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Locked Up Love

Page 3

by Alexa Riley

  I wonder how much of my hidden desire he’ll see, but I know it’s something that will never go anywhere. Rocco might look scary to some, but there’s no denying that he’s handsome. He’s rough around the edges and just looking at him I know his hands would be callused and worked hard. His grip would be firm if he grabbed me in the heat of passion.

  My cheeks warm and I clench my thighs. My thoughts of Rocco are getting dirtier by the day. Not only that, but my dreams about him are starting to feel so real. I woke up this morning with my hands down my panties so close to cumming with his name on my lips. I need release in the worse kind of way. I’ve never been able to get there on my own before, but I’ve never had the image of Rocco in my mind to get me there. Now, I think I can because it won’t take much.

  I take a breath and try to get myself together as I hit the close button on the garage door. I grab my purse and go inside to go through the pictures. I still have some time before the mailman comes and I want to get this out today. I’m not going to waste a day. I even made sure I sent two on Saturday, marking one with Sunday's date in the corner.

  I lock the door behind me when I get inside and then set the alarm. When I get to the kitchen I dump the pictures out into the counter and my face flushes when I see them. I bite my lip when I see how I’m blushing in the pictures too. They aren't dirty and maybe it’s my mind tricking me into thinking they are. When I look at the pictures I think he might be able to tell that I was thinking of him and the dirty things he might do when he gets them.

  I wanted to show him that I’m not afraid, but the more I look at them the more I wonder what he’ll think of them. My face is a little fuller because I’ve always been a thicker girl, but it never bothered me before now. I want him to find me pretty and maybe even sexy.

  It’s hard to pick which one, so I close my eyes and let fate take its course. I don’t let myself look to see which one it is. I just put it into the envelope I already have ready to go. I lick the seam and seal it closed then press it to my chest. As crazy as it sounds I want the letter to hold some of what I’m feeling. I know it’s not possible but I still do it before giving it a kiss.

  I don’t worry about grabbing my coat as I turn off the alarm and walk out the front door. I notice my sidewalk is clear of snow, as is my driveway. I hadn't noticed when I pulled up since my mind was on the pictures. I was planning to shovel mine along with Mrs. Honey’s, but it looks like someone did it. I wonder if Mrs. Honey’s son dropped by.

  I put the envelope into the mailbox and raise the flag. I smile, and for once I welcome the cold because I need to cool down.

  “Miss Elizabeth Lewis?” I glance over at the speaker. Only my parents call me Elizabeth.

  “Yeah?” I look at the man in a suit standing outside of a very nice sedan. He’s on the shorter side and maybe only an inch over my own short stature.

  “I’m here in regard to the check you received from the Conner family.” My body freezes for a moment at the sound of Gabe’s last name. “You haven't deposited the check you were given. I thought maybe you lost it, so I brought you another.” He holds out a check and I glance down at it. I don’t even want to touch it.

  “I still have the check,” I tell him as I take a step back and let him know I don’t want it.

  “Then have another.” He walks towards me and his hand comes out further, holding the check up for me. “Take the check, Elizabeth.”

  There is a warning tone in his voice and I reach out and do as he asks. I’m scared of what would happen if I didn't. “Cash them,” he tells me before he walks back to his car.

  He stops when he gets to his door and looks back at me. “If you know what’s good for you you’ll cash the checks and stop the calls,” he adds before he gets into his car and drives off.

  I stand there for a moment gripping the stupid check in my hand before going back inside. I lock the door and set the alarm before I put the check on the counter. I’m not going to stop with the phone calls until an innocent man is released from prison.

  I’ll cash the checks and put the money into the bank, but I’m going to make sure it’s spent doing some good.

  Chapter 7


  I’ve been getting a letter from her every day and the anticipation of each one kills me. I have to force myself to wait until the end of the day so that I have something to keep me going. I wanted to tear into each of them the moment they came, but I figured out if I waited until night time I could savor them before I fell asleep. Then in the morning when I read them again it was almost as if I dreamed about them, dreamed about her.

  The one that came today had an entirely different feeling to it. It felt heavy when I held it in my hand and it wasn’t just the weight of the envelope. It felt like this one was important and I made sure that I didn’t open it until lights out.

  I look through the bars and a small shaft of light comes through. I hold up the envelope and look over it as I trace each letter with my finger. It’s like she’s writing more than just my name. It’s like she’s tattooing her need to talk to me into the paper. Maybe I’m reading too much into it because I’ve never had someone write me letters before. But this is the most intimate I’ve ever been with someone and she has no idea what these letters do to me.

  The paper is delicate, so I open it carefully and then take out the letter. Immediately I see a picture included, but I steel myself and decide to read her words first.

  Dear Rocco,

  I know I’ve sent you quite a few letters since the first one, but I remember being away from home for camp when I was younger and seeing everyone so happy when they got letters. It made me realize I could do the same for you. It’s different putting it on paper now, but somehow it feels like more. Maybe that’s just on my end because I’m doing all the writing and spilling my guts about every little thing, but it makes me feel like we’re not alone.

