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Flip the Field: A BWWM Love At First Kiss College Romance

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by Sydney Aaliyah Michelle

  “Amerie,” I gasped and swung around. Emmy waved and stepped up to me.

  “You scared me,” I held my chest.

  “Sorry.” We walked toward class. “So, you and Brady?”

  If I could blush, I would. “Yeah.”

  “He’s super cute,” She hugged herself. “Intense, but cute.”

  “He’s a great guy, just takes him a minute to open up.” I felt the need to defend him.

  “So, what are you doing for Thanksgiving?” Emmy asked.

  “My dad’s flying here to pick me up and then we’re driving to Cape Neddick to spend the holiday with friends.” I rubbed my hands together as we reached the building my class was held in. “This is me.”

  “Oh, cool,” She nodded. “Is Brady going with you?”

  “I don’t think so,” I hadn’t given it much thought yet. “They play on Saturday, so I’m not sure if he can even leave campus with practice and stuff.”

  “Oh, right.” She looked around. “I’m going to be staying here, too.”

  “We’re going to have lunch before heading out. I’ll send you details if you’re still up for meeting my dad.”

  “Absolutely,” Emmy hugged me and stepped back. “Let me know where and when. I’ll see you later.”

  I climbed the steps into the campus building and wondered if Brady would want to meet my dad. We’d only been together for a couple of months, and I hadn’t told my dad about him. Brady didn’t have much family. He and his mom didn’t really talk, but I wondered if he’d told his friends about me. I was too tired to think about it now.

  My after-sex glow faded quick.

  The rest of my day dragged on. I slugged toward my house around four p.m. and couldn’t wait to fall into bed and recover from last night and this morning.

  My exhaustion didn’t keep the sexy thoughts at bay. All day, images of Brady’s touch and smell and taste had been swimming through my brain. Not only was I tired, but I was also horny and had trouble focusing.

  I crawled into bed and slept solidly for two hours.

  A text from Brady woke me up around six p.m.

  Brady: On my way.

  I jumped up and showered and shaved. I pulled on a long sleeve sweatshirt and shorts, then cleaned up my room, straightening the sheets. Brady knocked on my door a few minutes later.

  I ran to it and swung it open.

  “Hi,” He shuffled across the threshold, kissed my cheek, and flopped onto the sofa. He yawned.

  “Hi,” I shivered from the night air, realizing I still had the door open as I watched him. I closed and locked it. “You okay?”

  “Yeah,” He yawned again. “Coach got pissed because everyone half-assed during practice, so he made us run the stadium.”

  “From the meteor shower?”

  “Yeah,” Brady blindly reached for my hand. “I’m exhausted.” I leaped over the couch and snuggled up to him. I rested my head on his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair. It made me shiver. “Did you get a nap in?”

  “Yep.” I hugged his waist. “You hungry? Maybe it will perk you up.”

  “I grabbed a sandwich from the quad,” He looked up. “I’m sorry, babe. Were you waiting for me to eat?” He lifted his head.

  “No, I’m not hungry,” I felt the pout on my face.

  “Then what’s wrong?” He pinched my lower lip.

  I crawled onto his lap and straddled him. He was tired, but his cock was wide awake. “I’ve been thinking about this morning all day.”

  “Oh yeah?” He hugged me to him. “What have you been thinking?”

  “Mostly how I couldn’t wait to do it again,” I rested my head on his shoulder. “But you’re tired.”

  “Well, my legs are shot, but we can give it a try.”

  I sat up and rocked against his cock. “Yeah?” Brady nodded and ran his hands up my thighs, inside the legs of my shorts. “Okay,” I leaned back. “You sit right here. I’ll do all the work.”

  He chuckled. I leaned in and kissed him. I pushed my tongue into his mouth. I liked taking control. I ran my hand through his hair and pulled on it. He groaned and his cock got harder. I reached into his sweatpants and pulled him out. His cock was beautiful. The skin was warm and soft to the touch. Pre-cum leaked out the seam. I ran my thumb over him.

