Beast of Xeriel

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Beast of Xeriel Page 7

by Elijah Isaiah

  The ship slowly descended imprinting in the snow. She listened closely to the commotion but was unclear what was going on. She resisted the urge to take a peek. “It isn’t Fei.” She reasoned. He would have sensed her heartbeat or smelled the smolder in the air. Dara focused.

  “The Sentry?” She deduced. Only they could survive this far out, and with their almost undying fealty to Fei, surely, they would do his bidding amongst the deadly storm. Still, Dara refused to move, even with the element of surprise she wasn’t sure she would last long against a member of the Sentry.

  Let alone more than one at a time. “I wonder if they’re all here?” She said to herself. Dara waited. Pondering how she would survive this predicament. The Sentry member’s steps were heavy crunches, still nothing significant enough to give her reason to flee.

  Dara remained still; she would wait them out if she had to. The ship began to move. It ascended back into the dark sky. Higher and higher, taking Dara’s fear with it. Breathing heavily, she waited for the swooping sound of the ship to fly off into the night, but it never came.

  A blinding flash peered down, penetrating the mushed snow she created from her chosen hiding place. The light revealed the irregular level in the snow and thus her location. She was found. Dara blasted into the air.

  She saw the uniquely designed Pride, Fei’s personal vessel. 19 stood at the exit in his shimmering black armor, only slightly different from Fei’s, holding his large pole axe. She deactivated her armor and ignited her red flame. Sheading the extra weight of her armor would not only save her energy but allow her to maneuver better.

  Dara shot multiple flaming blasts at the Pride’s exit which 19 easily deflected with his weapon. Dara fled as fast as she could. 19 jumped into the cock pit in pursuit. Dara’s mind raced trying made up evasive maneuvers.

  It was even harder as there were no structures, terrain or mountains around to distort 19’s line of sight. The Pride was quickly gaining on her. She was trying her best to shake 19’s hunt. After a sharp turn, a white circular laser whizzed by her. With no time to scope out the new development, she continued her made up flight patterns.

  Dara twisted and turned avoiding the bolts. “Keep cannons to stun. I need her alive.” 19 ordered to the ship. 19 saw a warning on the dash screen. “Unknown heat signature nearby.” He read. “Disregard. Focus on capturing Dara.” 19 ordered. The lasers were relentless.

  A few more missed their target, before one finally landed. Just barely grazing her left thigh, Dara’s body went completely numb. She plummeted into the snow. Crying in agony. Her flame extinguished upon her reentry into the snow. Dara’s armor reactivated to protect her.

  Sentry 19 circled her for a time in the ship, plotting his place for landing the ship close to her. The stunning laser left her in severe numbness, but somehow it hurt just as bad. Sentry 19 menacingly exited the ship. The shimmering of his armor the only significant difference against the darkness of the night. He stretched out his arm.

  His massive red pole axe materialized in his hand. The colossal blade puffed up the surrounding snow as it dropped. The snow parting as if commanded to do so by the axe, as 19 drug it behind him. Dara could do little else but blink as her impending doom approached.

  19 stood before Dara. “I’m not going to hurt you Dara. You know that?” 19 asked rhetorically. Dara didn’t respond, hoping he would make it quick. “I have to bring you home. Or Fei will kill us both. Please make this easier on both of us.” 19 pleaded. Dara said nothing again but could see the conflict in his eyes.

  He looked as if he didn’t want to take her, but she couldn’t understand why he would choose to do so anyway. 19 seized her by the helm of her armor, knowing she couldn’t resist her apprehension and hoisted her into his free arm.

  Holding his massive axe in one hand and Dara in the other, Sentry 19 prepared to return to the city. In front of the Pride stood a set of gleaming purple Pratham armor. On both arms’ thick bands with sky blue tassels whipped as the wind picked up. The helmet securing the face, revealing the caramel skin of a woman.

  Her long white hair protruding from the back of her helmet like a plume. Dara’s armor pulsated as she gazed at the woman. Her hair would suggest she was of an advanced age, but her flawless skin told a different story.

