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A Life Changing Encounter

Page 2

by Alexa Kane

  “WHAT?!” No, no, no!

  What the fuck?

  That can’t be true.

  I wouldn’t do that.

  What. The. Actual. Fuck?!

  The beautiful goddess bursts out laughing, she laughs so hard that she collapses onto the floor and I have to walk over to her just to see her over the bench, “Your face,” she is gasping for breath, finding my situation extremely amusing, “Omigod, your face! Ahahahahaha!”

  “So I didn’t suck some guys dick last night?” this isn’t very fucking funny.

  “No! Hahaha,” she is slowly winding down from her laughing fit but I’m not very impressed.

  Picking up my two glasses of water, I make my way back to her couch and sit down, turning on the TV.

  This couch is amazing.

  Way better than my couch.

  “Hey! Wait…what are you doing?” she runs into the living room after me, standing with her hands on her hips.

  “Watching TV,” I’m not so sure I find her attractive anymore, that shit was low.

  She pouts slightly which makes her look cute but she’s now on my shit list, “But…you are supposed to leave.”

  “Maybe later,” or never, this couch is awesome.

  Looking around, I take in her apartment and I really like it. Mine was decorated for me and it’s all cold and sterile. This feels like everything has been hand-picked, I wonder if she has a second bedroom? It’s been kind of lonely since Ryleigh moved out and I wouldn’t mind looking at this girl every day, even though she has a terrible sense of humor.

  On second thought, the couch is pretty good for now.

  Maybe later, when I’ve had time to get over her joke, we can check out her room, together.

  “But, but…what?” she stutters.

  If she wants to play games with me then I will sit here until she is ready to apologize for her cruel joke, that shit was hurtful. “You wanna watch a movie or something?”

  “No! I don’t want to watch a fucking movie, I want you to leave!”

  Uh, she has a nice voice but she needs to tone it down a notch. “Can you keep it down please? I have a killer headache.”

  “That’s because your friend punched you in the face!” For someone so hot she sure is grumpy, I bet she’s angry because I didn’t get her off last night.

  “Who punched me in the face?” reaching up with my hand I touch my left eye and sure enough it feels swollen and it hurts like a bitch when I touch it too. No wonder I have such a big headache.

  “Mason, you said I looked like his wife Eva and then you kissed me.” So we kissed, interesting.

  “Ha, classic, I bet he’s pissed,” fuck, I wish I remembered last night, it sounded awesome, especially the part where I kissed those luscious lips.

  “Yeah, pretty sure he is.” I don’t think she’s very impressed with my prank but it was a hell of a lot better than her one.

  “So, we kissed huh? You like it? Was I good?” Would you like to refresh my memory?

  She stutters over herself before storming off, yeah, she liked it.

  I hear a door slam and then running water.


  Should I?

  Nah, she would get mad and I’m not on form right now, maybe after I have a nap.

  Settling in for the long haul, I make myself comfortable and put on a movie.

  Mapping out a plan in my mind for how I’m going to hit that.

  Chapter 3



  Why is he still here?

  “Kyle,” he is asleep on my bloody couch and it’s well into the afternoon, he has been here all day, “Kyle!”

  “Huh?” he asks sleepily.

  “Get up,” I push on his shoulder for emphasis.

  Slowly, he makes his way into a sitting position but he’s not getting up.

  Why is he not getting up?

  He should have left as soon as he woke up this morning.

  “You want pizza?” he asks.

  “What?” I ask completely dumfounded, why the hell is he bringing up food?

  “Do you want pizza?” he says slowly, “It’s a simple question.”


  What the fuck?

  “Why would I want pizza?” and more importantly why isn’t he leaving?

  “Because it’s late and I’m hungry, I’ll buy, you in?” he’s been in my apartment all day but sure, order a pizza, that will make up for it.

  “Um, sure, why not?” it’s not like this day could get any weirder.

  Sitting down on the couch next to him, I put on one of my favorite TV shows.

  “No shit, you watch this?” Kyle asks excitedly.

  I stare at him out of the corner of my eye, “Yes.”

  “Awesome! I love this show but no one else likes it, I’m a few episodes ahead of you. This is so exciting, I can’t wait for you to catch up!” He’s practically jumping in his seat with giddiness.

  “Don’t tell me what happens,” there is nothing worse than someone who spoils your favorite TV show.

  Kyle turns and looks at me with a completely straight face, “Never.”

  Two pizzas and five episodes later, I am still sitting on my couch watching TV with Kyle. How the hell did that happen? And why did I enjoy myself?

  “Boom! That was fucking amazing, was that not the best episode yet?” Kyle’s enthusiasm is contagious.

  “Yes! The best part was when they shot that little whiny kid in the face, god he annoyed me.” Who knew you could have so much fun with an unwanted house guest?

  “Me too!” he turns to look at me with a weird expression on his face, “Hey, you’re pretty cool.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself Kyle,” I will have to apologize to Alice when I see her next, I have hounded her for years to give Kyle the flick for good but now I can see why it was so hard to do.

  He grows on you, that’s for sure.

  He hesitates before saying, “Um, I still don’t know your name.”

