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Beast of Xeriel

Page 30

by Elijah Isaiah

  They worked cohesively against their vastly superior opponent. Fei’s massive paw knocked Dara from the sky. She crashed into the ground creating a small crater not far away. Fei motioned to pounce. Dara unsteady and barely conscious was lined perfectly for the kill.

  Unable to respond she witnessed the beast lunge after her. Kyah used her concussive blast, pushing her directly in the path of his bite. Kyah bashed Dara out of the way, while Fei’s massive jaws clinched through her armor.

  Dara landed rough but safely out of the way. Jesh watched in horror as Fei violently jerked his powerful head side to side before launching Kyah violently toward the ground. Jesh’s heart began to pound. His head began to throb. His anger grew beyond his control.

  He could feel his sanity slip away, being replaced with a primitive nature. His body encouraging him to let go. “Zeeba! Get everyone out of here! I don’t know what’s happening.” Jesh ordered. His armor deactivating against his will.

  Dara slowly came to her senses. She observed Jesh stumbling around clutching his head in his hands. To her surprise Fei ceased his attack. Zeeba abandoned her aerial assault to retrieve Da-Xia. Jesh screamed in agony. Crying out for his Kyah.

  Suddenly his screams lowered into growls and groans before a loud roar replaced them. His teeth began to elongate, his eyes a sea of orange surrounding a black pupil. His roar grew deeper, as his body grew larger.

  Black and orange stripes alternated in random linear patterns across his body over a white underbelly. Bypassing his feral form, Jesh ascended into primal. His body stopping just half the size of his father.

  Jesh’s mind was gone, only the raw power, the hate, the anger existed. He stared into his father’s eyes, roaring without control, ready to rip his father to shreds. The lion and the tiger lowered their heads as they prepare for a vicious clash.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  D eep beneath the surface of Pratham

  Blood from the platform leveled out between the room and the surface where 48 bodies laid. A massive frame of a man exited. The hue of his irises somewhere between the color of red and brown.

  His hair gracefully reaching his almond boulder shaped shoulders, the burnt red tent would nearly be invisible against the blood beneath his feet. Shimmering white armor slowly encasing his body. A long regal dark purple cape draped down his brawny back, the edges of which soaking in the liquid. He looked up at the seemingly endless ascent to reach the surface.

  Magnus walked out onto the platform behind the man. “Are you sure you have rested enough my Lord? Fei will be nigh unstoppable.” Magnus questioned. “Cast your fear before you. For I am everything greater than yourself.” The man responded, gently placing his hand on Magnus’s shoulder. The weight of his hand was impressionable even on Magnus’s armor. Staring into his eyes was not unlike the anxiety prey felt as it is stalked by its predator.

  The power the man possessed radiated off his body. Yet it did not elevate life or the light within others. It existed to utterly devour, feeding off the existence around it, be it living or dying, always feeding.

  His essence drew from others around him, only servicing his own power, gaining strength from the existence of others. To be around him, was to slowly die. The man grasped Magnus by the collar, before bursting into the air. Miles below the surface, was covered in mere seconds. The two shot out of the chasm and into the sky, before harmlessly landing in the blue grass.

  Each step toward the Nova was of a determined pace. All Magnus could think about was revenge. He began to power up his personal vessel’s engines. Fighting back the visual of his daughter’s death with every ounce of his being.

  The Nova’s bridge lit up as it awaited coordinates for takeoff. Magnus beheld his Lord through the translucent interior standing unnervingly still. As a tree absorbing the sun’s rays and receiving nutrients from the soil beneath it. Magnus returned to his master’s side, careful not to disturb his trance like state.

  He waited patiently. The man opened his eyes, prompting Magnus to speak. “The transport is ready my Lord.” He stated. “I have no need for such luxuries. You have all become too reliant on ingenuity. The true power. My power. Is within.” The man responded.

