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Gang Raped Virgin

Page 2

by Paul Gable

  “Better,” Jack murmured into her ear, his wet mouth slobbering over her lobes. “You’re gonna be a nice girl, right? You ain’t gonna give Jack and his buddies any more trouble, are you? Baby, you play right with me and we’ll do good by you.”

  His breath stank with beer and pot. The hand around her mouth relaxed a little, the other remaining tangled in her hair, keeping her head close to the wall. For a moment Janet thought she would faint. How good that would be. She could be like her friend Julie who had passed out on the floor, completely oblivious to the horror going on around her.

  “Down on the floor, baby. We’re gonna fuck like a couple of dogs… a bitch and her stud, right? Man, this is gonna be freaky, real freaky!”

  Janet groaned as he pulled her down, down to the floor. The next moment the blonde teen felt Jack grab her by the buttocks. He pinched her hard, making her squeal.

  “Yeah, man, she’s a live one, a real fighter,” Jack whispered, watching Janet squirm on the floor as he kept hurting her.

  “She ain’t gonna be so live after the three of us get through with her,” Bill said, sliding away from the unconscious Julie who was now slumbering peacefully some ten feet away.

  Jack’s hand started exploring all over her body. It ran excitedly over one side, feeling bits of flesh through her blouse and skirt. When his fingers ran under the hem of her skirt and tried to move between her thighs, Janet panicked once more, clamping her legs together and crying out.

  “No, no, don’t touch me… there. Please, I’ll give you anything. I have money. Please, don’t! Don’t do that, don’t touch me!”

  Jack laughed at her mounting terror, enjoying her frantic pleas for mercy. He reached around, tearing at her blouse now, pulling at her sweat-dampened blouse until the sound of ripping material filled the room. Janet cried out, feeling the garment shredding, then pulling away from her body. He was stripping her naked, baring her tits!


  She could feel his hands sliding between her legs once more, his palms pushing hard against her soft, silky flesh. Her tits were free, flattened out against the filthy floor. Turning, Janet let out a gasp of horror. It was futile, she knew, to try and keep him from touching her there. They could easily fuck her now, flip her over like a pancake and jam their cocks into her with little trouble. But they were enjoying this playing, this toying with her, watching her twist and groan and beg them.

  “No, oh no!”

  Stretching out her right hand, she curled her fingers and dug frantically at the dirty, wood planks beneath her. She fought with every bit of strength, trying to keep Jack’s fingers away from her cunt. But it was useless. Her straining legs finally opened from the force of his pressure.

  With a grunt, Jack shifted position, rolling on top of her, his thick-muscled thighs sliding easily on top of her buttocks.


  His weight suddenly on her ass and back nearly crushed all the air from her.

  “Stop! Oh please, no, no, not yet. I’m not… oh God, no, no!”

  Her breaths came in short, shallow pants. It felt as if she were drowning as she struggled. He was laughing again, pulling at her hair, humping his dick against her ass, grabbing at her shoulders, her thin arms, his knees pressing hard against the backs of hers. Dear God, if only she could pass out!

  “Man, she’s hot and fine,” Jack sighed. “Yeah, she’s gonna be real good, a real good fuck. Yeah, gonna have a nice tight cunt. You ever fuck before, baby? You ever have a guy slide his cock into you?”

  “No!” she sobbed, clenching her fingers into two fists and beating them against the floor.

  “A fuckin’ virgin! Ain’t many of those runnin’ around. I hear even the nuns over at Saint Pat’s put out,” Jack laughed, shoving his solid hard dick up against, her pussy.

  He pulled up her dress around her waist and now he was jamming his dickhead against the nylon crotch panel of her panties, pushing the soft material into her cunt crack! Again Janet groaned, struggling against Jack, against his cunt-hungry dick.

  “Leave me… alone! Please!”

  More hands, more fumbling. He was reaching around her waist, tearing the buttons from her waistband, ripping her zipper open, tugging at her skin. She felt him roll to one side, felt him sliding the garment down her legs.

  “Nice ass, real nice.”

  She felt his hot fingers through the sheer nylon, felt them pinching her buttocks, sliding up and down the panty crotch, feeling how… yes, oh God, yes, how hot she was down there! It was true, too awfully true!

