The Rancher’s Reunion Bride

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The Rancher’s Reunion Bride Page 9

by Maya Stirling

  Lauren sighed quietly. She really shouldn't be surprised her father would say such a thing, she told herself. There was so much about Inspiration to recommend it. The people were friendly, the place was beautiful and there were opportunities here. They were just different kinds of opportunities than the ones which had excited her father to even think about going to California for good.

  "Does that mean we're going to stay here longer than a week?" she asked him.

  He frowned. "Are you in a hurry to leave?"

  Lauren shook her head. "Not really," she admitted.

  Zacharias said nothing in response to that. He merely tugged on the reins and drove the horses to a faster pace. Suddenly, Lauren wanted to be in town. Anything to distract herself from the realization that her father was thinking of changing his mind.

  That would give Gabe Baxter encouragement, she told herself. He was that kind of man. Determined and clever and sincere. It was a lethal combination and one she was increasingly finding difficult to resist.

  She was relieved when the buckboard finally rolled into the town. Earlier that morning, Kyle Baxter had arrived at the ranch on his own. There had been no sign of Gabe. Maybe what had happened last night had given Gabe second thoughts about accompanying his brother to the Munro ranch.

  She was glad of the distraction provided by being in town. Her first port of call would be the mercantile, where she planned to buy some wool. Her intention was to knit a pretty shawl for Victoria's baby. She knew that would keep her mind occupied.

  Main Street was busy with townsfolk going about their business. All the stores were open. Lauren felt relief as her father drew the buckboard to a halt in front of the mercantile. She got down and stepped up onto the boardwalk.

  Zacharias came to her and smiled. "I'm going to take a stroll," he announced. He gazed up and down the length of the boardwalk with obvious appreciation. "It's a lovely morning, and I feel like taking some exercise."

  Lauren shrugged. "You never have been one for shopping, I guess," she said, lifting a brow.

  "You know me better than I like," Zacharias observed.

  He started to make his way south toward the far end of town. Lauren entered the mercantile. Behind the counter, she saw Mr Murchison, the owner. He was a bright eyed, elderly man with a friendly expression on his face. Recalling the recent robbery, Lauren felt instant sympathy for the man.

  "Good morning, ma'am," Mr Murchison said smiling brightly. "What can I do for you?"

  "I'm looking for some fine wool, Mr Murchison," Lauren announced.

  Mr Murchison came out from behind the counter. "Planning on making something?"

  Lauren wondered if she should mention the new baby for the Munro ranch. She decided not to. "I just like knitting and making things. Maybe this time I'll make a shawl," she said.

  Mr Murchison pointed her in the direction of the shelf near the back where different colors and types of wool were stacked. Lauren busied herself for a while selecting some bright colors. Just as she had made her final choice, she heard the door to the mercantile opening. Glancing in the direction she saw the tall figure of Sheriff Cameron walking into the mercantile. She'd met Nathan Cameron last year at Victoria and Wyatt's wedding. He and his wife Sophie had impressed Lauren very much as a fine couple.

  Sheriff Cameron lifted his hat politely when he saw Lauren. She nodded her head once, and smiled back at him. The sheriff went to the counter and began speaking with Mr Murchison in a low voice. Lauren assumed the conversation must be about the recent robbery. Perhaps there had been a development. She remained at the shelf finalizing her choices of wool.

  A few minutes later the conversation ended between the two men and Lauren judged it safe for her to go to the counter and pay. She made her way to the counter.

  Nathan turned to Lauren and smiled. "Miss Munro," the sheriff said brightly. "How nice to see you again."

  Lauren nodded. "It's good to be back in Inspiration." Lauren glanced at Mr Murchison and saw a thoughtful expression in the man's eyes. She rejected the temptation to ask any questions. It was none of her business to pry into other people's affairs, she told herself.

  As she paid for the wool, she said farewell to the sheriff who made his way out of the store. Carrying the small package, Lauren made her way to the door and pulled it open. A tall figure collided with her. She gasped and dropped the package onto the boardwalk. Looking up into the man's face, she saw that it was none other than Gabe Baxter.


  Gabe bent down quickly, reaching for the package Lauren had just dropped to the wooden surface of the boardwalk. At the very same time Lauren reached for the package herself. Gabe's fingers collided with those of Lauren. He lifted his head and, face-to-face with Lauren, smiled awkwardly. He saw hesitation in her eyes as well as confusion.

  He curled his fingers around the package and handed it to her. She took it from him and smiled without saying anything. They both stood slowly, gazing at each other. He saw Lauren glance over his shoulder at the figure of Sheriff Cameron who was making his way back to the jailhouse. Just before the door had opened, Gabe and Nathan had exchanged a few words. Nathan had given Gabe a brief update on the investigation into the robbery the mercantile. It seemed Nathan still didn't have any leads on who could be behind it, but he'd remained tightlipped.

