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Kept for Their Use

Page 10

by Ivy Barrett

  When she realized where she’d be staying, she found out all she could about Fort Benning. The base was massive, a city unto itself. The population was primarily human, though a large section had been commandeered for Protectorate use. Several thousand Tavorian refugees had been brought to the base. About half were families, the rest were single males and unclaimed females. And Zilrath was in charge of them all.

  She tightened the belt on her bathrobe and shifted her weight from one foot to the other, feeling lost and a bit depressed. Zilrath had given her the robe during her tour of the house. Then he’d showered, dressed, and took off on a skimmer, heading for his office on the other side of the base. Kellan was in the kitchen. He’d yet to venture upstairs and was still fully dressed, mainly because he hadn’t bothered to undress when he made love to her.

  “Made love?” What they’d done had nothing to do with love. He’d been ordered to fuck her by the chancellor and Celeste Mortenson, so that’s what he’d done. He desired her physically. That much had been undeniable. And she’d found pleasure in his arms. Still, it was hard to believe all his talk of devotion and longevity when they’d known each other less than twenty-four hours.

  Both males were driven by obligation, and her feelings for them weren’t any more reassuring. She liked Zilrath. He was compassionate and tender, much more in tune to her needs than his grim podmate. Kellan, on the other hand, was autocratic and arrogant. His inflexibility didn’t surprise her. He was Ventori, and Ventori society was rigid and highly disciplined. All of the defenders were militant. They were also the only species powerful enough to drive back the Skarilians. Were it not for their involvement, she would likely be dead.

  She already felt a connection with Zilrath, and with a few strategic compromises, she was relatively confident she could get along with Kellan. What bothered her was the conflict between the two. They tolerated each other because they had no choice, but it was obvious they didn’t like each other.

  Turning from the picture window with a sigh, she looked around the house. The floorplan had a nice flow, the sort of openness she preferred. She wandered from the living room, through the dining room, and into a great room that spanned the back of the house. The rooms were spacious, but the furnishings were ordinary, like something she’d find in the lobby of a hotel.

  “He doesn’t even have a DoxGenator,” Kellan muttered as he opened and closed the kitchen cupboards. She knew from her time at Protectorate Headquarters that a DoxGenator was a highly advanced three-D printer that could manufacture almost anything, including fully prepared meals and ice-cold beverages. He noticed Jasmine standing on the other side of the kitchen and asked, “Can you cook?”

  She walked to the refrigerator and pulled open the door. “Cooking requires ingredients, and there is nothing here. Zilrath must eat somewhere else.”

  Kellan’s handsome features twisted into an annoyed scowl. “If he’d warned me, I could have brought something from my ship. Humans need nourishment on a regular basis.”

  Pleasantly surprised by his concern, she said, “I want a shower more than food.” They weren’t in bed, weren’t even in the bedroom. Did she need to ask permission to clean up?

  He closed the cupboard and locked his gaze on her. “Then let’s go shower.”

  The shower in the master bedroom had a conventional head and a handheld sprayer, but she’d been hoping for some time alone. “You can have the master bathroom. I’ll use the one in the hall.”

  His black lips curved into a sexy smile. “I don’t think so.”

  This was as good a time as any to clarify the rules. “You control things in the bedroom. I understand that, and I’ll try not to piss you off, but the rest of the time I need to make my own decisions. I need to have some control or this won’t work.”

  His gaze narrowed and his smile faded. “Most Ventori males would refuse.”

  “But you’re more reasonable than most?” She allowed a hopeful catch to lighten her tone.

  Just when she thought he’d agree, he crossed his arms over his chest and raised his chin. “Why is this so important to you? Males are bigger and stronger than females. We are better equipped to deal with danger. It is natural for males to lead and females to follow.”