  A red orb of energy encircled the man, lifting him into the air. Magnus returned to the pilot chair of his ship. He thought one more time of his daughter. The brutal beating, she received at the hands of Fei Zeall. The Beast of Xeriel. He couldn’t stand it any longer.

  “Soon my child. I will avenge you.” Magnus whispered to himself. Magnus entered a sequence into the panel of his ship, homing in on the energy signature his Master provided.

  The man launched at a speed just barely visible to the naked eye. The Nova took off shortly after following suit. Magnus sat behind the ship’s gears, allowing for the autopilot to pursue. He was far from a great pilot like his daughter.

  And the years of being chauffeured by his personal guard had made his skills even more rusty. He constantly focused on the image of Fei. Not deviating from the thoughts. He knew the only alternatives would be the sorrow of his daughter’s death or the disdain he harbored for his own master. The latter of which he had to be careful not to betray.

  Magnus remembered standing on the platform, eyeing the two levers before descending into the darkness of his current reality. He longed for the moment back. When everything was under control.

  His control. Now he feared, nothing will ever be the same again. He was aware of what he had unleashed on the galaxy. The looming presence of true darkness was free to roam again, he had hidden away from public knowledge.

  Magnus’s own ambition driving him to ferry this evil to the new world instead of allowing him to be destroyed long ago by Earth’s Sun. He was never satisfied by the power he acquired, status and unmitigated reign. A repeated mistake.

  Damning everyone time and time again. He thought about the hopelessness of his daughter’s dangling body, it was his lowest point. However, feeling real power. Darker power. The presence of Adam, his master. He knew he was wrong. He knew, every moment prior to what was about to take place, was mercy.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  J esh lunged at his father. The two colossal beasts rolled around clawing and biting as if only one source of food remained. Jesh’s claws able to penetrate his father’s armor but not causing any major damage.

  Fei’s attacks sinking and gashing into his unarmored son. Still, Jesh remained on the attack. His anger the only emotion left of his mind. “Help me grab Da-Xia’s body!” Zeeba called out to Dara through their connection.

  Dara cautiously flew over to assist Zeeba, keeping a close eye on the two titans hastily plowing the ground beneath them. Zeeba landed the ship next to her unconscious friend. The two struggled to hoist her large woman into the rear of the ship next to Yaffa’s body. “We need to escape.” Zeeba suggested.

  “I won’t leave him.” Dara responded. “We’ll all die. We have to go!” Zeeba retorted. Her eyes spelling out the defeat in her mind. “Dara, we can’t stay……...I’m done. Everyone I love is on the verge of being destroyed.” Zeeba’s voice quivering.

  She tried her best not to let a tear fall. “I can’t stay to witness this.” Dara wiped one of the falling tears from her former crew member, and now friend’s cheek. “Ok……Go. I will stay with him. Hopefully, we will all see each other again.” Dara said.

  The two clasped their hands together, squeezing tighter. “That’s my little brother over there……. Save him, please. Only you can.” Zeeba said, crying before she let go. Zeeba prepared the ship to take off with Da-Xia unconscious and her sister’s body in tow. Away from her family, her friends, from Pratham forever.

  Dara watched as the ship disappeared above the clouds. For the first time, the feeling was gone. She no longer wanted to run. Accepting whatever may happen next. Deafening roars ringing out in the air as the savage culmination of Pratham’s history neared finality.

  Jesh began to tire. A powerful swat to the face from hi
s father knocking him to his back. He slowly reverted back into his normal form. Blood seeping from his injuries. Fei’s mane and frame lording over his son’s defenseless body.

  Fei returned to his feral form, removing his armor. Standing tall, only minimal wounds to show from his bouts. Jesh gazed at his father. Hatred sinking in, becoming a part of him, as his defeat was inevitable.

  “Insolent child.” Fei began slightly panting. His stare dismantling his son’s pride with each word. “So weak. Everything I fought for. We gave up all of it, for you. And you rise against me? My son? You don’t deserve my blood.” Fei admonished his defeated child.

