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Shady Oaks Series: Out of Darkness

Page 8

by Michelle Areaux

  Nodding my head yes, I couldn’t speak. Motioning for me to follow him, Liam threw his leg over his bike and helped me get on the seat behind him. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I snuggled against his body as I waited for him to take me away. Kicking his bike stand, Liam revved the engine and began to drive us out of town and down windy, country roads.

  After a few minutes, we stopped in front of a small log cabin nestled deep in the woods. The wood was a deep, cherry wood with black metal accents throughout the exterior. It was exactly what I had imagined Liam to live in. It was dark, rustic, and hidden; just like him. As we both stepped off his bike, we held hands as he walked me up to his home.

  “How did you find this place?” I asked.

  Opening the large, wooden front door, Liam held it open so I could enter the house. “I was hiking one day after I moved back here. The house I brought you to first was one I lived in when I was first arrived in Shady Oaks. It feel like my first home, in a strange sort of way.”

  Shaking his head, Liam smiled at the wonderful memory. “Anyway, I was hiking one day and found this cabin hidden under a lot of brush and trees. I cleared off the debris and cleaned up the inside. No one lived there and from the looks of the inside when I found the house, no one had been here in years. It was abandoned so it was perfect for me.”

  Looking around the room, I admired his work. He had cleaned off an old couch and placed it in front of a large stone fireplace. Dark, hardwood floors creaked below my feet as I moved about the space taking in everything in pure wonderment. I had wondered what Liam’s house would look like, and now I know. He had a small kitchen with all stainless steel appliances and one bedroom with a single bed and a bookshelf full of books. Liam stood next to an open window in the living room area watching me with a smile on his face. It was obvious, he was happy to have me in his home.

  “It’s not much, but I like it,” Liam said, as he strode over to me. Taking me by the hand, Liam walked me to the couch and we both sat down side-by-side. “I used to desire material items. They meant more to me than anything else; even my family. Now, as I know the value of people versus things, I don’t want materials. I just want love. I want you.”

  “You have grown into such a beautiful person. Sometimes you have to go through bad to find the good in yourself. Besides, I think this house is great,” I mused. “It is exactly what I imagined for you.”

  “I’m glad you feel that way. Maybe I have grown, but there are still pieces of me that hold onto the old Liam. I still have anger in my heart toward those that changed me. I still fight my own demons and I’m selfish. I just want to keep you all to myself.”

  Beaming at him, I felt like I was probably glowing from happiness. No one had ever cared for me like Liam did. My mom did once, but she was gone now. “I hate that you don’t see how wonderful I think you are. I will make it my mission to show you that you are good. I understand your anger, you are justified in feeling that way. Here though, at your house, this can be our place. Where we can go to be away from the world and worries of angels and demons and murders. Away from our friends and my family.”

  Nodding his head, Liam grinned at me as his eyes beamed with pride. “This is a place where I can come and just be me. I have wanted to bring you here for a while,” he stated, as he pulled me closer to him. “Now, this is our place.”

  “Well, I’m here now and we can be together,” I said, as I leaned in and kissed his soft cheek.

  “So… I guess you still have questions,” Liam began as he closed his eyes. We could sit and talk for days about our love and how we wanted to conquer the world, or at least high school. “I am ready to tell you more about who I am and what is going on with you and them. You may not feel the same way about me anymore after you know more about me,” he almost looked pained and I grew nervous because I could see that he wasn’t ok.

  “Is everything alright?” I asked, watching him bite his lower lip in angst. “You know, all we do is ‘talk,’” I said as I teased him.

  “Yes, I know I am always adding more dangers to your life, I just don’t want to worry you any more than I know you already are. You need to know everything so we can find a way to be together. I know you are frustrated that I only give you pieces of information at a time, but this is a lot to handle.”

  “Is that why you look upset and in pain?” I asked, hoping he would open his eyes soon so I could see those baby blues I craved.

