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When He Stays: A Student Teacher Romance

Page 7

by A. R. Breck

  He lifts my shirt up and his eyes heat as they roam over my body. He brings one hand behind my back, unsnapping my bra quicker than I would ever be able to do with one hand. I shiver, which makes him lean forward and crank the heat up.

  "Better?" He asks.

  I nod my head yes, again.

  "Do you want me as much as I want you, Callie?" He asks in a husky voice.

  "Y-y-" I clear my throat and try again. "Yes, Mr. Cooper."

  "Call me Alec. Only when we are alone." He stresses that last part.

  "Okay… Alec."

  "If we do this, you won't tell anyone, will you?" He reaches his hand up and brushes his fingers over my nipples, giving them a gentle pull.

  I let out a small moan. "No. Never."

  "Good. Are you a virgin?"

  I chuckled. "No."

  His eyes narrow, like he doesn't appreciate my answer. His head tilts ever so slightly to the side, as if he can determine if I am really lying or not. When he seemed confident enough that I am telling the truth, he dives back in for another kiss, grabbing one of my breasts and squeezing it. I feel a rush of pleasure that borders on pain from him alternating between squeezing and plucking at my nipples. He releases my lips, kissing down my neck and ending up at my breasts.

  "Perfect." He whispers to himself before leaning forward and licking my nipple, sucking it into his mouth before releasing it with a pop. He continues going back and forth between my breasts, all the while grinding his erection right in between my legs. I'm pretty sure at this point my wetness has leaked through and is leaving a mark on his pants. When I can't take any more of his teasing, I yank his head up and give him a kiss, tugging at the button on his pants in an attempt to take them off.

  "So eager." He rasps. With a smoothness that I don't even want to dwell on, Alec is able to remove both my pants and underwear, and his, until I am hoovering naked over him in the driver's seat. He slowly moves a finger inside of me, swirling it around before moving my wetness onto my clit. He does this a few times until I am writhing on top of him, practically begging for release.

  "Are you on birth control?"


  "Are you sure you're ready?" He continues teasing me, and I’m about seconds from ripping his fucking hand off and using it to get myself off.

  "YES!" I scream.

  He laughs sadistically and then grabs my hips and slams me down onto him, making us both moan loudly. He lifts his hips in sync with mine, finding a torturous rhythm. He pumps into me, hitting that spot that makes my orgasm build quicker than it ever has before. I'm almost shocked, but have no time to be as a powerful orgasm crashes towards me, making me see stars. I lean my head back and close my eyes, relishing in my release.

  "Look at me." Alec snaps, making me shoot my eyes to his. "Get in the back seat and lay down."

  With arms and legs that feel like they are made out of jello, I climb into the back and lay down on the back seat, glad that the Jeep is so massive and gives us enough room to not feel too cramped. Alec climbs in behind me, removing his shirt in the process and revealing a wonderful set of abs and a delicious V that leads right to his long, thick erection.

  "Like what you see, baby?" He smirks.

  "Mmhmm." I mumble, barely coherent at this point.

  He comes in front of me and lifts my legs, spreading them and giving himself a good view of my pussy. He brings his fingers down to my clit, making me jolt, too sensitive to handle the sensations it brings. He chuckles as he lines his cock up with my pussy and slowly slides in this time, making me moan in pleasure as my eyes roll into the back of my head. He starts with a slow pace, finding that precise spot that makes me moan and clutch onto his forearms.

  As he nears his orgasm, he grabs onto my hips, using them as an anchor to slam my pussy down onto his cock in a punishing, fast rhythm, making a second orgasm build at rocket speed. His veins start pulsating in his forearms and neck, giving away his barely-there restraint. As my second orgasm crashes through me, he finally finds his release. Letting out a roar, he squeezes my hips so tightly that I know the marks of his fingers will be there later.

  He leans forward, pressing his forehead up against my neck, breathing me in as he catches his breath. My hands instantly go up to his head, running my fingers through his hair as I catch my own breath. He groans, revealing how much he enjoys my touch. After a few minutes, he lifts his head and looks down at me, all of that anger gone from his features.

