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Babies For My Zombie Kings: A Reverse Harem Romance (Zombies Rule The World Book 2)

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by McCoy, LeeSha

  Babies for


  Zombie Kings

  Zombies Rule the World Series

  Book Two

  -A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance-

  LeeSha McCoy

  Copyright © 2020 LeeSha McCoy

  All rights reserved.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, incidents, and places are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to any persons, alive or dead and references to places and buildings are used fictitiously.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  First Edition.


  With thanks to…

  Note to reader.






















  Thanks so much for reading!

  With thanks to…

  My test Queens,

  Nikki Nik & Tanisha.

  My life savers.

  A special thanks to…

  My Arc readers,

  Aliscia, Chinita, Lakesha, Quin Niecy & Tyra Lynn.

  Thank you so much!

  Note to reader.

  This book includes descriptive scenes that some readers may find disturbing.

  Discretion is advised.

  Not for people who don’t like sex.

  Babies for my Zombie Kings

  I belong to five dead brothers, and they belong to me.

  The six of us are connected now, in ways you couldn't imagine. They're not just constantly inside my head with their thoughts and feelings, they're inside me.

  And although I'm kinda dead like them, I've never felt more alive.

  I must be crazy, insane even, but I've fallen hard for my five zombie kings. I'm in love with Thorn, Blade, Dagger, Axe, and Pin, and I'm going to have their babies.

  Lots of them.

  Being like them has changed my life, but I know my work as a scientist isn't done. Far from. There are many things we need to figure out before the first of our young makes their arrival...

  The world isn't ready for us, so I know things won't be easy. But soon, I don't think anyone will have a choice.

  Especially after a few people wake up changed from my bites.

  One of them being my ex-best friend.



  My kings have long been sated and now sleep peacefully around me, but I’ve been awake for about twenty minutes. I’m way too warm—even without clothes on—and the arms and legs that are tangled with mine, aren’t helping.

  I think about waking one of them, but I decide against it. As much as I’ve become a sex-crazed addict and feel tempted to rouse one of them for something better than sleep, I finally decide to detangle myself from them so I can get out of Pin’s huge bed. It’s easier than I expect, too, because I move so fast, I’m on my feet in no time, and not one of them stirred.


  My stomach flutters while I look down at each of them, eyes closed and looking as gorgeous as ever. There’s a gap in the middle where I was a moment ago, but they’re all still close to one another.

  Scattered, but close.

  Thorn and Blade have gravitated higher up and are kinda crossways in the bed with their heads beside where my chest was, and Pin, Dagger, and Axe are straighter but had their arms over my thighs and waist.

  They’ve always got to be touching me somehow.

  Seeing them like this, reminds me of how human they really are. They may be powerful and hide a dark and dangerous side inside them, but they’re still human and just as fragile—at least mentally.

  I sigh quietly with contentment. They’ve really changed my entire outlook on life. I feel so free, protected, worshipped by all of them. There is no way I could go back to my old life now I know what it’s like to be loved like this.

  But, if I keep looking at all their raised shimmery scars, dark defined bodies, and long, ribbed dicks, I’m gonna end up touching them, so I should probably leave the room.

  One of the hardest things I’ve ever done…

  We arrived in Wales at the break of dawn this morning. It was an eight-hour journey up here to Pembrokeshire, but we stopped quite a few times for food. The brothers eat a tonne. It’s like they have hollow legs or something. My appetite has definitely heightened, too, but I can’t stop thinking about that zombie arm I ate and how badly I’m feening to eat another one.

  Or maybe, an entire body.

  We haven’t discussed what happened before we left. The car journey featured short bursts of talking for England but was mostly silent. And that’s because the brothers’ thoughts had almost immediately returned to babies.

  They’re growing more anxious as the hours pass. Whenever they’ve gotten a woman pregnant before, they’ve been able to hear the heartbeat by now, but although I feel different, I can’t say I am, and they don’t seem to know either.

  I do feel my abilities strengthening, though, and now we’re in the middle of nowhere with no neighbours for at least ten miles, I intend to practice them as much as possible, along with getting my lab set up here. I want to take a deeper look at all the brothers’ blood, as well as mine now that I’ve changed.

  I have some gut feelings of my own that I want to put to the test.

  I pad barefoot into the kitchen to boil the kettle. It’s just after four in the afternoon, so it’s still light outside, and the view out of this window is nothing short of spectacular. Pin’s house is basically one that people dream of owning.

  It has twelve bedrooms, features every mod-con known to man in this black, gloss kitchen alone, and almost everything is controllable by an APP that Pin built himself. I haven’t looked around the place yet, but I know there’s a games room and a pool attached somewhere.

  The acres of land that surround this three-storey mansion, are breath-taking, too. I've never seen a place more picturesque than this. I’ve long known Wales was stunning, but the drive up here really opened my eyes to just how beautiful it is.

