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Beast of Xeriel

Page 24

by Elijah Isaiah

  After taking a moment for himself he rejoined the people and his crew near the center of the traveler. Jesh stood lost in the emotionally depleted crowd of citizens as Kyah stood on a platform for everyone to see. All but the twins in attendance yet he could not spot Dara. “In my life, it would appear I have a lot to learn.” Kyah began. Jesh investigated the crowd, searching for Dara. While each person listened to Kyah’s every word.

  “I realize, your past is full of pain, and trauma. I was blind to how you felt, due to my own pain and anger.” Kyah continued. Jesh rowed through the sea of people, but he still could not find her.

  “Humanity has made many mistakes. The biggest being, segregating each other, as if we were different. We are not. Our ancestors were barbarians.” She said with a smile. “But I ask you, were we to remain barbarians? Divulging rhetoric that drove us further apart?” Kyah questioned.

  “We should be further. Unfortunately, we inverted our journey. None of us deserved to inherit the discourse of our heritage. You did not deserve to be removed. Wiped away from existence, based on the philosophies of those who denied their own insecurities.” Kyah continued.

  Jesh walked through the crowd, doing his best not to disrupt his aunt’s speech. But he knew he had to find Dara and apologize. “For the past, great survivors……. I ask for forgiveness. No one will force you to kneel. No one will force you to fight. Your lives are your own.” Kyah said.

  Jesh reached the edge of the crowd, making his way to the engine room down the hall. He could feel her power the closer he came to her. Opening the door, he saw Dara sobbing with her head against her knees.

  “If you wish to return to Tetcht, we will return back to your planet. We will return after Pratham is reclaimed and aid you in rebuilding the planet we destroyed. We are blood forever.” Kyah offered. “If any of you wish to fight with us. There is no glory among the dead. But the living will always celebrate you.” Kyah said.

  Jesh squatted down to meet her. Gently lifting her arms to expose her red face from releasing her emotions. “Come to help me see my mother’s?” She asked through her whimpering. Jesh dropped his head between his shoulders.

  “I’m sorry for what I said back there. It was mean and wrong. I should be better at controlling my anger. I felt like you were abandoning us……. you took their side and the truth is we’re all in this together. I see that now.” Jesh paused. “I was wrong. Please forgive me.” He sorrowfully pleaded.

  “I’m not abandoning you.” Dara said, wiping her mouth to prevent slobber. “I want to help. But this is not their fight. Let them go home.” Dara implored Jesh. He nodded.

  Reaching out for her hand. Dara placed her hand inside his. “What you said was not ok. Say anything like that again to me and I will leave for good.” Dara warned. Jesh nodded again.

  Their shadowy crimson energy flickered before igniting between them. Jesh’s shame only slightly outweighed by his excitement. Dara smiled through the tears. “I’m glad you’re staying with us.” Jesh said, gently squeezing her hand. “Me too.” She agreed. Jesh settled down beside her.

  A couple tears dripped down Dara’s face. Her temperature increased, alerting Jesh’s to her change of mood. “Did I say something else?” He questioned; afraid he made another mistake. “It’s the Viper. Da-Xia told me he was the one who killed Tuma.” Dara growled through her teeth.

  “Yea. He’s quite the opponent. He and his crew are just as effective as us sometimes. We clashed with them once during a mission. I’ll just say, no one walked away without their fair share of injuries.” Jesh recounted. “I’ll make sure he receives more than injuries. Do you know where to find him?” Dara asked.

  “I don’t know. And without our ship, we don’t have access to the datafiles. Plus, after our little coupe, I’m sure Magnus removed our access to retrieve mission records or current dossiers.” Jesh said.

  He could see that wasn’t the answer she wanted to hear. “I know we have other matters to figure out first, but I promise you, we’ll find him and remove his head. I’ll even let you do the honors.” Jesh finished with a slight nod and smile. Dara tried to remain intense, but his face was so pleasant to her. She couldn’t prevent the smirk from escaping her pursed lips.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  G ala and PTong followed their escort through the capital to meet her father in the Pratham war room. The familiar hallways gleamed with beautiful contemporary designs and diamond likeness. Many concepts with minor resemblance of Earth’s history.

  Four soldiers posted before and behind them, armed and ready. She thought their goal would be to kill PTong, but they both were being escorted to her father. Still, she remained prepared, thinking even with her deadly accuracy she would not be able to prevent PTong’s demise in the event she was correct.

  Gala obeyed their commands, as they had transported them through the main edifices. Waiting behind the secured war room door was 50 of her father’s personal guard and over 100 of Pratham’s elite force.

  Her father’s personal guard he affectionately referred to as the Fated. Each individual willing to give their life for him. They were far from ordinary in combat. Every guard having a great victory to their name.

  One of whom dueled Da-Xia to a draw. A feat everyone knew would never be repeated. These were the most elite soldiers on Pratham. Even the Viper and his squadron began their military careers as members of the Fated.

