Beast of Xeriel

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Beast of Xeriel Page 8

by Elijah Isaiah

  He approached the edge of his quarters, staring down at the masses. The Protector was poorly lit with small torches, some of which were blown out by the penetrating wind or ran out of oil to fuel the flame. “I think it’s time you all know the truth.” He spoke for everyone to hear.

  His voice echoing in the massive tower. “Earth is the story of failure. And Pratham, the consequence of that failure, allowing the worst of humanity to escape Earth’s demise. I know why you have no knowledge of your heritage. Today, I will share that information with you.” Fei said.

  “Earth’s Sun, a bright star smaller than your own, died. It was recorded to resemble a celestial blast, destroying the system in the process. The people of Earth prepared. Their primitive science allowed them to detect the Sun’s irregularity and successfully piloted one thousand ships to the far way planet Pratham. They were called Star Travelers.” He explained. The citizens listened, captivated by their history.

  “The Grand Council of Earth’s Leaders decided the criteria for each ship’s occupants. The best of humanity. Selected individuals would continue the legacy of Earth. Entire races were denied passage. No criminals, no illness, no mentally unstable, and absolutely no exceptions to these standards.

  It would appear your Traveler may have been intended to be left behind or destroyed. Your elders have no knowledge of these events and I fear over the centuries your identity and truth have been lost.” The air grew silent. Fei scanned the countless visible faces.

  “The truth is, I was born to a woman imprisoned on Earth. Being a descendent of hers, annulled my opportunity for this new life. By these guidelines, I was envisioned to die off with the rest deemed unfit for the future. A baby. Deemed unfit to live, predicated on the words of so-called leaders. It would seem our stories are quite similar. We’re survivors.” Fei inhaled deeply.

  Clinching his fist. “The war for survival commenced shortly after.” A tear sliding down his face. “My biological mother. Escaped her prison months before the exodus from Earth began. Forced to live on the streets, scavenging for the both of us.” Fei paused.

  Holding the swelling of emotion at bay. The water slightly blurring his vision of the citizens. “She sacrificed her life to stow me aboard a ship……. I can’t even remember her face.” The sniffling of the citizens reverberated through the tower. Fei wiped his eyes.

  Gathering himself. His mind ran through the events. His sadness swiftly transformed. “The best of Earth never left. She died on that planet.” He growled. “Pratham has been in constant war, even using the one who they condemned to death, as their best weapon against their enemies.” His voice raising as he continued.

  “What fools! They equipped their most vicious adversary. I used to believe in a true paradise. The God or gods they say created Earth. But I beg you citizens, show me a god that allows his creation to circumvent his finality?” He asked rhetorically.

  “I’m done with paradise! Pratham will fall. And you will all help me. I will not become that God. I am not deemed just. For justice is a lie. I do not grant choice. This storm is my cocoon. From within, I have struggled and suffered, but I have risen. I will break free. Hence forth, citizens of Tetcht, you will be one race! One Lineage! One Purpose! Warriors!” The crowd vocally wrestling with one another, some cheered in approval others fearing his words and some combating his ideal vocally. Fei raised his fist in the air.

  “Everyone who opposes me will die. I welcome the former God, any gods, to challenge me!” He roared. “What God is silent for so long.?!” Some citizens continued to praise his words. “I assure you. I will never be silent! I will conquer it all! False peace accepted its death the moment I was placed aboard that ship. I am Order forever. There is no one and nothing else!” The uproar coursing through the protector.

  Fei savagely beat his chest before raising his fist back in the air. “You must Fight for Order! You must Fight to Conquer! For you and this vision, I will Fight forever!” He roared. The crowd exploded, with most of the citizens supporting him.

  “This is wrong!” Someone shouted from the crowd repeatedly. The celebration slowly hushed to reveal the culprit. An elderly woman called out to her fellow citizens. The crowd opened and encircled her. “Let her speak.” Fei said.

