The Rancher’s Reunion Bride

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The Rancher’s Reunion Bride Page 6

by Maya Stirling

  Kyle's shoulders tensed. "Nothing I can't handle."

  "That's good to hear," Gabe said, trying to sound as satisfied as he could. This was more like it, he told himself. All three brothers finding common ground. It was usually the way. Their parents had brought all three brothers up to hammer problems out whenever they came up. It wasn't the Baxter way to let things stew.

  "I'm starving," Landon announced. The family had a housekeeper, Lily. Gabe was sure something tasty would be laid out on the kitchen table once they were home. "Let's get going," Landon added obviously impatient to be seated at the kitchen table with Lily laying out plates filled with wholesome food.

  Gabe realized he was hungry. He lifted his reins and tugged his horse into life. "Let's go," he told his two brothers. As the three of them rode toward the front of the ranch house, Gabe's mind drifted to the afternoon he'd spent with Lauren. Not the whole afternoon. Just the part where he'd sat beneath the tree with her. That had been more than he could have hoped for. Being with her; walking with Lauren; gazing into her eyes; listening to her sweet voice; feeling delight at the sound of her laughter.

  The time he'd spent with her had been perfect. A surprising and delightful gift from God. One that he hadn't expected, and one for which he was grateful. There was so much to be grateful for to God, Gabe told himself. This perfect life he had on the ranch, for example. God had handed Gabe a responsibility. It was that simple. Keep the Baxter family together and ensure that he and his brothers remained on the ranch, happily married, each with a loving, godly wife. It was going to be difficult.

  But, after today and being so close to Lauren Munro again, he was ready for the challenge.


  On each of the two mornings following her reunion with Gabe, Lauren made sure she was inside the ranch house when Gabe and Kyle arrived on horseback. She still felt the disappointment after the conversation beneath the tree. When Gabe and Kyle did arrive, they usually waited out in the yard until Josh and Wyatt came out to greet them.

  Thankfully, as far as Lauren was concerned, there was always something to do in the kitchen. Breakfast for Josh and Wyatt and everyone else was a big affair that required plenty of early morning cooking. Usually, the scene around the kitchen table was rowdy, even for so early in the day. Lauren's father liked to pay special attention to Ryan with whom he'd formed a playful but powerful bond.

  It guaranteed a busy start to the day. Both mornings had been no exception, and Lauren had been glad of the distraction. The last thing she wanted was another awkward encounter with Gabe out in the yard. Especially with witnesses watching her and Gabe's every move, and listening to their every word.

  Since Gabe's visit two days ago, her father had been keeping an eye on Lauren. But he hadn't said anything to her about Gabe. And every time he looked like he was about to say something, Lauren had warned him off with a scolding look.

  During each of those days, Gabe didn't come anywhere near the inside of the Munro ranch house. Food was cooked by Lauren, Victoria and Grace, and sent out to the spread where the men were working. It seemed like there was plenty of work out on the spread to keep Gabe occupied with Kyle, Josh and Wyatt. She was surprised that, on each of those days, he'd chosen to remain for the entire day on the Munro spread. She guessed one reason for that might be to make sure Kyle kept his word and remained on the ranch. If that was the case then maybe Kyle was as unruly as Gabe had made him out to be.

  On the third morning though, Lauren was helping Grace and Victoria with making the breakfast as usual, when she glanced out the kitchen window and saw Gabe and Kyle arriving. They were early. This time both men dismounted, threw the reins of their horses over the hitching rail, and started to make their way toward the ranch house porch. Lauren's heart quickened as she realized Gabe and Kyle were coming inside for breakfast. Her breath caught, and she tried to swallow but found it inexplicably difficult.

  Turning away from the window, sure that her features were pale with surprise, but trying to compose herself, Lauren saw Josh smiling at her. "We invited the Baxter boys in for some Munro hospitality," he explained. He smiled broadly. "I asked them the last couple of mornings, but Gabe declined the offer. Yesterday, though, he told me he'd be glad to join us all for breakfast."

  "That's nice," Lauren said, her voice quivering with emotion. Lauren tugged at the collar of her plain white gown. She saw Grace and Victoria staring at Lauren as if they expected some kind of reaction from her. Her father, Ryan and Wyatt were sitting at the long wooden table. Everyone, except Ryan, was glancing at Lauren. Lauren drew in a deep breath, ran her gaze around the wide-eyed expressions, decided it was best to ignore them, and went back to laying out the plates.

  Wyatt scraped back his chair and stood, heading out into the hall to greet Gabe and Kyle. Arranging plates, she heard footsteps on the wooden floor and voices. All three men let out one huge laugh. That sound triggered a wave of discomfort in Lauren. She wasn't in any mood for laughter, she told herself. In fact, the impulse to find some excuse and leave the room was building by the moment.

  Keeping her head lowered and arranging the plates on the table, Lauren heard a voice. A familiar, deep voice. "That food smells good," Gabe said. "You ladies sure know how to make a man feel hungry," he added.

