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Page 24

by Cassandre Dayne

  Sucking in his breath, the touch of Aleks’ hands did nothing but drag his mind into the gutter. Raging thoughts of ravaging the man thrashed through his body. “What?” Where had the man come from?

  Aleks snarled. “Damn it. It’s happening too soon. Let’s get you inside.” His grip solid, he eased Jax toward the door.

  “What do you mean happening too soon?”

  “Come on.”

  As soon Jax got into the living room, he pulled away. “Wait a minute. Tell me, what did you mean?”

  Hissing, Aleks shook his head. “You heard something.”

  “No, I didn’t. I just felt…ill…I…” Damn it! Looking away, blood rushed to his head. As a trickle of perspiration ran down the back of his neck, he resisted the urge to wipe it away furiously.

  “I understand completely, Jax. Drink?” Aleks moved toward the bar.

  “Do you? Do you know how it feels to be here playing a game while the killer lies waiting for me to make a mistake?”

  Aleks eyed him as he grabbed two glasses. “You, detective? Don’t you have a partner?”

  “Yes, but…”

  “You’re making this very personal, why? Why do you want this killer so badly?”

  “Why? What, are you fucking out of your mind?” Jax snapped. Hissing, he paced the room as he brushed a hand through his hair, nearly ripping out several strands. “I’m sorry. I’m a wreck right now because I have no real ideas who might be doing this.” Clenching his eyes shut, he realized his hand was shaking. Perhaps this was a way of righting the damning events even if he would never forgive himself.

  Pouring two shots of bourbon, Aleks sighed. “I think you have certain suspicions. Don’t you, Jax?”

  “Of course.”

  “Being with me rattles you.”

  “Yes.” The admittance forced Jax to close his eyes. “I’m afraid that I’ll place you in harm’s way.”

  Aleks chuckled as he walked forward. Handing Jax a drink, he took a sip of his before speaking. “Merely a couple of days ago you were certain I was the killer. The change of heart is interesting and heartwarming.”

  Jax hissed as he took the drink, carefully avoiding touching Aleks. “My change of heart is based on evidence and timing. You couldn’t have performed the murders based on the time of death and your alibi. That’s it, Aleksandr. Nothing more. However in the department’s eyes you’re still on the list. Being here could cause me trouble and that’s something I don’t need. In truth, I fear there is no other way the monster will tip his hand. That’s why I’m here. Don’t take advantage of the situation.” Nearly gulping the drink, the cool liquid instantly calmed his nerves. “Let’s get this night over with and then hopefully the killer will make mistakes.”

  “I assure you, he won’t.”

  “Interesting. You’re certain it’s a he.”

  “I am. From the brutality of the attacks, the force indicates a male.”

  Jax smiled. “Said like a man that knows more than he should.” Hmmm… This was interesting indeed.

  Turning his eyes toward Jax, a slight smile curled across his lip. “My gut instincts are usually correct Jax and while you certainly have tried to keep certain aspects of the case out of the public’s eyes, many details have been leaked. Are there not certain body parts missing, detective? Have the bodies not been drained of blood?”

  Growling, Jax looked away. “You act like you’ve seen this before.”

  “This level of defiling a human body? Perhaps. I’ve lived a long life, detective. I’ve seen many horrible methods of torture in my old country and ones that I hope never to see again. There are many real monsters that live in our world and some that can’t be tamed.”

  Taken aback, he tipped his head and stared in the man’s eyes. Monsters? He was no fool. Talk on the street was of creatures roaming the night and drinking blood to remain immortal. Fairytales and monsters, vampires and ghosts ruled thoughts in the press. Fear was growing. The case was too similar to the one in the past and soon the press would snag that tasty treat as well. “Meaning?”

  Aleks sighed and walked to the back window. “Meaning, dear man that there are many things you can’t understand and unfortunately I’m going to have to bring you into a world that you’re terrified and hungering for. You’re going to experience aspects of life that I fear will terrify you.”

  “Terrify me? Dear God, more riddles. I have to be able to trust you, Aleks. What exactly are you going to show me?”

  “The ugly world detective for one thing and it will challenge your very belief in all you believe your world to be. I did some checking on you.”

