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When He Stays: A Student Teacher Romance

Page 14

by A. R. Breck

  Feeling a little butt hurt, I decide to text my brother, hoping that he won't be too busy for me.

  Callie: Hey Mack, what's up?

  Mack: Callie! How's my favorite sister?

  Callie: Your only sister.

  Mack: I know that. So, what's up?

  Callie: Nothing, bored. Are you still planning to come here for Christmas?

  Mack: Yes, Callie. For the millionth time, I will be there.

  Callie: I know, sorry. I just don't want you to forget about me!

  Mack: I would never forget about you or leave you hanging, Callie. You know that, right?

  Tearing up a little, I reply.

  Callie: Yeah, I know. Thanks, Brother.

  Mack: Anytime, Sis. I'm heading into class, but I will call you this weekend, okay? I'll be booking my plane tickets then, too.

  Callie: Sounds good. Talk to you soon.

  Setting my phone down on my nightstand, I roll over and fluff up one of my pillows, getting comfy and just staring off into space, no music, no TV, no anything. After what feels like an eternity, I finally start to drift off to sleep when my phone starts buzzing next to me.

  "You have got to be fucking kidding me." I groan, rolling over and seeing Alec's name pop up on the screen.

  "Hello?" I ask, rubbing my face in exhaustion.

  "Callie." Comes a low rumble from Alec.

  "What's up?" I ask when he doesn't say anything else.

  "Please tell me you are going to college." He says on a sigh.

  What the? "Where the hell is this coming from?"

  "During our staff meeting this evening, we went over the college applications and status of all of our seniors. And what do you know, I come across your name and what do I see? No college goals, no applications submitted. Nothing. What the fuck, Callie?" He whips out, anger lashing through his voice.

  I instantly feel my anger go from zero to boiling. "You know what, Mr. Cooper? My plans have never been high. It has always been my goal to finish high school. That's it. Nothing major, I just wanted to finish school and get a job to support myself. Now my mom is dead. My aspirations are even less so then what they were two years ago. Now my goal is to just survive until the next day, okay? I don't care about college. I honestly don't care."

  A sound of disagreement comes through the phone. "Callie, baby. I'm sorry, okay? You are so smart though, and I would honestly hate for you to let your capabilities go to waste. Please, just think about it, okay? I can just grab some applications to some schools for you to look at, and we can just go from there. Okay?"

  I know his words are coming from the heart, and it makes my anger melt. And, I always have an unnecessary urge to constantly please him. "Okay. I will look at them, but that does not mean I am even close to thinking about going to college. Okay? It has never been a goal, so I'm not just going to flip a switch and suddenly have the desire to go to college." I relent.

  "I know, baby. I know. I don't just want you to fly. I want you to soar." He says softly, making me feel warm all the way to the depth of my heart.

  "Thanks, Alec." I say on a whisper.

  "I'll let you go. We'll talk tomorrow, okay? If you can, come see me in the morning like you did this morning. It made my day, being able to spend a moment with you before the day started."

  "I will do that. See you in the morning." I yawn.

  "Night, babe."

  We hang up, and then I’m left lying in bed, completely awake with college on my mind. Is that something that I could even do? I have never thought of myself being a college student. Dorm rooms, frat parties, bleck. I like a party as much as the next person, but those college parties are ridiculous, filled with sluts, condoms, and frat boys who think they have the biggest cock of the century. I will look at the applications though, for Alec. No one else on the planet would have been able to make me even agree.

  Somehow though, just a few positive words and I'm already bending against what has always been set and stone.


  "I'll call you tonight!" Mya yells as she is walking off to her car. Leah is still up on the stairs by the entrance of the school, macking on Sawyer. I roll my eyes at that sight that seems to be happening more often than not, and give Mya a thumbs up in agreement.

  "Sounds good!" I shout as I hop into my car, turning up the heat and sticking my hands in front of the vents in an attempt to thaw them out.

  The last couple months have absolutely flown by. With today being the beginning of winter break, I can feel the air almost electrified with people's excitement. Mack flew in today while I was at school, so my plan is to go straight home and spend the day with him. I am jittery with excited.