  Lauren paused. For one long moment, she resisted the urge to look up. She knew Gabe must be looking at her. Finally, she succumbed and lifted her gaze. Gabe and Kyle were standing at the door. Just as she'd predicted, Gabe was looking straight at her, and he was smiling. Lauren's heartbeat quickened uncontrollably. Gabe was dressed in a plaid shirt which was open at the neck. He held his Stetson in his hand. He wore jeans and black boots. Silently, she told herself he looked amazingly handsome. She hoped her features didn't betray the thoughts drifting through her mind.

  Significantly, no-one had spoken. Were they waiting for Lauren to say something to Gabe? She glanced at Victoria who took the initiative. "We're glad you could join us," Victoria said, gesturing toward the two vacant seats on the other side of the table.

  Josh stood. "Take a seat," he told Gabe and Kyle. The two Baxter brothers took their places.

  Lauren straightened, wiping her hands on her white apron. "I'll get the extra plates," she said, feeling the sudden need to be busy. Anything to keep from looking at Gabe, she told herself. As she bustled around, trying to keep her back to the table for the moment, Lauren asked herself how she was going to get through the next half hour. There would be no escaping Gabe. Nor the knowing looks of some of her family. Over the last couple of days, Victoria and Grace had teased Lauren with occasional mentions of Gabe. But, every time, Lauren had avoided taking the bait. She was sure that was what her family were trying to do. They wanted to draw Lauren out from behind the wall she'd constructed between herself and Gabriel Baxter.

  Lifting a plate from the cupboard, Lauren felt it slip from her fingers and crash onto the wooden chopping board with a resounding thud. Luckily, it didn't break. The steady murmur of talking ceased for a long moment. She turned and saw that everyone was politely trying not to notice that Lauren's fingers had suddenly become butter.

  Once the foodplates had been laid out on the table, Lauren took her place alongside Victoria and Grace. Josh sat at the head of the table with Wyatt stationed at the opposite end. Facing Lauren were her father and Ryan.

  "Shall we say grace?" Josh suggested.

  Gabe and Kyle both lowered their heads, as did everyone else. Josh spoke the words, thanking the Lord for the bounty they were about to receive and offering it up for all His glory. The grace concluded, Lauren, Victoria and Grace ladled everyone's plates with filling portions of pork, beans and hash browns.

  The smell of coffee drifted on the air as Lauren filled the cups. Gabe held his cup out to Lauren. When she took the cup from Gabe, her fingers briefly touched his. She felt an unmistakable and exquisite sensation quiver along her arm. Schooling her features resolutely, she made sure he didn't see the effect of his feathe
r-light contact on her skin. Handing him back the cup, her gaze caught his. The corner of his mouth creased with the hint of a smile.

  "Thank you," he murmured.

  Before she had a chance to say anything in response, or even lift a brow in acknowledgement, she heard Ryan yell out excitedly that he was starving and that he wanted more. Josh leaned closer to Ryan and quietened his son with soft, calming words.

  Lauren sat back down and started to busy herself eating the breakfast. She kept her gaze fixed on her plate. Determined not to catch Gabe's attention, it wasn't easy stopping herself looking at him. Temptation flared deep inside her. But she resisted.

  The kitchen filled with the sounds of cutlery on plates as they all ate hungrily. Everyone was chatting excitedly as they looked forward to the coming day. In spite of her own feelings of concern, Lauren had to admit she was surrounded by an atmosphere of happiness and joy.

  Glancing up, all she could see were smiling faces. Husbands and wives and a child. Brothers. Even her own father looked pleased. Zacharias glanced at Lauren and smiled. She tried to look pleased, but it didn't come easily. Across the table, she saw Gabe's handsome features. He was leaning close to Kyle, speaking in a low voice. Kyle's brows furrowed. Lauren wondered what Gabe had said to his brother.

  Grace and Victoria both looked so happy, sitting alongside their husbands. Briefly, Lauren felt a soft stab of what she could only describe as mild jealousy. Her sister-in-law, Grace laughed quietly at something Josh murmured to her. Lauren couldn't hear what Josh had said. All she knew was that it had made Grace's eyes light up with barely concealed joy.

  Was this what family really meant? Togetherness in the ordinary things of life? Continuing to eat her breakfast slowly, Lauren wondered if she was witnessing something special. It was a picture of what ranch life could really be like. Ranch life within a loving family, she corrected herself. There was a warm feeling in the house, now. Was this what it would be like to live on the ranch, married to a handsome rancher? If it was, she realized it wasn't exactly the worst thing in the world. She drew herself away from that thought. It wasn't for her. She'd already decided on that. Her future lay elsewhere.

  Glancing across at Gabe, she saw he was looking at her with a quizzical expression in his eyes. He looked as if he was about to say something. Before he could, Lauren heard the sound of a spoon being touched gently and repeatedly against the side of a china cup.

  Victoria stood up and gazed along the length of the table. "I just wanted to tell everyone that tonight you're all invited to a special dinner here at the ranch house." She smiled at Gabe and Kyle. "That especially includes you both," she said to them.

  "What's the occasion?" Josh asked, looking genuinely surprised.

  "Just wait and see," Victoria admonished Josh light-heartedly. She gazed down at Wyatt. Lauren thought there was something fresh, something new about the way Victoria was looking at her husband. "Wyatt and I will be delighted if you can all be here at seven o'clock."

