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The Fullback Protector

Page 12

by Emma Wolfe

  It felt like someone was breathing on me.

  Slowly, I opened my eyes and turned, only to part my lips. Total fear took over me, and my scream died in my throat.

  A wolf.

  A giant wolf was standing inches from me. Its dark eyes stared at me as its nose hovered millimeters from my skin.

  I knew I should have done something, anything, to save myself. But I couldn’t. My body was frozen stiff.

  “Rose?” Grayson’s voice snapped me from my trance, and I turned my head toward him.

  The wolf turned, too, shifting his attention to Grayson as he burst through the trees. I watched as he moved his gaze from me to the wolf.

  Pure anger flashed in his gaze as growled. And then he changed.

  I really wasn’t sure what was I watching. His body grew larger as he morphed into a ginormous wolf.

  I blinked, and where Grayson had once been, all I could see was a wolf. A very large, angry wolf.

  His lip was curled, baring his teeth.

  Suddenly, I found my voice and screamed as my mind tried to process what was happening.

  A wolf was inches from me, ready to attack. And the guy I was falling in love with had somehow morphed into a wolf.

  I was officially going crazy.

  If either wolf had heard me scream, they didn’t acknowledge it. They were completely focused on what the other was doing. Grayson started to circle, and the other wolf did the same.

  With them distracted, I moved behind a tree and collapsed to the ground with my back to the trunk. Tipping my face toward the sky, I breathed in and out, trying to calm my mind.

  Grayson was a wolf. Which was crazy. Maybe I’d just imagined everything. I mean, Grandma always said my imagination would get me into trouble someday.

  Maybe I’d just stumbled across two perfectly normal wolves who were upset with each other.

  Yeah, that was it.

  I swallowed as I turned and peeked around the trunk. Both animals were growling and snapping at each other as they battled for dominance. As I watched, I couldn’t help the sinking feeling in my stomach.

  These weren’t just wolves. They were something else. And Grayson was one of them.


  Protecting Rose. That was my only thought. Nothing else mattered.

  I growled as the wolf charged me. I waited for him lunge before I ducked down and rolled to the side, causing him to leap over me. I turned and lurched forward, clamping my teeth down on the skin right between his shoulder blades.

  He howled and twisted. I could feel his feet digging into the ground as he tried to stand—but I wasn’t going to let him.

  I had him down, and that was where he was going to stay.

  I growled again, clamping down tighter with my jaw. I shook him, and he began to still. He knew I was winning. I could feel the desire to fight leave him.

  What are you doing here? I asked, channeling all my energy into entering his mind.

  There was a block there. He was trying to keep me out. I growled again as I sunk my teeth deeper into his skin. He was going to talk to me. I’d do anything to break down that wall.

  What do you want? I asked again.

  I could feel his fight waver as he tipped his face up toward me. His gaze penetrated my own, and I realized who was underneath me.

  Oliver? I asked.

  How had my older brother found me? Why was he here? I’d begged him to leave with Brielle and me. But he couldn’t. Now twenty, he was under the rule of his alpha, and he couldn’t betray that bond.

  Realizing that I still had my teeth sunk into his neck, I loosened my bite and pulled back. Oliver didn’t wait. As soon as he felt my weight shift off of him, he sprung up and whipped around, baring his teeth at me.

  You’re weak, he said.

  That felt like a blow deeper that any my father had landed. I couldn’t believe the one person who’d had my back until the moment I ran away would say that about me.

  Out of instinct, I lowered my head toward the ground. I didn’t know why I did it, but I was hurting. I hadn’t been prepared to face the world that I had left.

  Why are you here? Why are you patrolling in our lands? I asked, keeping my gaze focused on the ground as I felt Oliver circle around me. I wanted to lift my gaze. I wanted to face him, but I couldn’t.

  When did you fall in love with a human? he asked.

  His words pierced my soul, and I whipped my gaze up to meet his. There was no way I was just going to stand there and let him speak about Rose like that.