  It’s a hell of a lot different to where I used to reside. Cambridge was a city and a historical one at that, so although there was countryside, there was still very much a hustle and bustle atmosphere to the place. Whereas here, the only things I can hear outside are the birds in the woods, the trickling of the stream at the end of the garden before the miles of trees start, and the sheep a few fields over.

  Definitely no trains, cars, or people.

  I yawn as I reach for a cup, but I don’t feel tired. I’m pretty sure I’m semi-nocturnal now, because I definitely prefer to sleep during the day. From experience, I can tell you that the brothers also come alive at night, too.

  Most definitely a zombie trait there.

  I switch on the TV, opposite the sink. We all followed the news on the way up here. They’ve releas
ed video footage of us attacking the authorities in the city, but it’s not the greatest. Pin ransacked the CCTV from most of the shops in the area before we left, and because of all the vans and cars in the street—and our superfast movements—the external surveillance didn’t pick us up too well.

  Which would have been great, but it’s not, because they know me.

  They keep showing the picture from my DNA paper at Cambridge on screen every half hour. I almost threw up when I first saw it, but Blade told me not to worry. He said what I’ve already grown accustomed to hearing them all say.

  ‘We’ll sort it’.

  I hope so.

  I’ve figured I’ll have to dye my hair or something before I go out in public again. Luckily, the picture is a few years old; I wrote it when I was eighteen, so I don’t look exactly the same…

  I flip the channel to SKY News.

  ‘Search for day-walker zombies continues… Mikka Rishan, specialist in DNA and former scientist at Cambridge’s Zombie National Research, has been named as one of the six new zombies that attacked police in Cambridge’s city centre yesterday. Disgraced Rishan has long been one of the greatest minds in the genetics field, and her peers have all expressed their shock…’

  I sigh. This is nothing I haven’t already heard.

  I know mum is losing her fucking mind, but I have no idea what to say to her. Her and my brother, Vincent, started ringing and texting the hell out of my Facebook Messenger a few hours into the drive, until Pin grabbed the phone from my hands to switch it off. He said he’s gonna encrypt it today before I can switch it back on.

  I know I’ll have to talk to mum at some point, but I’m terrified of her disowning me. Which breaks my heart. Not only for me, but for my future babies. I know she’d love grandchildren; my brother’s gay and has always said he doesn’t want kids, so I know her hope for them is all on me.

  After everything that’s happened with Gia, I know no one will ever understand. I can’t let it change my plans, no matter how much it hurts, though. I’m happy with the decision I made. As ironic as it may sound, the brothers have made me feel more alive than I’ve ever felt, and I wouldn’t sacrifice that for anything or anyone.

  The bond we share is more than just physical, it’s mental. It’s like my new heart beats for them. To make them happy, to give them everything they want. Whatever supernatural force has brought us together may not have shown us all its intentions yet, but I feel as though it’s for something bigger than what we’re currently aware of.

  I scan the other news channels but don’t find what I’m looking for. I want to know if any of the people I bit, turned. Especially Gia. Now I’ve had time to calm down, I do feel a little bad about what I did to her.

  I honestly don’t know what came over me. I couldn’t even help it. I just knew the urge to bite her was all consuming. From anger or because of something else, I’m not sure.

  I’m still pissed off with her, though.

  If anyone did turn, they would’ve last night, but if they didn’t, it means anyone the brothers bit died before they reached the hospital and the authorities cremated them all to ensure they didn’t come back, or Thorn was wrong.

  Or… they did survive and turn, but they’re being kept secret because of what they are.

  If that’s the case, I feel sorry for whoever has them held up, because any I bit probably won’t be contained for long. I know that much.

  I’ve wondered if Gia would try to contact me if she did end up like us. She could only contact me through Facebook or Instagram, though. If she did, I already know I’d make her wait for a reply, if I ever give her one. She deserves to suffer through the confusion alone, just how she made me.

  I switch off the TV and then return to the kettle to make my coffee. I rest my cup down as I sense Thorn coming up behind me though, and I briefly close my eyes as his strong arms envelope me.

  Damn, he smells good.

  He tilts my head with his before resting a kiss on my shoulder and his hard dick on the curve of my ass. He’s naked, too. “Morning.”

  I think my smile is as big as his dick is. “Morning to you, too.”

  I know he’s smiled. “No robe?”

  They bought me a few new ones after they ripped mine, but I really am feeling too warm for clothes. “I’m hot.”

  He runs his fingers down my waist, making my nipples stand to attention. “Yeah, I can see that. You feel different.”

  So does he. He hasn’t shifted, but his voice sounds deeper, and his scent, as well as his presence, is definitely stronger. “Yeah? How?”