  He winced and deepened the kiss, then broke it off. “Condoms in my backpack.”

  “I’m on it.” I leaned over the back of the couch and grabbed his bag. Before I could right myself, Brady had pulled my shorts down.

  “What are you–– Oh,” The air left my lungs as Brady kissed my center.

  “Foreplay,” He ran his fingers though my folds and spread my wetness as he opened me. “Although it doesn’t appear you need it.”

  “I’ve been ready for you all day.” I stared into Brady’s eyes as he sucked my clit into his mouth. I rocked against his face. My legs shook.

  Brady pushed a finger inside of me and smacked his lips on my pussy. “You taste so good.”

  I gasped. “I thought you were tired.”

  “Not too tired to taste you.” Brady nibbled the inside of my thigh and my legs shook again.

  “Come here.” Brady guided me onto my back on the couch. He spread my legs, rested one on the back of the couch, and scooted between them. He swirled his tongue around my entrance before plunging two fingers inside me. He did the same move around my clit, keeping me right on the edge. The pressure was either not enough or too much. Combined with his knuckles rubbing against my g-spot, I was going mad. He knew exactly what he was doing. Tired, my ass.

  When I was about ready to push him away and finish myself off, he sucked hard right on my clit. “Oh, my God.” I gripped a handful of his hair and held on tight. I exploded on his tongue with his fingers deep inside of me, moving in short thrusts. It was all so perfectly executed. Brady Hale knew how to play me in the best way.

  “Hey,” Brady removed his fingers and stroked his cock with my juices. “Don’t conk out on me now.”

  “Not a chance.” I scrambled back onto my knees and fished the new box of condoms out of the bag. “Aw, did you buy these for me?”

  “Yeah.” He pulled my sweatshirt over my head and squeezed my tits. I moaned and shifted on his lap.

  I broke open the box and condoms flew everywhere. We laughed. I grabbed one and opened it and slid it down over his cock. I lifted myself and placed him at my entrance and sat down.

  “Oh, fuck,” He groaned the word as I settled in his lap. “You feel so good.”

  “So good.” I repeated.

  “Don’t move.” He held my hips. His head dropped back and he bit his lip.

  I squeezed my pussy around his cock, sending little shockwaves through my core.

  Brady grunted. Slowly, his hips rocked, and mine did the same to match his pace. I watched him move inside of me. He was fully clothed while I was naked. It struck me how vulnerable I was to this man, yet I felt powerful.

  People called Brady serious and intense, a bad boy.

  He was none of those things to me. When I looked in his eyes, I saw hope. I saw my future. I saw love.

  Chapter Eleven


  “I guess Jerry is right?” Amerie asked. We found ourselves again cuddled up on the couch. My girl was naked with a satisfied, content look on her face. It made me feel good. She rested her head on my chest.

  “Who’s Jerry and what is he right about?” I kissed the top of her head.

  “Jerry Seinfeld. Guys will always forego sleep for sex.”

  “100% right,” I laughed. “Sleep, our freedoms, all our worldly possessions. Give it all up for sex.”

  “Guys are too easy.” She pushed herself up and pulled my sweatshirt on over her head. It came down to her mid thighs. She left her shorts off. I could feel her on my tongue. Her pussy was sweet, and the way she let go and came undone in my mouth? I was a lucky man.

  “I’m going to order a pizza. You want some?” She grabbed her phone off the ta
ble and flipped through it.

  I sat up. “Yeah.”

  “What do you want on it?” she asked.

  “Cheese,” I rubbed my face. I smelled her all around me.

  “That’s it?”


  “What are you, twelve?” Her faced scrunched up as she ordered the pizza on her phone. “Your ‘cheese’ pizza is on the way.” She stuck her tongue out at me.

  “Hey,” I grabbed her around the waist and tickled her. “I gave you orgasms, and you insult me?”

  “You gave me orgasms,” She pushed me away. “What, like you dole them out like a reward?” She held her hands out. “Please, sir, can I have some more.” I lifted her over my shoulders. “Brady.” She kicked her legs.

  “Apologize,” I smacked her ass.