  Though, now in its place is a look of unease, and a little bit of regret. "I should get you home." He reaches down to pull up his sweatpants, completely forgetting about putting on his briefs. I pull up my own pants and put my top on, opening the back door as I retrieve a cigarette from my purse, lighting up.

  As I go to take my second drag, the cigarette is ripped from my hands and stomped on the ground. Completely appalled, I look up at Alec, ready to curse him out, but he beats me to it.

  "What the hell, Callie? You are not smoking that shit. It's terrible for you." He looks disgusted.

  "What the fuck!? Don't you dare start this shit." I bend down and pick up what is left over of my cigarette, but he steps right in front of me before I can grab it.

  He barks out a laugh. "Yeah, try me." He widens his legs slightly and crosses his arms over his chest, ready to take me to battle. I am about to make some smart-ass remark when I finally realize what he is wearing, or lack thereof. Complete in low riding sweatpants that show off a treasure trail leading to what I know is a perfect package, and he left his shirt in the car, or didn't have enough time to throw it on before coming to ruin my good time.

  He sees me checking him out and his anger melts away to heat. "Get in the car, Callie." His voice has turned raspy again.

  Deciding not to poke the bear anymore tonight, I round the Jeep and get into the front seat and grab for my leather jacket, putting it on as the cold reaches me again, making me shiver. Looking out the window towards Alec, it looks like he is staring off into the forest, and I watch as he takes one of his hands and brings it to the back of his neck, rubbing away the tension, I'm sure. After a moment, he turns and walks back to the car, getting in but not starting it up.

  He turns around and grabs his shirt, whipping it on before turning to face me, "Callie… what we did was wrong. I know we have some…connection or something. But it wasn't right, what we did. You know that, right?." He looks in pain.

  I feel a boulder sitting at the base of my throat, making it hard to swallow. All I do is nod my head and slouch down a little more in my seat, feeling dejected. Alec reaches over and runs a finger down my cheek, leaving a tingling sensation in its place. "Callie?" He asks softly.

  "Yes, Mr. Cooper." He frowns at the name, but says nothing.

  "You…" he clears his throat, "You won't tell anyone, right?" He looks uneasy at this, and it just fuels my irritation.

  "Is that all you fucking care about? You think that I would really tell anyone what went on here? If you do, you honestly know nothing about me." I cross my arms over my chest and turn towards the window, done with him, and done with this night.

  "I know, I'm sorry. I know you wouldn't say anything." He is quite for a moment, then lets out a sigh and turns on the car, effectively ending our time together. He navigates down through town, taking the correct turns to get to Aunt Jenna's, without me giving directions. I would ask him how he knows where I live, but I've lost all of my energy for the night, and my bitchiness.

  Once we pull up outside of the townhouse, he makes no move to get out of the car or turn it off, so I turn to him and give him a fake smile and say, "Thank you for picking me up." Giving him a small wave and turning to get out of the car, he halts me by grabbing my wrist and pulling me back towards him.

  "You looked beautiful tonight, by the way." He says in a husky voice, giving me a kiss on the top of my head.

  My breath catches in my chest, and I say nothing. Getting out of the car and walking to my front door, I unlock it and walk stra
ight to my room in a dream-like state.

  I change into some sweatpants and a tank top and lay down in bed. Turning on my music, I switch on Bright Eyes on and attempt to fall asleep. An hour later of tossing and turning, I whip the blankets off of me, irritated that I can't fall asleep. And also irritated because for some reason, I'm feeling a little emotional.

  I'm feeling homesick, and suddenly the only thing on my mind is getting in touch with my brother. Grabbing my phone, I go to his name and press dial.

  "Hello?" Comes a sleepy voice.

  "Hi, Mack? It's Callie." My voice is already quivering.

  "Callie? What is it? What's the matter?"

  "Nothing… nothing. I'm sorry for calling so late, I just wanted to hear your voice is all." I sniffle, trying to control my crying.

  "Hey… it's alright. Don't worry about it. How has everything been? How is Colorado?"

  "It's okay. I have met some nice people, and the views are nice. I just – I just miss home. And I miss Mom." I can't control my sob on the last part.

