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Daring Provocation (Shadow Veil Academy Book 3)

Page 15

by Heather Renee

  We made our way to the exit and were stopped several times when people wanted to ask Amalia something, though she refused to do business just then. None of it was concerning her coven, and she had dinner with her granddaughter. Every time she said my name or granddaughter, a smile came to her face that was so similar to my mom’s, it took my breath away.

  I missed my parents more than I had truly been able to process with how insane my life had become over the last two years. The more I was around Amalia, the more I thought about them. I had thought it would bring sadness, but instead it was just bringing closure. Much needed closure. My only regret was that I never got to say goodbye.

  When we finally entered Amalia’s tent, I smirked, because the crazy lady had somehow managed to acquire one of the large canvas tents just for herself.

  “A coven leader needs her privacy,” was all she had to say when Enzo joked with her about it.

  She pulled bread from a bag and then condiments from an ice chest next to it, so I immediately went to help her as she set all the items on a plastic table. “Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?” I confirmed.

  “You know it. It’s delicious and easy and typically will leave your belly full, so why not?” Meme quipped.

  I wasn’t about to argue, so instead, I started laying out bread and waited for whatever she needed next.

  By the time we were done preparing meals, Meme had roped Gemma into cutting enough fruit for an army, Talon had gone back to the house for anything salty per Meme’s request, and Enzo had been sent to collect the rest of our team.

  Within twenty minutes, we were all together: me, Enzo, Gemma, Talon, Peyton, Finley, and Lyssa. Even Jules and JayLeigh joined us, which surprised me, but they said Marek, Emmett, and Headmaster Stone were off doing something while Phox was meditating. Another thing that shocked me.

  We sat around in camping chairs, laughing while eating PB&J sandwiches, and not once was the impending battle mentioned. Yes, we were supposed to have been meeting to make sure we were all on the same page, but once the mood began to lift, it seemed none of us wanted to dim it with talks of war.

  Overall, the day had been good, and knowing that a decent amount of those I loved most were sitting around me, I decided it was time to share more good news.

  Squeezing Enzo’s hand, I grinned. “Should we tell them?”

  Having said it loud enough that the others heard me, Gemma was instantly in my face. “Tell me what? As your best friend, I’m supposed to have secret privileges, so you better spill now. Wait, are you pregnant? Oh my god, you’re pregnant!”

  My head whipped back and forth while everyone else’s eyes went wide with fear. While a child is always good news, we weren’t nearly ready for that, and I’d never be able to help fight Malina if I was pregnant. That thought was likely many years from becoming a reality.

  “No, calm down before you officially freak everyone out. I’m definitely not pregnant, crazy lady,” I said and heard several audible sighs of relief.

  “So, what is it, then? Did you finally get smart and kick Enzo to the curb? I mean, he doesn’t even have a dragon,” JayLeigh said, then winked at me.

  “Actually, the complete opposite. At some point after all of the chaos, Enzo and I are going to get married. We may be bonded already, but there will be an official celebration to go along with that at some point. Possibly far off in the future.”

  Honestly, I was only twenty and in no hurry to get married, but at the same time, since we were bonded anyway, it didn’t really make a difference.

  “Probably sooner rather than later,” Enzo added, and everyone else just laughed.

  We stayed in Amalia’s tent for the next couple hours, just enjoying each other’s company. We all knew what was coming, and we had less than forty-eight hours before chaos descended. I refused to spend the remaining time living in constant stress and fear, and this was the perfect way to make sure that didn’t happen.

  Chapter 20

  The following day was a whirlwind of pandemonium. More supernaturals showed up from the quarter and based on the last count by Jones, there were just over one-hundred-fifty of us. Not as many as Phox predicted we’d face against Malina, but it would have to do.

  The unfortunate part was that we still needed a backup plan in case we failed, meaning not all of those willing to fight were able to come. Someone needed to stay behind and protect those who couldn’t fight, just in case. As fond as I was of the power of positivity, I was also a realist, and I understood why people stayed in the quarter.

