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Shady Oaks Series: Out of Darkness

Page 5

by Michelle Areaux

  With his hands up, Sammy offered a peace offering. “Hey, I didn’t mean to upset you. Look, I understand the thrill of doing something bad and stupid. Trust me,” he said, his eyes growing wide with understanding. He was pleading with me to leave this alone, to not let anyone else on to the fact we had been at the school too. “But, what you all are doing is dangerous. Someone was killed here. That is far worse than any of my pranks. I promise, I won’t say a word to anyone, but you all really need to just let this go before it is one of you that ends up dead.”

  I glanced around at my small group who were still by my side. Thankfully, Teddy and Ronnie still believed in me to stick by my side. As my eyes traveled around the school yard, I spotted Liam standing next to Sylar, a guy I knew from my art class. He was a little strange, never really talked much and always seemed to be lost in his own world. As I watched their interaction, I could sense tension from both of them. Liam’s face was twisted in frustration and Sylar seemed to be upset too, his face growing red as Liam angrily spoke to him. While I couldn’t hear what they were saying, their body language told me enough to know they weren’t having a friendly conversation.

  Following my gaze, Teddy noticed me staring at Liam.

  “Hey, what about the new kid, Liam?” Teddy asked pointing to where Liam stood, as Sammy quickly walked away. He threw his arms up in frustration as he swiftly left us.

  Trying to turn my eyes away from Liam, I caught Sylar storm off. Shaking his head, Liam began to make his way toward where we were still standing. His smile seemed nervous and the look on his face made me shake on the inside.

  “What about him?” Ronnie asked Teddy as I kept my eyes focused on Liam.

  “He is new here. Probably needs to make friends? We could befriend him, you know make him feel welcome and crap like that. We could use him to keep watch or help us figure out what is going on.”

  “Or, maybe he is the killer. You know a new kid in town. No one knows him. Probably lives alone. I mean the guy always wears black, drives that weird motorcycle, and doesn’t talk to anyone. He screams serial killer to me, even if he is a total hunk,” Ronnie laughed.

  Ronnie’s words were harsh and cruel and unkind. But I liked the way she was thinking. Her idea was brilliant. Of course, the new kid would be the perfect piece to our puzzle. He was under the radar. No one knew him. He would be the last person anyone would suspect to do anything criminal. Only, the plan would never work, because I couldn’t allow it. Liam baffled me. There was something about him that haunted my dreams with beautiful nightmares full of blue eyes and darkness. I couldn’t explain what I saw all those times I was in danger, but I know he was connected somehow. I couldn’t involve him in my life, because deep down, I feared he may already be part of it. Besides, if he refused to go through with our plan, he could get me in more trouble and I wasn’t prepared for that.

  “Maybe we could just follow him around. You know how I hate your need for danger, but if this guy has a secret to hide, maybe we have a right to figure it out,” Teddy said.

  Ronnie nodded her head in agreeance.

  “Teddy, that is brilliant, but it won’t work,” I said solemnly. “Liam is a loner. He doesn’t want to make friends here. He will notice us hanging around him and start to question us. Just leave him alone.”

  Nodding his head, Teddy just said okay and left. Somehow, I knew he wouldn’t follow my orders. Like me, Teddy did what he wanted.

  “I thought you would want to be friends with him, you know since you have a huge crush on him,” Teddy teased, as he shifted his backpack on his shoulder.

  “Shut up Teddy. I just think he is weird. Leave him alone," I stated before turning and stalking away. My words were true. There was something strange and weird about Liam, and honestly, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know what actually made him so different. With strange occurrences now happening around me, I didn’t like the feeling it was giving me.

  Nodding her head yes, Ronnie began digging through her bag for her cell phone which was ringing. “Hey Nora, I will call you later. I am going to go home for a while, but I will stop by your house this afternoon,” she said, as she waved goodbye and answered her phone. I assumed it was her mom by the way she cried and told the story. I checked my phone again, but no calls. The twenty missed calls I had received earlier were from Ronnie and Teddy. I am sure my parents were not even aware of what happened today.


