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Kept for Their Use

Page 15

by Ivy Barrett

  Kellan moved to stand at the foot of the bed. “If you think it’s unsafe, she doesn’t go. You know this base better than I do.”

  “I told her the answer was no until we had time to talk about it in-depth.”

  It was a not so subtle reminder that the entire ordeal had been unnecessary. Jasmine didn’t allow herself to get worked up all over again, but she couldn’t find the strength to speak. She was exhausted, physically and emotionally.

  “Did you comm Sintar?” Kellan asked.

  Zilrath nodded once, then explained, “I contacted Governor Orellian and asked the specifics of his security plan. He assured me a restaurant had been chosen far enough away from the base to minimize the risks and that he was sending his best security officer to ensure that everything went smoothly.”

  Jasmine perked up, pushing away from his chest so she could see his face. “Then I can go?”

  There was a hint of sadness in Zilrath’s smile. “You can go.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered, but the victory was bittersweet.

  “Rest for a while,” Kellan suggested. “We’ll have dinner ready when you wake.”

  * * *

  Two days later, Jasmine sat in a small Mexican restaurant a few miles from Fort Benning. She’d hoped that going off base would decrease the chances of making a scene. No such luck. She looked around the restaurant, feeling strangely out of place. Nikki sat across from Jasmine, and it was obvious Nikki felt the tension too. At least one-third of the other customers were in uniforms. Many of the others had severe haircuts and hostile stares that indicated they were part of or connected with the human military.

  They’d arrived a few minutes ago, flanked by Nikki’s Ventori guards. The burly defenders, Dottrik and Lintor, were dressed in formfitting body armor, complete with integrated armaments. They assessed the room before allowing the females to be escorted to their table. Then they positioned themselves to either side of the door and continued their visual sweeps.

  “Sorry about the escort,” Nikki said as she spread her napkin across her lap. “It was the only way Sintar would let me visit you.”

  Jasmine dragged her gaze away from the angry faces surrounding them. Maybe Zilrath’s first impression had been right. This was a bad idea. “You’re the First Lady of Camp Accord.” Jasmine accented the title with a grin. “That’s a VIP in anyone’s book.” She raised her water glass and took a sip.

  Nikki waved away the suggestion. “He’ll always be Sintar to me. I can’t think of him as Governor Orellian when his cock is in my mouth.”

  Jasmine laughed so hard she nearly spewed her mouthful of water. “Oh, my God, are you trying to kill me? I could have drowned if I’d inhaled that.”

  Nikki’s shrug was unapologetic. “The dirty looks are getting old.” Nikki sat up straight and flipped back her wavy dark hair. “Yes, I’m fucking a Ventori. Two in fact.” She said it loud enough to send grumbles rippling around the room. A uniformed female near the door got up and walked out. “Typical.”

  A nervous-looking waitress arrived a few minutes later to take their order. She swallowed with obvious effort then said in a soft, urgent tone, “The owner would love to cover your check if you wouldn’t mind taking it to go.” She bit her bottom lip helplessly, gaze pleading.

  “That would be fine,” Jasmine said, feeling terrible for the harried worker.

  “No, it would not,” Nikki argued. “I will pay for the meal and everyone here can mind their own damn business.”

  “All right. Then what can I get you?”

  They quickly placed their order and the waitress disappeared into the back of the restaurant.

  A small group of soldiers stomped from their table to the door and made a point of shouldering past the guards even though the Ventori weren’t actually in the way. Each outward show of rebellion was making Jasmine more uncomfortable.

  “Delightful.” Jasmine shook her head. “How could grown-ass men be so damn childish?”

  Asks the grown-ass woman who threw a temper tantrum a few days ago? Jasmine cringed inwardly. Her inner voice could be such a pain.

  “It makes me so proud to see my country give Prejudice a new child. Now Racism and Sexism have an ugly new sibling. What shall we call it?”

  “Alienism?” Jasmine suggested.

  Nikki shook her head. “I think that’s already been taken. How about Speciesism?”

  Jasmine smiled and shook her head. “I think that’s taken too.”

  “Try alien’s whore,” one of the men at a nearby table said, glaring openly.