  “I told you, it’s Pretty Girl,” I start laughing at my own joke, I’m pretty funny at times.

  “Yeah, I don’t get that joke,” he shrugs his shoulders and I can’t help but laugh at him, I have been pretty wasted plenty of times but I have never forgotten entire events.

  Feeling like I should be a bit nicer to him, I start to explain, “That’s what you called me last night, Pretty Girl.”

  He nods in understanding, “It suits you.”

  For some reason his compliment makes me happy, that’s bad, very bad. “Thanks.”

  “So…real name?”

  I hesitate before answering, wondering if he will make the connection when he finds out my name, “It’s Jessica.”

  He seems to contemplate my name for a moment, “Jessica…Alice’s cousin, right?”

  I’m surprised he knows that, “Yes.”

  “No wonder I like you so much,” he starts nodding his head and then picks at the leftover pieces of pizza.

  “What’s the supposed to mean?” he shouldn’t like me and I definitely shouldn’t like the fact that he likes me. I mean, he was telling me last night how much he loves my cousin, that’s just weird.

  He mulls over his answer for a moment, “It must be something in your shared DNA that drives me crazy.”

  “I drive you crazy?” the little flutter in my chest at his comment shouldn’t be happening.

  I shouldn’t like this guy.

  This is bad, very bad.

  “Are you kidding? I about lost my damn mind when you walked through that front door.” His smile makes me think that he isn’t joking but that smile is dangerous.

  Everything about this man is dangerous.

  “What about Alice?” does he have no concern over other people’s feelings or is he only concerned about his dick?

  “What about her?” he seems genuinely confused by my question but he can’t be that dense.

  “You told me last night that you’re in love with her,” he h
as told Alice that same thing countless times since she got engaged.

  “Yeah, I am, but that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate what’s right in front of me.” He gestures to my body like that explains everything.

  It doesn’t.

  “If you truly loved Alice you wouldn’t be hitting on me right now,” or hitting on anyone for that matter. If he really loved her like he says, he wouldn’t be able to see anyone else but her.

  “Are you sure I’m hitting on you?” he raises one eyebrow in question.

  “Yes,” a bloody blind man could tell what he is up to right now.

  “Fair enough. So, do you mind if I stay here again tonight? I’ll stick to the couch I promise but it’s a bit late for me to get home.”

  “Fuck it, why not?” he’s already made himself at home in my living room, why not extend the welcome wagon?

  “Thanks.” I stand up to get ready for bed and Kyle wastes no time lying down on the couch, my couch. “Goodnight Pretty Girl.”

  “Goodnight Kyle.”

  I take back every piece of advice that I ever gave Alice.

  Kyle is dangerous.

  He is handsome, charming, funny and is already slowly worming his way into my heart.

  Sure, I want to hit him over the head most of the time but I also wouldn’t mind seeing what he could do with that tongue of his when he is sober.


  In the morning, I wake up to noise in the kitchen.

  What the hell?

  Walking out to the kitchen to find out what’s going on, I am completely dumbfounded by what I see.

  Kyle is making breakfast.

  He is standing in my kitchen shirtless, making pancakes.

  “What are you doing?” Kyle cooks? Somehow I didn’t think that would be possible.

  He looks up and smiles brightly when he sees me, “Making chocolate chip pancakes, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”

  “Why are you half naked?” I don’t need to add anything to the list of reasons why I find Kyle so attractive.

  He is chiseled perfection.

  He points at me with a spoon, “Because I wanted to see that look of awe on your face.”

  “You’re full of yourself,” but he has every right to be, his chest deserves to be drooled over.

  “True, but you could be too, if you want?” he raises his eyebrows up and down and grabs his crotch for emphasis.

  “Eww, I’m going to shower, save me some pancakes.”

  Once I have showered and dressed for work, I walk back out to the kitchen to see my table has been fully set and breakfast is ready and waiting for me.

  “This is pretty cute Kyle,” really cute actually and something that my ex never did for me.

  Maybe him dumping me for someone else was a good thing.

  He smiles brightly, “Thanks, I aim to please.”

  Sitting down, we enjoy a nice meal and I wonder what his game is, is he only doing all of this to try and sleep with me?

  Because it might be working.

  Although, I will have to fill Alice in on this situation, sure she’s engaged now but her and Kyle slept together for years. I can’t just sleep with him without telling her about it first.

  In truth, I could do with a good casual fuck.

  My ex has moved on with his life and it’s time I did the same.

  The first step to moving on is having sex with someone else and Kyle is the perfect rebound. But I will have to be careful and not end up pining over Kyle for years on end like Alice did. Such a waste of her youth.

  Kyle cleans up while I finish getting ready and then we head out together, after two nights in my apartment, I am finally getting rid of him. “So, what do you do for work?”

  Weirdly, I wonder why we haven’t already asked each other these questions, “I’m a teacher.”

  “A teacher? That’s awesome, what grade?”

  I look over to see if Kyle is making fun of me but it doesn’t look like he is. “First grade.”

  A smile lights up his face that makes him look even more attractive, “Ohhh, that’s so cool. You have the best job.”