  “A few ways.” His hands suddenly rest on my lower stomach. “But mostly because of what’s in here.”

  “What’s in—” I try to turn in his arms, but he stops me.

  “Shhhh, Angel. Listen.”

  He gently pulls me back against him while reaching inside my mind to help me amplify my hearing. Then I hear it; the faintest sound of hearts beating. As shocked as I am at hearing more than one, I can't contain my smile or slow the racing of my own heart.

  Especially when I can feel Thorn’s happiness, too.

  His thoughts torrent unrestricted through my mind. He can sense his blood running through my veins, and that’s what woke him.

  I rest my hands over his. “How many did you put in there? I can’t separate the beats.” I think I hear two.

  His palms glide over my skin. “Two, but there’s an imposter,” he jokes.

  My heart flutters. “I'm carrying three babies? Can you tell who the other one belongs to?”

  “Me,” Blade says from behind us.

  Thorn lets me turn in his arms this time, and I see Blade naked and striding over to us. He’s rubbing his eyes and his dick is hard, but this just seems normal for us now. “I might always be late to a party, but I never miss one.”

  Thorn rolls his eyes, but I smile. “So I see.”

  He elbows Thorn out of the way to kiss me. He's all tongue and passion that leaves me breathless. He lifts me onto the island and looks down at my stomach before trailing his hand over it. I can sense he’s happy, but he’s also anxious.

  Thorn steps closer to hold him around his shoulders. “They'll live this time, brother.”

  I rest a hand on both their faces, and they look up at me. “If this doesn't work, I'll find another way, okay? I’ll figure it out. I promise.”

  The rest of the brothers enter the kitchen. “They’ll live,” Dagger says, reaching us first. He lowers his head to my stomach to hold me against him. “I've had enough to know the difference.” He looks up at Blade and Thorn. “Can't you feel them?”

  Thorn nods, but it takes Blade a moment to. “Yeah.”

  “See.” Dagger rises to give me a soft kiss. “Don’t be concerned that you can’t sense them fully yet, Princess. We’ve had much longer than you’ve had to hone our abilities. We’ll help you.”

  “Thank you.”

  He holds my face and his eyes alight with mischief. “You might be carrying their seeds, but those are still my babies.”

  “And ours,” Axe chips in for himself and Pin.

  Dagger rolls his eyes. “But next time, you're carrying mine.”

  I nod as he rests a kiss on my forehead this time. “I’d be honoured to.”

  Pin and Axe come closer. “Mine, too,” they both say, and I laugh.

  “I get the picture.” I look amongst them all and feel their love for me. “I'll have as many babies as you all want.”

  “That will be a lot,” Blade says. “I need my own crew.”

  I already know that. “Well, it's a good job it only takes me a matter of weeks to grow them then, isn't it?”

  They like that.

  I squeal as Dagger suddenly throws me over his shoulder. “In the meantime, I think you and I should practice for when our time comes.”

  “My coffee,” I say as I laugh.

  “Protein is better for you now, and I've got plenty.”


p; Mikka

  I stroke Axe’s head on my chest as I look down at the rest of my kings. Thorn has his head on my stomach, Dagger’s is on my right thigh, Pin's is on my left, and Blade’s is right in the centre, resting on my pussy.

  I think that's his favourite place to be.

  This marathon might’ve started with Dagger, but it finished with all of them. They like to watch each other with me, but their own desires soon take over and then they can’t help but find their way into the mix.

  I don’t mind, though, and this bed is three times the size of a king, so it’s not like there isn’t enough room. Pin had it made before he came to Cambridge – on Thorn’s orders. I guess I was pretty much a done deal from the start.

  I lower my head back down on the pillow and rest a hand on Thorn’s shoulder. My heart feels as full as my stomach will soon be, and when I think about what the next few months will bring, excitement bubbles up inside me.

  They all make me feel so good about myself – so cherished. I know it’s not conventional, me being with five brothers like this, but not once have I felt, or have they made me feel, any kind of way about wanting their bodies and minds the way I do.

  I really feel like this is meant to be.

  “Thank you for finding me,” I whisper. I’m the luckiest girl in the world. As much as it’s causing me trouble now, thank God I wrote that paper.

  “You're right. You are,” Blade murmurs, “look at all this good dick you get.”

  “Shut the fuck up,” Axe sings, reaching an arm down to punch his brother’s head. “You should be lucky you're even getting pussy. We all know how much you struggled to get it before.”

  They all laugh while I just shake my head. I somehow doubt that. “I’m surprised five brothers, as alpha as you all are, even entertained the idea of sharing one woman.”

  “They can't share for shit, only I can,” Dagger mutters sleepily. “Your mine. I’m just nice enough to let them love you, too.”

  The others protest, per usual, and then a flurry of rapid hand movements blur around me as they land punches on each other.


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