  “And what did you find?” Jax asked suspiciously.

  “I know about four years ago. I also know that these kills are similar enough in nature that you’re going out of your mind with worry. Am I not correct?” Aleks inched closer.

  Jax sucked in his breath. “It means nothing.”

  Aleks remained quiet sipping his drink. “I can see the torture in your eyes and perhaps one day you and I can sit down and talk about our respective horrors for I assure you I have them as well.”

  Swallowing hard, for some reason he wanted to open up to Aleks and given another night and perhaps another set of circumstances perhaps he would but he had a murder to settle. “And the other?” As he gazed into Aleks’ eyes, he knew exactly what the man was going to say. Every part of his body shaking from desire, he sucked in his breath and held it as his cock throbbed.

  “Ah yes. The other.” Turning slowly, Aleks nodded. “Jax Steele, you’re going to become my lover.”

  As they locked eyes, Jax sucked in his breath, the vision of their naked bodies remaining in the forefront of his mind. At that moment there was no repulsion only need and it ripped apart all that he knew about himself. Unable to lie, he finally admitted. Aleks was right.


  Aleks studied Jax’s reaction and smiled. While the man appeared shocked, he also seemed resigned and Aleks could easily smell the luscious cop’s desire as it spread though his body. He sipped his drink and remained quiet. The tremors of others hungers were having a strong effect on Jax’s body. The man needed to feed. Aleks knew he’d have to coerce Jax into taking some of his blood but he feared what forcing him would mean. Finding out about Jax’s horrific past drew him to the man even more. What better way for Nikolay to drag the man under than to torture his soul?

  Swallowing hard, Jax looked away. “I’m not like that.”

  Chuckling, Aleks swirled his drink before setting the glass down. “I smell your need but I won’t push you but I understand you more than you realize. You’ve never found a love that satisfied you. You desire me more than you want to believe. When you’re ready, I’ll share with you joys of the flesh like you’ve never had in your life and then we’ll become as one.” Allowing the words to sink in, Aleks thought about the future. The old scriptures told of one true mate for each vampire. Jax Steele was without a doubt his mate. While no children could be produced, their joining would be exalted among their people. A selected surrogate would allow the continuation of their race with the Jax’s sperm and Aleks’ blood infused into the child. Soon enough Jax would have to make a choice and Aleks knew that wouldn’t come easily. “Come. Let’s begin the session. I have everything ready. My instinct tells me that the killer is hovering, waiting to see what we do.”

  “Where are you sending the pictures?”

  “It seems the gallery owner is curious about them. I’ve made arrangements to drop the pictures there. Whoever is purchasing these wants it no other way.” Aleks could see a sparkle in the detective’s eye. Jax wasn’t telling him something. “You plan on being there for the exchange.”

  “Of course.”

  “Then I’ll go with you. Part of my bargain was a meeting.”

  “A meeting? No can do, Aleks. You’re a civilian and you continue to be a suspect. My boss would have my badge,” Jax tilted his head and gave Aleks a hard look.

smiled. “Very well.” He had every intention of finding out who was helping Nikolay. There was no doubt that the vampire would play his hand as soon as he realized Felicity was gone. He only hoped that his scheme wasn’t detected yet. Fully suspecting that Nikolay wanted more than just the amulet and potion, he had spent the remainder of the afternoon reading the old texts. Why Aleks believed that he could get away from the family and the order was beyond him. They had him by the balls. The time of Red Fire could not be denied.

  Contacting Durac had been difficult for him and while he didn’t believe that Durac was aware of Dimitri’s existence yet, he would soon find out and they would have to work together to get the child out of the country. Only then would the firestorm that had been created be squelched. If his powers were restored and he found the amulet then their kind would live another millennium as rulers. The only saving grace to the damning situation was that there could be some peace amongst his people as long as Dimitri was alive. Every prophecy he had chosen not to believe was true and while he was in a sense the caretaker for the small child, it was a position he didn’t want.

  Jax nodded and set his drink down with a thud. “Let’s get this over with.”