  We’d just finished eating dinner and were sitting out in the lawn under the stars. It was peaceful and tense at the same time. Groups mingled together, but there was no laughter like the night before.

  Most talks centered around strategies and who would be where and when, including our own conversations between the seven of us.

  “So, Peyton, Finley, and Lyssa will defend the perimeter of our group while Raegan hopefully draws Malina’s attention, and the rest of us will be on her six. Best case scenario, we keep Malina as far from the main fight as possible since we don’t know what kind of control she has over those she’s bringing to fight against us,” Enzo said.

  “What if one of us goes down?” Finley asked.

  It was something none of us wanted to think about but certainly needed to talk about.

  “Then whoever is closest to them needs to get them out of the fight as quick as possible. There will be a triage tent set up behind the house. Finley, if you want to do your best to take point on that, followed by Gemma as your backup, that would be best. Unless Enzo is in the area and he teleports them,” I said.

  Finley was the fastest as a full vampire, and Gemma was a close second since she’d been working on her vampire side instead of just her witch one. Though, Enzo being able to transport people with his elf powers would always be best if he wasn’t needed elsewhere.

  Each of them nodded, and the talks continued until it was time. We hadn’t known exactly when we would be facing Malina, but Phox hinted at it being sometime tonight, so none of us slept as we waited for word from the scouts or Phox.

  She had at least promised to come to Marek or us, whoever she found first, and let us know when the wait was over, which I appreciated. We still hadn’t really talked, but there seemed to be a mutual understanding between the two of us that left me feeling good.

  We each had our roles and even though they conflicted sometimes, it didn’t necessarily mean she was less supportive of me or I was of her. It just meant we needed to be accepting of differences, to agree to disagree at times.

  When Marek appeared just before nine that evening, my shoulders stiffened, but apparently, he was just coming to check on us.

  “There’s no word from Phox. She’s still off meditating on the future, so you might as well try to get some sleep,” he’d suggested.

  “Sure, we can certainly try,” I said with a smile.

  He offered me a hug, which I gladly accepted. When I returned the embrace, we’d each held on longer than normal and I worried about where his head was.

  Based on a few comments he’d made, I worried he was prepared to die, and that scared the shit out of me. I wasn’t ready to lose another parent when I had just finally accepted having another one. Really, I wasn’t ready to lose anyone.

  When Marek left to go back to the council members and local leader meeting, I moved off to the side of our group for a moment to myself, but Enzo joined me. Though, I didn’t mind. My head would probably drive me insane on my own.

  “How’s my fiancé doing?” he asked softly.

  My heart filled with warmth when he whispered in my ear. “She’s sort of a mess, but ready nonetheless.”

  “I’m pretty sure we all are, but the important part is we’re ready. Adrenaline will kick in when the fight starts, and you’ll forget all about the nerves.”

  I nodded, not really believing that would be the case for me, but he didn’t need to know that then.

  “Hey, Enzo. Can I borrow you?” Talon called from behind us.

  Enzo’s arms tightened around me, but I pushed him back. “Go. I’m not moving from this spot until it’s time.”

  He kissed my cheek before giving me one squeeze and disappearing.

  While I stood there, I enjoyed the breeze blowing in, moving the branches and bringing the unique scent of the bayou swirling around me. The fog rolled in through the trees from the bog, and the salty marsh flooded my senses as I took a deep breath.

  Closing my eyes, I focused on those things instead of the dark thoughts that wanted to come through and tried to relax for just a moment as the sounds of cicadas filtered through the noise around me.

  A hand pressed against my shoulder, one that wasn’t Enzo, but still familiar enough. Realizing my time for relaxing was over, I opened my eyes and turned toward Phox.

  “Is it time?” I asked.

  She nodded. “But I wanted to see you first.”