  He saw Lauren fussing with some loose strands of hair which had tumbled from beneath her bonnet. She looked beautiful this morning, he told himself. But then, as far as he was concerned, Lauren Munro always looked beautiful. And always would. Her cheeks flushed pink with emotion.

  "Gabe!" she exclaimed. "What are you doing in town?"

  Gabe shrugged. "I came in to get supplies for the ranch," he replied. He glanced down at the package. "What have you been buying?"

  She shook the package. "I'm going to knit a shawl for the baby."

  He lifted his brows. "Have you got time to do that before you leave?"

  She frowned and glanced nervously up and down the length of the boardwalk. She didn't answer his question. He wondered who she was looking for. Seizing his chance, he gestured with his hand in the direction of the northern end of the boardwalk. "Would you do me the courtesy of walking with me for a while?" he asked, eager not to let her get away too easily. He knew the way he'd asked made it sound too formal, but he felt suddenly nervous.

  Lauren thought for a moment and then, to his delight, nodded. "Sure."

  They started to walk toward the north of the town. For the first few moments she didn't say anything to him. He wondered if, after agreeing to spend some time out in public with him, she was now having second thoughts. Eventually, she spoke.

  "About what you just asked," she said. "I was talking to my father this morning. It seems he's decided to stay a little longer."

  Gabe looked at her, trying to contain his delight. This had to be good news. "Is that so?" he asked casually.

  Lauren nodded. "I think all the family joy up at the ranch has made him reconsider his decision to go to California."

  Gabe drew in a quiet breath and thought for a moment. His next words would be crucial since he didn't want to reveal the hope which her words had awakened in him. "He did seem happy last night," Gabe said casually.

  It was true. When Victoria had announced that she was going to have her baby, Zacharias had looked genuinely moved. But there had been no hiding his delight. Gabe thought about how Zacharias had behaved toward him. Maybe Lauren's father had other plans for himself and his daughter. Now that he'd seen what Montana promised. Now that he knew Gabe had an interest in his daughter.

  "The truth is, pa has been very happy since we arrived," Lauren observed. "I have to say, I'm surprised. I didn't realize just how much he would take to ranch life. He's been out on the spread with Josh and Wyatt a couple of times, and he seems to like it."

  "Are you saying your father is going to become a rancher?"

  Lauren scoffed. "I wouldn't go that far," she replied.

y both lapsed into silence for a short while as they walked up the length of the boardwalk heading in the direction of the only hotel in town. Townsfolk passed them by and greeted them warmly. Gabe felt happy knowing that people were seeing him and Lauren together. It was such a simple pleasure, walking with this woman as if they were stepping out together. It reminded him so much of what they had enjoyed a year ago.

  His mind drifted to the events of the previous night. Gabe considered whether he should speak about it, but told himself firmly that this wasn't the moment. He'd done enough damage last night, and he wasn't about to make things worse.

  Gabe heard the sudden rattle of wheels. He turned his head and saw a stagecoach hurtling down Main Street. It threw up a cloud of dust as it passed himself and Lauren. The stagecoach drew to a halt outside the hotel. The driver applied the brake and leaped down from the seat. Walking toward the stagecoach, Gabe saw a figure emerge from inside the hotel. Gabe halted, and Lauren paused by his side.

  Lauren looked up quizzically at Gabe. "What is it?"

  Gabe didn't say anything immediately but continued to watch. The figure who'd walked out from inside the hotel was Murray, the man who'd been the source of trouble for Kyle. The driver tugged open the door of the stagecoach and stepped back. From inside the stagecoach a man stepped down onto the dusty surface of Main Street.

  Gabe didn't recognize the man. Another newcomer in town, he said to himself wryly. The man was tall and probably around thirty years of age. He was very elegantly dressed in a gray suit and matching Derby hat. The man paused, imperiously, his shoulders drawn back and his chin lifted. He ran his gaze around the exterior of the hotel and nodded. He said something to the driver, and then to Murray, but Gabe was too far away to hear what was said.

  Murray, bending low, and appearing eager to please the newcomer, took a suitcase which the driver had untied from the roof of the stagecoach. Then, the newcomer strode up onto the boardwalk and into the hotel entrance. In spite of himself, Gabe felt curiosity seize him. He wondered who the newcomer was.

  Glancing at Lauren, he could see that she was as curious as him. For a brief moment, he felt an inexplicable and unlikely surge of jealousy. Had she been impressed by the undoubtedly handsome man?

  As if confirming his suspicion that she was curious about him, Lauren asked: "Do you know who that was?"

  Gabe shook his head. "I've never seen him before in my life," he replied disguising the mild irritation in his voice.

  Lauren frowned and seemed thoughtful for a moment. Gabe couldn't help wondering what Murray was doing working in the hotel. And what could be his connection to the newcomer. An idea came to Gabe. He turned to Lauren. "Can I interest you in tea?"