  You probably have lots of friends coming to visit you or waiting for you to get out, but the truth is that most of the time I’m kind of lonely. I do really like my neighbor Mrs. Honey. Remember me telling you about her? She’s the older lady that likes to tell me about her daytime soap operas and makes me treats when she’s up to it.

  Anyway, I’m super nervous about this letter because I’m including a picture. You mentioned that you didn’t want to see me scared and I thought this would show you how I’d look at you if you were here with me now.

  I hope to hear from you soon, but if not it’s okay. I enjoy writing to you and if one day you change your mind about letting me visit you then I’ll be there as quick as I can.

  Oh, I forgot to mention that I passed the exam I told you I was so worried about last week. Mrs. Honey quizzed me and I think that really helped. I’m so close to finishing. I can’t believe graduation is right around the corner!

  I hope you’re doing okay and that you’re keeping your chin up. I’m still working on calling the state offices and just being an overall pest to them. It’s the only thing I can think to do, but if you know of another way I can help, let me know!

  The one you saved,


  I bring the letter to my nose and I can smell a faint trace of lemon and rosemary. She smells clean and fresh, which is unlike anything in this cold place.

  Taking a deep breath, I lift up the photo and look at it. It takes me a long moment to let my eyes focus and when I can see every detail of her face, I stop breathing.

  “Holy fuck,” I whisper as I look into her eyes.

  She’s looking up at the camera like how I would look down at her if she was in front of me. Her dark blue eyes stare at me through the image and all I can think is, this is the face she’d make right before she asked me to fuck her.

  Her full lips are parted and I can see the bottom one is damp. She must have just licked them before she snapped the camera. I look down and I can see a hint of her cleavage and the swell of her breasts behind her sweater. The whole thing is so innocent yet my cock is

swelling to the point of pain.

  I lean back on my cot and hold the picture in the light as I slide my hand inside my jumpsuit and to my cock. It’s hard and hot as I wrap my hand around it and squeeze it to the point of pain.

  I shouldn’t be doing this. I shouldn’t jerk off to the sweet photo of her that looks like it belongs in a church bulletin. But everything about how pure and good she is makes me want to fuck her more.

  The tip of my cock leaks cum and I use it to lube up my shaft. I’m angry as I jack my arm up and down quickly because I hate that she’s done this to me. She broke open my insides and made me want something I never knew was possible. It’s all her fault that I’m so fucking hard up that I’m having to beat my cock off just to find some semblance of release. How dare she put me in this state where the only relief is my hand.

  I grunt because it’s not enough and I don’t like the way it feels. My hand isn’t a soft cushion like her body would be and it’s pissing me off.

  With a growl I roll over on my stomach and shove my pillow against my dick. I put her picture down on the mattress so that she’s under me and I hump the pillow. I pretend the best I can that it’s her under me as my cock sinks into the soft cotton. It’s nowhere close to her warm curves, but it will have to do. And it’s better than my gritty hand that’s stained with dirt and feels like sandpaper.

  “Lizzy,” I whisper as I hump and hump, feeling my cock swelling more with each thrust. “Sweet, sweet Lizzy.”

  I keep my eyes on hers as my balls tighten and hot cum boils up inside me.

  The cot scrapes across the floor and the coils of the springs groan at my weight. But I keep thrusting like I would if I were on top of her until I find the release I’m so desperate for.

  My sticky cum spurts out onto the pillow and all over my cock. A smear of white cream runs down my shaft as I roll back over on the bed and try to catch my breath. I lie there for a long time, but my cock doesn’t soften. I’ve just fucked myself ragged and it’s not enough, and it’s all her fault.

  I hold the picture up and then bring it to my lips as I close my eyes. What has this girl done to me?

  Chapter 8


  I never thought I would be on a first-name basis with my mailman, or mailwoman I guess? But I walk outside to check the mail just as Emily pulls up and I wave at her.

  “You doing okay today?” she asks when she hands me over a few things and then reaches into the box beside her again.

  “Yeah, I’m doing great. Do you want me to take in Mrs. Honey’s?” I ask, and she smiles at me.

  “I was going to see if you wouldn’t mind. She told me yesterday she wasn’t feeling too great and to just run her mail up on the porch for her.”

  “No problem,” I say then wave goodbye to her.

  I walk into my house to drop off my mail, but I guess when I go to set them on the side table I’m not paying attention and they fall to the floor.

  “Shoot,” I sigh as I kneel down and pick them up. That’s when I see a letter marked from Rocco.

  Before I know what I’m doing I tear it open and unfold it right that moment.


  Send more pictures.


  I laugh as I turn the page over and see nothing else on it. Then to my complete shock I see another letter on the floor addressed from him. I scoop it up quickly then scan the rest to make sure there aren’t three. I’m shaking as I open this one and have to bite my lip to keep from smiling even though I have no idea why I’m trying to hide it.


  Sorry about the last letter. I think I got a little excited and demanding. I loved your last letter and the picture you sent. There was something in your eyes that…let’s just say it moved me. You are so beautiful and you were right, I didn’t see any fear. All I saw was a young woman too pure to be touched by a man like me. My hands are dirty and don’t deserve to touch you. But that’s all I thought about when I looked at your picture. I’d be a lucky man if I ever got to lay a hand on you, but you shouldn’t let me.