  “Nope.” She squirmed. I pinched her. “Ouch,” She rubbed it. “Okay. I’m sorry.”

  “I don’t think you mean it.” I tossed her down on the couch and crawled on top of her. I pushed her shirt up and blew raspberries on her stomach. She giggled and attempted to push me away. I grabbed her wrists and pinned them over her head. “Say it like you mean it.”

  She struggled against me. My cock responded, and she felt it. She switched from pushing me away to grinding against me. “Fuck, you’re going to kill me.”

  “Not until I’m done with you.” She smirked and I was done. I had to have her again and dole her out another orgasm before the pizza arrived.

  We sat on the floor in front of her couch and zoned out on some reality show with naked people in a jungle.

  “Oh, that’s gross.” Amerie hid her eyes as the guy on the TV ate alligator organs. I bit into another piece of cheese pizza and showed it to her, like a twelve-year-old.

  She rolled her eyes.

  “Are you going to DC for Thanksgiving?” I offered her a bite of my pizza as a peace offering. She took a bite and licked her lips. My cock stirred. She knew exactly what she was doing to me. Tease.

  “No,” She pushed her hair behind her ear. “My dad’s actually coming here on Wednesday to pick me up and we’re going to a family friend’s place at a resort called Cliffhouse.”


  “It will be pretentiousness overload, I’m sure. When my father says friends, he means supporters, constituents, and lobbyists. But the place is supposed to be nice.” She took a bite of pizza and sat the slice back down in the box. “I don’t really want to go, but I promised my father.”

  “At least you’ll get a Thanksgiving,” I picked a mushroom from her half of the pizza off the side of my piece and tossed it into the box. “We have practice and then those who don’t live close are going out some place. Guys said last year it was Chinese.” I scrunched my face. I wanted turkey on Thanksgiving.

  “You big on holidays?”

  I nodded. “You’re not?”

  “Not really,” She shrugged. “My mom loved holidays. Or that’s what I was told. I don’t remember much.”

  I tossed my pizza slice back in the box. Amerie’s mom had died when she was young. “Baby, I’m sorry,” I pulled her to me. “It must suck sometimes during holidays.”

  “It doesn’t for you?”

  “Not really,” I shrugged “My family was never big on them, but my friend, Tarrick, his family went all out. Hanging out with them, I never felt like I was missing out.” Just thinking of his mother’s stuffing made my mouth water.


  “He’s my guy from home.” I rubbed the back of my neck and took out my phone. I flipped through the photos until I found the one with him and me before the incident. “He’s in Atlanta now. About to graduate from Morehouse.”

  I handed it to Amerie.

  “Oh, my God,” She zoomed in on the photo. “You look so young.” She looked up. “And more hair. Can I?” She made the swiping motion with her finger.

  “Yeah.” I nodded.

  The next photo was of me and my six teammates from high school. We had been inseparable since sixth grade.

  “Who are they?” She showed me the photo.

  “My teammates in high school.”

  She flipped through more photos. “Where’s the ex-girlfriends?”

  I grabbed the phone and shut it off. “No ex-girlfriend photos. I only keep stuff I care about.”

  “You keeping me?”

  “As long as you’ll have me.”

  We stared into each other’s eyes for a moment. The weight of our words hung in the air. We were both aware we’d said a lot, but I was too scared to admit it. I was falling for this girl. She had layers, and I wanted to make it my personal mission to peel back her walls until she gave me all of her.

  While I had showed her glimpses of myself, more than I’d shared with anyone in a long time, I still held back. I feared once she found out about my past, those walls would slam shut for good and I’d lose her.

  Women like Amerie didn’t fall for guys like me. I had nothing to lose, but she would never risk it all. Being with me would make her have to choose, and I wouldn’t do that to her. I loved her too much.

  But I wasn’t ready to let her go. Not yet.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” I caressed her cheek.

  “Me neither.” She nodded and leaned in and kissed me.

  Chapter Twelve


  It was a good thing I was such an overachiever. When Brady and I were at my place together, I got no work done. He was a sexy distraction and I couldn’t keep my hands off of him.