  Sentry 19 pointed his axe at the lone woman. “Aside stranger, or I will remove your head.” He warned. The woman did not move. “Release the child to me. Take the ship and leave this planet. You have no other option.” She responded.

  Dara met the eyes of 19. He would not shirk from his duty. The woman opened her hand above her head. A long purple scimitar materialized in her hand. She expertly twirled the blade before getting into an offensive stance.

  19 unceremoniously released Dara. Brandishing his pole axe. “Whom should I tell the Sovereign stood valiantly before me?” He asked. “I am the terror of Tetcht. Vanquisher of the Deceiver Vanakan. The Hope of Pratham.” Dara and Sentry 19 shared a look of bewilderment.

  “Tumakako? Impossible. Vanakan killed you.” 19 questioned to himself. Dara limped to a safer distance. Keeping her eyes on the two would be capturers. “I will bring the Sovereign your head. You will burn before the citizens for everything you have done to us. Your betrayal will not be forgiven.” He promised, preparing for battle.

  Tumakako rushed in to attack 19. The snow provided no obstacle for her as she seemingly floated through the distance between them. Her strikes were quick and effortless. Every clash between the scimitar and axe rang through the night.

  19 could barely parry her blows. Multiple swipes and swings scarcely missing their target as the woman warrior pressed the attack. 19 began taking large steps in retreat. He attempted to increase the space between him and his opponent.

  In close she would be lethal, 19 knew space was needed to effectively wield his axe. Yet every opportunity to create an opening, she would close the distance while striking simultaneously.

  Tumakako circled her foe, as if stalking prey. Dara watched in obsession. Her armor feeding her every emotion inspecting the duel. “Don’t run. I will help you.” Said a voice through her armor. Dara looked around to ensure no one else was near her.

  Only the two combatants and herself were in the vicinity. “A link? How?” Dara questioned to herself. As Tumakako, circled Sentry 19 she flashed a quick look at Dara. 19 could feel his body becoming tired. He wasn’t as adjusted to extended combat as his opponent. His training with Fei was far from complete and most of the time the session didn’t last very long.

  Dara continued to observe the duel, leaving her thoughts for a moment. Tumakako lunged forward. 19 was on the defensive yet again. Tumakako twirled her scimitar as she swung her blade. Seizing an opening, she leveled her opponent with a kick to the chin.

  19 tumbled back a few steps. Spinning to gather momentum, Tumakako slashed 19 across the chest. Her blade cutting through his armor. Sentry 19 fell to the ground. Quickly turning onto his back, he felt the edge of her blade on his throat. Realizing defeat, he dropped his axe. 19 was impressed, his expression would have lasted had not for her next words.

  “Leave Tetcht. You will not receive a second command.” Tumakako demanded. Sentry 19 looked over at Dara. With no other choice he cautiously retrieved his axe and stood to his feet. Tumakako never deterred her eyes from the Sentry member.

  Still, he was no fool to try a sneak attack, he understood quite well he was outmatched. 19 withdrew to the Pride. Tumakako waited to verify that the ship ascended into the sky, before disappearing into the dim snowy atmosphere.

  Dara remained on the ground. Not sure what to expect. There was no point in running, in her state Tumakako would catch her without struggle. The veteran warrior swiped her sword in the air, and it disintegrated. Tumakako approached Dara. “Who are you child?” She asked.

  Dara removed her armor revealing herself, while entering her red flame form. Tumakako studied Dara’s face for only a second. “I recognize that face.” She said, staring d
own at the young girl.


  The Pride entered space, 19 sat defeated in the pilot chair, countless stars in the galaxy before him. The further the ship flew away from Tetcht, Sentry 19 could feel his link with the other Sentry members and Fei become strained. Before long he could feel their connection no more.

  His armor felt emptied, void of an affiliation, not sure where to go. If he returned to Tetcht, either Fei, Tumakako or both would surely have his head. Staring into the emptiness of space, he dropped his head into his hands. “I don’t know any other planets but Tetcht.

