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The Mesmerist's Victim

Page 15

by Alexandre Dumas



  While all these petty plots were going on at Trianon amid the trees andflowers, making things lively for the people of that trifling world, thevast plots of the capital, threatening tempests, were unfolding theirblack wings over the Temple of Themis, as they said in those high-flowndays.

  The Parliaments, degenerate remnant of old French opposition to royalty,had recovered the art of hating under the capricious reign of Louis XV.,and since they felt danger impending when their shield, Choiseul, wasremoved, they prepared to conjure it away.

  The appointment of the Duke of Aiguillon, ex-Governor of Brittany, tothe command of the Light Cavalry, thanks to Lady Dubarry's influenceover the King, was, to quote Jean Dubarry, "a smack in the face" for theThird Estate, from Feudality.

  How would they take it?

  Lawyers and politicians were keen-sighted gentlemen and where most folksare perplexed, they see clearly.

  They resolved: "The Parliamentary Court will deliberate on the conductof the ex-Governor of Brittany and give its opinion."

  The King parried this thrust by intimating to the peers and princes thatthey must not go to the Parliament session to take part in thediscussion, as far as Duke Aiguillon was concerned.

  Already unpopular, the Duke of Aiguillon was discouraged and sat in astate of torpor at the impending overthrow when his uncle, the Duke ofRichelieu, was announced. He ran to welcome him with all the moreeagerness as he had been trying to meet him lately without the old foxbeing discoverable.

  "Uncle," he began when he had cornered the other in an armchair so hecould not retreat, "is it true that you, the wittiest man in Francecould not see that I should be as selfish for us two as for myselfalone? you have been shunning me when I most have need of you."

  "Upon honor, I do not understand you."

  "I will in that case make all clear. The King was not inclined to makeyou Prime Minister _vice_ Choiseul banished, and he did make mecommander of the Light Cavalry, so that you suppose I sold you to get myreward."

  "If I failed, you have won, and that is enough for the house ofRichelieu. You have nothing to grumble about for you are high in favorand in six months will be ruler. Suppose I am the dog who snapped at theshadow of the meat--and letting the meat drop, sees another run awaywith it. I have learnt a lesson--but the meat is ours all the same. Butwhat do I hear?"

  "Nothing uncle; pray go on."

  "But it is a carriage--I am in the way."

  "No, no, go on for I love fables---- "

  "Nay, it may be the appointment as minister--the meat! the littlecountess---- "

  "She heartily loves you, uncle---- "

  "Well she has been working for you _in camera_---- "

  The servant entered.

  "A deputation from Parliament," he said with some trepidation.

  "What did I tell you?" sneered the old noble.

  "A Parliamentary deputation here?" queried the younger duke, far fromencouraged by the other's smile. "What can they want with me?"

  "In the King's name!" thundered a sonorous voice at the end of theanteroom.

  "Whew!" muttered Richelieu.

  Aiguillon rose, quite pale, and went to show in two members ofParliament, behind whom appeared two impassive ushers while at adistance a legion of frightened servants appeared.

  Bowing to the duke, whom they officially recognized, the spokesman ofthe gentlemen of the Commission read a paper in a loud voice. It was thecomplete, particularised, circumstantial declaration that the Duke ofAiguillon was gravely inculpated and tainted with suspicions, moreover,guilty of deeds befouling his honor and that he was suspended in hisfunctions as peer of France. The duke heard the reading like a manstruck with lightning might listen to the thunder. He moved no more thana statue on its pedestal, and did not even put out his hand to take thedocument from the official of the Parliament. It was the marshal,standing up, alert and clear-headed, who took it, and returned the bowto the bearer. The Commission members were far while the duke remainedin stupor.

  "This is a heavy blow!" remarked Richelieu; "no longer a peer of therealm--it is humiliating."

  The victim turned round as if only now restored to life.

  "Did you not expect it?" asked the elder.

  "Did you, uncle?" was the retort.

  "How could anybody suspect that Parliament would so smartly rap thefavorite of the King and of the King's favorite? these fellows will getthemselves ground to powder."

  The duke sank into a seat, with his hand on his burning cheek.

  "If they do such a thing because you are made commander of the LightCavalry," continued the old marshal, turning the dagger in the wound,"they will condemn you to be burnt at the stake when you are appointedPremier. These fellows hate you, Aiguillon; better distrust them."

  The duke bore this untimely joking with heroic constancy; his misfortunemagnified him and purified his spirit. But the other took it forinsensibility or even want of intelligence, perhaps, and thought that hehad not stung deeply enough.

  "However, being no longer a peer, you will be exposed to the long billsof these blackbirds," he proceeded; "take refuge in obscurity for a fewyears. Besides, this safeguard, obscurity, will help you without yourimagining it. Unpropped by your title, you will more grandly become theminister, because with more effort. Lady Dubarry will do more for youthus disarmed, for she wears you in her heart--and is a solidsupporter."

  Aiguillon rose without shooting at the jester one angry look for all thesuffering he inflicted.

  "You are right, uncle," he said, tranquilly, "and your wisdom shows inthe last piece of advice. Lady Dubarry will defend me--she, to whom youintroduced me and to whom you recommended me so warmly. Thank God! shelikes me. She is brave and has full power over the King's mind. I thankyou, uncle, for your hint, and I shall hie to her residence at Luciennesas to a haven of safety. What, ho there! my horses to be put to thecarriage."