  “No father. I don’t.” Jesh managed to say through the pain. “I deserve more. Better than you. I don’t want your blood. I don’t want your power. What good is any of it, if only you are left to have it?” Jesh said between bated breaths.

  “Get on with it father. Destroy it all. Destroy your son. You deserve everything you want.” Jesh continued. “You just don’t get it. Earth, Pratham, humanity. It’s all corrupt. I am the future. My blood predestined to erase the mistakes and bring about the new species. The New God.” Fei growled.

  “Well, you still have one enemy left from the old species.” Dara challenged from a few feet away. Fei turned to see the girl, her sword and shield ready. Fearless, Dara the Merciless. Her sky-blue armor active, and shadowy crimson energy swelling around her.

  “Planning on running away again?” Fei taunted her. “I am. After I put you in the ground for good.” She retorted. “I get it. You’ve been hurt by a lot of people. But if you repeat those mistakes, you are exactly the very person who hurt you. You are willing to harm the people you love to create a place where those types of humans don’t exist anymore. But that’s impossible, because you exist. If you’re the new God. Those people, your true enemy, will always exist.” Dara said.

  “I’m not here to change your mind.” She continued, twirling her sword, her power increasing. “I know you’ve given up on everyone and everything. But I fight for all of those who aren’t strong enough to oppose you. Including that person behind you. The one person you claimed to have done this for. He’s not yours anymore.” Dara exclaimed.

  Fei withdrew his halberd, but his rage faltered. Still substantially more powerful than his opponent, his mind felt still. Unable to tap into his anger. His hand shaking, he felt just human momentarily.

  Lale groggily came to her senses. Fei’s heart yearned for his love and his child. “I can’t turn back. I must do this. I’m the end.” He said. Fei twirled his halberd above his body swinging around and bringing it across his son’s chest.

  The tip of his blade coursing through his skin. Dara screamed at the sight. Jesh’s body laid flat from the force. Dara rushed to his side, dropping her weapons. She held Jesh’s head against her chest. “Stay with me. You’re okay. You’re going to be okay.” She cried into Jesh’s ear.

  PTong finally reached the battlefield, limping from the attack he received from Dara earlier. Cautiously helping Lale to her feet. Lale gasped as she saw her sister’s body. Tears falling uncontrollably. Next her son, the sight of her son was too much. Lale fainted into PTong’s arms. PTong dragged her over to Fei. “She may not forgive you.” PTong suggested.

  “Good. Attachment’s to the weak will hinder our purpose.” Fei responded, although the sight of what he had done slightly making him feel unsure. He readied his blade to strike Dara. Then, Fei hesitated. “What is it?” PTong asked. Fei looked off in the distance. His senses firing warning signals. “Adamu?” Fei whispered. A red orb appearing through the clouds, approaching at an amazing speed, followed by Magnus’s personal vessel, the Nova.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  T he orb dissipated to reveal Adam. Just as imposing of a frame as Fei’s feral form, where they could stand nearly eye to eye. Adam was not only comparable, but even more of an impressive figure. His sheer mass daunting. Fei only a foot and half taller than Adam.

  The Nova landed a few feet away, before Magnus emerged. Adam’s purple cape surfing the waves of the wind, light reflecting off his pearl white armor. Adam halted his stride just a few feet away from Fei and company. “And here I was believing you to be imaginary.” Fei greeted the massive man.

  “If I were, so too would you.” Adam returned. Fei chuckled unconvincingly. “Oh, right. You’re my ancestor. Forgive me. I was raised by a warrior tribe, so my manners are little discourteous.” Fei said.

  “You are not the first since my return to undermine my presence.” Adam began. Fei smiled at the stoic look opposite him. “As the millions before you. You too will know reverence before long.” Adam’s low and booming voice could be felt as it hung heavy in the air between them.

  “You brought this on yourself Beast. My daughter was good. She wasn’t like you or I.” Magnus heckled from behind Adam, as he approached from the Nova.