  I heard his laugh in my mind, and I wanted to charge him. My desire to protect Rose was stronger than my love for my brother. If he hurt her, I would kill him.

  Weak, he spat as he threw his head in Rose’s direction. Wait until Dad hears.

  Rage boiled up inside of me as I stepped forward. There was no way Dad was ever going to find out about Rose. Leave her out of this, I challenged.

  That didn’t seem to faze Oliver. He didn’t think I was strong enough to do anything. Not when I loved a human.

  Dad’s been looking for you. He’s been wondering if you’re ready to come back. He paused and studied me. Are you ready?

  No. I was never going to be ready to leave Smoky Hills. I wouldn’t abandon Brielle, and there was no way I was leaving Rose unprotected. But, I also knew Dad and his gang wouldn’t leave my loved ones alone unless I went to him.

  Even though I didn’t want to, I needed to go with Oliver. At least to find out what Dad wanted.

  He wants to see me? I asked, bringing my gaze up to meet Oliver’s.

  Oliver growled and nodded.

  I stepped toward him. Fine.

  The thought of leaving Rose in the woods by herself was killing me, but I couldn’t bring attention to her. I was hoping that if I agreed to Oliver’s request, he’d forget about her.

  Does she know? Oliver’s question flooded my mind.

  Confused, I glanced over at him. What?

  Your human. The one you fated with. Does she know about your secret? About your family?

  I didn’t like where he was going with this. All I could think about was getting out of here before things went south. It doesn’t matter. Just leave her alone. I growled as I stepped forward.

  Oliver tsked me as he began to shift into human form. “Now what kind of big brother would I be if I didn’t insist that you introduce me to your girlfriend,” Oliver said.

  I shook my head as I, too, shifted. There was no way I was going to let him talk to Rose. “Leave her alone,” I repeated.

  I could hear Rose’s heartbeat, as could Oliver. And from the sick smile on his face, I could see that the brother I’d left four years ago was gone. The man that remained was a hollow shell of a human.

  “Come on. We’re family,” he said, stepping over to me and wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

  I tried not to wince as he touched me. There was something different about him. Something I didn’t like. Something that scared me.

  I glared at him, and then my gaze made its way over to where Rose was crouched. “Let me talk to her first,” I said.

  Oliver raised his hands but then stopped as he winced—no doubt feeling the effects of my teeth in his back. A stern look crossed his face. “Fine. But if you try anything…” He raised his eyebrows.

  I knew what our kind did to humans. They didn’t think twice about hurting them. To wolf shifters, humans were lesser beings. Or like a pesky, distant relative who could be disposed of when they were no longer needed or wanted.

  And I would sooner die than let Oliver touch Rose.

  But I wasn’t going to think about that. I needed to find Rose and speak to her. I needed to be calm. To keep my wolf as far from the surface as I could.

  I was pretty sure she’d seen me shift. She knew who I was. My secret wasn’t so secret anymore.

  I rested my hand on the tree trunk she was hiding behind. I didn’t want to startle her. I could hear her heart pounding. I knew she was afrai

  And the thought that she was afraid of me was killing me.

  I cleared my throat, hoping my voice would come out soft and reassuring. “Rose.” I winced when my voice broke. I wanted her to feel safe. I wanted her to know that I would never turn on her. That I would never hurt her.

  “Grayson?” she whispered. Her voice sounded so small. So human. It took all my strength not to pick her up and take her far away. To a place where she would be safe. Where she would be happy.

  And where she would be far away from the part of me that I could never run away from.

  Even though that thought tore me to shreds, I knew that if I wanted to protect Rose, I needed to break things off with her. Once and for all.

  No matter how much it hurt.



  Oliver growled with impatience as I stood with one hand pressed to the tree’s bark. I was hoping that if I waited long enough, I’d be able to come up with a way to avoid this situation. A way to get my brother to leave, letting Rose get home safe.

  But with Oliver’s obvious displeasure at how long I was taking, I knew I wouldn’t be able to distract him. Rose was coming out whether I liked it or not.