  “In some situations, I agree. But in others, I do not.” This conversation would establish the parameters for their future. She must stand her ground, yet not push him too far. It wasn’t an easy balance to achieve. “Your society looks at things differently than mine. I need you to remember that I am not Ventori. Human females are taught to think for themselves, and our marriages are partnerships. Males and females are equal rather than following a hierarchy.” He started to object, so she hurried on. “I will honor Ventori customs whenever we are intimate. I know you can’t be satisfied unless I do, but I need some freedom in return.”

  He paused, his gaze searching hers as he battled some inner conflict. “You said you will submit while in our bedroom. What if we are somewhere else when I have need of you?”

  The sly gleam in his eyes made her hesitate. This was a test. Submission required trust. Did she trust him not to bend her over a table in a public place and fuck her senseless? Wicked images scrolled through her mind, shocking in their detail. Would she mind if her mates were so desperate for her that they couldn’t wait until they were alone? Kellan’s savage streak thrilled her in ways she hadn’t expected.

  She cleared her throat and looked into his eyes. “My body belongs to my mates. If you have need of me, anytime, anyplace, I am yours.” Heat cascaded through her body, renewing the pulse in her core.

  “Then you shall have your freedom, with a few exceptions,” he stressed.

  Encouraged by the compromise, she asked, “And they are?”

  “Whatever you choose to do cannot put you in danger.”

  She nodded. “I’ve had more than enough adventure to last the rest of my life.”

  “I will only give you directives outside the bedroom if it is critical. In those instances—and they should be rare—I expect you to obey without fail.”

  It was more latitude than she’d anticipated, but her stubborn nature made her ask, “Who decides what’s ‘critical’?” His gaze narrowed in silent warning, so she quickly gave in. “That seems fair.”

  “And I still insist on respect even if we aren’t in the bedroom.”

  In her opinion, respect should be a two-way street, but that was something they could work on gradually. She didn’t want to lose the ground she’d gained. “I agree.”

  “Good.” Without warning, he picked her up and draped her over his shoulder.

  She laughed then groaned as his hard shoulder drove into her abdomen. The man was solid muscle. “Wait! What are you doing?” Her voice became a breathless cry and his purposeful steps drove the air from her lungs.

  “Taking you to the bedroom, so I can command you to shower with me.”

  She found his antics endearing, so she didn’t argue. Besides, she desperately wanted to see him naked. Ventori uniforms were formfitting enough to make her more than curious about the details. Her introspection could wait. She had thirty days to decide if this was right for her and she intended to use every one.

  He jogged up the stairs, causing Jasmine to brace herself against his back. Of the three bedrooms, the master suite was farthest from the stairs. He moved toward the adjoining bathroom but set her down outside the door.

  She caught his wrists when he immediately reached for the belt on her robe. “You first, please. You’ve already seen me.”

  He paused, blue-marbled gaze moving over her face. “If you want to see my body, undress me.”

  More than happy to accept the invitation, she raised her hands to the front of his shirt and slipped her fingers inside the collar. She’d worn similar garments for weeks now, so she knew how to take them off. Compressing the trigger between her thumb and forefinger, she parted the front seam of his shirt.

  He stood quietly, arms at his sides, gaze
bright and assessing. “I’m glad we have this time alone. You seem more relaxed.”

  “So do you.” She smiled, intrigued by the change in his demeanor. He’d demonstrated more patience in the past half-hour than in all the time that had come before. He was more willing to indulge her without his rival present.

  She pulled the shirt down his arms then tossed it aside, transfixed by the beauty of his torso. His orvatta followed the contours of his sculpted muscles, flowing across his shoulders and down his arms. The twisting pattern formed on the skin of Ventori males during puberty and grew larger and more intricate as they aged. Like the streaks in his hair and the marbling in his eyes, his orvatta was sapphire blue.

  Tentatively, she placed her hands on his chest. He didn’t object, so she ran them up onto his shoulders, then down his arms. “You are...” Words failed, so she showed her appreciation with touch, exploring every inch of his chest, shoulders, and sides. She saved his arms for last, fascinated by the impressive shape as well as the unique pattern. “Your orvatta is really beautiful.” She traced the complex pattern with her index finger, and he groaned deep in his throat. Gradually the blue lines brightened and rose as if to return her caress. “Does it always do that?”