  “Or gangbang,” the soldier beside him sneered. “Isn’t that what Ventori whores like best? Cocks stuffed in all three holes at the same time?”

  “Why not spread it around,” the first jerk jeered. “There are plenty of human soldiers willing to fuck you up the ass.”

  Nikki pivoted in her chair, facing the obnoxious men. “Once a girl has taken Ventori cock, she can’t go back.”

  Dottrik, the larger of the two Ventori Defenders, strode across the room and stood directly in front of Nikki, a solid wall of muscle between her and the hecklers. “We should leave,” he said emphatically, his expression as inflexible as his tone.

  Jasmine agreed wholeheartedly. She could cut the tension with a knife. If something didn’t give soon, this would turn violent.

  “I am not going to be driven out by racist idiots,” Nikki snapped. “They should leave if my presence is so upsetting.”

  “It’s my duty to ensure your safety. This location is no longer safe.”

  “Let’s just go,” Jasmine suggested, pushing back her chair.

  “Not a chance.” Nikki scooted closer to the table. “This is a public restaurant, and I’ve been eating cafeteria food for months. Lydia works her ass off to keep us all fed, but come on. I’m going to eat a freshly made burrito, and no one is going to stop me.”

  “Yeah, I bet your good at eating burritos,” the primary smartass called and his buddies laughed.

  “Lady Orellian, I must insist.” Dottrik held out his gloved hand expectantly.

  “Fine,” Nikki grumbled, standing up so fast she knocked over her chair. “If it weren’t for the Ventori, you’d all be dead!” she shouted as she reached the door.

  “Fuck you!” the heckler replied.

  “In your dreams,” Nikki called out as Dottrik dragged her out the door.

  Jasmine couldn’t help laughing. “What has gotten into you? Those fools were ready to riot. Why did you keep provoking them?”

  Nikki shrugged, still scowling as they rushed along the sidewalk toward the large parking lot half a block from the restaurant. Dottrik walked in front of them and Lintor behind. “It’s my nature to provoke small-minded assholes.”

  The guards didn’t slow their pace until they reached the governor’s personal shuttle. Dottrik opened the hatch and helped the females inside. “I’m sorry your evening wasn’t more relaxing.”

  “The worst part is I’m still hungry,” Nikki muttered.

  “There’s a Taco Bell two blocks down,” Lintor told Nikki, barely able to meet her eyes. “I know you’ve been craving Mexican food.”

  This was the first time Jasmine had really looked at the quieter guard. He couldn’t be more than twenty, which meant he was a child when the Skarilians attacked Ventor. He must have been off-world at the time. It’s the only way he would still be alive.

  “I guess that’s better than nothing.” Nikki looked at Jasmine and asked, “You want something?”

  Shaking away her morose thoughts, she said, “Maybe a soda. For some strange reason, I’m not very hungry.”

  Nikki dug in her purse and drew out a few bills, then handed them to the guard. “You can get something for yourself and Dottrik if you like. I won’t tell Sintar.”

  “I appreciate the offer, Lady Orellian, but it’s not allowed.”

  Jasmine told Lintor what to order, and he jogged over to the Taco Bell.

  Nikki still looked pissed.
She stewed for several minutes then asked Dottrik, “Did you imprint their images? I’d really like someone to have a nice long talk with those jerks.”

  Without turning around, Dottrik assured, “Already working on it, Lady Orellian.”


  “A team of my friends is on their way here to ‘have a nice long talk with those jerks.’”

  Nikki smiled, clearly pleased by the news.

  “They won’t hurt them badly. Will they?” Jasmine felt compelled to ask.

  “Nothing lasting.” Dottrik looked at her and smiled. The red marbling in his eyes appeared brighter, but the smile softened his harsher features. “They will think twice before insulting the mate of any Ventori.”

  Jasmine hated prejudice as much as Nikki, but Jasmine also disapproved of solving problems with violence. In her opinion, too many situations had been resolved by pulse pistols since the Protectorate arrived.

  Rather than confront Dottrik with her frustration, she looked at Nikki and said, “My mother said she craved spicy food the entire time she was carrying me. Is there something you’d like to tell me?”

