The Rancher’s Reunion Bride

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The Rancher’s Reunion Bride Page 7

by Maya Stirling

"It sure is. The best kind," Josh replied. He turned and beckoned Ryan. "Give congratulations to Victoria and Wyatt," he instructed the boy. Ryan went quickly to Victoria and Wyatt. Ryan hesitated a moment, apparently unsure what to do.

  Then Victoria bent down and hugged him. "The baby isn't due for seven months, Ryan."

  Ryan smiled. "Is it going to be a boy?"

  Wyatt laughed. "We don't know for sure," he replied. "But, we'll find out soon enough," he reassured Ryan.

  Gabe went to Victoria and Wyatt and gave them his warmest congratulations. Gabe felt genuinely pleased for his sister. He knew how much she wanted children. She'd talked about it plenty of times before she'd married Wyatt. In many ways, it was a dream come true for Victoria. She and Gabe exchanged knowing smiles for a brief moment. He could see her eyes moistening with emotion. She turned away and said something quietly in Wyatt's ear.

  Wyatt coughed and addressed everyone in the room. "If you'll all make your way to the dining room, there's some good food on offer." He smiled at Grace, Victoria and Lauren. "These fine ladies have been busy all afternoon. I wouldn't want to disappoint them by waiting any longer." Wyatt rubbed his belly. "I don't about you all, but I'm starving."

  There was a chorus of agreement. They all started to make their way out of the parlor and along the narrow corridor by the staircase. Much to his delight, Gabe found himself walking alongside Lauren. Even though she still seemed determined to avoid his gaze, Gabe was simply happy to be close to her. This close, he caught the sweet aroma of her scent, a mixture of citrus and blooms. Gabe did his best to disguise the effect of the aroma. His senses swirled for a moment at the delightful proximity.

  They bumped shoulders as they made their way into the dining room. Lauren glanced up at Gabe. He saw her cheeks flush pink as she looked up into his eyes. There was an awkward moment when it looked as if she was about to say something to him. But, once again, her lips tightened into a thin line. Gabe gestured for Lauren to enter the dining room ahead of him. If nothing else, this brief contact had given him a chance to act like a gentleman, Gabe reflected. At least for a moment.

  Gabe managed to make sure that Lauren was seated next to him. The last thing he wanted was a repeat of the frustrations of this morning's breakfast. He was pleased Lauren did nothing to dissuade Gabe from making sure she was sitting next to him. He wanted to believe that was some kind of encouragement, but he knew it would be better to rein in his hopes.

  The dining table was already laden with dishes upon which were piled delicious-looking foods. Once everyone was seated at the dining table, Grace and Lauren made their way back to the kitchen and brought in the final dishes, warm chicken and gravy and vegetables. Voices rose in appreciation at the sight of the all the delicious food.

  Wyatt, seated at the head of the table, stood. "Now that we're all here, I'd like to propose a toast," he said lifting his glass from the table. Gabe saw Victoria lift her glass of apple juice. Everyone else raised their glasses. Wyatt gazed appreciatively at Victoria. "To my wonderful wife." He grinned broadly. "And to the blessing which the Lord has brought to us."

  Everyone announced their agreement with Wyatt's assessment. Gabe had to admit the Lord had indeed been gracious in giving his sister and her husband such a bounteous blessing. As he sipped his drink, Gabe glanced over the rim of the glass at Lauren. She was looking straight at him. He crinkled his brows at her, hoping she'd see the expression of joy in his eyes. Lowering her glass to the table, Lauren smiled at Gabe. It seemed that the good feelings of the last few minutes had finally moved Lauren's heart and softened her attitude to Gabe.

  For the next hour, all the talk was about children. Josh told some funny stories about the things Ryan had gotten up to since moving to the Munro ranch. Ryan looked a little embarrassed at first, but then he seemed to realize that he was the focus of attention from all the adults in the room. Gabe knew Ryan liked attention.

  Just like at breakfast, there was a warm, family feeling in the room. Gabe was gratified to see that even Kyle was getting into the spirit of things. He and Josh had a good time joking about the things which had happened while out working on the spread earlier in the day. Gabe was beginning to be encouraged by signs that Kyle was learning that ranch life could be something different than what he'd thought.

  Soon the meal was over and they all made their way back to the parlor where the talk was of gossip about life in Inspiration. Grace and Lauren went to the kitchen to clean things up after the dinner. Gabe dragged his attention to the conversation between Josh and Wyatt. Apparently, a robbery had taken place at the mercantile. It was the first robbery for months. Not much had been taken, but that kind of crime was unusual in Inspiration. Gabe was sure Sheriff Cameron would deal with it.

  Through the parlor window, Gabe could see that darkness had fallen. The soft light from inside the ranch house cast a warm glow out across the yard. He and Kyle would be heading back to the Baxter place. Soon after settling in the parlor, Gabe heard footsteps out in the hall. He turned his head, expecting to see Lauren and Grace entering the parlor. Grace entered, but Lauren took a detour toward the front door. When he heard the door opening, Gabe knew his chance had come. Rising from his chair, he headed for the hallway.