  "Oh, Callie. I'm sorry I'm not there with you right now. If I wasn't so busy with classes, I would be there tomorrow, you know that, right?" His voice is tender, consoling.

  "I know. I don't expect you do come out here. I just miss home." I take a few deep breaths to get ahold of myself.

  "I'll tell you what, you keep strong a little while longer, okay? Come Christmas time, I will be out at Aunt Jenna's house for break and we can spend some time together. I'm telling you, within a couple days of me being there you will be begging to get rid of me." He has a smile in his voice.

  I chuckle. "I'm sure you're right."

  We talk for a little while longer, catching up on each other's lives and telling stories of our childhood. We laugh at some points, and are sad at others.

  After we end the call, I crawl back under the covers and surprisingly, fall right to sleep.


  The next morning, I am lounging around feeling absolutely drained from the night before. To be honest, I wasn't really feeling the dress shopping thing, but Leah and Mya have already been blowing up my phone trying to set up a time to meet.

  Aunt Jenna comes out from her bedroom, looking ready for the day way too early in the morning.

  "Where are you going this morning?" I ask her.

  "Oh, I am just going to get some brunch with a few old co-workers and catch up. I should be back a little after lunch. Are your plans still on to go dress shopping with the girls? You look like you are about to disappear into that couch." She waves in my general direction, and I can't say I disagree with her. I am completely in the zone right now with a heap of pillow and blankets surrounding me on the couch, in my most comfy sweats possible. Laying down on my side, I barely lift my head up from watching my movie to respond to her.

  Sighing, I say, "Yes."

  She chuckles, "Okay, then. Have a good time. Will you be back for dinner?"

  "Yes, that's the plan."

  "Wonderful. I will have something ready, then. See you later." She gives me a wave and is out the door in a flash. I am just amazed at the energy some people have in the mornings. If I could have it my way, nothing would be open until at least noon. Give everyone time in the mornings to be potatoes for fuck's sake.

  I lay down for a while and let my brain turn to mush, binging on Harry Potter that is playing a marathon on TV. Around 11:00 a.m., the doorbell rings, and I contemplate just ignoring it for the day and continuing on with my marathon. When it rings a second time, followed by repetitive knocking, I know that my chances of holing up on the couch for the day are slim to none.

  "Coming." I grumble, feeling way grouchier then I should be on the weekend. I open up the door, coming face to face with my two smiling friends, whose faces immediately go to a frown when they see I am not ready for the day.

  "Callie! What are you doing? You're supposed to be ready to go shopping!" Leah pouts.

  "Yeah, yeah. Give me ten minutes." I shuffle back to the couch and pick up my stuff, then go to my room and throw on some leggings with an oversized hoodie. I will just shower later tonight when I get home. Brushing my teeth and throwing my hair into a bun, I walk out in eight minutes, ready to go.

  "Wow, okay then. You are speedy quick." Mya says, surprised.

  I shrug and say, "We will have to take your car. My car got a flat last night and I have to get it fixed." I'm actually surprised Aunt Jenna didn't say anything to me when she went outside and saw the driveway empty. I will have to bring it up to her tonight and figure out a plan to have it back by Monday morning.

  "Really? It looked fine to me." Leah says, leaning over to look out the front window.

  "What?" I ask. Confused, I lean over her shoulder to look out the window, seeing my car sitting exactly where it's supposed to. "What the-" Slipping my shoes on, I go out the front door and look at the tire that was flat, but now has been replaced with a new tire. Not just a donut either, a completely new, inflated tire.

  My heart speeds up and beats a rapid staccato in my chest. Did Mr. Cooper to this for me? I'm completely shocked, mostly after last night’s ordeal.

  My breath catches, but I shove down those emotions deep, deep inside of me.

  He is so hot and cold with me, what am I supposed to make of this? Does he feel for me what I feel for him? Does he really want to pretend this never happened? After last night, he seriously went and fixed my car tire and brought it to my house, and somehow got back to his car and went back home? Taking a shaky breath, I turn towards my two friends who are looking at me curiously.