  Things with Alec and me have been going really well lately. I have been going over to his house a couple times a week when we can sneak in some time with each other. Between school and work for me, and work for him, things have been pretty crazy. But our early morning meetings have been the highlight of my day. He has even taken to grabbing me a coffee beforehand, so it's basically a one-way street straight to my heart.

  Unfortunately, I won't be able to spend the next week with him, as he is going up north to spend Christmas with his family. We spent some time together last night, eating a delicious pasta dinner that he prepared and then making love on a plush rug in front of his roaring fireplace. It was absolutely magical. It was hard to say goodbye to him this morning, but he promised that he would text me every day and try to sneak in a call here and there.

  Our plan is to get together the moment that he returns, which is on New Year’s Eve. I told Aunt Jenna that I will be spending the night and Mya and Leah's house. Although she was concerned about the parties that might be going on, I think I have built up enough trust for her to have faith I won’t do anything too stupid.

  Driving back home, I realize that I am maybe a little too excited, because I am whipping around the curving roads a little too quickly. Letting my foot off the gas, I go a little bit closer to the speed limit as I'm getting close to home. When I pull up into the driveway, I don't even grab my backpack, flinging the car into park and sprinting up to the front door. As I'm about to open the door, it swings open and there is my brother, flesh and blood, standing there with a big smirk on his face.

  "Callie!" Mack yells, grabbing me up and swinging me around like I'm still five. He is a hulk of a man, about 6'5 and all muscle. His hair is wavy like mine, falling just below his ears. He is the epitome of a surfer, and he absolutely loves his life.

  Laughing, I squeal. "Put me down!"

  He puts me down and lays his hands on my shoulders, giving me a warm smile. "How you doin’ kid? You look good."

  "I feel good, Mack. I really do. How are you?" I ask, pulling him in by the arm to get us out of the cold. Aunt Jenna is running around in the kitchen, whipping up a nice dinner from the smell of it.

  "Oh, Callie. You're home! How was school?" She wipes her hands on a towel before coming up to me and giving me a side hug. We have become close over the last couple months. I realized that I can't blame her or act like a bitch just because my mom died. My Aunt had nothing to do with it, and I could see that she was mourning the loss of her sister just as much. So, I laid my cards down and opened up to her more, which has brought us closer together and relieved a lot of stress off both of our shoulders.

  I can tell she has been putting in a lot of effort for Christmas, trying to bring up some of the same traditions without being overbearing, and trying to make this as special as possible for me and Mack without it being a depressing day. All in all, things have been going well and I am grateful for her.

  "School was good. Crazy, but good. I'm glad for the break." I smile at her.

  "I'm telling you, Mack. She has been working her butt off this last month with school and work. I told her she needed to cut back and enjoy life a little!" She looks to him for support, but he just chuckles.

  "That has always been Callie, Aunt Jenna. She is way too independent for her own good." He
puts his hand atop my head, giving it a small pat.

  I scowl at him. "Would you stop?" I bat his hand away. "I am almost eighteen years old. You do know that, right?"

  "You will always be eight years old to me, Cal." He gives me a loving smile, and I can't help but melt into it. Although I am grateful for all that Aunt Jenna does for me, I can't even explain the comfort I feel to be around someone who I have grown up with, someone who has experienced the same loss as me. As distant as we were growing up, we have thankfully grown closer since the death of my mom.

  "Alright guys. Why don't you go and wash up? Dinner will be ready in a few." Aunt Jenna hurries back to the kitchen, pulling what looks to be a delicious roast out of the oven.

  I hurry to my bedroom where I change and use the bathroom. Once I get back to the kitchen, Mack is already sitting down at the table and Aunt Jenna is setting the last of the food items down. "Great, let’s eat guys." She says.

  We all dig in, humming when we take our first bite from how good it tastes. The roast basically melts in your mouth, the flavors bursting from how delicious it is. "So, Callie. Any boys chasing after you that I need to know about?" He gives me a sly grin.