  "Going out?" Kyle asked, lifting a brow.

  Gabe nodded. "Just going to take some air," he replied. "You and me will be heading back to the ranch soon."

  Victoria and Grace exchanged looks. As did Zacharias and Josh. Gabe felt instantly uneasy. He waved a hand casually and headed toward the door. He had something to say to Lauren and he wasn't about to miss this opportunity.


  It was a relief to be outside, Lauren told herself. She halted on the porch, wrapping her arms around herself. Gazing up to the night sky, she saw the shimmering brightness of the beautiful stars. The quiet sound of insects drifted on the night air. The scent of flowers lingered in the air. Lauren drew in a deep breath and allowed the peace of the night to sink into her. To take possession of her.

  She knew she could have followed Grace into the parlor, but she needed time to think. To understand how she was feeling. The evening had been memorable in so many ways. Her heart was filled with joy for Victoria and Wyatt. A child would bring so much delight into their lives. They would be a family, at last. And, Lauren was sure it was only a beginning for Wyatt and Victoria. Lauren had seen the way the two of them had looked at each other all evening. She wondered what it would feel like to have a man gaze upon her the way Wyatt looked at Victoria.

  Immediately she chided herself. She already knew how it felt. Hadn't Gabe been gazing at her in just the same way all evening? Of course, Gabe's eyes weren't filled with love. At least that was what Lauren told herself. But there had been clear affection in the way Gabe had regarded her in the parlor and dining room. Once or twice, she'd felt her cheeks flush slightly when she'd caught him looking favorably at her. She wondered if Gabe had noticed her reaction. Of course he had, she told herself. Gabe Baxter was no fool, especially when it came to matters of affection. She remembered those exact same looks from a year ago. But things were different now. Weren't they? She and Gabe had moved on. They both had lives of their own. Briefly, she didn't know whether that thought made her feel sad or relieved.

  From behind her, she heard the front door opening. She drew in a sharp breath when she saw Gabe emerging. But she didn't move, or make any effort to go running back into the safety of the parlor. She heard the voices of laughter from the parlor and wondered whether that good-natured laughter was about her and Gabe.

  Gabe closed the door behind him and advanced toward her. She leaned against the wooden porch support and dragged her gaze away from him. Gabe paused alongside her and, for a long moment, didn't say anything. Lauren realized her heartbeat was racing and her breath had suddenly become tighter. She wasn't sure what she could say to him that wouldn't make the awkwardness between them both even more acute than it had been throughout the evening.

; Finally, she turned to him and smiled. "Isn't it wonderful?" she asked. "Victoria and Wyatt look so happy."

  Gabe's eyes brightened. "They'll make great parents."

  Lauren nodded. "The first baby born on the Munro ranch for a long time." She sighed. "I wonder how many more they'll have."

  Gabe tilted his head. "When we were growing up, Victoria was always talking about four."

  "Four!" Lauren exclaimed. She blinked, almost in disbelief. "Does Wyatt know that?"

  Gabe nodded. "He's of the same opinion," Gabe reassured her. "He's hoping for two boys and two girls. Lord willing, it'll happen."

  "The Lord has sure blessed them," Lauren said. She took note of the wistful sound of her own voice and wondered if Gabe had heard it too. "Victoria will make a fine mother," she said. She lifted her gaze back to Gabe. "Don't you think?"

  He smiled warmly. "I guess my opinion will be a little bit biased. She is my sister, after all."

  "What was she like, growing up?" Lauren asked.

  Gabe thought for a few moments. "She was feisty and always knew what she wanted." He grinned. "In fact, she was always a whole lot of trouble for me and my brothers. Seemed like she got her way in most things." Gabe thrust his hands into his pockets and sighed. "Made for interesting times at the Baxter ranch, I can tell you."

  When Gabe took one step closer to her, Lauren moved away from the porch pillar and curled her arms around it. She wondered if he would interpret her simple movement as some kind of signal to keep his distance. She hadn't meant that, but now she'd shifted, it was too late to move closer to him without making things worse. The last thing she wanted was any misunderstanding between them both.

  Eager to distract him, she said the first thing that came to mind after his words. "I believe Wyatt has her under control."

  Gabe lifted a brow. "You think so?" He chuckled. "You don't know my sister. She knows how to get what she wants."

  "I don't think I've seen two people so much in love" Lauren observed. "You understand I can say that because I'm family," she added quickly.

  Gabe nodded. "Of course you can."

  From out in the darkness beyond the light from the ranch house came the sound of a coyote. The sharp whine cut through the night air, sending a shiver down Lauren's spine. Reacting to the sound, Lauren took a step back closer to the ranch house wall. Gabe watched her with careful eyes, but he didn't say a word. Nor did he come closer to her.

  Lauren laughed nervously. "I still haven't got used to the nighttime in Montana, I guess."

  "There's plenty to learn for anyone thinking of settling down here," he replied.

  Desperate to shift the conversation again, she asked: "How is Kyle doing?"