  Only being removed as Magnus grew tired of his constant incessant need for attention and praise. The demotion to Colonel making the Viper’s outburst even more taxing. But to be a member of the Fated was to be one of the finest warriors and tactical minds. After multiple attempts to recruit members of the Verge, he settled on the current 50 soldiers whose loyalty was unwavering.

  Gala noticed only her father was present from the Council. In recent times, Magnus usually stood alone. The other Council members would see to other business in other systems, staying away longer and longer. Clearly more was going on than she realized.

  Her constant galivanting in the Verge left her blind to the much bigger picture. Still, Magnus’s personal guard was very rarely threatened by the other factions, thus the armies of the other Councilmen weren’t needed. None of the other Councilmen were willing to risk their own men, the Fated were enough to keep her father unscathed in a battle.

  The sea of soldiers crowded the horseshoe shaped room. In front a massive screen, her father stood atop a raised platform. Before she could get a good look at their campaign details, the images were withdrawn. Gala managed to make out a large scope of many galaxies; but was unsure what that meant as far as battle plans. Like her father she excelled in military strategy and tactics. But she loved to fly and shoot more.

  She was proficient in every Pratham ship and one of the top assault fighter pilots. The only passion greater than her flying, was her cerebral aim with any blaster or projectile. Her father gave a nod to one of his Fated, on cue he responded. “Dismissed.” Magnus ordered to the troops. The great crowd funneled out of the war room, leaving only the personal guard and their captives.

  “Khecks. Samp.” Magnus pointed to two of his guards at the rear. “Escort the Salum leader to a secure dormitory. See that he is comfortable and unharmed.” Magnus ordered. After a quick salute, the two guards peacefully exited with PTong between them.

  “Councilman.” Gala said bowing her head. Magnus scoffed at her gesture. Her humor was a sign of how much time she spent with her crew and Jesh. Never truly taking anything seriously.

  “Am I not your father? These men and women protected you since your birth. I do wish you would refrain from formality amongst family.” He responded. “My family is far away, fighting for the lives you and your peers saw as expendable.” Gala said making her way through the guard.

  “You have fought with them and have a bond. But I am still your father. I am your family. Do not let the sorrow and pleas of the weak mistake you. You are above them.” Magnus said. Gala became face to f
ace with him.

  His hardened heart becoming softer the longer he laid eyes on her. Gala’s appearance that of a late teenager, despite her actual age. “You are the perfect mix of your mother and I.” He said, gazing at his beautiful child.

  Finally, the two hugged, holding each other tight. It had been a long time since, Gala left his side to aid her friends. “I’ve missed you my dear. Your mother misses you.” Magnus whispered. Neither person wanted to be the first to let go of the embrace.

  After a time, Gala released her father. “I’ve missed you two as well.” She said. Magnus held her hands in his own. “Come home. You don’t belong out there.” He urged. Gala saw the sincerity in his eyes. She never doubted how much her parents loved her.

  “I can’t fight for you anymore. You kill the innocent; your methods of war are even more harsh than the chaos it brings.” She said.

  Magnus refused to let go of his daughter’s hands. He was afraid if she left this time, he may never see her again. “War is harsh. There is no innocent. Only the victors.” Magnus said with certainty. Gala rolled her eyes at his words.

  “And what of the defeated father? What of the people you watch die on the battlefield? What of their families?” She objected. “What of it? They won’t long for them. They will join them soon enough. Should we sully our minds with the plight of the inferior? With those who would fight for limitations, their fight being a direct opposition to the peace the masses can enjoy?” He asked rhetorically.

  Gala disapproved. Snatching her hands away. “You just don’t get it. I’ve seen the faces of those you would kill. They look just like us. They fight just like us. They die just like us. Where is their peace?” She asked. Magnus took a step back from his daughter. Despite her protest, he was proud. She was fierce and compassionate, but unwise in his eyes.

  “Allow me to show you something?” He asked assertively. The guards parted to allow Magnus and Gala into the center. Two by two they departed from the war room. Once outside the Fated shielded them through the great halls of the Pratham compound.

  The group marched with purpose, arriving at the main hangar and boarded Magnus’s personal vessel he named the Nova. It was the latest in Pratham technology, in the shape of a disk.

  As it became airborne, two thin legs lowered beneath it, before rotating around the disk so fast they became invisible to the naked to eye. The Nova blasted off far away from the compound and city.

  A couple hours journey led them to a remote location off the edge of Pratham’s mainland continent. A small island where only shrubs, trees and grass grew surrounded by the sand. The island in the shape of a diamond, as the Nova landed among the lush grass.

  The Fated escorted the Councilman and his daughter outside. Creating a circular perimeter as they marched. The 48 circled up around a tree. Gala noticed the tree appeared chrome in nature.

  It bared much fruit, but nothing that would appear edible. She followed her father to the tree. Magnus removed his armor, before placing his hand on the metallic tree bark. Responding to his touch the tree unlayered. Inside stood a podium, with two levers. Magnus pulled the lever on the right.