  Fei grinned at his hollow enemy. “I fear not your perceived recompense. I am All-Mighty.” Fei growled. “I gave you that power. And without it. You are just a vengeful child.” Magnus rebutted.

  “You are no longer worth killing. But thankfully I will receive a modicum of pleasure in watching the light leave your eyes. Like your daughter.” Fei snarled. Magnus drew a blaster from his gold armor. “Enough.” Adam interjected, waving his hand. “Fei is right.” Adam rumbled. Magnus’s eyes gawked at his master. “My Lord?” He questioned for clarity. Adam looked upon his follower with displeasure.

  “Hopeless. You claw at your existence. Weak. Unable to conquer your enemies, even when they lay dead before you.” Adam shamed Magnus. “My Lord. I did everything you asked. I did not question or oppose you.” Magnus pleaded. “Precisely.” Adam answered.

  Magnus turned his blaster to aim directly at the forehead of Adam. His hand quivering, vibrating the skin on Adam’s face as he pressed the barrel up to his forehead. “I saved you. I could have left you on Earth. Broken and on the verge of death.” Magnus threatened.

  Adam slowly reached up to the trigger, forcing Magnus’s finger to squeeze. The blaster disassembled inside Magnus’s grip, till only the humming, sizzling blaster bolt was left. Magnus jumped back. “The toil of your death is beneath me. And despite your tongue. I will not kill you.” Adam assured him.

  Magnus stood afraid to move. “I’ll give you a choice. If you can make it to your vessel before the beast can reach you. I will grant your effort worthy and will leave you to the life you have left.” Adam offered, as the blaster bolt sizzled away in mid-air.

  Fei looked at Magnus, nearly drooling from the opportunity to kill him. “That is no choice!” Magnus yelled. “Sure, it is. You can make several feet before he can reach you. The choice of survival, like every being before you, are yours. Choose life or choose oblivion. It matters little to anyone but yourself.” Adam said in a confirming voice.

  Magnus stood motionless taking in the sight of his former master, now true enemy. He turned his head to view his ship, before the force of Fei’s fist crashed through his armor. The power crumbled Magnus’s ribs and chest.

  Magnus’s body violently jerked from the force. Fei removed his fist, permitting the lifeless body to fall abruptly to the ground. Fei turned his attention to his forefather, only to witness his disappointment yet again. “Your need to justify your power is childish.” Adam chastened his descendent.

  “These petty attachments and emotions. They will fail you before long.” Adam whispered. Fei’s eyes wandering to his love and child as Dara held Jesh. “You didn’t even have the strength to dispel your son.” Adam admonished. Fei was stunned and puzzled how Adam knew he did not kill his son. From the wound, Fei figured only he would know Jesh would survive. Yet, the words offended him, nonetheless.

  “Is this where you share that you’re the true God?” Fei snarled. “What need have I to be a God? Existing in such a manner, only summons the lesser to share your company. I take no pleasure in those beneath me. I can make you a deity. Powerful even beyond those who justly
are all-mighty.” Adam said.

  Fei laughed. Holding his hands up to relish in the destruction around him. “You can make me a God? In case you are mistaken, my lord. I am the most powerful being. My powers grow by the moment. I am the destruction of Pratham. What need have I for you?” Fei asked rhetorically.

  “You believe yourself powerful, beast?” Adam asked, his face yet to change since he landed. “A destroyer? God Conqueror?” Fei’s eyes lightened at his ancestors’ words. Unsure how he knew about that self-proclaimed title. “Defeat me.” Adam demanded.

  Fei was enraged at the belittling challenge. He withdrew his halberd. Raising to point at his ancestor. “You’re an impudent relic of time. I’ll make sure you never return.” Fei growled.

  Black flames flickered over his body, his power growing as he swung his blade to cleave the head of Adam. Before Fei could react, Adam broke the pole of his halberd. Grabbing the blade’s upper handle, lunging forward and carving it down Fei’s face.


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