations things progressed to toll for what was needed and its true-factors. Working on probability and possibilities of society and culture. So as Prey took up her-position she was to reinvigorate in a new-dote and discipline. She was to apply her well-worthy knowledge to improve what she had been implaced to accomplish.

  This part of town was a warranted depressed-area, for what purpose was confirmed by her superior and Commissioner, they had great-faith in her. All that she'd been trained for was now being anticipated. And as much as she'd enjoyed the job, it was now actualized and in effect. There would be no excuses or reservations, the first few days were anticipatory, from meeting employees to flexing-out work and adopting to the craft. The many handd-on theories exemplified and tariffed in intention and understanding were now regular and fulfilled.

  From resources to roster things had to be adapted
and utilized. The discord of law, legal-comprehension and crime-apprehension were to be faced and founded. By the third-week the commissioner was ready to be met at the Unit, Prey had recognized certain assertive-precepts had to be met as a professional... The annotations and skills to which she and her-mentors amplified her-talents and capabilities were now put to the test. As a chosen proctor what she had accomplished would work to improve and advantage the focus of her predicators. She explained as they became impressed by her-control of the situation... The unit, once decaying under the former Captain was noe clean and proper; when you walked into the 1600 square-foot facility it was spotless, the once worn building shined with its former illustriousness. It was as if it was a true-patron and fully satisfied.

  The instrumental alludements had been originated and satisfied, it seemed Prey was right what they were looking for. Her critical-understanding was quite sufficient and exemplary, but she was just getting started. Their expectations were fully realized, and made lead into gold. She simply denoted that as the Indian-way of her people and her one was to enumerate the best possible purpose and propriety. It was the way of her people. The next six-weeks went smoothly and without trials or troubles, the affix and affective of the unit was made to make the betterment of the area and neighborhoods. She smelted the iron of delapidation into an decree of official opus. Her-successful professional engineering was well on its way to remolding what had become a remote representation of police-latticework. What had been an univeral-despotism had née life breathed into it. By what was an umbrage expertly, infused. The officiate understanding proven and prefixed. There was more to Prey incentive and agility, which crystallized and commanded new talent and terms. Her dedicated capability was as remarkable accent. It carried on in the conviction of her entire teams character, from daily-work to local assignments to arrests and crime-solving. The intensive duties and control went to Cpt. Prey O. Little-horse. A development and devising of officers and command became an abatement of policing-patrol. Her contract was to last six-months but her-fellow leaders who had never experienced such a commendable-Captain and extended raiser of patrol and prosecutorial operative who knew the will of transitive force and a worthy symposing of natural-entities and energies...

  At the end of her tour and transaction, she was to be reassigned to an even larger facility. Along the way, she was to train in her new-role there, a unit on the Northwest side of town. The Bruner precinct, harboring forty officers and twelve detectives. It would be a test of her-abilities over time. She was being held in high-regard and ability and now she had to prove herself... Prey had a good-record of success at attempting challenges. Since childhood she'd been taught accept and be brave under certain circumstances.

  The skill and aptitude which her people espouse was bravery under most circumstances. So the immediate knowledge had been instilled early. There was no harbor or hesitation on any grounds. So it was only the necessary terms of new-resolution. She always gave everything her best. Though she wasn't sure of what was to come. It would be in an authoritary role, there would be no more subservient assignments. She would weld power and be encouraged and capacitated as one of the managers. In the last year, she'd been honing her skills. It was like a master taking up his craft, she'd become attuned and orchestrate with a natura-skill.

  And her annointed-opus, would be taken-up and fully-commanded. The institution and art of criminal work was one-of objective and officialism. She'd been trained to work point by point, and her fulp-engaging was in the full-fluency of command and duty. She'd be in-charge, where most would find an unsure anxiety about being in a full-capacity it was a worthy and well-deserved and honorable appointment.

  She was ready and prepared, and the new-invigoration of donning and duty. The plausibility and planning were to become virtual and personally, verbatim. The power of exceptionalism would be proven and prevailed in an operative-solution. One had to have a forceful design to profess and utilize. The intimate commandment met her skills, professionalism and virtual, in the native vantage-point that would be there for all to see. An appointed and all-purpose implement for which code and course were valuable and inspiration.