  Gabe smiled. "Josh and Wyatt are doing a good job keeping him interested. I think Kyle's starting to come around to the idea." Gabe frowned. "Although, I think we've still got a long way to go before he'll fall in love with the idea of spending the rest of his days on the Baxter spread."

  Realizing that was the second time Gabe had mentioned love, Lauren picked up on the other thing he'd said. "You want him to stay here for the rest of his life?"

  Gabe's eyes narrowed. "There's nothing wrong with that." Gabe gazed out toward the darkness. "I figure there aren't many place better than this for a man to grow old in. Especially if he finds a good wife to grow old with."

  Lauren wrapped her arms around herself and leaned back against the wall. Where she was standing, she knew that no one in the parlor could see her. Gabe moved closer to her. Now she realized it was impossible for anyone to see them here, it suddenly felt very intimate. Just her and Gabe. For a few long moments neither of them said anything. The coyote howled once again and, just like the last time, Lauren felt herself shiver.

  She saw that Gabe noticed her reaction. He moved slightly closer. Lauren glanced up into his eyes and saw the clearest indication she'd seen yet of his growing interest. It had been so long since she'd been this close to him. It felt strange and the same time curiously appealing.

  "I wonder what Landon will say when he hears about about the baby," Gabe said quietly.

  "I expect he'll be pleased," Lauren replied.

  Gabe laughed softly. "That's an understatement. Landon likes children." Gabe rolled his eyes. "He's the opposite of Kyle. He is looking forward to settling down with a wife and children."

  For a moment, Lauren wasn't quite sure what to make of that. Was this just another way of Gabe bringing the subject of the conversation back to children and marriage? She watched as Gabe leaned back against the wooden exterior of the ranch house wall. He stretched to his full height. That merely accentuated the obvious strength of his physique. Not once in the last year had she forgotten the power in his body. And now, up close, she felt his presence keenly.

  Surprising her momentarily, Gabe turned, leaning his shoulder against the wall and gazed into her eyes. Matching his movement, she lifted her chin and met his gaze. She had intended it to be defiant, almost a warning to him to keep his distance. But, to her shock, it had the almost opposite effect. She saw sudden encouragement in his bright eyes. Her gaze drifted down to his full lips. She felt the tingle of delight and told herself she really shouldn't be looking at him like this. But, for now there was nothing she could do to control the emotion surging through her body. Common sense told her she should go back inside the ranch house. That she should put an end to this. There was no turning back the clock. What had happened a year ago was over and done with. Wasn't it?

  Gabe shifted closer and she knew the moment when she could have stopped all of this has passed. His arm drifted close to her shoulder and he reached down, placing his hand on her arm. Once again, treacherous tingles swept through her. The call of the distant coyote echoed in the night air. This time, though, Gabe was holding onto her so gently and so tenderly she didn't feel the slightest apprehension.

  When his head dipped slowly she gasped. But the urge to resist had vanished. She lifted her chin and felt his lips settle gently upon her mouth. Sensation flared into life as Gabe drew her closer to him. His kiss was soft and tender. Memories flooded back into her mind. Images of how they had been together, how close she had felt to him. And now here she was, back in his arms, just like before. He held her carefully in his embrace making her feel as if she was the most precious thing in his life. Of course that was how he had made her feel a year ago. And that was why it had been so difficult to come back to Inspiration. But now that he was holding her again, now that he was kissing her so tenderly, those doubts, those uncertainties, were fading away by the moment.

  She told herself that it felt wonderful to be in Gabe's arms again. How could she have forgotten how wonderful this felt? For a brief moment she allowed herself to sink into his arms, to be taken possession of by him. But as suddenly as she had given herself over to him there came a voice, too familiar, telling her that this couldn't last. That she and Gabe were finished.

  As if sensing her sudden tension Gabe lifted his head, ending the kiss. Lauren's breath quickened to match her racing heartbeat. As she took a step backwards she saw confusion awaken in Gabe's eyes.

  "I have to go back inside," Lauren said abruptly.

  Gabe's brows furrowed. "Lauren," he moaned quietly, his voice quivering with emotion. "What can I tell you?"

  Lauren shook her head. "You don't have to say anything, Gabe," she blurted out.

  Gabe took a step closer to her. "I am not going to apologize for what I just did," he said. There was a hint of desperation in his voice now, Lauren told herself. From inside the parlor she heard peals of laughter. Had anyone seen what had just happened?

  "You don't have to say sorry," Lauren replied. She sighed heavily. "I have to go inside, Gabe," she insisted, trying to compose herself as best she could.

  Gabe took one final step closer to her but halted when he saw the sudden determination in her eyes. He seemed to sense defeat as she backed off. This had been a mistake, she told herself. It confirmed everything she'd said to
Gabe since her arrival. She fixed some loose strands of hair which had fallen down along the side of her face. Her cheeks felt warm. She asked herself if her family would notice when she did re-enter the parlor. Maybe. But for now, the most important thing was to put some distance between her and Gabe.


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