  "It's a date," Gabe said brightly. Alongside him, Kyle looked less pleased. His stony expression was in marked contrast to Gabe's broad smile and wide eyes. Maybe Kyle had other plans, Lauren told herself.

  After the breakfast was over, all the men made their way out to the yard and prepared themselves for the long day on the ranch. Through the kitchen window, Lauren could see Gabe and Kyle receiving instructions from Josh and Wyatt. When Gabe rested a hand on Kyle's shoulder, Lauren saw, to her shock that Kyle abruptly shifted away from Gabe. There was still tension between the two brothers, she told herself. It would take more than a few days work on the Munro ranch to fix whatever was going on with Kyle.

  Busy cleaning a dish, Lauren didn't notice that Grace and Victoria were watching her as she gazed out the window. Lauren felt her cheeks flush red. As Grace and Victoria exchanged a knowing look, Lauren went back to cleaning the dish. She'd been caught indulging her curiosity about Gabe. Not for the first time, Lauren wondered what everyone was thinking about her and Gabe. No matter what opinions people held, Lauren reminded herself she'd already made up her mind.

  There was never going to be anything between herself and Gabe Baxter.


  When he, Kyle, Josh and Wyatt returned from their day's work just after six o'clock, the sun was beginning to sink behind the distant mountains. Gabe felt tired after what had been a busy day working alongside Kyle and the Munro brothers. The ranch house, nestled in the broad valley, looked welcoming. As they drew their mounts to a halt in the yard Gabe could see, through the kitchen window, signs of activity. When he caught sight of Lauren, his heart leaped momentarily.

  Dismounting, Gabe thought about what had happened at breakfast time. Lauren had tried really hard not to pay any attention to him. He'd seen the way she'd averted her gaze every time he'd looked at her. Every one of his little glances in her direction had been met with a sudden turning of her head. It was the first time he'd felt what it might be like to share a ranch house with Lauren. It had been a hint of what living with her would be like. And he'd liked it. Liked how it had felt. Warm and comforting. Happy. He wondered if she'd felt the same. If she had, she'd done a good job of hiding that fact, he told himself as he hitched the reins of his horse to the rail and started to follow the others into the house.

  It took them a while to get cleaned up. Seeing as how tonight promised to be special, Gabe would have preferred it if he'd had a chance to change from ranching gear and into something which might impress Lauren. But, he knew he'd have to make the best of the situation.

  By the time he and Kyle had finished cleaning up, everyone had congregated in the parlor. As Gabe and Kyle walked into the parlor, he realized there was one person missing. Lauren. A fire had been lit, making the room feel cozy and welcoming. Zacharias stood warming himself by the flames. Ryan sat on a chair, swinging his legs impatiently and glancing up at Josh and Grace from time to time. Victoria and Wyatt were sitting alongside each other on the long sofa. There was an unusual brightness in the way they were glancing at one another. Throughout the day, Gabe had speculated what might be the reason for the special dinner being laid on by Wyatt and Victoria. He figured he could guess what it might be.

  Gabe heard footsteps on the stairs. He turned and saw Lauren entering the parlor. Gabe's breath caught in his chest. She looked breathtaking, dressed in an elegant blue gown which swept around her feet as she strode into the room. Her hair was tied back in a neat bun, an arrangement which accentuated her high cheekbones and curving brows. Gabe felt his heartbeat quicken as she moved closer to him.

  Lauren glanced at Gabe and quickly dragged her attention to the others in the room. "As usual, I kept everyone waiting," she announced. "Sorry."

  Grace went to Lauren. "You look lovely," Grace assured Lauren. "That color really suits you."

  Lauren grasped the edge of the lower part of the gown and gave the fabric a playful twitch. "It was the only formal gown I brought with me. I made it myself."

  Grace looked admiringly at the gown. "You'll have to make me one, too."

  That comment merely drew a lifting of Lauren's brows, Gabe noticed. Her lips firmed into a thin line. She wasn't going to comment on how soon it would be before she left for California. There wouldn't be enough time to make a gown, Gabe told himself.

  Victoria and Wyatt stood and faced everyone. Gabe noticed that Victoria was clasping her hands nervously at her middle. She glanced once at Wyatt and then coughed quietly. "Now that everyone is here, Wyatt and I have an announcement to make." She looked eagerly at Wyatt. "Isn't that right."

  Wyatt nodded, his smile broadening. He drew himself up to his full height. "That's right." He glanced hesitantly at Victoria. "Shall you tell them?" he asked her.

  Victoria swallowed and took a deep breath. She ran her gaze around the room, smiling at each person one by one. Finally, she lifted her chin and spoke. "Wyatt and I have some very exciting news." Victoria smiled broadly. "I am going to have a baby."

; Gasps of delight and squeals of joy filled the room. There was a sudden rush of activity as Grace and Lauren raced to Victoria and hugged her warmly. Josh, Gabe, Kyle and Zacharias took turns shaking Wyatt by the hand.

  "That's wonderful news," Grace exclaimed. She turned to Josh. "Isn't it?"


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