  Am I doomed to wander this darkness till death?” He thought. Sentry 19 peered around the ship, looking for anything to alter his fortune. “Only other place….” He stopped. Questioning himself, not sure what to make of the idea that populated into his head. “Take me to Pratham.”

  Chapter Seven

  T he Eira stiffened the joints of every citizen, resulting in aches and pains. Even inside the Protector, the cold could not be denied. The sight of the citizens only registered as pitiful to Fei.

  Straw placed in abundance to cover the ground and shield from the ice-cold stone beneath it. The groaning growing louder as each day passed. Sleet and hail seeping through the cracks in the ground during the day, to slowly freeze during the frigid nights. Food was becoming scarce during this everlasting winter, as only the privileged Vanakan Sentry were given the Iku.

  The Sentry moved about the protector trying to comfort the citizens, providing help where they could. Breaking up small squabbles and bickering was slowly becoming the daily norm, along with making repairs at Ton’s direction.

  The Sentry members were growing more irritated with their larger responsibilities as the storm droned on. The Protector was unraveling under the persistence of the winds and ice. Miniature breaches gradually allowing the Eira to harass the occupants. Most people huddled close together in the center on the ground level. The Protector’s winding interior consisted of many citizens struggling to survive the unsightly conditions.

  Fei stood silently on the uppermost floor. His personal quarters even more unconducive than the rest of the Protector. His stone throne took up most of his space as it was constructed to fit his feral form, where he sat often delegating tasks for the Sentry.

  Becoming more consumed by its visual, the longer he waited out the storm. Some nights he would even sleep sitting in his cold and uncomfortable seat. However, he kept an unphased demeanor.

  Believing it to be a conscious choice to provide hope for his subjects, but in truth, he absorbed the pain and rough setting. Feeding his anger and hopelessness, as Fei sank deeper into depression.

  12 and 15 of the Sentry rounded the structure to approach Fei. He had remained in his feral form since his encounter with Dara to speed up the healing process of his injuries. 12 and 15 shoved a woman at his feet behind him. “Our Sovereign.” They said jointly as they kneeled.

  “We found this citizen. She murdered another for their rations.” 15 informed him. The woman jumped to a bowing position. Her head as low as possible and arms stretched out forward. “Please, your majesty. I didn’t mean to. I was only trying to feed my child. He has grown weak. He is only one season old.” She groveled, never lifting her head.

  Fei remained motionless as she made her plea. The woman revealed her face, tears soaking her dry and soot riddled face. “Please, he wouldn’t have made it another day.” She cried.

  “Whom did you kill?” Fei asked. The woman didn’t respond, trembling as she looked into the feline eyes of her Sovereign. “Sora. I will not ask again.” Fei lowly snarled. “It was Thomas your majesty. He has lived a long life and I….” Sora began to reason. Fei held up his hand.

  Sora immediately hushed her explanation. “Bring Saren to her.” Fei ordered. Moments later Sentry 16 brought the baby boy. Sora sobbed, reaching for her child. 16 handed over her baby. Sora held him close as he blissfully slept. “Now.” Fei said, as he sat royally on his throne.

  “Give him to me.” Fei finished. The woman shuttered at his words. Quivering and shaking her head in denial. “My Sovereign, I.” She began. “Your instincts mislead you Sora. It would suggest to you, that you possess a choice. You do not. I will not give a second order.” The woman knew better than to linger.

  Since the Eira began, citizens and Sentry alike witnessed the shift in Fei’s behavior. Although not entirely ruthless he seemed to boarder on rage and tranquility from moment to moment. Even the Sentry, as helpful as they were, began to shift similar to his behavior pattern.

  Sora hugged her son before finally relinquishing him to Fei. He cradled the boy softly, bringing his head to his nose. Fei took a long whiff of the baby, closing his eyes.