  “My orvatta only flares for my mate.” He fisted the back of her hair and covered her lips with his. The kiss was brief, but demanding, filled with possessive passion.

  By the time he released her, she was breathless and wobbly. “It has never flared before?”


  That one word said so much. She was special to him, as unique as his orvatta. For a long, tense moment they stared at each other lost in the promise of things to come. A stable future surrounded by family and friends was a nearly forgotten dream. Yet what they were contemplating had never been attempted before. They weren’t just forming a family. They were trying to blend three very different cultures into one cohesive unit.

  Gaze still locked with hers, Kellan took her hand and guided it to the waistband of his pants. “You have a job to do.”

  “Sorry. I got distracted.” She opened his pants and eased them past his hips. His long, hard cock sprang free, and she gasped. He’d taken her so quickly earlier. She hadn’t seen his equipment, only felt how tightly it stretched her. “Good lord,” she whispered. “I don’t know why I’m surprised. The rest of you is seriously oversized. Why should this be any different?”

  He laughed, his gaze warming with something she hoped was affection. He really was much more pleasant without Zilrath in the mix. Damn it. Why did her thoughts keep returning to her other potential mate? This was her opportunity to learn more about Kellan, to become more comfortable with him.

  Kellan closed her fingers around his thick shaft and stroked himself with her hand.

  His cock grew even thicker and longer beneath her pumping fingers. The shaft was pale like his face, but the flared tip was velvety black. She couldn’t decide where she wanted him to fill her. She just knew she wanted their bodies joined. “I thought we couldn’t—”

  “I’m not even sure that rule applies to Zilrath. He’s not Ventori.”

  He continued to slide her hand up and down, so she wasn’t sure what he’d decided. The empty ache returned to her core, and her entire body seemed to warm. She looked at the bed a few feet away, but he suddenly released her hand and bent to tug off his boots. His pants soon followed, and he was finally naked. The rest of his body was as spectacular as his torso. Long, strong legs and well-shaped feet, everything about him emanated strength and virility. After a leisurely stroll from his feet to his face, her gaze migrated back to his cock. She pressed her teeth into her lower lip, then slowly licked them.

  “Later.” He tugged open her robe and helped her take it off. “Anticipation intensifies the pleasure.”

  She knew it was true. Not letting her come earlier had resulted in the most powerful orgasms of her life. Or was that just how intense it would be each time her mates fucked her?

  They walked into the bathroom, and he turned on the shower, giving the water a moment to warm. A large framed mirror hung over the double vanity. She was momentarily shocked by the picture they created. She looked tiny next to him. They both had dark hair and eyes, but his black lips and the sharpness of his features made it clear they were different species. And yet there were striking similarities as well. They both stood upright, had two arms and legs. The specific shape of their features differed, but they each had two eyes, one nose, and a mouth, all located in about the same place on their faces.

  “How far back does Ventori history go?” She met his gaze in the mirror.

  He shrugged. “Several millennia. Why do you ask?”

  Feeling rather silly, she shrugged then looked away. “I just wondered if your people and mine might be very distant relatives.”

  He took her by the hand and led her into the tiled enclosure. “The topic is hotly debated among our scientists. Many believe that most species have a common origin.”

  “Is that why Zilrath keeps calling you brother?” The question just slipped out as warm water streamed through her hair, draining the tension from her body.

  “It’s a common custom among survivors of the Skarilians. Shared devastation and loss creates unexpected bonds.”

  Yet Kellan never called Zilrath brother. If she noticed, no doubt Zilrath had too. She sighed. If her mates couldn’t learn to peacefully coexist, she wasn’t sure she wanted to accept their claim. Regardless of how well she liked either one of them. She did not want to be stuck in the middle of an ongoing conflict.