  Blushing, my thoughts immediately go to Alec and the thought of them meeting. Then I think of Mack trying scare off Alec, who is older than him, and I have to bite my lip to stop from cracking up. From seeing what Alec looks like naked, he could, hands down, take most men in town. He isn't even overly buff, it's his stealth and agility that makes up for it, giving him a power that most men would cower to. "Nope, no boyfriends." I look down at my plate in fear of the word LIAR blaring out of my eyes like a strobe light.

  Aunt Jenna chuckles. "She might not have a boyfriend, but there must be people interested. I hear you whispering sometimes in the middle of the night on the phone. These walls aren't made of steel, you know." She gives me a knowing look, making my face turn fire red.

  "Yeah, just a couple friends in school." I shrug, not wanting to get any further into this conversation then we already are. "So, what do you want to do while you're here?" I ask, hoping they don't catch on to the abrupt change in subject.

  My brother gives me an odd look, signaling that he did catch on. Damnit. "Well, I do think that we should go snowboarding. That would be cool. What else is there to do in this area?"

  "I'm sure we can find something to do." Shrugging, I feel like this might be a good time to break my other news to my family. I haven't even told Alec yet, but I spoke with Mrs. Roule today while at school and submitted some college applications, all of which are in Colorado. This will surprise both of them, I'm sure.

  I have barely had any contact with any of my friends from California, and I have really taken to Colorado. It's starting to feel like my home, and I don't want to give that up. Not to mention, this is where Alec lives. I'm planning to talk to Alec about this when he gets back home. I just hope that me staying here doesn't scare him away.

  "So," I start, garnering both of their attention and some apprehensive looks from my tone. "I talked with my school counselor today, and I have decided to apply for some colleges." I attempt to smile, but it falls quickly, still unsure about my decision.

  "Callie! That's wonderful news! Where did you apply? UCLA?" He looks genuinely excited, making me wince.

  "Um, actually, I applied at a couple schools here in Colorado." I look up at Aunt Jenna, and see as her eyes instantly fill up with tears. Her silverware drops to the table as Aunt Jenna jumps up from her seat, coming around to give me a big squeeze. "Well, honey, I think that is just the greatest news I have heard all year." Her eyes are swimming with pure joy. I can tell the tears are just begging to fall, but she sucks them in as she walks back to her seat and wipes her eyes with a napkin.

  "Really? Well, I think that's great news! Gives me more reason to come out here, I suppose. Do you know what you are going to study?" Mack asks, looking genuinely excited.

  "Yeah. I think I'm going to try out social work. Help other kids with no parents, you know." I shrug.

  Aunt Jenna face takes on an understanding look. "I think that sounds like a great choice, Callie."

  Mack grabs my shoulder and gives it a squeeze. "I'm proud of how far you have come, Callie."

  "Thanks." I smile. Maybe this is a good thing, after all.

  As we finish up dinner, we all look like we are about moments from tipping over.

  "Ugh, that was great, Aunt Jenna. I do not get enough of these good meals at college, that's for sure." Mack says, leaning back in his chair and rubbing his hand over his belly.

  "You are welcome to come and eat my good meals any time you want, Mack." Aunt Jenna smiles as she stands up and grabs her dishes. "Why don't you guys go and relax in the other room, watch a movie and catch up? I can take care of the cleanup. You guys just go and spend some time together."

  "Are you sure? I don't mind helping." I offer. I usually always help with the dishes.

  "No! No. Go and spend some time with your brother. He is only here for a week." She shoos me away with her hands, making us laugh as we walk over into the living room.

  We both plop down on the couch and Mack searches for a movie. He passes National Lampoons Christmas Vacation and switches it on. "Nice choice." I tell him.

  "You know it." He smiles.

  We stay like this the rest of the evening, watching movies and laughing hysterically when the funny parts come on. We are able to catch up with each other throughout the evening, and ended up talking through most of the evening and until we both fall asleep. At one point, I woke up and noticed we were both still in the living room, my brother sprawled out on the floor passed out, while I was curled up in a ball in the corner of the couch. Yawning and stretching like a cat, I grab the blanket from the back of the couch, drape it over Mack, and stumble into my bed, falling back asleep before my head even hits the pillow.