  My head tilted. “Why is that?”

  “Because you are the most important piece in the fight, and I need you to understand that not everything is as it seems. You need to believe in yourself. Everything you thought possible can be if you just try. Don’t forget what Ophelia told you as well. You need to not be afraid to become what you were meant to be. Even when everything is crumbling around you, continue on your path.”

  My hands clenched into fists. Seers were a huge pain in the ass. I remembered Ophelia’s words; more specifically, I recalled how confused I had been when I heard them. Phox wasn’t making any more sense than the first seer, but before I could question it further, she spoke again.

  “I need to inform the others, but follow your path, Raegan, and know I did everything I could to give you the outcome you want, but even those who can see the future can’t predict it.”

  She disappeared from sight, and Enzo rejoined me. “Is everything okay?”

  “We’re about to find out. It’s time to join the rest of the main group. Malina will be here soon.”

  His jaw tensed, but he nodded in understanding, and we went back to our team.

  Apparently, the news had already arrived to everyone else as well, because emotions were high and there were very few smiles going around.

  “So, we gonna do this?” Gemma asked, trying to remain positive for the rest of us.

  “We don’t really have a choice now, do we?” Finley quipped.

  Nobody answered her rhetorical question, but we all started to move toward the rest of the supernaturals who had arrived over the last twenty-four hours. As we moved forward, Jules and Gemma stood at my side with Enzo and Talon at our backs. Finley, Peyton, and Lyssa filtered in on the sides while JayLeigh and Marek followed behind at a slightly slower pace.

  I held the hands of the two women who meant the world to me while praying we all made it out together.

  “It’s going to be fine,” Gemma said.

  Jules nodded before adding, “I agree. We’re ready for this. We’ve come too far to lose now.”

  We stayed together for as long as we could, but when I saw my Meme, I couldn’t help but break away and go to her.

  She was pointing fingers and moving her hands animatedly as she told people what to do. I loved it. She was life goals, and I hoped to be half as awesome as her when I got older.

  “That’s right. The wolves spotted them about a mile out. I want a perimeter set up on the east and west sides. We know they won’t come from the north, so I’m not as worried about there. For the south, we need our best crews.

  “We can’t let any of Malina’s people get close to town, so don’t be stupid and hold back, no matter who your adversary is. You showed up, and we need everyone to give it their all or there was no point in your coming to our aid,” Meme finished bluntly.

  “You know we’ll do everything we can,” a vampire I hadn’t met officially said.

  “Good. Now go. We’re running out of time.” She shooed him away like he was a child and turned toward us. “Oh, good. You’re all here. I want the dragons to shift, including Raegan. We need to make the first few hits in the battle count. If we can put any kind of dent in their confidence, it will go a long way, but if we start off easy, testing their strengths, we will lose.”

  “Hard and fast, I like the way you think.” JayLeigh grinned, already going into a half-shift.

  Gemma snorted. “That’s what she said.”

  Her comment was barely a whisper, but I’d been close enough to hear it, and so had Talon. His hand wrapped around her mouth before she could say more. It was the perfect thing to ease the somber mood that had grown around us.

  “Anyone have any questions?” Amalia asked.

  Heads shook and she nodded. “Good. Raegan and Enzo, you’re coming with me. Gemma and Talon, you two head with JayLeigh to the opposite side, so we can come from different angles. The rest of you, do as you’ve discussed, and your team will be reunited soon.”

  Taking a few deep breaths, I reached out to Chelle. Are you ready for this?”

  It’s what I was born for. Malina doesn’t stand a chance this time.

  She had enough positive juju emanating off her for the both of us, and I had never been more grateful for her presence.

  As everyone else began to disperse, our smaller group went off to the side so I could shift. We didn’t need anyone getting hit by my tail on accident, which had happened more than once.

  As I readied for the shift, I calmed my mind and let Chelle fully come forward. With a few more deep breaths, I let the change come. The process had become second nature to me and was no longer an out-of-body experience.