  "Tea?" Lauren asked, lifting her brows in obvious surprise at the sudden suggestion.

  Cupping her elbow in his hand, not waiting for an answer, Gabe started to lead Lauren in the direction of the hotel. "The restaurant will be open for late morning tea," he told her.

  To his delight she didn't resist but allowed him to escort her to the hotel entrance. Pausing there, Gabe saw the newcomer standing at the desk of reception. The middle-aged man behind the desk was gazing wide-eyed at the newcomer. Gabe wondered what had just been said. Once again his curiosity flickered into life. He led Lauren into the hotel reception. The sound of their footsteps prompted the newcomer to turn and look at Gabe and Lauren.

  Up close, the man's even features were striking. He had dark brows and high cheekbones. His lips were held in a thin line, almost a sneer. His eyes were dark brown and his gaze was penetrating, as if he was accustomed to looking down on people. Assessing them.

  The man didn't say anything, but turned back to the reception desk. The entrance door to the restaurant was to the right of the desk. Gabe started to lead Lauren in that direction. As he passed the man, Gabe heard the receptionist speak." I'm sorry we weren't ready for you, Mr Calhoun. But we didn't know you were coming today."

  Gabe froze. Lauren halted by his side. Calhoun! The name sent a shiver down Gabe's spine. Another Calhoun, the only one Gabe knew, was someone who had caused untold trouble in town for too many years. Brett Calhoun, the former businessman who had controlled and owned so much in Inspiration was now in a jail in Billings. He was the most corrupt man Gabe had ever known. The whole town was relieved that Brett Calhoun was no longer around to cause trouble.

  Gabe glanced quickly at the newcomer and felt his breath halt in his chest. The resemblance was unmistakable. The same dark features. The same condescending manner hiding behind the surface veneer of charm.

  Calhoun turned and saw Gabe staring at him. He advanced toward Gabe. "Do we know each other, sir?"

  Gabe gathered his composure quickly and shook his head. "I don't believe so," he said hurriedly. But curiosity got the better of him. He needed an answer. "Did you say your name is Calhoun?"

  The man's eyes narrowed and he examined Gabe carefully for a long moment. "Judah Calhoun," he stated emphatically. He extended a hand to Gabe. "And you are?"

  Gabe took Judah Calhoun's hand and shook it. "Gabriel Baxter."

  Judah Calhoun shifted his attention to Lauren. "And who might this be?" he asked. Gabe did not like the man's tone of voice.

  Before he had a chance to object, Lauren replied. "Lauren Munro," she announced.

  Calhoun bowed his head and then smiled at Lauren. Gabe felt his blood rush. He started to lead Lauren toward the restaurant door. As he opened the door, Calhoun spoke. "I hope you enjoy your time in my hotel," Calhoun said.

  Gave hesitated and looked at the man. "Your hotel?"

  Calhoun nodded and ran his gaze around the interior of reception. "My uncle, Brett, has given this to me to look after while he is otherwise occupied."

  Gabe's eyes widened. "Your uncle Brett?"

  Judah Calhoun nodded. The smile, when it came at last, contained more than a hint of malice. "I've come to look after some of his interests while he's gone. I understand he owns quite a few things in this town."

  For a long moment, Gabe was utterly lost for words. Everyone believed that the influence of Calhoun was over. That it had been removed from town over a year before when it had been revealed that Calhoun had been the organizer of a dangerous feud between the Buchanan family and their neighboring ranchers. Everyone in town had been hopeful that they'd seen the last of Calhoun in Inspiration. Maybe they'd all been wrong, Gabe reflected bitterly.

  He did his best to keep his features blank, but Gabe could tell that the man was taking secret delight from Gabe's obvious discomfort. Gabe forced himself to smile. "Welcome to Inspiration, Mr Calhoun," Gabe forced himself to say.

  Judah Calhoun smiled icily. "Thank you," he said looking gratified that he had got under someone's skin so soon after arriving.

  Then, Gabe hurriedly led a puzzled looking Lauren into the restaurant and closed the door firmly behind him.


  "Tell me about Calhoun," Lauren said to Gabe after they had sat down at the table by the window inside the restaurant. Gabe leaned back in his chair opposite Lauren and looked suddenly uncertain.

  "Let's not talk about him now," Gabe replied.

  Before Lauren had a chance to reply, the waitress came to take their order. Tea and cakes were requested and the waitress went back to the kitchen. Lauren thought about what she'd witnessed outside in the reception area of the hotel. She'd seen the way Gabe had responded and was puzzled.

  Lauren was familiar with the name Calhoun. Grace had told her about how Brett Calhoun had caused trouble for the Buchanan family over the last few years. According to Grace, all of that had come to an end when Brett Calhoun had been put in prison just over a year ago. But now it seemed one of Calhoun's relatives had come to take over where Brett had left off.


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