  That evening as I sat alone at the kitchen table eating my dinner, I couldn’t stop thinking about Liam. That happens a lot when I am home. With no one to talk to, my mind easily begins to wonder. I thought back to his cold eyes and the idea that I felt, deep down in my soul, that Liam had been part of my life much longer than I could ever have imagined.

  Suddenly, I heard a ring from beside me and I saw my phone light up with a number I didn’t recognize. I answered the call, reluctant at first.

  “Hello,” I said, my voice sounding shaky.

  “This is Liam," his velvet voice drifted through the phone, caressing my ear.

  “How did you get my number?” I asked, not even trying to be polite.

  Sighing, Liam chuckled to himself. “Well, I see you have wonderful manners,” he chided.

  “Okay, I am going to hang up now,” I said, as I moved the phone away from my ear to end the call. Just as my finger hovered over the end button, Liam’s voice rose and struck a nerve in my body. “Wait, don’t hang up. I am sorry for being rude. Sammy gave me your number. There is something you need to know, but I don’t want to say it over the phone,” he said, his voice mesmerizing me. It was as if he had me in a trance and I couldn’t do anything but agree to his request.

  “Okay,” I answered.

  “Meet me tomorrow at ten in the morning. At the Shady Oaks park. School has been canceled due to the murder investigation”

  And with that, he ended the call leaving me speechless.


  The next morning, I arrived at the Shady Oaks Park right at ten in the morning. An ominous feeling overtook me as I entered the park. The dark, secluded nature of the setting wasn’t lost on me as I looked around for Liam. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Liam watching me as he stood next to the busy street corner. His eyes were fixed on me, and his head was tilted to the side, almost like he had been intently listening to my conversation as I talked to Ronnie on my phone.

  Deciding I had enough of his awkward behavior, I began walking toward him in the park. Seeing my agitated behavior, Liam’s eyes grew wide and he began looking around the area. Before he could move or get away, I stopped directly in front of his face. I had decided late last night that I wouldn't allow Liam to affect me any longer. I was in charge of my life and if he wanted to talk to him, then he had to answer a few of my questions first.

  “I’m here like you asked, but I want to know something first, why are you always staring at me?” I asked with a hint of venom in my voice.

  “Why are you always looking at me to see that I am staring at you?” he asked back, his voice full of arrogance.

  Letting out a frustrated laugh, I threw my hands in the air. “Stop that. I don’t know who you are or where you came from, but you need to leave me alone," I yelled at him. My voice was loud even over the cars whizzing past us. “You called me yesterday and I don’t even want to know how you got my number from Sammy, but just tell me what you need to say,” I demanded.

  “I wish I could leave you alone, but I can’t,” he said as he turned to walk away.

  “Oh no you don’t,” I yelled, as I reached out for him. I had meant to grab his arm but instead, I lost my balance and felt myself falling toward the street where cars were quickly passing by.

  Just as I heard myself scream, Liam grabbed my arm and pulled me back to the sidewalk. His blue eyes flashed before mine and my mind began to swirl with images of blues and whites and blacks. Everything came crashing down as the same familiar feeling seeped through me.

  “This is why I
can’t leave you alone,” he yelled at me, as he violently released my arm.

  Running a hand through his messy hair, I noticed a scar poking out from underneath his black locks. Turning my head, I stepped in closer to him and took my hand and brushed the hair further away from his face. That was when I saw it.

  A small scar zigzagged across his forehead toward his right ear. Placing my fingers along the raised skin, I traced the image that lined his face. My fingertips burned from the touch, but the pull to feel the scar and seal it to my memory pulled me to him.

  “That scar,” I whispered, as I saw images flash through my mind from a time long ago, when I remembered touching that exact same scar.

  My stomach dropped and my body began to shake. Dread took over as I shook my head, confusion settling in.