  When the scales appeared on my skin and my bones shifted, so did my mind. I went from worried and stressed to motivated and secure in what needed to be done. That was the best part about being a shifter.

  Our other half was always there to be strong when the human part was losing its shit. I wasn’t sure of how the relationships with others’ dragons were—I’d learned it was more of a private thing—but I was pretty sure I was damn lucky.

  Chelle had come into my life when I needed her most, and I would forever be grateful for her companionship.

  As I will of yours, she said softly, picking up on my thoughts.

  Once the transformation was complete, she stretched her wings out and waited for Amalia’s instructions.

  Enzo moved in closer once we were settled and rested his hand on our chest. Chelle couldn’t communicate with others—she was only in my head—but she could hear everything that was going on, and Enzo was aware of that tidbit. So, it didn’t surprise me in the least when he began speaking to her.

  “Chelle, I have a feeling you value your own life enough not to be reckless, and I’m even more sure that you love Raegan almost as much as I do. So, I probably don’t need to remind you of this, but she’s stubborn. More so than anyone else I know, so if things get bad, I need you to force her to leave. I can’t lose her, and you need to help make sure that doesn’t happen.”

  His voice was thick and rough, telling me how hard those words were for him to say. I knew then that he’d been just as worried as I had been about losing, and my heart cracked. Not only mine, but Chelle’s, too.

  A loan tear fell from her dragon eye as she nodded. I was more than capable of saying something while in dragon form, but it wasn’t me he needed to hear from then, and I knew that.

  Amalia approached us and waved a hand for us to follow. We went through a few trees and around the area where everyone else was heading. “We’re going to be part of the big upfront attack, but I want the dragons to come from the sides and throw the attention off.”

  When we arrived at our waiting spot, it wasn’t long before my dragon ears picked up the sound of the approaching army. “They’re almost here,” I whispered.

  Enzo crept forward and Amalia followed, also lowering her voice. “When I drop my hand, we move in, not a moment before. Disable as many as you can before seeking out Ma
lina to give the rest of the packs and covens the best chance.”

  That was what made Amalia such a good leader in New Orleans. She was looking out for everyone and not just the end game. We could have easily hung back until Malina made an appearance, but unnecessary lives would have been lost if so.

  I was happy to be on the front lines, making as big of a dent as possible in the twisted souls who thought Malina was their best chance at happiness. Even if they managed to win, they were going to be sorely disappointed, because there was no doubt in my mind that she had little to no intention of following through with any of her promises she may have given in order to win their allegiance.

  The first signs of supernaturals began to break through the south tree line, and we readied. My eyes focused in on the groups on our side, searching out the rest of our team. I found Gemma standing next to Talon’s dragon at one end and JayLeigh further down the line of people. Peyton was in her wolf form waiting patiently by Finley’s side.

  Jules, Marek, and Lyssa were missing, and I hoped they were just on the opposite side of us, waiting to make the same move Amalia wanted.

  As I took one last look around, I was forced to do a double take. Out in the crowd, a few rows from the front, was Richard the Dick. “Is Lyssa’s dad actually helping?” I asked quietly.

  Amalia nodded. “He snuck back in last night to collect the items he’d donated before leaving town like the coward he is. Though, his plan failed when I happened to catch him, and we had another nice little chat. I don’t anticipate anything great from him, but at least he’s here.”

  That was true, but I wondered why I couldn’t see the vests and asked as much.

  “It’s what Talon needed me for. It wouldn’t work on your dragon form, but he gave me one earlier. It’s a clear encasing, so nobody knows we have them on.”

  I decided to test that theory and thumped him with my tail, gently, but enough to tell if it worked. He stumbled, but I hadn’t actually made contact with him.

  “Easy, Rae. The shields only last for so many hits.” He winked, and I took a step back, afraid to waste any of the power behind the magical tech.


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