  Leading Jax to the upper floor, Aleks noticed his surprise as he gazed across at his mock bedroom complete with a few apparatuses used for his kink. “What is it, dear Jax? Did you somehow believe that because of my tastes I would bring all my subjects into a dungeon? What you saw before I don’t use for my pictures. I’m an artist, not a sadomasochist. The request of this person who we both believe to be the killer is a bit daring but it doesn’t mean I won’t capture it in a particular sensual light.”

  “What…what do you want me to do?” Jax asked quietly as he gazed up to the chains dangling from the ceiling.

  “First, undress while I prep the cameras.” Aleks moved toward the window and peered outside and sensed Durac’s approach. Hearing nothing, he turned. Jax hadn’t moved. “I assure you Jax that we’ll be careful how we do this. This is about catching a killer and nothing more.

  “Yes.” Sounding unsure, Jax slowly removed his clothing, his eyes never leaving Aleks. “What is the request?”

  Aleks adjusted a tripod and sighed. “You’re my slave. There are three specific pictures desired. The first is benign, lying in wait for his Master. The second kneeling and hungry in chains and the third is the most troublesome.”


  “Have you ever heard of a snuff film, Jax?”

  “I’ve seen the aftermath.”

  “Then you know the pictures are difficult to fake,” Aleks breathed.

  Nodding, Jax lowered his eyes. “What method?”


  Jax swallowed and closed his eyes as he kicked off his shoes and unfastened his pants. “When are you delivering the pictures?”

  “First thing in the morning.”

  ‘Then you come right back here. Is that understood?” Standing completely naked, he glared at Aleks, his look defiant.

  Gazing down the length of the man, Aleks smiled and beckoned him closer. Licking his lips, he suddenly wanted nothing more than to have the man drop to his knees and suck his cock. “I assure you I’ll follow your orders completely. I will repeat myself one more time. You must follow my directions, Jax. Yes?”


  Aleks sighed before nodding. “Come. Let’s begin with you lying on the bed.”

  Jax nodded and slowly moved to the bed. Lying down on the satin sheets, he clenched his fists as his body tensed.

  “Relax detective. I understand you’re unused to modeling but all you need to do is enjoy the slice of satin brushing against your body. Languish in the feel of the material and the thought that you’re waiting for your master to come home. Imagine seeing his face, the man you love completely and are ready to surrender to a moment of blissful rapture.”

  Jax sighed and moved toward the center of the bed.

  Aleks continued his soothing words of encouragement as he began shooting a series of shots. Impressed at the detective’s ability to take direction immediately, he smiled. The camera loved him. The man was stunning in body, built in mind to utter perfection with toned muscles and long legs. Breathtaking in his own right, Jax rivaled every boy he’d taken pictures of. “That’s it. Very nice. Now crawl to the end of the bed and rise onto your knees. Hold out your hands. Your master is home and you want nothing more than to give him all that he needs.” His cock twitched, desperate to have the man. He had resisted feeding knowing what Jax needed and now his thirst was almost to the desperate point. Losing control was not an option.

  As Jax rose onto his knees, he shivered and blinked furiously. Holding out his hands a look of terror trashed across his face. His shaft was hard, jutting from his body and as Jax stole a quick glance at his condition he groaned.

  “Very sensual.” The look dripped of the perfect combination of sensuality and frailty and Aleks wanted nothing more than to ease onto the bed and ravage Jax’s body. Moving forward, he brushed the back of his hand down Jax’s cheek. As Jax tipped his head and looked into Aleks’ eyes, his face held wonderment of longing. Aleks slid his hand down, dragging the tips of his fingers across Jax’s lips before bringing them to his mouth, suckling. The taste of Jax’s musk was a powerful aphrodisiac.

  Shaking, Jax arched his back as if offering.

  Resisting the temptation, Aleks eased back. “Wonderful. Our next task may trouble you more.” Aleks walked to a small table and selected his collar of choice. Holding the thick strand of leather into the light, he sensed the tension mounting in Jax. “This will do nicely.” As he moved toward the detective, he nodded, trying to ease his fears. “You’ve never worn one?”

  “Hell no.”