  Besides the true sense of horror Janet felt something else was happening down there between her legs, something she didn’t want to think about, something she couldn’t understand. All this horrible talk and rough handling were turning her on, making her feel so soft and mushy and wet between her white shivering thighs!

  “Man, the little bitch’s hot! She digs it, really digs it!” Jack whispered.

  Janet moaned. She rocked her hips, feeling her cuntlips slipping and sliding against one another, feeling the velvety lining of her pussy seeping more and more hot juice that dampened the thin nylon covering her cuntal mound. Janet knew Jack felt her excitement, felt her warmth and wetness with his probing fingers. She gasped as two of his fingers pushed inward against the crotch-panel of her briefs, rubbing her cuntal mouth. Tightening her thighs, Janet felt herself pushing down and back, raising her ass up slightly as if to give that horrible animal more of her cunt to touch, to feel! No, no, it couldn’t be true, it couldn’t be true that she was doing that! She wasn’t a whore, not like some of the girls at her school. Her mother had told her about girls like that, about how they wound up being laughed at and scorned by decent people!

  But Janet couldn’t hide her feelings. Jack was exciting her, making her feel so warm, wet and squirmy down there with all his damned fingering!

  “Uhhhh… nooooooo!”

  How she wished he could stop. Again and again she begged him to ease up, to take his fingers out, to let her go.

  The other two crowded around, watching breathlessly as their buddy began his long, slow fucking spree with Janet. She could smell their crotches, and once more she thought of what Jack had said about sucking dick. Would they make her do it, take their cocks in her mouth and suck while he fucked the shit out of her? The thought knifed through her mind as she felt Jack’s, fingers curl around the elastic waistband of her panties then pull down.

  “Can’t fuck through this!”

  She felt the rub of the wet material over her thighs, over her knees, then slip off her ankles.

  “No! Oh no!”

  Jack was back on top of her, covering Janet with his hard, hot, muscular body.

  “Poor little girl. You don’t look so comfortable. Too bad. You’re gonna feel good, though, when I finally stick my dick into you.”

  “Help!” Janet screamed.

  Jack growled, hitting her across the back of her head.

  “You scream again and I’ll punch the shit outta you ’til your fuckin’ ribs break,” he snarled.

  Janet knew he meant it. She blinked away the stars that had exploded in front of her eyes.

  “Jesus, look at that cunt. It’s a shame no one’s touched it ’til now,” Bill commented in a hoarse whisper.

  “Ain’t gonna be for much longer.”

  Janet knew this was the moment of truth. Realizing what was about to happen, she struggled wildly. She opened her mouth again, letting out a wild shout. Jack swore at her, then clamped his dirty palm over her lips, pressing them against her teeth.

  “No, no, please,” she gasped when his hand slipped off her mouth.

  “Please, what, fuck you?” Jack snarled. “Oh no, no!” Janet twisted her head around. She saw Julie still slumped to the floor, one hand now over her face, sleeping peacefully in her drugged stupor. How she wanted to kick her friend!

  “Fuck, baby, really fuck it out.”

  Jack reached down and squeezed Janet’s rounded

assglobes, digging his fingertips hard into her resilient flesh. He kept telling her about how he was going to fuck her – real hard at first, then easing up, only to fuck her like an animal at the end. Then he moved his fingers down, until they were pressing against her furry cuntal mound. He tugged at some of the short curly hairs, making her squeal with pain and terror. She felt sick with disgust, knowing that this horrible excuse for, a man was about to sink his dick into her pussy.

  She felt Jack’s hand coursing over her naked outer thighs. He was playing games with her, teasing her crawling flesh, painfully kneading the white skin into tight little balls, pinching them in his fingers. He pinched her inner thighs until she cried out again. He loved doing this, hurting her, degrading her, calling her all sorts of names while jamming his dick up and down over her butt. She whimpered in horror and anguish.

  “Keep it up, baby, keep it up. Ask me not to do it. Man, that turns me on, really turns me on!” he groaned.

  She felt him rubbing her asscheeks, spreading the cheeks apart, rubbing his filthy nails into her wet hot ass crack. She groaned, rubbing her pussy against the floor, trying to move her ass away from the stud’s probing hands.

