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Love Letters from a Teen Heartthrob

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by Q. T. Valentine

Love Letters from a Teen Heartthrob

  The Non-handwriting Version

  By Q.T. Valentine

  Copyright 2012-2014 Q. T. Valentine

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  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1: The September Chapter

  Chapter 2: The October Chapter

  Chapter 3: The November Chapter

  Chapter 4: The December Chapter

  Chapter 5: The January Chapter

  Chapter 6: The February Chapter

  Chapter 7: The March Chapter

  Chapter 8: The April Chapter

  Chapter 9: The May Chapter

  Chapter 10: The June Chapter

  About Q. T. Valentine


  If there is one thing that every teen in America can relate to it’s having a high school crush. Although most teens are quickly characterized as caring mostly about themselves first, there is always that one exception to the rule where they care more about the classmate at school they have a crush on. But not every teen knows how to court their crush with the right smoothness or charm and some teens never experience the joys of being courted by that one, gorgeous teen heartthrob they secretly yearn to be close to.

  “Love Letters from a Teen Heartthrob” by Q. T. Valentine is a collection of letters that every young lady wishes she could get from the guy she sees as the ultimate teen heartthrob at her school and every young man wishes he could write to win over the lady love of his young teenaged life.

  The letters include a special mix of creativity, an appropriate sense of humor (including clean humor; nothing offensive), compassion, sensitivity, respect, and confidence. He takes things at the pace most girls are most comfortable with: slow but intriguingly charming. This is the best recipe for both happiness and success as a couple – whether young or old.

  For every young woman that wished she could get letters like this and for every guy that ever wished he could be a bit smoother with the ladies, this is for you. And for those women and men that are looking for a trip down memory lane back into the teen years you’ll enjoy this collection of love letters written by one young man to one young woman. What kinds of teens are writing these letters? It’s the rare young man that every young woman secretly dreams of and that every parent wishes for their daughter.

  I could have written this as a mutual correspondence between two young lovers as other books have done but instead I chose to write it as if he, your very own teen heartthrob, were writing only to you the reader.

  “Love Letters from a Teen Heartthrob” is the story, written in the style of letters to you that begin as a friendly correspondence by a young man you know at school that most other girls have a crush on – including you. Yet interestingly enough, in addition to the friendly letters you receive from the handsome classmate you already know, you are also receiving different letters, love notes in your locker that are mysteriously signed “Love, Your Secret Admirer.” Try as you may, learning who your Secret Admirer is does not come easy.

  Could this mean that there are two young men at your school that have a crush on you? Is your guy friend that writes you nothing more than a guy friend? Or is your handsome letter-writing friend who you know well posing as your more romantic Secret Admirer who is secretly attracted to you but is too afraid to tell you for fear you may reject him?

  If you’re a young lady that wants to cozy up to the idea of what a good heartthrob might be for you without the problems that can come in a relationship then read on, enjoy, sit back, and relax as you read these letters as if they were just for you. And if you’re a guy that’s never known what to write a girl that you really like then this book is filled with great examples of how to treat a young lady with the kind of word and deed fondness and respect nearly every girl privately desires in her heart.

  Regardless of previous ideas you may have had about the seemingly perfect ways of super attractive teens, you’ll see that even seemingly confident and popular heartthrobs get nervous sometimes and have a few things to overcome inside before they can let loose and say how they really feel to someone they have a crush on…especially when that crush might just be you.

  Chapter 1: The September Chapter

  September 12


  Hey! What’s up? Here I am in our English class just writing you a quick note and already I have writer’s block. I guess that’s what happens to someone like me that’s trying to write someone like you.

  Well, anyhoo… I thought I’d break the ice and say “hi” and tell you also that there is snow in Alaska. But you probably already know that. (Girls are smarter than us guys that way.) In fact, you probably learned that years before I did. But that’s not why I’m writing you.

  Rumor has it that I’ve broken up with my last so-called steady girlfriend and that I’m interested in someone else that you and your friends are trying to find out about. So allow me to set the record straight. First, I never had a “steady” girlfriend. I’ve just liked different girls and sometimes people say things that aren’t true. (Surprise, Surprise, right? We’re in high school for crying out loud. Rumors happen.) Secondly, when I’m interested in someone else, depending upon how nervous I am about it all, I may or may not tell you.