  The woman observed her surroundings. She would be hard pressed to find a face of a likeminded individual amongst the people. Finally, meeting eyes of the would-be conqueror. “What need have we for another planet? What need have we for war?” She begged to question.

  Fei searched the air for her specific scent. “Ah, Giradeen, you would have me to say none. But I know the dynasty of the malicious. I will end it all.” Fei retorted quickly.

  “Why not let peace guide Tetcht?” Giradeen asked. Fei laughed sarcastically. “Peace? What do you know of peace? Elder, you are wise to know, by your previous reality, there is only peace in death. That is your destination for peace.” The woman observed the confirmation in the faces of the citizens.

  Those who were actively speaking out, now hushed, or shied away from the confrontation. “You depict yourself wise and powerful.” She said shaking her head. “But your heart is vile and cruel. Someone of true power is not so easily threatened.” The woman admonished her leader. Fei continued to laugh at Giradeen.

  “I possess power. It is this reason that I am commissioned to use it. I will gain all power and create a world by my design. Is that not what your God did?” He asked. “I don’t know the God in which you speak of.” Giradeen began.

  “But I do know, when this universe is weary of your impudence, it is you who will know the destination of peace.” Fei’s laughter ceased. His eyes locked on the woman. Still in his feral form, he dropped down from his perch, into the circle of citizens as they avoided him. A loud thud accompanied his landing. It was well known Fei could leap great distances without producing a sound. This was meant to strike fear.

  He approached Giradeen, striking more horror into her with each step. Fei could feel her heart pounding, feeding his anger. His body casting a shadow over her as he barreled down to her. “So confident in this universe, yet here you stand before me trembling. The universe has failed you.” A tear crept down her face, as she stared into his eyes.

  “Sentry Three!” Fei called out. 3 dropped down from a higher point of the winding tower into the crowd, landed in the kneeling position. “Show her the rewards of her universe……Make it……Peaceful.” He ordered.

  Sentry 3 nodded in acceptance before arising to carry out the duty. Reaching up into the air, a red staff appeared in his hand. The woman fell on her knees to receive her fate. Sentry 3 walked with purpose toward her.

  Out from the crowd an armored figure leapt over the woman and kicked Sentry 3 in the chest. The powerful kick thrusted 3 directly to the ground. 3 scrambled back to his feet and into a defensive position.

  The citizens opened the circle even further, leaving the two Sentry members, Giradeen and Fei inside. “Sentry Ten?” Fei looked puzzled at her defiance. “I will give you one opportunity to stand down and all will be forgiven.” Fei warned. Sentry 10’s helmet revealed her face.

  She stood slightly taller than Sentry 3. She possessed exotic features and a yellowish tint to her lighter but soft complexion. Her long dark and very fine hair covering the shoulders of her armor. “I will not ask forgiveness. Nor will I stand down. She is right. Your misguidance has done enough damage to our planet. I tried to serve your vision. I fear your unbalance will destroy everything.” 10 said.

  Waving her arm across her body, a red rapier materialized in her hand. “Very well. It is known the path to conquest is not about losing friends. But dispatching your enemies.” He said assuredly. Fei nodded for 3 to proceed.

  Sentry 10 entered an offensive stance. She lunged forward brandishing the edge of her rapier at Fei, nearly missing a lethal strike as Fei’s head moved with perfect timing. Sentry 3 leveled her out of position with his staff before she could reach her target again.

0 rushed back to her feet to face her former comrade. The two combatants circled one another. The chatter amongst the Sentry link grew. Unbeknownst to the citizens, the Sentry tried to reason with 10. “He’s losing his grip on reality!” 10 begged her comrades. “We cannot serve him any longer. Help me stop him.” 10 pleaded to the rest of them.

  Other members attempted to acknowledge her feelings while talking her out of her efforts. “Both Dara and her daughter are gone, 19 is gone. We can’t lose anymore 10. Please stand down.” Sentry 4 pleaded.