  Jasmine had been joking, but Nikki grinned from ear to ear, her entire face practically glowing. “I’m not positive yet, but I’m highly suspicious.”

  Jasmine hurried across the aisle and hugged her friend. “Congratulations. Do you want a girl or a boy?”

  “I honestly don’t care as long as the baby is healthy. I’m pretty sure this is the first of many.”

  Lintor returned a few minutes later, and Nikki laid into the burrito before the shuttle even left the ground. “Oh, my God. Fast food has never tasted so good. It’s easy to forget that human civilization still exists when you spend all your time at Camp Accord.”

  “Or Protectorate Headquarters.” Jasmine took her cola from Lintor’s outstretched hand, then thanked him with a smile.

  “It’s safer to keep Ventori strongholds separate from what’s left of human society,” Dottrik explained. “You just saw the primary reason.”

  “But those were soldiers,” Jasmine said with the straw halfway to her mouth. “Of course they’re going to resent you. It’s their job to protect Earth, and they failed. That had to be humiliating.”

  “It wasn’t a fair fight,” Dottrik reminded.

  “I know that,” Jasmine assured him, “but obviously those jerks didn’t.”

  “Time for girl talk,” Nikki announced. “Dottrik, please activate the privacy screen.”

  “Of course, Lady Orellian. We’re only five minutes from Lady Aldrich’s home. Shall I establish an orbit until you’re ready to land?”

  “That would be great.”

  He nodded once as his hands flowed through the control matrix, and then an opaque barrier appeared between the two rows of seats.

  “Are you sure they can’t hear us?” Jasmine took another sip of the cool, sweet soda as she waited for Nikki’s answer.

  Nikki cleared her mouth before she spoke. “Sintar uses it to make confidential comms all the time, so I’m relatively sure it works.” When Jasmine only nodded, Nikki asked, “How are things going with Kellan and Minister Nomani?”

  “His name is Zilrath. Like you said, titles don’t mean much once he’s naked.”

  “And on his knees?” Nikki wiggled her eyebrows and took another bite of her burrito.

  “Something like that.” The past two days had become a blur of romance and sex, heavy on the sex. They had both been sweet and tender, a wonderful change after her harsh punishment. She’d spent time with each one alone, but they made love to her together. Together. The word made her shiver. Maybe one day in the not too distant future she’d experience the ultimate intimacy of joining with both her mates.

  “I know it hasn’t been that long, but what do you think?” Nikki’s cheerful question drew Jasmine back from her sensual musings.

  “They’re both really different, which makes it more fun. It can also make it challenging. Zilrath has a wonderful sense of humor. Actually, Kellan does too. He just prefers to be all dark and dangerous.”

  “And you love every minute of it, don’t you?” Nikki didn’t give her time to respond before she added, “I can see it in your eyes.”

  Jasmine smiled. “Then I don’t need to admit it, do I?”

  “Are you leaning toward accepting their claim? They’re both highly ranked and well-respected.”

  “I don’t care about their jobs.” When Nikki shot her a doubtful look, Jasmine insisted, “I really don’t. I’ve never craved fortune and fame. I just want to be happy.”

  After a thoughtful pause, Nikki asked, “Have you been happy with them?”


  “When weren’t you? What is holding you back?”

  “With Kellan what you see is what you get. He’s very careful to explain what he needs from me.”

  Nikki laughed. “Sounds like a Ventori. Then you’re worried about Zilrath?”

  “Yes, but it’s hard to explain why.” Jasmine knew this might be her only opportunity to run things by an objective listener, so she tried to put her concerns into words. “Most of the time he’s attentive and open, but other times it feels like he’s hiding something.”

  “Have you asked him about it?”

  “Repeatedly. He always assures me that it’s nothing.”

  “It has only been six months since his world was destroyed. That’s not a lot of time to grieve an entire planet. Did Zilrath lose anyone close to him?”

  “I don’t think so, but he refuses to talk about the past.”

  Nikki seemed to think for a moment then said, “I bet that’s all you’re sensing. He’s still healing.”