  You said that I probably have people waiting on me, but the only one I care about is you. I’m not asking you to wait for me or to even be mine, but that’s what I want. I should play this cooler or stop admitting my feelings so easily, but something about you makes me want to confess.

  I’m also writing to tell you that your phone calls have stirred up something somewhere. I got a call from the state district attorney and they’re going to reopen my case. They said there were some discrepancies with evidence and witness tampering. They believed I was made to plead guilty because of a back room deal and the judge is going to be investigated.

  I don’t know what this means for my time in here, but if your offer to come see me still stands, I’ve added you to my visitor list. I don’t know what else to say but that for the first time in maybe forever I’m filled with hope.

  The one you saved,


  My heart is hammering in my chest and I read the letter three times before I finally look up again. Does this all mean what I think it does? I should go ask Mrs. Honey since she’s good with relationships. I’m not so sure the drama from the soaps help her, but overall she’s got great advice.

  I grab her mail and then set the alarm on the house before I practically run next door. I’m knocking on the back door as I’m flinging the door open and calling out for her on my way.

  “Mrs. Honey! I got a letter from Rocco,” I shout as I go into the living room where she’ll be watching her shows this time of day. “Mrs. Honey?”

  When I see her sitting her chair for a second I think she’s fallen asleep. But when I get closer I see her lips are blue and I begin to panic.

  “Mrs. Honey, wake up!” I shout, but there’s no response. I run to the kitchen and grab the house phone and dial 911. The operator answers instantly and she tells me that help is on the way.

  It takes twelve long minutes for the ambulance to arrive and I ride inside of it with her on the way to the hospital. I call her son Phillip and he says he’ll meet us there, but I could hear the panic is his voice and it didn’t help mine.

  “Please, please be okay,” I whisper as I watch the emergency responders work on her.

  I don’t ask God for much, but he better not harm a hair on the head of my sweet little neighbor.

  Chapter 9


  “Lizzy.” The sound of my name has my head jerking up.

  I must have dozed off for a moment and it takes me a second to realize I’m staring up at Mike. He’s wearing another one of those shirts that say LR Construction on it. He stands in front of me with a very pregnant women next to him. She stares down at me with concern on her face.

  “Hi.” My voice comes out cracked as I try and sit up straight in the hard hospital chair.

  His face softens as he looks at me. “I’m going to take you home,” he says as he holds out his hand for me.


  “Mrs. Honey is going to be fine. She’s got to stay for a few nights for observation, but it looks like she ate something she wasn’t supposed to. That’s all.”

  “What?” I shoot up from my chair.

  The last update I’d gotten was they were running tests. It felt like I’d been here for days waiting for answers. I glance to where her son was sitting but he’s not there any longer. He must’ve gotten the news already. Why didn’t he wake me? I’ll never understand him.

  “Liz, look at me. Mrs. Honey wants you to go home. She was awake for a little but she’s asleep again. She said you had classes you needed to worry about.” A slice of relief fills me at what she said because it sounds like something she’d say.

  “She’s really fine?” I ask, and worry nags at me. I can’t leave unless I’m sure.

  “Yeah, they want to keep her a few days because she’s older just to be safe, but she's going to be fine.” The woman next to Mike reaches out and touches my shoulder.

  “It’s bec
ause you found her.” She adds and gives my shoulder a squeeze.

  Waiting for the ambulance felt like an eternity. I swallow the lump in my throat but still a tear slips free. I can’t help it because I’m so happy that she’s okay.

  “Thank you for letting me know,” I tell them both.

  “Come on, we’re going to take you home,” the woman says. “I’m Sherry, by the way, Mike’s wife.” She smiles at me as we walk out together.

  It isn’t until we’re in the car do I think to ask why they were there. “Did you know Mrs. Honey?”

  “No. I just got word there was an ambulance outside the house,” Mike responds.

  “Oh.” I wonder who would have told him that.

  “I keep a watch on the place since you’re a single woman alone and all.” I watch his wife smile over at him proudly.

  I smile at the reminder that there are good men out there like Mike and Rocco. Not everyone is a Gabe.

  “That’s sweet of you,” I tell him, appreciative that he would take the time to care about me without really knowing me.

  “We watch out for our own.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal. I’m not sure how I fall into whatever group he considers his own and I don’t ask because I don’t want to be rude. My own parents don’t check on me, so it’s nice someone does.

  They didn’t even bother to ask if I wanted to come back home after what happened with Gabe. All I got was, “I’m glad you’re okay,” and, “you need to do a better job at watching out for yourself.”

  “Did you shovel my driveway?” I don’t know why that pops into my head. He nods and I lean back in my seat.


  “Like I said.” He shrugs. “We take care of our own.”

  When we pull up to the house I step out and Mike rolls down his window.

  “Liz, if you see anything funny you let me know. I gave you my number for a reason.” I nod that I will. “Liz, look at me.” I lift my head to look at him and our eyes meet. “I’m serious. I know you might not get this, but I need you to let me know if someone is fucking with you. It’s more important than you realize.”


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