  There was a moment of silence in their link. Sentry 10 looked around the large crowd, she no longer recognized her people. “I’m not 10, my name is Eada.” She said.

  Her link with the rest of members severed. She could only hear her own thoughts; it was a welcomed quiet from the constant chatter of the Sentry link. 3 would not allow his new enemy to come closer to Fei. Finally, Eada attacked. Her blade moving at a blinding speed.

  Her offense instantly put Sentry 3 on his heels. The refined whipping of her rapier preceding the even smoother swish sound. The swoosh of Sentry 3’s staff blowing her hair as he twirled it in defense. Neither warrior now giving an inch.

  Eada seized an opening, slicing Sentry 3 across his shoulder. Her blade penetrating his armor, as a sizable piece of it fell in hay below their feet. A bit more precise and 3 would have had a new opening over his throat.

  Taking a moment, the two looked for position over the other. Again, they engaged. Sentry 3 made a more visible effort to attack. Landing multiple thuds to Eada’s side and legs. She began to stagger backward. Both combatants breathing heavily.

  A third bout ensued. Even more intense than the previous two. Sentry 3 swept Eada’s legs from under her. As she landed on her back she instantly rolled, before the twirling staff landed mightily on the ground where she was. The smack ringing through the ear drums of all the torn spectators. Springing back to her feet the former Sentry member pressed forward.

  Eada managed to pin her rival’s staff to the ground immediately after a clash of their weapons. She landed a swift kick to his helmet with enough force to daze him. Sentry 3 stumbled back a few steps disoriented.

  Eada didn’t realize the gap between her and Fei had grown so much. Realizing her second opportunity she ran as fast as she could to attack her former Sovereign. Sentry 3 came to his senses and reached out for his staff. It propelled itself into the air. Mocking a throwing motion, 3 threw his staff at Eada without it ever returning to his physical possession.

  The staff connected harshly on the back of her head, rendering her unconscious. Her unresponsive body falling just a few feet shy of where Fei stood. Sentry 3 approached her, retrieving Eada’s rapier in the process.

  3 turned her body over to expose her face. He knew his orders, but 3 decided to look up at Fei despite him knowing the outcome. Sniffling came from both inside his armors link and the crowd surrounding him. Everyone knew what must come next. Fei nodded to 3.

  Using Eada’s rapier, 3 mournfully pierced her armor and divided her heart. 3 unsuccessfully held back his emotions, as tears betrayed his willingness to heed his orders.

  Sentry 3 called for his staff again, this time returning it to his hand. He placed it on the ground in front of Fei, kneeling and presenting Eada’s rapier to the Conqueror. “Such loyalty deserves a gesture of loyalty in return. Keep the blade.” Fei said.

  “Remove your helmet. Your face will forever justify your prowess in combat.” Sentry 3’s helmet dissolved to display his brown complexion, the shade of a freshly wet soil. He possesses shoulder length dark locked hair with a full beard.

  3 would stand the same height as Fei in his normal form, with a very slender body beneath his armor. “Thank you, great Conqueror.” Said Sentry 3. Fei turned his attention to the elderly woman. “Sentry 3, please escort Giradeen two the unforgiving peace of the Eira.”

  Sentry 3 motioned his hand to sheath the rapier, causing it to dissolve, holding his red staff he proceeded to carry out his instructions. He seized the elder woman by the arm and ushered her to the door of the Protector. Fei stood in the center of the monumental sanctuary. “If any others have a grievance, you will be heard at this moment.”

  Chapter Eight

  T umakako and Dara journeyed through the heavy snow and freezing air. It would have been torture prior to Dara’s expanded exploration of her powers. The two very rarely rested, and when they would Dara would create small embers to keep her rescuer warm, although Tumakako usually appeared unphased by the elements.

  Was she simply adjusted to the cold or secretly freezing to death beneath her stoic expressions? Finally, the two reached their destination after days of traveling. The Eira was dwindling where they were and at long last relief was headed toward the city.