  Moving the hair that fell over his eyes that seemed to cover the scar, Liam looked at me with sad eyes. He had succumbed to my need to touch him and somehow the slight touch of my fingers against his skin-built anxiety into my already nerve-filled mind.

  “You have to tell me what is going on,” I began, trying to keep my voice low now. My little mishap had drawn the attention of several bystanders. Everyone was on high-alert after learning about the murder, and I felt too, they were all looking for a suspect. The last thing I wanted was to make anyone notice me.

  “Look, I screwed up. I am not even supposed to be talking to you right now,” he said, his face inches from mine as he spoke.

  Knowing I should back away from his closeness, I couldn’t. It was as if I were a statue. “Why can’t you talk to me?” I asked. My heart was slowing to a steady beat and my anger was slowly fading away. It was strange to me how one minute I hated this beautiful boy and the next I couldn’t help but want to listen to him and comfort him.

  Sighing, Liam ran his hands through his hair. His eyes were conflicted as I could tell he wanted to tell me something important but knew he shouldn’t. “It is my job…” he began, then he quickly shut his mouth.

  “Liam,” I said, as I reached out for his hand. I could sense the power between our touches as I held his hand in mine. His eyes grew as wide as saucers as he realized I understood there was something indescribable happening. “Please, you have to tell me why your eyes are so familiar to me. You have to tell me why I believe I have seen your eyes all throughout my life. People think I am crazy, but I need to know,” I begged, as I tried to keep myself calm.

  Sighing, Liam stared at me for what seemed like an eternity. He glanced around and watched the cars traveling down the busy street. He watched as the news reporters continued to cover the murder at Shady Oaks High School. “Nora, I have something to tell you, and I may get into a lot of trouble for disclosing this, but you have a right to know," he began, as he carefully guided me away from the school and the madness that was transpiring behind us. “We can’t talk here,” he said. “It’s too dangerous.”

  He took me to a black and silver motorcycle that was parked along the road. “Why didn’t you park in the student parking lot?” I asked.

  “I will answer all of your questions just as soon as we leave here,” he said, his eyes dancing around the scene as he led me to the bike. He appeared nervous as though he expected someone to be watching us.

  “Look, if this is about the other night when you saw me and Sammy running from the school, I can explain,” I rushed out.

  “No, it isn’t about that. But, I need you to trust me. Just follow me and then we can talk,” he said again, cutting me off from speaking.

  Trusting him, I followed him to his motorcycle parked near the street. “I’m not riding on that,” I said, pointing to his bike.

  “Why not? Scared?” he taunted me with a spark in his eye.

  “No, I just don’t know you," I snapped back.

  “Whatever, just get on,” he said, as he threw his leg over the bike and sat down. Handing me his helmet, I had no choice but to follow his lead and get on behind him. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I felt awkward, yet wildly attracted to Liam. We drove in silence through the busy streets until the honking cars and towering buildings disappeared and shady trees and windy roads appeared. We continued to drive and as the wind rushed through me, I could feel my heart fluttering with excitement. After a while of driving through the countryside we finally came to a large farm. It was beautiful and stretched many miles of greenery.

  “Do you live here?” I asked, as he drove up a long, gravel driveway that led to a large, two-story brick home.

  “Kind of,” he replied offering nothing else. “Well, I did at one time,” he said.

  He parked his motorcycle and jumped off. Following his lead, I got off the bike too and followed his path. Growing frustrated by his lack of details, I decided to stop following him like a lost puppy and stand my ground.

  I stopped and folded my arms as he began to walk up the large brick stairs leading to the wooden front porch. “Liam, stop. I am not going any further with you until you tell me something," I said, my voice full of rage. “You don’t even live here.”

  “I used to,” he said again, like that was supposed to mean something to me. Sighing, Liam stopped and turned around. He strutted back to me and stood only inches away from my face. “If I tell you anything, I may be in danger,” he said, as he glanced around. “We would be in danger.”

  I looked around too as his vague answers were beginning to make me nervous. He was making sure no one was around, but from what I could tell, the place was empty. “What kind of danger?” I asked. He was really starting to freak me out.