  “That is one reason as to why I am worried. I look like I am in pain because it is painful to keep myself from constantly kissing you and just wanting to hold you tight and never let you go.” He opened his eyes revealing his blue eyes and I almost gasped at their beauty.

  I sucked in a deep breath as I tried to keep my racing heart beat at bay. Whenever Liam said words like that to me, it was hard to breathe. To think straight. To do anything but stare at Liam and his beautiful face.

  “I have to admit, I feel the same way as you do. Whenever I see you, it is like I can’t breathe or think straight,” I admitted sheepishly. I have been called many things throughout the years. People have described me as being brave, angry, and stubborn because I hide my emotions and am always willing to do anything crazy. However, I have never been so open and honest with anyone in my life and for some reason, it just felt right sharing my feelings and emotions with Liam.

  Holding my hands tightly in his, Liam closed his eyes again as a small smile spread over his face. “You drive me absolutely crazy,” he chuckled to himself. “Anyway, we need to get to the real reason why we are here.”

  “What? You didn’t bring me here to get me alone?” I said, as I pretended to be wounded and upset. I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped my lips as Liam’s eyes grew wide in bewilderment.

  Laughing too, Liam ran his hands through his hair as he shook his head back and forth. “You sure are something my Nora girl,” he said, as he leaned in and kissed me once more.

  I loved the sound of his new nickname for me. I was his Nora girl. Now and forever.

  “Okay, so I am in danger?” I questioned, as I realized one of us had to start the conversation. If I didn’t say anything now, I may just jump on top of him right here on this couch and never let him go.

  Exhaling a deep breath, I could tell Liam was glad I had been the one to change the conversation. He too seemed like he wasn’t in the right state of mind to focus on anything but me. “Yes, as I told you the other day, I think someone might be trying to warn you and myself,” Liam began. His tone changed from seductive and sweet to serious and nervous. His eyes grew darker and his body grew rigid as he began to talk. “When the first murder happened, I just thought we had some crazed person with a vendetta against a creepy high school principal. However, after the second murder occurred, I started to notice some strange things happening around here. The morning after Mr. Hollings was found hanging in the tree, I went for a walk around the property here. I began to smell smoke and then I found a fire burning through some brush. To anyone else, it may have just looked like a minor fire, but I knew better. The fire was in a ring, a circle with an x in the center. That was the first sign.”

  He paused and looked at me to make sure I was still following him. “Okay, so what does all of that mean?” I asked.

  “These are signs from them,” Liam said, in an eerie tone that sent cold chills down my arms and legs. I shuddered at the sudden change in my body temperature. “I fear this may just be the beginning of what they are about to do. Their wrath runs deep and they will stop at nothing to get their way.”

  “Who?” I asked, almost afraid to ask.

  “The men who changed me. My punishers. They are trying to warn me to stay away from you.”

  “So these men killed my principal and teacher?” I asked, my voice rising with fear.

  “No, I don’t think they killed those men. They started the fire as a warning for me to leave this town and leave you alone. I am supposed to be redeeming myself so that I can move on to the
afterlife, eventually. I should be waiting for my next assignment, but instead, I am here with you.” Squeezing my hand, Liam forced me to look at him. “Someone else may be after me; that is why they want me to leave. There are evil forces in this world who want to stop people like me,” he stopped again to assess my reaction.

  “What exactly are you?” I asked, as I forced my lips to move. “You say you are not technically an angel, but you are not really human either.”

  This was all getting to be much more than I thought I could handle. I was terrified but I needed answers.

  “I don’t know exactly how to define it, but I am a body shifter. We are not angels per say, nor are we dead. I am in a state of limbo. I am supposed to take people who are dying to either heaven or send off to hell. I am not allowed to make decisions or change the course of actions presented to me. Remember what I told you the other night? I defied the rules when I saved you instead of sending you to heaven with the archangels. They are good and holy. The evil that I am speaking of are the demons and black angels of death sent from hell to collect those that are not worthy of heaven. Sometimes though, these demons come after the good… like you.”