  I made it to one of his games and dragged April with me. Without Brady on the field, I wasn’t interested in the game, just in being there to support him. April read a book on her phone while I watched TikTok videos, so neither of us saw Duncan get hit, only the aftermath of him writhing on the field in pain when the crowd’s gasps made us look up.

  There was a weird buzz in the air as Brady warmed up on the sideline.

  “Oh, my God, Brady’s going in!” April shrieked. I pried April’s nails from my arm.

  I held my breath along with five thousand other fans as Brady stepped into the huddle. He seemed to talk to each guy and they all broke the huddle in unison with a clap of their hands.

  They walked up to the line. Brady stood a few feet behind his center.

  “Hut, hut, hut hut.” He said in quick succession. The center snapped the ball. Brady palmed it, dropped back, pulled the ball back, and launched it thirty yards into Matthews’ waiting arms in the end zone. Touchdown!

  April and I turned to each other and screamed as the stadium erupted.

  The touchdown had the same effect on the defense. They put a stop to the other team’s scoring and didn’t allow a single point in the second half. Brady went on to score four more passing touchdowns and the Bears won the game, 38 to 21.

  The team made it back to campus before us. Brady arrived on my front step as I pulled up. The grin on his face did things to me.

  “Hey, beautiful,” The cocky grin made me squirm.

  “You were amazing out there.” I stepped into his embrace. He pushed the hat off my head and pulled me to him.

  “You liked that?” The sexy grin made my core tingle.

  I bit my lip and nodded.

  “You haven’t seen anything yet.” Brady took the keys from my hand, pulled me to him, and devoured me with his lips. His tongue explored my mouth and he nipped at my lips. He lifted me in his arms and pushed my back against the front door. I wrapped my legs around his waist and sank into the kiss.

  He opened the door and stepped inside. He went straight for my bedroom and we both fell onto the bed. “I want to be inside of you, now.”

  I nodded and pulled at my clothes. Why was I wearing so many clothes?

  Brady shrugged out of his coat. He tore off his suit jacket and then pulled his white button-down shirt and white undershirt off over his head in one move. He toed out of his shoes while working on his belt.

  “Hurry up.” I’d removed my boots and threw them off
the bed. My sweater quickly followed. Brady finished before me and helped me out of my bottoms with the same method, as my panties along with my tights and skirt all left my body like in some kinky magic trick.

  I removed my bra as Brady crawled up on the bed and between my legs. He entered me with no warning, no preamble, no teasing. It took my breath away. He settled between my spread legs for a minute. He stared into my eyes and brushed my hair to the side. He laid tiny kisses all over my face. And, when he was good and ready, he fucked me.

  “Oh, God,” It was the only way to describe it. He worked his hips, rocked them back and forth, and, for a change of rhythm, in a circle. It had me screaming his name.


  He cut off my moans with a brutal kiss. “So good. Fuck, Amerie. Love fucking you.” He panted against my lips. He gripped my hair and yanked my head to the perfect angle before he took my lips again. My core tightened, coiled up around the in and out motion of his cock. He broke rhythm and laid down on me. He kissed me so hard I couldn’t breathe, and I didn’t care. The angle hit differently in this position and the spark he had ignited burned around my core.

  “Come with me,” he whispered in my ear and it set off the flame and consumed me as my body shook and exploded. Brady's orgasm overtook him as he roared in my ear and took me to another level. Afterwards, he rolled onto his side and placed a hand over my chest in an attempt to settle my crazy beating heart.

  “Thank you,” I managed between labored breaths.

  “For what?” He sat up on his elbow.

  “For more orgasms,” I ran my hand down his chest.

  He chuckled. “You’re welcome.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  Brady’s time commitment as a backup paled in comparison to being the starter. Duncan had sprained his ACL and was done for the season, but the team had two more games. The week of Thanksgiving, I barely saw Brady. He stayed in the dorms, something about being around for his guys. I gave him his space. We met in the dining hall on Wednesday before class.


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