  “The beginning of us all.” He said patting the left control. Gala wanted to question the left levers purpose but refrained. The ground moved before lowering them all into darkness. They waited on a rounded platform that until moments ago was covered in Pratham’s signature blue grass.

  The group descended deeper into the dark, after several feet a massive seal would secure above their heads before proceeding to a lower depth. Each level housed research, ammunitions, space tech, bio ware, genetics, and countless other classified projects.

  The highest clearance was required to allow access which was rarely given. Each level empty of scientist and researchers, which Gala surmised were her father’s orders. Finally, they reached the base, miles below the surface. Only 1 door was available. Uncharacteristically, Magnus moved first through the door without saying a word.

  The light nearly blinding Gala, as her eyes had adjusted to the darkness. Gala pursued her father into the light. Once on the other side, the door sealed behind her. Magnus activated his gold armor.

  He stood proud in front of a large tank filled with a liquid Gala easily recognized as the raw Iku. Even more recognizable was the colossal being contained behind him inside a prism. Gala noticed the lifeless body of Lale on the surface next to her immediately after.

  She activated her yellow armor and drew two of her strongest blasters aiming them at Lale and the prism. “Father?” She probed.

  Magnus smiled, attempting to put his daughter’s unrest at ease. “I will never harm you my child. But if you feel safer among these traitors, by all means, remain vigilant.” He assured her. Gala held her blasters tight, ready to unload without hesitation. “Gala, this is how we win the war. Permanently.” He began, arms held out.

  “I have long solved the theory of our existence. I know the true power of the pure Iku. But now I possess an authority beyond knowledge and power. What need have I of the pure Iku, while I control his power?” He asked, motioning toward the Prism.

  Magnus held his palm facing his daughter. A silver brace materialized around his hand and forearm, covering only his palm. His fingers and wrist exposed, still protected by his armor. A green orb of liquid shined in the center of his hand inside of a jewel.

  “My Supremacy.” He said. “There is so much to teach you. For now, just know my influence will spread. Unchallenged. My enemy, the catalyst for undeniable obedience.” He claimed. Gala feared what information her father sought to share. Holding tight, aiming for the kill shot at Fei and Lale.

  “You can’t control a monster.” Gala said. Magnus chuckled. “No……I can’t. But this can.” He said, pointing to his new device. “I will unleash him on our enemies. And when I am done, return him to this prison, until a need for him arises again. Once I have defeated all our enemies, I will destroy him.” Magnus gloated.

  Gala aimed her weapons at her father. “I can’t let you do that. You can’t control him. No one can. He’s an animal, like his clan.” Gala exclaimed.

  “My child, his lineage exceeds the ferocious Xeriel clan. There are greater fears than the one’s we created. We need a being of his power to protect us from those threats.” Magnus informed his daughter. Gala felt herself wanting to trust his words yet would not relinquish her triggers. This time he had gone too far. “Who are these threats?” She asked.

  “They are far away. And very near. But time is running out. This war is petty. We have much greater things to attend to. The other Council members have been against my plan from the beginning. But once I unleash my new weapon, they too will be removed soon enough. The time of the Council is over.” Magnus proclaimed. Gala could not wrap her mind around his words. Finally, she had heard enough.

  “Guards!” She called. She heard no movement no response. Her entire life the Fated were sworn to protect her and her family, but they did not answer her call. “You ordered them to no longer obey me?” She asked.

  Gala couldn’t help but entertain the idea of her demise, far away from her family. She felt truly alone. “Never. Gala you will forever be my daughter. I will never forsake your plea. And neither will they.” He answered her.

  “They simply can’t hear you. This structure predates, our existence. It was designed to contain something much more powerful than we could ever imagine. Pratham was meant to be found.” He said.

  Gala’s stomach began to turn. “I discovered this place a long time ago and sealed it beneath this mirage of an island. No one can enter or exit without my authority. Once inside, the prehistoric power it holds prevents escape.” He said. Magnus began to pace back and forth. Gala’s eyes and blasters following his every move.

  “Do you see now? I was meant to find Pratham. This has always been my destiny. My ambition has led me here.” He proclaimed. “I want you to understand. Please. I have spent my entire life building a foundation from which our lin
eage can mean something. A place for our name among the cosmos. You are my only child. Our lines future. I need you to see reason.” He begged. Gala listened, but she knew his methods, how malicious he was, she could not follow.

  “Please Gala. Our family needs you. I’ve done everything I can for us. Help me save Pratham. Help me end the war. Help me lift up our name………Help me save our family.” Magnus begged again.

  Gala felt her blasters lowering. She wanted to keep them raised but the look on her father’s face was gut-wrenching. Before her hands could reach her side, she detected slight movement in the prism.

  Gala’s heart stopped. Her father’s eyes not set on her, not realizing her reaction. Her grip tightened around her blasters, yet her fingers felt cold and numb. “Father.” She barely managed to eject from her mouth.

  Magnus ceased his movements, lastly detecting the expression on Gala’s face. “Has his eyes always been open?” She asked. Magnus turned around to see a sight he was not yet prepared for. Fei had awakened.


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