  Shuddering, the ideas of demons tore through me. Liam appeared to be this dark and angry guy, but underneath his mask, a gentle angel lurked just waiting to be discovered.

  Moving me to his lap, I allowed Liam to hold me in his arms before I could even register what all of this meant. Suddenly, like a flash, images from the night Liam saved me began to dance throughout my mind. There were several men, some were wearing long, dark black jackets and their faces were covered. The others looked more like Liam with sweet faces and gentle voices. I could hear them arguing as Liam tried to hide me. As he tried to save me. It wasn’t just a selfish choice for Liam to save me so he could someday have me for his own. No, Liam had saved me from the demons who had come for me.

  “Those men that night… they were demons, weren’t they?” I asked, as my face stay buried in his chest. Wet tears drenched Liam’s shirt and stained my face.

  Kissing the top of my head, Liam could barely talk. “Yes, I fought with them. I pleaded with them not to take you. I told them I had already sent your soul on, it was only your body left. I thought I had fooled them. It turns out, I didn’t. They have come to Shady Oaks with a vengeance. I am so sorry, I failed you my Nora girl.”

  Raising my head, I placed my hands on Liam’s face and forced him to look at me. “Liam, don’t you dare say that. You didn’t fail me. You saved my life. If it weren’t for you and your choices I would be dead and possibly in… hell.” I could barely say the words as the realization struck me like lightning.

  “I could have done more to protect you, now they are after you and killing innocent people in their way,” Liam stated angrily. “They will destroy everyone they encounter until they find you. Others in Shady Oaks, those like me, could be in danger too. I have already contacted the Witches and Shifters, they are aware of the danger coming. But, I am afraid we may all be too late. They could end us all.”

  “We are not going to let them do that,” I began, as I still held his head in my hands. “We can’t let them win. We will figure this out, together.”

  The bravery I projected masked the anguish that was coursing through my body.

  Pulling me to him, Liam roughly kissed me as he drew me even closer to him. “You are a very brave and stubborn girl,” he sighed as he pushed his forehead against mine. Looking at one another, we held each other's gaze as we sat silently.

  After a while, we let go of our hold and we both sat back on the small couch. “What is the plan?” I dared to ask.

  Standing, Liam began to pace the floor and stare outside into the tree lined woods. He walked around the room, never removing his gaze from the window. “We fight,” he began as he clenched his fists to his side. “We will do whatever it takes. I won’t lose you. I won’t let anymore innocent people suffer at their hands. There is only one way to get rid of these demons and it is to kill them.”

  I opened my mouth and a gasp escaped. Kill? I wasn’t a murderer and neither was Liam. He was too good and sweet to do anything to harm anyone, even an evil demon. What was I saying? When did my world become completely upside down that my concern was demons? I was a teenage girl. I should have been worried about parties and final exams. Not, death. I guess it figures though, I never was your typical teenage girl. So, bring on the evil demons.


  “What are you doing?” Liam asked as he held me in his arms. We were seated outside my house under a large tree. The limbs provided just the right amount of shade to shield us from the blazing sun.

  “I was just thinking,” I said with a happy sigh. “Maybe we should go see a movie or something tonight,” I said. “I want us to hang out together without having these dark and serious conversations. I want us to be teens- to laugh and joke and be carefree for a little while. We just need to put everything on hold. The bad stuff will still be there, but we need to just be us.”

  “I love that idea, I miss just living life without worries and dangers invading my mind. It’s been so long that I forget how to just be a human. But, are you sure you want to go out in public with me?” Liam questioned. He turned me so that we were now eye-to-eye. “We might run into people there, it won’t be just the two of us in the safety and comfort of my house or your big, secluded yard. Are you ok with people seeing us together?” he asked.

  Raising my eyes, I pursed my lips. “Are you serious?” I asked in shock. “Why wouldn't I want people to know we are together? I already told Ronnie and I am pretty sure Teddy and Aleece know too.”