  So I sucked in my breath and headed around the trunk. My heart felt as if it were breaking inside of me. Rose was crouched down with her arms around her chest. Her skin was pale, and her eyes were wide. Like saucers.

  I couldn’t fight my desire to protect her anymore. Before I could stop myself, I crouched down in front of her. She flicked her gaze up to me and then to the ground again. I reached out to touch her, but she just pulled away.

  I’d hurt her. I could see that. I’d lied to her, and I should have known better. I should have told her that the creature she was looking for was me.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered as I tried to meet her gaze.

  Her eyes welled with tears as she kept her gaze cast off to the side. I could hear the pain she felt in every beat of her heart. I’d betrayed her, and it was killing me inside.

  “I couldn’t tell you about me. It would have put you in danger,” I offered, hoping that she’d understand.

  When she flicked her gaze over to mine, I realized that had been the wrong move. She was angry with me. She huffed and pushed herself up.

  Tears no longer clung to her bottom lashes. Instead, all I could see was rage and anger.

  “You lied to me,” she said as she shoved her finger into my shoulder.

  I raised my hands. “I didn’t lie.”

  She shook her head. “Omission is a form of lying.” She clenched her jaw as she pinched her lips shut and glared at me. I could tell she wanted to call me all sorts of things but was holding herself back.

  And maybe I was okay with that. I was okay living in a world where I thought Rose still liked me. Because, in the end, I was going to have to walk away from her. If Dad wanted to see me, that didn’t mean good things were in my future.

  I wanted to be selfish. I wanted to think, when I was far away, that she was still thinking about me. That if I somehow made it back here, she would be waiting for me.

  That we could be together like we were meant to be.

  Twigs snapped, and I turned to see that Oliver was leaning against a tree with his arms folded. He had an amused look on his face as he cast his gaze between us.

  “Lover’s spat?” he asked.

  I growled at him as I fisted my hands. “Leave, Oliver.”

  But Oliver didn’t listen. Instead, he moved closer and extended his hand out to Rose. “Oliver Smith,” he said with a wide smile.

  Rose hesitated as she glanced at me and then back to Oliver. Then, in what felt like slow motion, she reached her hand out and allowed him to take it.

  The time that ticked by while I waited for Oliver to drop Rose’s hand felt like an eternity. All I wanted to do was reach out and pull her away. She was mine. I wasn’t going to share her with Oliver. Not now. Not ever.

  “It’s so nice to meet you,” Oliver said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

  Rose’s eyebrows furrowed as she stared at him. “Who are you?” she asked as she pulled her hand away from him.

  Oliver scoffed and looked over at me. “I’m surprised Grayson never talked about me. I’m his older brother.”

  Rose studied me for a moment before glancing back at Oliver. “I didn’t know he had a brother.”

  “He stayed behind when I left…” my voiced drifted off as I contemplated how much I wanted to tell Rose.

  I wasn’t sure I wanted her involved in any of this. The less she knew, the safer she’d be. Especially when it came to my family.

  But Rose didn’t look interested in dropping the conversation. She stared me down, looking more determined than ever to get answers.

  “So, you’re a…person that changes into a wolf?” Rose asked, looking over at Oliver.

  Oliver laughed. “Oh, I see my baby brother hasn’t let you in on our family’s secret.” Oliver took a deep bow. “Yes, I am.”

  Rose swallowed. I could see her struggle to process that information. “Did you…” her voice drifted off, and I could see her eyes fill with tears. “Do you know what happened to my family?”

  Oliver furrowed his brow as he glanced between us before settling back on Rose. “Who’s your family?”

  Rose shifted her weight as she took a deep breath. “My parents were driven off the road when I was younger. People said it was just an accident, but I never believed it.” She glanced up at Oliver. “Last name was Jordan.”