  The marshal was sorely puzzled but he had some consolation when atevening he saw the delight of the Parisians on reading the postersproclaiming the disgrace of Aiguillon.

  "Do you think, Rafte, that the duke will get out of this scrape?" askedthe old intriguer of his valet and confidential man, who rather deservedthe name of _Crafty_.

  He had been forty years in his service.

  "The King will."

  "Oh, the King will always have a loophole. But the King has nothing todo with this case."

  "Why, my lord, if the King can get through, Lady Dubarry will follow,and lead my lord of Aiguillon with her."

  "You do not understand politics, Rafte."

  Rafte was as keen as his master.

  "Well, my lord, our lawyer, Flageot, who is member of Parliament, hethinks the King will not get out of it."

  "Who will net the lion?"

  "The rat, instead of helping him out."

  "Oh, is Flageot the rat?"

  "He says so. I always believe a lawyer when he promises anythingunkind."

  "We must look into the Flageot method, then, Rafte. But let me havesomething to eat before I go to sleep. It has upset me to see my poornephew unmade peer of France and his chances of the Prime-Minister-shipknocked on the head. An uncle naturally feels for his nephew, eh?"

  From sighing he set to laughing.

  "You would have made as good a minister yourself," said Rafte.

  On the morrow of the day when the terrible Parliamentary decree filledParis and Versailles with noise, and all were in expectation of the nextstep, Richelieu returned to Versailles and carrying on his ordinarycourt life, saw his man Rafte enter with a letter which seemed to fillhim with disquietude participated in by his master.

  "The King is good," said the duke after opening the letter and smilingthough he had frowned at the start. "He appoints Aiguillon PrimeMinister."

  Thus ran the letter:

  "MY DEAR UNCLE: Your kind advice has borne fruit. I confided my chagrin to that excell
ent friend of our house, Lady Dubarry, who was good enough to repeat the confidence to his Majesty. The King is indignant at the rudeness done me by the Parliamentary gentry, after my having so faithfully employed myself in his service. In his State Council this day, he has cancelled the decree and bids me continue in my place as peer and duke. I know the pleasure this news will give you, my dear uncle. You have the news before anybody else in the world. Believe in my tender respect, my dear uncle, and continue your good graces and good advice to your affectionate


  "He pokes fun at me into the bargain," said the reader. "The idea of theKing jumping into this hornet' nest!"

  "You would not believe me yesterday saying so."

  "I said that he would get out of it. You see he does."

  "In fact, Parliament is beaten."

  "So am I. And forever. I must pay the forfeit. You do not understand howgrating on me will be the laughs at Luciennes. The duke is there now,laughing at me in chorus with La Dubarry, Jean and Chon, while the blackboy snaps his fingers at me over the candy I gave him. 'Odsboddikins!'I have a soft heart, but this makes me furious."

  "Then you should not have acted as you did, my lord."

  "You goaded me on."

  "I? what do I care whether the Duke of Aiguillon is or is not a peer ofFrance? Man of brains though you are, your grace makes blunders that Iwould not forgive in a low-bred fellow like me."

  "Explain, my old Rafte, and I will own if I am wrong."

  "You wanted to be revenged yesterday, did you not? you aimed to humbleyour nephew because he was likely to be the Premier instead of yourgrace--well, such revenge costs dear. But you are rich and can afford topay."

  "What would you have done in my place, you knowing dog?"

  "Nothing; you could not but show your spite because the Dubarry womanthought your nephew was younger than yourself."

  A growl from the old marshal was all the comment.

  "Parliament was egged on by you to do what it has done; knowing thedecree would be issued, you offered your services to your unsuspectingnephew."

  "I admit I was wrong. You ought to have given me a warning."

  "I, prevent you doing ill? you are always saying that I am of yourmaking and I should be little after your model if I was not joyful atyour making a mistake, or bringing about evil."

  "Oh, you think evil will come of it?"

  "Certainly; you are obstinate and will keep open the breach--Aiguillonwill be the bridge between Dubarry and Parliament on which all thefighting will take place. After he shall have been very well trampledupon, he will suffer the fate of used-up wood--they will cast him awayinto the lumber-room--that is, into the Bastile. He will be ministerfirst, but you will be exiled all the same."

  "Bastile?" repeated Richelieu, shrugging his shoulders so sharply thathe spilt half his snuff on the carpet. "Is our Louis the Fourteenthone?"

  "No; but Lady Dubarry, with Aiguillon to back her, is up to the mark ofLady Maintenon. Beware! at present I do not know any princesses whowill take you green goslings and sweetmeats when you lie in prison."

  "Pretty prognostics, these!" said the duke after a long silence. "Youread the future, do you? what about the present?"

  "Your grace is too wise for me to offer advice."

  "You knave, are you still poking fun at me?"

  "Mind, my lord, a man is not a knave after forty, and I am sixty-seven."

  "If not a knave you are your own counsel--be mine."

  "If the King's act is not known yet, why not let the President ofParliament have the duke's letter and the royal decree in Council? Waittill the Parliament has debated on them, and then go and see yourlawyer, Flageot. As he is your grace's lawyer he must have some case ofours in hand. Ask him about it and learn how things stand."

  "But seeing the family lawyer is your province, Master Rafte."

  "Nay, that was all very well when Flageot was a simple 'paper-stainer,'but henceforth Flageot is an Attila, a scourge of kings, and only a dukeand peer of France can talk to the likes of him."

  "Are you serious or having a jest?"

  "To-morrow it will be serious, my lord."


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