  Running his hands through his hair, Liam sighed again. “Nora, I am supposed to stay away from you. I messed up a few years ago and now I am being punished,” he said as his voice broke.

  I felt my body grow weak as fear rushed through me. His words frightened me to my core and I suddenly wanted to run away and forget I ever saw Liam. The fight or flight instinct began to kick in as I stood there unsure of what to do next. Maybe that instinct should have arrived years ago, I may not be in so much trouble. Oh well. Standing there, I decided to fight. I could run away and save myself from whatever Liam was about to share with me. But, I knew that was impossible now.

  “Liam, you are scaring me,” I said as my voice shook. I could feel my eyes growing moist, but I pushed aside the feeling. I didn’t cry.

  Taking my hand, Liam led me further from the path and behind a large oak tree near the house. “Nora, you have no idea what I have done for you. My existence is cursed because of what I gave up for you. I need you to listen to me,” he said in a whisper.

  My eyes focused on my hands inside his. His touch had such a calming effect on me, I swear it was like a drug.

  “Liam, I am about to leave. Even if I have to walk down that creepy road by myself, I am not going to stand here any longer while you feed me nonsense. Nothing you are saying is making any sense right now. I feel like I am losing my mind. First, I feel like I have seen you at various times throughout my life. Then, my high school principal is murdered and you suddenly show up at my school and tell me all of this,” I said, as I tried to squeeze my hand out of his. He held on tighter, his grip strong and firm.

  “I will tell you everything, but you have to believe everything I say and you have to promise you won’t say anything to anyone else. They could be listening right now, and my life could be in very serious danger,” he spoke as his incredulous eyes bore into mine.

  Nodding my head, I didn’t know what to say. This all felt like an insane dream that I wanted desperately to wake from. “Okay.”

  Sitting me down on the grass, Liam knelt next to me. “You are not crazy, Nora. I have been in your life at various times throughout the years. I am…” his voice trailed off as he looked around again. I was starting to think he was the one that was paranoid. “Seventy-five-years ago, I was driving with some friends. I was only sixteen-years-old, but I had done enough wrong in my short life to fill a criminal record. That night, we had snuck some moonshine f
rom a local illegal distillery. We were dumb and just looking to have some fun. My idea of fun back then was stealing cars, breaking the law anyway, I could, and hurting those around me. I wasn’t a good person then. Anyway, all had too much to drink and were driving erratically down the road. Another car appeared, its headlights warning us to slow down, to move out of the middle of the road, but we were too intoxicated and wild to care.”

  He paused and I could see his jaw tense as he sucked in a deep breath before continuing. “When we drove off the road, there was nothing we could have done to survive. We hit the other car head-on. As I lay on my deathbed, all I could think about was all the terrible, awful things I had done throughout my life. Every poor choice and mistake had led me to my own demise. A bright, white light appeared and I knew my time in this life was over. I watched as a beautiful man in all white appeared before me. It was like nothing I had ever seen before. Another man appeared from the shadows, only he wore all black and had the evilest, yellow eyes I had ever seen. He was what nightmares were made from.” Shuddering next to me, Liam turned away from me for a moment. I squeezed his hand, letting him know it was ok to continue.

  The man wearing black was from the gates of hell, a sort of ferryman. He had come to collect me and my friends. I knew he was for me, I didn’t deserve the man in white. It was clear he was an angel sent to gather the souls of the people we had killed in that wreck. I began sobbing. Not for myself, but for those innocent people. I destroyed their lives and in return, my eternal soul would rot in hell for that. I begged, pleaded that my family would forgive me. I prepared myself for an eternity of burning for my sins. I deserved that for what I had done. Something happened though that I wasn’t prepared for. I was given a chance to redeem myself and fix the wrongs I had made in my life while living. If not, I would have been destined to spend eternity in hell. The angels that visited me, gave me the option of being a sort of saving grace for those who were dying.”


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