  Looking away, Liam’s eyes grew sad. “I know that people in town think I am some sort of freak. I just don’t want to embarrass you.”

  Jumping up to my feet, I stood in front of Liam. “How could you think that?” I reached down and pulled him to his feet. “You are amazing.”

  Leaning in, Liam kissed me gently as I felt his body loosen. “Good. I have been wanting to take you out for a while,” he admitted. “How about tonight, I take you to go see a movie. I will come pick you up around six,” he said.

  We agreed on a movie and a time and I quickly rushed inside my house so I could get ready for my first official date with Liam. Of course, the universe had other plans for me tonight.


  “Turn on the news,” Teddy’s frantic voice filled my ears as I answered his call.

  “What?” I asked, as I tried to find the remote. I had just finished drying my hair after a long, warm shower.

  “My dad just called, something else has happened. Your dad is flying home tonight,” Teddy said, as his voice continued to rise.

  My dad had been away on a business trip. This new discovery must be terrible if it caused my dad to come home early. Finally finding the remote in between the couch cushions, I turned on the television just in time to see a news reporter standing in front of a blazing fire. The man was young and as he stood in front of the orange and red flames, he held tightly to his microphone and he stared deep into the camera.

  “I am here on the scene at Shady Oak's Park where a large fire is trying to be contained by local firefighters. A witness called the police around eleven last night as she claims she saw men in long black jackets running from the scene before the fire erupted. What is most strange about this fire is that it was arranged to form a warning. Written in stone under the flames is the phrase; Listen Now. Police are investigating this crime, but they feel certain this is linked the other murders taking place in town. Residents are asked to remain calm and stay indoors until the suspects are caught.”

  The young reporter had a terrified glow in his eyes and his fear radiated through the television screen and into my heart. While I was always up for a little danger, this was getting way out of hand. Never did I want anyone to be injured or hurt, but after talking with Liam, I was quickly realizing this wasn’t just some prank or a senseless crime. Everything that was
happening was connected, and sadly, I was learning it was all connected to Liam and myself.

  “I’m watching the news coverage now, this is all getting out of control,” I admitted as I watched the television.

  “Nora, there is something else,” Teddy began. His voice was full of trepidation as he blew out a deep breath.

  I didn’t like how unsettled he sounded. “What is it?” I asked, almost afraid to hear his answer.

  “The police uncovered one of the security cameras from the school. Apparently, the others were destroyed the night our Principal was murdered.”

  “Okay,” I gulped down the acid in my stomach. This was bad. Very, very bad. “So, what does this have to do with me?” I asked. To my knowledge, Teddy had no clue what Sammy and I had done that night. He would be enraged if he knew that I had been part of something like breaking the law-- again.

  “You and Sammy were on the cameras. My dad said they saw you two running away from the school. They could just make out your faces and then something black floated in front of the camera and then the video footage ended.”

  Pausing, I could hear Teddy exhaling hot air. He and I were close, but lately, I had found myself drifting farther away from him as my secrets continued to pile up. “What were you thinking, Nora? Breaking into the school with Sammy? That is beyond stupid,” Teddy scolded, as I could hear his heavy footsteps as he rapidly walked while he talked to me. “I heard my dad talking about this with your dad this morning. That is why your dad is coming home now. You need an attorney,” he finished.

  “What is going to happen?” I questioned, as my bottom lip began to quiver.

  “You are a suspect in the murders,” Teddy said slowly. “Your dad is going to take you down to the police station. From what I understand, Sammy is already down there. My dad pulled some strings and they are waiting until your dad gets home.”

  My legs gave out and my knees buckled as I fell to the ground. Dropping the phone, I could hear Teddy’s frantic voice calling my name. I was in trouble. I had been at the school the night Principal Donaldson was murdered. I was caught. Now, with a second murder, I had no alibi to account for where I was last night.


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