  “Stop this!” she shouted.

  “Bill, get over here and shut her up!”

  Janet struggled more violently than before, twisting her body half around, propping up on one elbow while jerking her head to one side peering through the blonde hairs curtaining her face, she saw Bill kneeling next to her, his long skinny dick wagging in front of her face. Shrinking back, Janet let out a choked cry of horror.

  “No, no!”

  Bill grabbed her hair, jerking her head up from the floor and shoving it against his lap. He was rubbing her nose against his hairy crotch, his breath coming in wheezy gasps. How awful, how disgusting! His wiry cock hairs brushed against her nostrils!

  “No! Ughhhhh!”

  The smell, that awful sour smell coming from his crotch did something to her, made her cuntal muscles cramp, her pussy walls buckle from sexual heat and tension. She shouldn’t be feeling things like this, but Janet couldn’t help herself. It was as if all the training she had received from her mother, from her church, from her school had melted away in a few moments, replaced by this horrible dark force creeping over her mind like a fog.

  “Yeah, baby, yeah…” Bill sighed. He was forcing her face harder against his crotch. Janet felt her nose flattening against his groin. He was forcing her to inhale the stench coming from his crotch. She felt his blood-filled cock rubbing against her lips. Janet tried twisting away again, away from the fat thing sliding back and forth over her closed mouth. But Bill was holding her head, tugging at her hair, making her groan through her clenched teeth in pain. Her knees pressed hard against the floor. Both men were trying to rape her – one in the cunt, the other in the mouth!

  Bill, shoved her face harder against his crotch. At the same time Jack was sliding his dick back and forth, forcing it down into her sweaty butt crack while pinching her thighs and asscheeks.

  “Gonna fuck her now,” Jack whispered.

  He reached between her thighs with one thumb, digging his fingers into her asscheeks. Slowly the young stud was shaving his thumb into her tight little cunt.

  “Nice and wet, man. You ain’t gonna have too much trouble takin’ my cock. The way you’re juicin’, man, it’s like you been wantin’ something like this to happen for a long time.”

  No, no, he was lying, trying to make her feel cheaper, more skittish than she already felt. Again Bill jabbed his cockhead against her lips, swearing through his teeth, jerking up at her hair in an attempt to get her to open her mouth.

  The thumb slipped deeper and deeper into her crack. Once Janet tried opening her mouth to cry out, then she felt Bill’s dick almost slip in. But overriding all, her feelings was, that thumb, that awful thumb now shoved against her cherry. Now Janet felt pain, the pain, of that thin little membrane puckering in, threatening to tear with the slightest increase of pressure.

  Janet stiffened arching her back, her body shivering as if someone had touched it with a live electric wire. The pain increased. It was pure agony. Only the pressure of Bill’s prick against her lips kept her from screaming out. And then it happened! Something tore, ripped free from her pussy. Janet could feel it giving way under the pressure of Jack’s thumb. Her eyes wide, the girl screamed, her face blanching white as her legs kicked out.


  Bill groaned, hunching down and forward. The head of his cock slipped between her lips, sliding down toward the back of her throat. Janet gagged, sour bile rising from her belly. He had done it, had actually shoved his dick into her mouth! With a sob, she jerked her head away, spitting that filthy thing from her mouth.

  “Hey, look at this,” Jack said, holding up one thumb. “She was a virgin after all. She’s bleedin’ down there. Well, fuck, the blood’ll only make things nice and smooth in there when I fuck her.”

  “Come on, baby, what’s the difference any more? Come on and suck my dick,” Bill growled, tugging at her hair once more and trying to slip his cock into her mouth.

  “And let me tell you,” Jack went on, “she’s got one hell of a tight cunt… for now. When I get through with her, though, it’s gonna be a little wider.”

  Janet shivered, terrified that this was only the beginning of a nightmare.

  Chapter 3

  Janet’s body jerked involuntarily again, convulsing, as she tried wildly to wrench herself away from Jack’s thumb. That awful thumb! It made her sick to know she’d lost her cherry to a thumb, to a hand belonging to a complete stranger. All her dreams were shattered in an instant, that moment Jack’s filthy thumbnail tore through her cherry, tearing with it her hopes for a bright happy future.