  * * * *

  The next morning, I am lying in bed when a text comes in from Mya.

  Mya: Hey, girl. What are you doing today?

  Callie: Probably going to go snowboarding or something with my brother later, why?

  Mya: Sweet. I was wondering if you wanted to hit up the mall with me this morning? I forgot to get a Christmas gift for my parents!

  Shit. I totally need to get a gift for Alec. I already got a gift for Aunt Jenna and Mack, and I even got something small for Mya and Leah. Alec told me repeatedly to not get him anything, but I knew I was still going to get him something. It must have slipped my mind to actually go and get the gift.

  Callie: Let me go and see when Mack wants to get moving.

  I walk out to the living room, seeing him in the exact same spot as he was last night. I give him a nudge with my foot. "Mack." I say softly.”

  No response.

  "Mack!" I say a little louder.

  Still nothing.

  "MACK!" I yell, but he only grunts and shifts a little, going back to sleep. Damnit, I forgot he sleeps like the dead.

  Trudging back to my room, I fall back onto my bed.

  Callie: Looks like my brother will be sleeping a while. I can go for a bit this morning, if you want.

  Mya: Ok! See you in an hour!

  Shit. This girl and her early hours.

  Callie: See you.

  I hop into the shower and rush to get ready, throwing on some leggings and a long, oversized sweater. Throwing my hair up in a bun, I swipe on some mascara and am ready for the day. Walking out into the kitchen, I see that Mack is finally rousing from his slumber. "Morning, sleepy." I laugh, walking to the coffee pot to pour myself a cup.

  "Morning." His face is buried in the carpet so his words come out muffled.

  "I'm going shopping with a girl from school this morning. When I get back, do you want to go snowboarding?" I ask.

  Rolling over onto his back, he lets out a big yawn. "Yeah, sure. Works for me."

  We chat for a bit and eventually he gets off the ground and stumbles into the kitchen to pour himself a large
cup of black coffee. He is like me in that sense - do not bother us until we get some coffee in our system.

  After finishing off my cup, I go rinse out my cup and throw it in the dishwasher. "Mya should be here any minute. I'm going to run and go pee first."

  Mack lifts his hand in acknowledgement with his face buried in his phone, probably looking at the news. He has always been interested in the current events. I for one couldn't give two shits.

  As I'm going pee, I hear the doorbell ring. "Coming!" I shout. I hurry and wash my hands, run and grab my purse and hurry out to the kitchen. What I see when entering the kitchen has me doing some serious eye rolls.

  Mack is leaning up against the door frame to the front door, wearing his sweat pants and no shirt. He's holding his cup of coffee and his hair is all wild from sleeping on the floor. Mya, still standing outside, looks like she is either about to jump on top of him or propose marriage. Mack has a sly smirk on his face, knowing exactly the type of reaction he is garnering from my best friend. I clear my throat, hoping to break whatever the hell is going on.

  "Mya, I see you have met my pain in the ass brother, Mack." I swing my hand in his general direction.

  "I sure have. Nice to meet you, Mack. I'm Mya, Callie's best friend." She gives him a look that has me wanting to scrub my eyes out with bleach.

  "Alright then." I say, interrupting their eye fucking. "Let's get going, shall we?" I quickly put my coat on and head out the door, yanking on Mya's arm as I'm walking towards my car. "See you in a few hours, Mack!"

  "Bye, ladies." He gives us a small wave as he shuts the door. My bet is he falls back asleep within thirty minutes. His schedule at school is so hectic, I'm sure he's relieved to get some time to just relax.

  The moment we get in Mya's car, she turns towards me and grabs my arm in a painful grip, her nails digging in through my coat. "Ouch. What the fuck?" I snatch my arm away, rubbing where her nails dug in. "Bitch, you better not have made me bleed."

  "Callie! How could you not tell me that your brother is the hottest guy ever? Seriously, my ovaries are doing a dance right now. I think I just found my future baby dad." She swoons.


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