  “Really?” my ex was always embarrassed over the fact that I was a teacher, he didn’t like it when I told people about what I did for a living.

  “Yes really, I love little kids, it must be fun hanging out with them all day.” I don’t bother correcting Kyle over the fact that I don’t just ‘hang out’ with the kids in my class but I actually teach them things.

  When we make it down to the underground carpark, I feel obligated to give Kyle a ride home, “Do you need a ride?”

  He shakes his head slightly and gives me a weird sort of smile, “Nah, that’s okay, I live across the street.”

  Excuse me?

  “What?” Is he fucking kidding me right now?

  He spent two nights sleeping on my couch when he lives across the street from me?

  What is his deal?

  Why didn’t he go home?

  “See ya later Pretty Girl,” Kyle leans in and kisses me on the cheek before sauntering off, back towards the elevator.

  I’m left standing by my car, completely stunned.

  He lives across the fucking street.

  Chapter 4


  It’s like Alice has some kind of sixth sense and calls me on my lunch break.

  I run back to my classroom so I can talk to her in private, “Hey girl, did you enjoy your engagement party on Saturday night?”

  “Yes, but don’t play dumb with me, spill.”

  “Spill what?” There is no way that she can know Kyle spent two nights in my apartment, unless that asshole has talked to her already today.

  “I heard from a few people that said they saw you kissing some guy then he was ripped off you and punched by another guy. Then you all left together, I had my suspicions then but now I have just gotten a phone call from the man himself wanting your phone number.” Her voice is light and it doesn’t sound like she’s mad but you never know.

  I hesitantly ask, “Kyle?”

  “Yes Kyle, were you going to tell me?” She seems really excited for some reason.

  “There’s nothing to tell really, he kissed me because he thought I looked like Eva and he wanted to play a prank on Mason.” That is literally all there was to it.

  Alice chuckles softly, “That sounds like Kyle but why did you guys all leave together?”

  “It was a fucking ruse by Mason, he asked for my help but only so he could dump Kyle in my car, semi-conscious, the bastard only cared about going home to fuck his wife.” I’m still mad over that.

  “Sounds about right, so then what happened?”

  Mason sounds just as weird as Kyle, I wonder if all of their other friends are the same. “Then he was too drunk to give me directions to his house so he ended up sleeping on my couch. He spent the whole next day on said couch, hitting on me and then asked if he could stay the night again.”

  “But he lives across the street,” she says like it should have been obvious.

  “Yes, but I didn’t know that then, I only found out this morning.” That would have been a helpful fact to learn earlier, Alice had no problem telling me all about their sexscapades but didn’t think to mention that he lives so close to me.

  “So, did you have sex with him?”

  I try not to choke on my sandwich, I really should have expected this question from her and been more prepared. “No, but I can see why you did, I take back everything I ever said to you Alice, holy shit.”

  “Told you,” she sounds smug and I bet you that’s exactly what she’s feeling right now. “Do you want to have sex with him?”

  Sadly, I really do, “Kind of, but only as a rebound, would that be weird for you given your history?”

  “No way, we spoke for ten minutes and he never once told me he loved me, he even told me he had fun at my party. You need to fuck him until I get married.”

  I really shouldn’t eat while I’m
talking to her, I’m going to seriously choke soon, “What? Are you fucking serious?”

  “Deadly. Look, that asshole Charlie did a number on you. Kyle is a fucking sex machine, this kills two birds with one stone, it gets him off my back and gets you back on the horse, literally.”

  “This is weird, you’re asking me to fuck your ex.”

  “Technically, not an ex, we were never officially together and Kyle is the perfect rebound for you, just don’t get attached.”

  Attached, that seems great in theory but that’s exactly what happened to Alice, “Okay fine, give him my number then.”

  “I already gave him your number.”

  “Of course you did, look I need to go, I’ll talk to you later.” I really didn’t think it would be that quick or easy to get permission from Alice to have sex with Kyle. I was kind of hoping that I could drag things out and then change my mind.

  Kyle doesn’t seem like an easy man to get over and I have already had my heart broken once, I don’t need it to happen again.

  Alice seems awfully perky when she says, “Bye, have fun fucking Kyle!”

  When I get home from work later that afternoon, I find Kyle sitting outside the door to my apartment.

  “Kyle, what are you doing?” Alice better not have told him that I was keen for sex tonight, I need some time to process all of this.

  He stands up and grabs a few bags that are sitting next to him, “I thought I would cook you dinner.”

  He wants to cook for me? Again? “Why didn’t you ring me?”

  He seems awfully impatient to get inside, Alice must have told him what we talked about, “I figured if I rang you would say no, now let me in, I’m hungry.”

  He always seems to be hungry, “If you were hungry then you should have gone to your own apartment.”

  He winks at me, “But yours is so much better.”

  Against my better judgement, I let Kyle inside and he immediately starts cooking dinner. I decide to leave him to it and go to my room to get changed, I then grab a glass of wine and sit at the table to watch him.

  He eyes me carefully, “Are you going to help me?”

  “Nope.” If he wants to turn up unannounced and cook me dinner then he can go right ahead and do everything himself.


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