  Oliver grew still. I could see that he was trying to remember. Relief flooded my chest when I saw him sigh and shake his head. “Never heard of them.” But then he shrugged and shoved his hands into his front pockets. “But then again, I wasn’t really shifting when I was younger. So it might have happened without me hearing about it.”

  Rose’s expression was strained. That hadn’t been what she wanted to hear. I felt for her. I did. I knew how much she wanted to find answers. That living in this constant state of not-knowing was killing her.

  And I wanted to fix that problem. It was consuming my mind and making me do stupid things. Like involving Rose in a world that she didn’t need to be a part of. Where she would only get hurt.

  Just because Oliver was treating her kindly, didn’t mean he didn’t have ulterior motives. I’d never seen him be this patient and kind with a human before, and my senses were perked because of it.

  “Oh,” Rose whispered as she wrapped her arms around her chest.

  My stomach lurched. I never wanted her to feel like she couldn’t trust me. I never wanted her to fear me. And yet, here she was, moving away from me.

  It was such a strange pull on my emotions. On the one hand, I wanted to reach out and tell her everything. To pull her back to me and never let her go.

  On the other hand, I knew that putting some distance between us was the right thing for her to do. I didn’t need her to come looking for me. I needed to break things off.

  With my family back in my life, no one was safe. Especially not her.

  “So, there, you have your answers,” I said, lowering my voice and narrowing my eyes. I needed to play my part well, or she would never leave. “You can go now.” I flung my hand toward the town, hoping she’d pick up on my urgency.

  But her eyes only widened as she looked at me. “What?” she asked.

  “You can leave. There’s nothing for you in the woods anymore.” I stiffened my expression. I couldn’t allow her to see that there was any feeling left inside of me. I needed her to know that we were finished.

  “Are you getting rid of me?”

  “Oh man,” Oliver said, sounding like he wished he had a chair and a bucket of popcorn.

  “Yes. You’ve seen me. The real me. There’s no room in my life for a…human.” My heart squeezed with pain. I hated what I was saying, but I needed Rose to leave.

  And I wasn’t going to stop until she did.

  “Are you saying tha
t you’re better than me?” Rose asked, stepping forward. Her hands were pressed on her hips, and her gaze steeled as she stared at me.


  She scoffed and stepped back. “Wow. Well, I’m glad to have finally discovered the real you.” She folded her arms. “I mean, where, oh where am I going to find a guy who lies and uses me?”

  Her words cut through me, but I couldn’t stop. “Maybe if you weren’t so easy…” I said, letting my words taper off as I met her gaze with as much strength as I could.

  Rage burned in her gaze as she sputtered. “Easy?” Her skin was bright pink, and her heart was hammering in her chest. “Grayson Smith, you are a…jerk.” She pinched her lips together like that hadn’t been what she’d meant to say.

  She shook her head and turned to walk away.

  And I wanted her to. Oh, how I wanted her out of these haunted woods and safe above Jordan’s Diner.

  So I shrugged and called after her, “So, I guess we’re done.”

  She didn’t even stop. Instead, she kept moving. “Yeah, we’re through,” she called over her shoulder.

  I watched her disappear into the foliage and listened to her footsteps and heartbeat as she walked away from us. As soon as she was out of sight, I started to relax.

  It would only be a little while before she was safe. Then, I could breathe again. At least, for now.

  I had no idea what my dad was going to want from me. But from the glint in Oliver’s eyes and the sadistic smile across his lips, I knew it wasn’t going to be good.

  I clenched my fists, the urge to overpower my brother racing through my body. I could tell he sensed my agitation, and I could feel his antagonism toward me. He wanted to fight. It was coursing through his veins.

  And that realization made me sad. My brother was turning into a killing machine. It was the reason Mr. Bronson and a few others had run so long ago.

  The idea that we were superior to humans made me angry, and I hated the person I became when I was around the mother pack.

  I didn’t want to fight my brother. Leaving him behind four years ago had almost killed me. If it hadn’t been for Brielle, I would have slipped down into a dark hole of depression. One that I doubted I would have been able to climb out of.


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