  “But you’ve wanted to. Haven’t you?” Aleks purred as he cocked his head and held his gaze on Jax’s throbbing cock. “Off the bed.”

  Swallowing hard, Jax darted his eyes away as he climbed off the bed.

  “Haven’t you?”


  Inhaling the scent of the man, Aleks tongued his fangs. “Turn around.”


  “In this regard my dear boy, you’d be punished for disobeying. You must understand that a Master is in complete control of his sub. While the sub is truly in control, the Dom is the one that gives pain and punishment as necessary. Bliss and agony are as one. Do you understand?”

  Jax nodded as he turned around slowly.


  Slapping Jax across the ass, Aleks hissed as he set his camera down. “Answer me.”

  Jax shivered. “Yes…sir.”

  “Better.” Sliding his hand through Jax’s long locks, he licked his lips before pressing the flat of his hand down Jax’s spine to his ass. Cupping and kneading the muscular flesh, Aleks purred. “Lift your hair so that I can lock your collar.”

  Saying nothing, Jax pushed his hair to the side.

  Aleks moved behind him. “Open your legs.”


  Crack! Pop!

  “Ooohhhhh!” His body jerking forward, Jax hissed.

  “One more time and I’ll tie you to a bench and give you the punishment you deserve for disobeying me. Do you understand?”

  “Yes!” Said through clenched teeth, Jax’s cock swelled. He lowered his head in acquiescence and moaned softly.

  Surprised the good detective was allowing every move, Aleks pressed on. Jax’s scent nearly drove him wild. Raking his tongue across his emerging canines, he hissed. “You’ll look dazzling in this.” As he placed the collar around Jax’s neck, he inhaled deeply, gathering the delicious fragrance of the man. A series of pulses danced through his body. Clasping the lock, he allowed the tips of his fingers to slide across Jax’s shoulders and down his back. As goose bumps popped across the heat of Jax’s skin, Aleks grew famished. The musky scent of sex floated between them dragging out the beast that dwelled within. I want you and I’ll fuck you soon enough, lover.

  Jax trembled and dropped his head. “What…are you…?”

  “Ssshhhh…” Pushing the envelope, he kneaded Jax’s back and waist, finally lowering his head and pressing his lips across the heat of Jax’s skin.

  A single moan erupted from Jax’s lips. Lolling his head back, he allowed the touch to continue.

  “You want me, Jax. There’s no doubt. Why fight the destiny we both share? Give in to the hunger you feel between us. Give in and I’ll shower you with a moment of ecstasy.” Raking his fangs across Jax’s shoulder, a thin line of blood was his reward. He knew that Jax was nervous and the fear was nothing more than a heady aphrodisiac. “If you like, I can teach you the ways of black arts.”

  “Black arts?” His breath ragged, Jax fell back against Aleks, his entire body quaking.

  Licking up and down the side of Jax’s neck, Aleks purred and caressed Jax’s thighs. The soft feel of his warm skin invigorated him to the point that his body tingled in anticipation of tasting the stunning man. “Feel good?”


  “That’s it.” Sliding his hands around Jax’s hips, he slowly moved down to the front of his thighs as he savored the sweet taste of his blood. Inching toward Jax’s throbbing cock, he ground his hips back and forth across Jax’s carved ass, allowing him to understand his need.

  “No…I…no…” Jax breathed. Yet he reached back and brushed his hands across Aleks’ legs.

  “Jjjaaaaxxx…sssshhh…” Using both hands, he caressed and kneaded his legs as his nipped Jax’s neck, drawing another drop of blood. “I want to be inside of you. I’m going to fuck you. Do you understand?”

  Jax swallowed hard and moaned. “Not yet.”

  Yet? “Hmmm…” The promise made, Aleks shivered. Inching the metal studded cock ring from his pocket, he held it out in front of Jax. “I’m going to put this on you for the shoot.” The pounding if Jax’s heart echoed in his ears like a beacon of wanton lust.

  Jax lifted his head and stared at the metal and leather object, opening and closing his mouth. “I…Aleks…I can’t. This is too much.” Grasping Aleks’ wrist, Jax dug his fingers into the man’s flesh. He held Aleks’ wrist still, panting and licking his lips.


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