  Kellan pulled her into his arms, then pivoted to the side, so the water cascaded over them both. “If thoughts of Zilrath make you sad, I will forbid you from speaking his name.”

  It was their animosity that made her sad, not Zilrath personally. Not wanting to start a fight, she changed the subject. “I received your profile, so I know you applied for a mate. But when did you do so? Before or after you were ordered to form a pod and claim a mate?”

  “Before.” His expression echoed his insistent tone. He was either telling the truth or working very hard to convince her of the lie. Both of her males had been remarkably straightforward with her, so she chose to believe him. Besides, his file changed after she received it, which supported his claim. “The fact that I had already applied for a mate was one of the reasons I was chosen. In fact, we used my genetic matches as a starting point in our search.”

  “How many did you disregard before you came to me?” Kellan had asked about her other matches. Why hadn’t she thought to ask him about his? Kellan kept insisting she was his mate. Even Zilrath had given her a similar impression. Still, she was no naïve human, ignorant of Ventori ways. She should have realized there had been others.

  “You’re the only one either Zilrath or I felt any connection—”

  “That’s not what I asked,” she stressed. “How many matches were you given and how many did you contact before you met me?”

  His gaze narrowed as he raked his wet hair back from his face. “It’s irrelevant. You are the one we chose. The others do not matter.”

  “Then why are you avoiding the question?” She turned and faced the water, hurt by his stubbornness.

  He didn’t allow her to retreat. His long, muscular arm banded her waist and pulled her flush with his body. “We visited two and were discouraged by each. All of the compatibility scores were similar, so I was surprised by how different I felt when I met you. They were static electricity, while you struck like lightning. Something inside me came alive, and I knew I had to have you.” He slid his hand up and cupped her breast. “That hunger is with me still.”

  Soothed by his unexpected praise, she relaxed in his arms. This softer side of Kellan wouldn’t last. She needed to enjoy it while she could. Without turning around, she whispered, “Human courtships can last years. All of this is happening really fast.”

  “I hope we have years, many, many of them. But my life could end tomorrow. These
are uncertain times.”

  “I know, and I’m trying to adjust my expectations.”

  He turned her around and kissed her forehead. “I want you to feel safe with us, protected and secure.”

  His sincere tone and the warmth in his eyes made her smile. “I do.” Her smile broadened as she added, “It’s not quite rational, but I do.”

  After kissing her briefly on the lips, he turned her back around and washed her hair. She tried to return the favor, but couldn’t reach the top of his head. She settled for soaping up her hands and cleaning his body with far more thoroughness than it required. It thrilled her to know he was hers just as much as she was his.

  “Zilrath better get back here soon,” she muttered as she rinsed the last of the soap from Kellan’s legs. “I’m not sure how much longer I can wait.”

  The admission drew a groan from Kellan’s throat. “My thoughts exactly.”

  They hastily dried off, and she wrapped herself in one of the towels more out of habit than modesty. Kellan was clearly comfortable being naked, while she still felt vulnerable around him. He took her by the hand and led her back into the bedroom. She helped him pull down the covers, then paused, waiting for his next move. She had promised to submit, to willingly offer anything he desired. She wasn’t afraid, just unnerved by the unknown.

  For a long, tense moment, they stared at each other across the bed. Anticipation sped Jasmine’s pulse, and her pussy fluttered. She couldn’t wait for his touch or the overwhelming fullness of his cock deep inside her. Waiting for him to decide what he wanted was driving her crazy.

  His eyes narrowed, and his nostrils flared. Had he just caught her scent? She had no doubt she was wet, could almost feel the slick moisture trickling out of her needy core. “Are you just going to stand there and watch me squirm?”

  The challenge in her tone raised his chin and squared his shoulders. “We are in the bedroom. You will call me Sir.”

  Needing his hands on her, even if it were just to slap her ass, she said, “Same question, Sir.”

  He stalked toward her, lips pressed into a disapproving line. “Drop the towel.”


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