  Dara thought often of her people before the fear set in. The realization that with the ending of the storm, meant the freeing of the beast.

  Dara remained in her red form the entire voyage. She was beginning to feel comfortable with how to manage and preserve her energy. The trees were bare, water dripping from the branches, and snow hardly covering their feet as they walked.

  The ground once again became visible. Off in the distance a small shack stood uneven. Built by someone who was not proficient in construction. The stone and wood barely survived the Eira. Dara continued to follow her rescuer. Tumakako didn’t talk much during their travels.

  Only answering Dara’s questions with one word or a nod of her head. At times Dara caught glimpses of what looked like the newly nicknamed Tuma thinking or even more, feeling. But in their short time together, she concluded better not to ask.

  “We will rest here for a while.” Tumakako said. Making their final approach, Tumakako waved her hand. The large stone serving as the entrance moved aside. The shack was disguised Pratham technology. Tumakako waited for Dara to enter.

  Dara returned to her normal form as Tumakako followed closely behind, with the latter sealing the door behind them. Dara fixed her eyes on another woman opposite her across the room. “Lale!” Dara ran to embrace her. “I’m so sorry, we thought you were dead.

  The storm stopped us.” She rambled. Lale hugged Dara tighter. “It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean to. I’m alright.” Lale responded. “I promise, I won’t hurt you again.” Dara said, tears streaming down her face. Lale holding her face in her hands. “Dara, its ok. I’ve recovered from my injuries. Everything is fine.” She assured her.

  Lale wiped Dara’s tears. Tumakako moved about the room, gathering supplies. “We’ll get some rest. The Eira will be far ahead of us, making our journey to the city easy.” Said Tumakako. Dara jolted out of the clutches of Lale. “Return? No! He’ll kill me.” She warned.

  Lale calmly placed her hand on Dara’s shoulder. “Who is trying to kill you?” Lale inquired. “Fei! He sent 19 after me. That’s how Tuma found me.” Dara’s voice shaking with urgency. “We can’t go back there!” Lale looked to Tumakako for confirmation.

  “She speaks the truth. I found her in the grasp of a warrior wearing Pratham armor.” Said Tumakako. Lale shook her head in denial. “Clearly there is a misunderstanding.”

  Dara looked deep in the eyes of Lale. “I heard you.” She continued. “I heard everything. I know about Earth. I know about the wars and how they killed your child.” Lale pondered on the validity of her words. Then she remembered, the research inside her ship.

  The blending. “Lale, he knows about the green Iku. He knows you hid it from him and gave it to me.” Tumakako instantly stopped her tasks. The room silent. Lale and Tumakako had both hid secrets from one another.

  It was better for them to cohabitate as Lale recovered, but her possessing the green Iku was information Tumakako would’ve liked to have known, that Dara naively shared. “He wants the Iku. I barely escaped.” Lale dropped her head at the news.

  Tumakako joined the conversation. “You should have told me you knew about Vanakan’s discovery. We must prevent the Beast from acquiring it. He
will be extremely more powerful than the two of us.” Tumakako admonished.

  Lale nonverbally rejected the idea while not taking too kindly to the reference of the Beast. “Vanakan? I do not understand his involvement in any of this. And more importantly, I appreciate you saving my life, but I owe you absolutely nothing. You made a choice to rescue me.” Lale argued. Tumakako’s outrage was the first new expression that Dara had seen since their time together.

  “A decision. I may regret. A pertinacious and ungrateful person, as to reward my efforts with entitlement.” Tumakako retorted. Lale stood close to Tumakako, but the latter did not back down.

  “Grateful for you? Why were you out here all alone again?” Lale asked mockingly. Tumakako’s face turning a deep red. “Tread carefully girl. I know many things. My actions are as swift and damaging as your words.” Tumakako responded.

  Dara watched the two share an intense stare down. Finally, Lale, broke the silence. “I will return to him. I can convince him to give up this desire.” Lale said, grabbing her shards.


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