  And just so you know, I’m not texting you because I don’t give out my cell phone number to most people. My older brother got bullied all the time and so my family began a new rule that none of us can have cell phones that are for anything other than an emergency. You know those cheap dorky phones that come with a super small screen and get lousy internet service? That’s what I’ve got. So the old school note writing is what I do from time to time instead of texting or e-mailing friends. Once I’m nineteen, then I can get my own phone and my own service. Since I turned eighteen recently, that's not too long to wait.

  Personally, I don’t mind because as long as stupid people will abuse other people’s phone numbers and e-mails by giving them crap messages that trash their self-esteem then I don’t need to hear from those people anyway.

  So if you’re cool with me giving you notes from time to time, just let me know and I’ll write you again sometime.

  Hope you have a great day!



  P. S. I did not edit or proofread this note. I don’t plan on doing that with any others either. I’m a high school student and not a typical editor that cares more about grammar and typos instead of principles. (However, I think my high horse is now throwing me off.)

  September 17


  You said you were cool with notes and you’d like another one so here it is.

  Ok. Got to go now.

  Just kidding. So what’s up? Did you hear about that kid (A. H.) that cussed out that teacher at lunch yesterday? What a dork! Personally, I try not to ever cuss. So when I heard he got in trouble for cussing at a teacher, I was in shock.

  Oh, by the way. . . for privacy in case someone else ever finds any of these notes, when I write about someone else that we both know of, instead of actually writing out their name I’ll just use their initials. I figure if maybe I have some info wrong then the least I can do is protect the reputation of whomever it is I’m writing about. I think that’s the decent thing to do until facts are. . . like. . . confirmed.

  You asked me about my handwriting. Yes, some say I have neat handwriting. All I can say is that this is what you get when
you enjoy drawing in your spare time. (Yes, I’m good with either a pen or pencil.)

  I’m not a woman’s fashion expert but I really like what you’re wearing today. You look really good (just in case you were wondering. not that you were or anything). I mention that because some girls look too. . . oh what’s the word I’m looking for? . . . Slutty. It’s not the nicest word but it bugs me when girls look like every other girl out there that thinks that showing skin is the only way to get a guy.

  Just so you know, I wish more girls dressed more modestly and with good taste like you do. Your shorts, skirts and dresses are always at least knee length, you never wear mid-drift tops and your sleeves cover at least part of your shoulder. Spaghetti strap tops or strapless tops are just too sleazy looking. Girls that wear low cut, cleavage revealing tops may as well have a sign on them that says “Willing to get or give any S.T.I available”.

  I'm sooo glad you're not like so many girls out there that dress so cheaply regarding morals. That means you're not likely to get cosmetic breasts either. Thank goodness too since I prefer authenticity in a woman. It's so stupid, in my opinion, to go into debt or pay to look fake. Give me a break!

  So anyhoo . . . you look good today. And yes, sometimes I repeat myself like when I say things like “you look good today” and I mention it more than once. So now you know that sometimes I repeat myself. Did I already tell you that sometimes I repeat myself? Just kidding.

  Well, I’ll end this note before you cry in boredom.

  And by the way. . . if you learned when you were three that Alaska has snow then that’s only about ten years earlier than I did. So I’m not too far behind you on that one. (ha) and no, I’m not envious at all over the fact that you take more honors classes than I do (which is a lot since I’m not in any at all). But if you think you’re smarter than me then just know that you can’t fool me. . . because I’m onto you. (Obviously you’re smarter.)

  And something you should understand about getting to know me: one benefit of doing so is that you never have to worry that you and I will show up wearing the exact same outfit to school on the same day. (And if that ever did happen then I guess I can just hope I look good in a ladies outfit because my mind will obviously be elsewhere . . . as in gone . . . waaaaay gone. This may already be what you think of me with these notes. Oh well.)

  See you later!


  [First anonymous note you find in your locker. It’s typed so it doesn’t match any handwriting so it will take longer for you to figure out who these secret love letters are from.]

  September 24

  Did you know that I love to drive? I absolutely love driving! I love the feel of sitting behind the wheel and handling the curves of the road like a master artisan. I love the sounds of my favorite tunes blasting away in stereo in my ears.

  I love going with my Dad every year to get a new car to replace his old one because not only do I absolutely love that new car smell but also because there’s a good chance he’ll let me drive it once or twice. (In fact, he said recently that since I’ve got my license that he might just let me take his car on a date instead of just for occasional trips to the grocery store. Sweet!)

  But I’d trade a great drive on a day with perfect weather just to be in one of our classes being lectured by one of our teachers simply because, although I wouldn’t be in bliss behind the wheel, I’d be in bliss sitting near you.