  Fei rocked back and forth humming. “A strong warrior, powerful.” He softly sang. “Champion of peace, conqueror of war. You will fight forever. Leave no one behind. None to mourn. No one to be alone. Fight. Fight. Your solitude…….” His voice shaking, chin quivering. A tear fell from his eye as he finished the melody.

  “Is our safety.” Fei cradled the child, with one arm, freeing his hand to wipe his eye. He examined the rest of the room. “A lullaby from Pratham.” He said. “Created for the great warriors. Would you like to know what it means?” Fei asked.

  Sora nodded, understanding she had no choice. Unable to speak while Fei held her baby. “Warriors were not permitted to have loved ones. No companion. No offspring. Only war.” He said. His eyebrows narrowing. “I was the best warrior on Pratham. I was hailed as a Champion. A Conqueror. The Beast of Xeriel. I was their safety.” Fei slowly paced back and forth.

  He began reliving the countless battles. He remembered the pressure of being the greatest warrior of his tribe. A pressure he happily accepted in the beginning. His love for battle was immense and still is.

  “Until I wasn’t.” He said, facing Sora. “I found her. I found my safety. She was….so beautiful. We fled and hid. Abandoned the war, where all we were was their instruments of violence and discipline. We too had a baby boy.

  Jesh was his name. Fierce features like my own. He would have become a far greater man than I. We retreated from the war, hid him from the tragedy that will always be our kind. We kept our love a secret from the other tribes, so Lale could strategically withdraw from her forces. We knew the risks.” Fei’s eyes swelled. He fought to continue his story.

  “They took our child from us. The Council hunted us down, blamed us for a crime we never committed, to justify their mission. With all my power. I couldn’t save him. A Pratham blade pierced my son’s body. They threw him away like litter. I was defeated, unable to do anything.” Fei told the small group, as he watched the baby sleep.

  “She was all I had left. I lived for her. My solitude has truly been for everyone else’s safety. We never wanted to return. We couldn’t. Deciding it was better to live in a world of our design far away from the pain. We always agreed on that. Never hiding secrets from one another.” He said.

  “Yet, with her dying act, she hid a great power from me. She entrusted that power to someone else. To be betrayed by your own heart. I no longer have compassion for the dead. I envy them. I invite the feeling of unconscious or numbness. Still, I wish I could see her one last time. So, I could remove her heart from her chest with my bare hands.” Fei spoke plainly.

  Sora doing everything in her power to refrain from making a sound. Fei observed Sora. “I still love her. Through the heartache and shame, she has caused me. I forgive her. She was right. I was unworthy of such power.” Fei said.

  The baby sleepily awoke. His brown eyes met Fei’s. “No child deserves to die.” The woman planted her face back to the ground. Raising up and repeating the gesture. “Thank you, Sovereign! Thank you!” She cried out.

  Fei gave a sharp glance to the Sentry. 12 and 15 seized the woman. Forcing her head back to the ground, exposing her neck. “Unfortunately, what we deserve, is endlessly decided by those superior. Someone else’s version of our merits. No more. H
ence forth, we take it.” Fei proclaimed.

  “I am the Subjugator of peace. The Vanquisher of war. I am the true Conqueror. Hail the only power greater than yourself.” Fei proclaimed and gave a nod. Sentry 16 drew a red sword from the back of his armor.

  The woman’s scream was short lived as 16 swiftly executed her. Fei kneeled close to the body. The scent of blood occupying his heightened sense of smell. “It’s in light of these realities, the certainty of my power will become complete.” He said.

  Fei turned his attention back to the child. The baby smiled, gently grabbing his chin. Fei extracted his long claws. He quickly forced them through the chest. He took a deep breath before laying the child by his mother. The Sentry members kneeled as he stood to his feet.

  “Remove the bodies and gather the citizens. The Protector will serve as the demise of this type of conduct.” The Sentry carried out his orders without delay. Fei waited for the citizens to assemble. The great rally could be heard throughout the structure. The winding levels filled to the brim.


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