  Again Janet fought to keep from retching. Her belly ground against the floor as she squirmed away from that horrible thumb. Her buttocks clenched together, her knees scraping along the floor while Bill was still trying to jam his dick into her mouth. Janet screamed loudly, having torn away from Jack’s hand one more time. If only someone outside could hear her, answer her cries for help by calling the police.

  “Yeah, she’s a virgin, all right,” Bill said, staring at Jack’s pink thumb.

  Janet felt him inserting another finger into her cunthole, trying to squirm two digits into her snatch. She cried out again, her shoulders jutting out, her knees slapping hard against the floor. Every muscle in her body cramped with the effort she made to wiggle away from his terrible hand.

  “No, oh God, you’re… killing meeeee!”

  “Shut up,” Jack almost shouted, leaning over her as he pulled his thumb and forefinger out of her cunt. Janet sighed, relaxing for a second as the pressure eased around her cuntmouth. “Just keep quiet and rein, and maybe you’ll dig this as much as I’m gonna.”

  “Oh! Ohhhhh!”

  Jack reared back, reaching down and tugging her buttocks apart. He kept them spread wide as both his thumbs smoothed over her asscrack, then slipped lower and lower until – oh God – he was touching the dripping lips of her cunt. She was wet, hot, really hot for his fingers, for his cock. It was shameful for Janet to realize, but her own body was betraying her. One part of her mind was repulsing the big man hovering over her, pushing him away, wishing she could somehow escape from him and his friends. And yet another part of her was wanting more degradation, wanting him to shove her into the mud and drag her through filth, all the while exciting her cunt with those magic fingers.

  “Fuck it out, baby, fuck. Man, juicin’ still, can’t keep from stoppin’, can you?”

  How she wished she had a gun, a knife, anything to kill him, destroy that animal who made her see herself in this awful light. His fingers slipped up and down, jagged nails teasing the tense, rubbery edges of her inner cuntlips. Janet jerked her body to one side, clawing at the floor until two of her nails broke. Her heated cunt began lubing up, and the slick liquid started mixing with what l
ittle blood there was from her ripped cherry.

  “No… no more, please… ughhhhh! No more of this,” she groaned, sobbing with renewed humiliation.

  “Good and hot?” Greig asked, caressing his cockhead. He wanted to fuck the young girl in the ass, whispering his needs to Jack.

  “Yeah, yeah, maybe later you can butt-fuck the bitch. Right now I just wanna get my cock into the motherfucker and let it ride.”

  Butt fucking? Fucking in the ass? Janet froze with horror. She had heard about that sort of thing just as she’d heard about girls sucking off guys. But mostly fags did that kind of fucking… or so she thought. Certainly none of the girls at school admitted to letting their boyfriends tap them in the ass. Just the thought of having something that big and fat and long sliding in and out of her bowels made Janet shiver.

  Her mind spun with fear and humiliation. She sobbed, feeling Jack’s fingers come in contact with her pussy. Very, very slowly she felt him spreading her cuntlips apart. The fleshy, fur-lined labes of her hot trench were wide open now, revealing the moist pink cuntmeat ready to take on his dick.

  Jack smacked his lips like a hungry wolf, swallowing down his excitement, grabbing hold of his cock with one hand and guiding it down toward her hole.

  “Ohhhh… yeah, yeah,” Jack whispered, his body trembling as his cockhead slipped between her widely spread cuntlips.


  Janet closed her eyes, feeling waves of nausea, disgust, self-loathing and delight all mixed together. She twitched, jerking forward, her chin striking the floor hard. He was trying to fuck her, but her cunt was too tight, too tense for him to get all the way in. His dick bent at the center, the head refusing to go past her outer cuntlips.

  “She tensed up on me at the last second, damn it!” Jack muttered, pulling his dick out.

  “No, no, noooo!”

  He was back to touching her pussy with his fingers, sliding the middle one up, flicking the tip along her clit. He teased the edges of her soaked cunt, his long finger continuing its maddeningly tickling journey down, down until it was going around once more on her clit.


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