  Your Secret Admirer

  Come with me and I’ll show you night skies of

  Stars that grow the reddest roses

  Their long stems of light

  Dipping their fragrant petals

  That bloom and grow

  Into earth’s gravity they gently flow

  While spilling earthbound bulbs of fire into the night…

  September 25


  You asked me if I could travel anywhere in the world, where would I want to go. Well, other than to your house (just kidding . . .sort of . . . do you have any liverwurst in your home? Because if you do that’s a great way to keep me from ever visiting. Experts conclude that liverwurst is a natural repellant. I know because I’m the expert that wrote the report on it). I would like to take a road trip right here across the United States. I think America is great! Does that answer your question?

  It’s not that I don’t like any other country, that’s not it. But I will say that understanding U.S. history as I do, and knowing how common it is for the vast majority of other countries to rule in tyranny and dictatorships over their people, using and abusing their own people as slaves, why would I ever want to visit anywhere else? Just the idea of visiting a group of people in another country that are living in misery and my not being able to do anything to stop it would make me sick to my stomach.

  I care a lot about how innocent people are treated or mistreated. I guess I’m a softie at heart that way. And if some people don’t think that’s very “manly” then oh well. I’m only eighteen and I may not be an older “man” yet but I know that the world’s definition of what it means to be a man and what my definition is are two different things. I’d like to think that my definition of what a “real man” is is more in alignment with God’s definition. And I believe God loves everybody . . . even if some of us show up at school dressed in the same outfit as an opposite sex friend.

  By the way, how old are you? Are you the same age as me? I assume you are since we’re both seniors. Just wondering.

  But back to traveling. So you said you’d like to visit “the men’s restroom when no one is in it” so you could take dirt samples for your biology project. And what makes you think that the ladies room is cleaner than the men’s room. . .other than the fact that it’s true? (And as gross as that image is in my mind – having frequented the men’s room myself many times in my young life – amazingly I still like you.)

  So besides an empty men’s room, where would you really like to visit? Let me know.

  If my note today is extra weird it’s only because I’m high from the paint fumes at our house. My mom is having the entry way and a few other rooms painted today and the painter showed up early. We hired a blind painter but he does a great job.



  P.S. You said you like pumpkin. My mom makes great pumpkin pancakes with this amazing side frosting. If I learn to make them soon and I brought some to lunch, would you like to try some?

  Chapter 2: The October Chapter

  October 4


  Please stop laughing over the painter comment. When my dad said the guy was a bland painter, I misunderstood and thought he said he was blind. Obviously that was a mistake on my part but must you keep teasing me about it? Let it go!

  Yes, I asked the front office and they said that there are no re-dos for student pictures. I’m not sure why you would be so shy about asking them yourself but that’s okay.

  You really shouldn’t worry about your picture because I think you look great. Really. The only reason I brought my camera yesterday and took a picture of you was because I wanted a picture of you. It has nothing to do with whether the school picture of you is good enough.

  The fact is, I wanted more than one picture of you and I may just take another one of you sometime in the future so I hope you’re not too camera shy. And if you are or if you don’t want me to take your picture then I’ll respect that and I won’t take your picture. So don’t worry about your school picture.

  I would prove to you that I like it enough by blowing it up into a six foot by five foot poster for my bedroom wall at home but then people would look at me strange wondering why I’m blowing up a picture of you that apparently you yourself are not very fond of.

  Here’s an idea. I’ll go home today and have my younger brother take a bunch of nerdy pictures of me and then I’ll bring them to school just for you. Would that make you feel better? Look, all of us at some point in our
lives have a lousy picture taken of us.

  Sometimes it’s just our opinion that it’s lousy and then at other times it really is lousy. In fact, I know a picture that I can already show you. It’s of me sneezing out a mouthful of mashed potatoes last year at Thanksgiving. You’ll love it. A flattering photo it is not.

  So yes, the guy that has rumors of a new girlfriend every week, the guy that was voted the biggest teen heartthrob in both sophomore and junior years by his peers and the same guy that comes from a rich and seemingly perfect family is the same guy that with the right timing and circumstances can be seen as a total dork in a family photo from Thanksgiving. That’s me.

  See you at lunch! (Yes, the Great Pumpkin Pancakes are here!)


  [Second anonymous note you find in your locker. Again, it’s typed so it doesn’t match any handwriting so it will take longer for you to figure out who these secret love letters are from.]

  October 7

  Roses are red, Violets are blue,

  Sometimes my poetry stinks

  Like the inside of a large, sweaty, princess pink glitter, male pro-wrestler’s shoe.


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