  "Are you okay, Callie? You're looking kind of funny…" Mya tentatively asks.

  "I'm good. So, do you want to drive or should I?" I say. I will deal with this other stuff later.

  "I'll drive. That way I can be DJ." Mya says with an evil grin, prompting Leah to groan.

  "Oh, come on, Mya!"

  They move to get into the car while I run inside of the house and lock up, grabbing my things and jogging back into the car. I instantly chuckle when I hear the music Mya turned on, some throwback jams from the 1990's. My mood lifts, and I start grooving to the old school rap songs. Mya and Leah crack up at my dancing in the backseat, and soon we are all rapping and dancing to Snoop Dogg.

  As we're getting close to town, I ask, "Leah, so how did last night go? You guys were sure looking hot and heavy when I left."

  "Oh. My. God." It was absolutely amazing. Seriously. Sawyer is so perfect." She says on a sigh.

  "Did you guys have sex?"

  Her cheeks turn bright red. "No! Second base, though." Bingo, just what I thought.

  She turns to me, and her face is beet red. "He didn't pressure me for more. He could tell I wasn't ready, which I wasn't. We both slept in his bed afterwards and he was so sweet and drove me home this morning. Seriously, we spooned all night together. The night was an absolute dream." She gives another dreamy sigh, making Mya and I roll our eyes.

  Letting her stay in her la-la land, I turn to Mya. "What about you, Mya? You and Lane? You guys looked pretty close at the fire last night." I wiggle my eye brows, making Mya give me a sly grin.

  "Yeah, we totally fucked."

  "And?" I ask, using my hands in a come on gesture.

  "And what? That's it. We fucked and that's all there is to it. It was great, but neither of us are looking for something more." She shrugs, making it seem like it isn't a big deal, but her tone speaks differently. I'm not going to push though, knowing that when she is ready she will spill.

  Turning to me, she says, "But what happened with Brock? You guys looked like you were having a good time there for a while."

  Sighing, I roll my eyes and say, "The idiot got too drunk and fell asleep. It's whatever."

  "I've never seen him get that plastered before." Leah says.

  "Yeah, me either. He is usually pretty good with holding his alcohol." Mya adds.

  "Yeah, well. He didn't. He drank way too much and got sloppy and passed out. I wasn't tryi
ng to have anything happen anyway. We're just friends." I shrug.

  Chuckling, Leah adds, "After last night, I don't think Brock sees it that way. You should have seen the look in his eyes, Mya. He was looking at Callie like she is the treasure in the treasure chest."

  Laughing, a bit uncomfortable, I huff, "Whatever, guys."

  Pulling up to our first store, Leah and Mya amble out of the car in giddy excitement, and I trail behind them at a much slower pace.

  "Come on, slow poke. We don't have all day!" Leah exclaims.

  Picking up my pace, I catch up to them and as we enter the dress boutique, I am surprised at the amount of dresses in the little store. There are dresses for every occasion – wedding, prom, homecoming, date night, and many different styles – short, long, two pieces, just about everything. Mya and Leah take off in two different directions, shouting that we need to meet in this spot in ten minutes.

  I putz around the first couple racks around me, grabbing a few that I feel aren't too girly or slutty, and that have a little edge and a tinge of sexy to them.

  Mya and Leah come back with a bunch of dresses bulging around their bodies, trying to peek out through a hole in between the dresses. An assistant comes rushing up and ushers us back to the dressing rooms, helping us a few rooms set up.

  "Let me know if you need anything." She says as she leaves the dressing room.

  Giving her a salute, I walk into my dressing room to try on the first dress.

  Callie, you don't have to be a bitch to everyone because you're in a pissy mood, I tell myself.

  "Callie! You have to come out and show us every dress!"

  "Yeah, okay." I grumble.

  I slide the first dress on me, noting that the long silkiness is a bit more prom-like than what I think I am supposed to be going for. It is long, blue, and has spaghetti straps, which I like. Being smaller chested, I am not one that usually goes for the strapless dresses.

  I step out of the dressing room and walk up to the floor to ceiling mirror in the corner, watching as the dress shimmers as I move side to side.

  Hmm, pretty.


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