  Her sincere efforts were long ago seeded and grown into full-maturity; and the objective-understanding was apparent and implicit. ...As time-passes and avails it produces the 'angle' of manifest and magnitude; that grows strong in-faith. An 'enterprise' of dutiful criminal-work is in the working-paradym of system, semantics and a secure-sophistication... What was in a potentially, avid-ability which once was the basic-commandment and duty was now a regimental-effective imbued over time, treating and trials, as she'd proven herself a sound native, soldier, officer, individual and eventually appointed-enforcer.

  Her indeed, forcefulness climbed the ladder of success and empowered herself and commitments to assure, embase and overcome. The just-harmony between her and her impetus were joined, and in this ever-present circle the proper representations were culpable and earned.

  She'd definitely aspired as an exceptional individual, proponent in everything format and factorial, but it had been more than that, it was all-that had occurred in life. A life fully.fronted and accentuated, the private-potential and the opportunities engendered in exaction which guided and proved-worthy, just as seeds of perseverance had motivated survival and essential sublimation by act and guising

  The empowering and educational resound-deepened, defined and was competitive, her mental, emotional and psychological energies were swift, agile and attaining by margin and manifest. In Prey's case she attended to accounting, accuracy and attaining as a assertion of pride and purpose... She'd never looked back but installed a self-treatise in entire self empirical, the ease to which the evident and the efficient that which in the solemn wisdom was afforded and inferred. It was a wise-devotion epitomized and understood, a story a attribution fundamental and focused. An stage of native-craft in compelling, deriving and determination which had been practiced and honed throughout life.

  And now the importance and impact given and proven in the passion and compassion of a learning curve. Her drive and mitigation now, and then were forged fortune and foundation which ascended free and fortuitous, the price and formity that was proven and provided with defacto dimensions. The depths to which she intended were now remapped and newly reinforced, as a legal-lead professional her-responsibility, register, resource and residing were to be made with a resonance and understood with resigning relegation. She was to know the full register given and formed in the magnitude of her new position.

  She was to begin her new position soon, but for now she was given a six-week hiatus then begin underscoring the effective of her position and start the effesiance of cause, character and command. She had areas in which she was not as strong and areas she'd in which she was not as definite, which all officer of command have. She'd already took notes on unknowns and uneffectives... But each gave lead into considerations and reconsiderations which was 'thorough' and technically astute.

  Prey was going to the beach, and enjoy the beautiful Spring weather. Friends, boyfriend and family would be spent time with for awhile. If she wasn't as mature as she was she'd think it was Spring Break. Before she left for her three week vacation she do several things around town, some basic errands and obligation for friends. Several foster contentions appearing and cropping-up during her time of occupation which could not be done at no other time. Traversing and contributive to necessary free-time.

  The air at the beach was flowing in from the ocean, a Hawaiian Clipper was occurring. She didn't know everything about sea-weather but she figored rain was coming. By the end of the second-week, rains were falling in torrents. She'd talked with Brad the night before after several nights-out, her friends and her went-out for a girls' night-out, and now as the weather turned for the worse she was heading over the eastern hills to the Nevada's...

  She had to be expedient with her time, as a
necessary-Captain. The word was getting around that a née Captain was coming in at her station... They knew she was a utility captain most cake to realize but no one was sure how she would be. She discussed this with her matriarch father, he knew many things about managing, having manpower and the rudiments of ratified-work. He was retired but held a deep-competence on what to do. As she arrived it was as riding the white-horse home. Undoubtedly, underscore and utilitarian perhaps by the end of the third week, she'd return home with a bit of external wisdom.

  She knew she'd have to do it on her own. Realizing that suspended as a new official there'd be a new-oracle of elicitation requiring independent and adaptive allusional care. She'd use the last-week doubling up on provisions and protocols, one's of derivation and decision. The Indian-ways tended to take nothing for granted. Her next role would be the greatest and finest, some of her former-coworkers thought she'd be a great-leader, the courts adored her. She wanted to try not to be impetuous or scornful, but seek to remain adopting and adorned. By the many influences of past and present the confluences of time were to come together as a fixture of purpose, the transfixed mission and motivation of which would afford certainty and sentiment, by which things would regather themselves and birth a new-advance and virtue. For Prey it was to stand fast in virtue as she was taught and would be tested. The amulate of a captain's badge would be a new-centerpoint of honor and courage.

  Much had to do with follow-through and follow-up. The levels and laments which were in the artifice of her detective career. Begun in her mid-twenties, she had both the advantage and opportunities which she took full-control, she matured with the provident and committed enculcations. Then she was less-professional, but admonishing and alert, but she had something no other criminologist had, a sustained and power of self-attaining undivided and astute...


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