  Jasmine honestly hoped that’s all it was. She wanted this union to work more and more with each passing day. “You’re probably right, but... I might also be projecting?”

  That caught Nikki’s full attention. She glanced at the privacy screen, then lowered her voice. “In what way? Are you hiding something?”

  Jasmine lowered her voice too. “I probably shouldn’t tell you. I know you’ll tell the governor, but I don’t have anyone else to talk to.”

  “You can’t talk to your mates?” Now Nikki sounded worried. She reached over and put her hand on Jasmine’s forearm. “You should be able to tell them anything.”

  “Not this.” She sighed, then took a deep breath. “Remember when Celeste Mortenson visited me at Camp Accord?”

  “Yes. What about her?”

  Another surge of doubt made Jasmine pause. This would get back to the governor. There were no secrets between bonded mates. But Jasmine really needed a sounding board right now, and Nikki was her only option. “You were right. She asked me to spy on Kellan and Zilrath. Well, primarily Zilrath.”

  “I knew it! I just knew it.” Then Nikki stilled and met Jasmine’s gaze. “Did you agree to work with her?” Nikki sounded a little hurt, but Jasmine wasn’t sure if she felt betrayed by the possibility or disappointed that Jasmine hadn’t confided in her the first time.

  “I told Celeste no, but she hasn’t given up. She contacts me every damn day. Yesterday she called twice! I keep blocking her ident-code, but she just has someone issue her a new one. Must be nice to work for the government.”

  “Let me tell Sintar. He’ll put a stop to it fast.”

  “Not yet,” Jasmine stressed. “Celeste is more of an annoyance than anything, but this has gone on way too long. I need to tell Kellan and Zilrath. If they find out about this from anyone else, they’ll think I don’t trust them.”

  “Do you?” Nikki’s face was suddenly expressionless. “The chancellor kept you at Protectorate Headquarters longer than anyone else, and you were basically forced to allow their courtship. I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to get back at the Protectorate. They haven’t treated you very well.”

  “If I were going to turn spy, it sure as hell wouldn’t be for someone like Celeste Mortenson. I despise her type.”

  “Government employees
?” Nikki seemed genuinely confused. “What’s ‘her type’?”

  Jasmine sighed. She hated stereotypes, but this one was particularly fitting. “Spoiled rotten rich girls.”

  Nikki finally smiled. “Yeah, she definitely puts off rich girl vibes, but Sintar did some research after their first meeting. According to him, her life hasn’t been as easy as you might think.”

  Jasmine was pretty sure she didn’t care, but it was rude not to ask. “What did he learn?”

  “I don’t know the details, didn’t care enough to ask.” She laughed and admitted, “I’ve known a few spoiled rotten rich girls too.”

  They were off track, so Jasmine asked, “What should I do about Celeste?”

  “Tell your mates,” Nikki insisted. “I’ll wait a day or two before I tell Sintar, but tell them quickly. You know I’m terrible at keeping anything from my mates.”

  “I appreciate it. I really shudder to think how they’d react if they found out any other way.”

  Chapter Eight

  Jasmine stepped off the shuttle in front of the house she shared with her mates and waved to Nikki, who stood inside the hatchway. “I enjoyed our visit despite the jerks at the restaurant.”

  “Me too. We’ll try again, I promise.” Nikki waved back then motioned toward the front porch. “Your mate is anxiously waiting for you. Have fun!”

  Jasmine heard the shuttle take off, but didn’t turn around. Her gaze was fixed on Zilrath, though his face was in shadow. She quickly crossed the front yard and climbed onto the porch, a happy smile bowing her lips. She’d been gone less than an hour. How could she possibly miss him so much already?

  Zilrath drew her into the house and closed the door behind her. “What happened at the restaurant?”

  Why did he look so serious? In fact, he looked angry. “It was nothing we couldn’t handle. Some of the locals were extremely rude. Nikki’s guards took care of it.” His expression didn’t change, so she asked, “What did you do while I was gone? You seem annoyed or something.” Maybe this wasn’t the best time to tell them about Celeste.

  “We went to the Elizian,” Kellan said from behind her.


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