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DRACO'S WRATH: Elemental's MC (book 11)

Page 14

by Alexi Ferreira

  Family has always been the most important thing to Draco. I never really had one until coming to the compound, but everyone at the compound has in one way or another become my family. We are all close and trust each other, but most importantly, we accept each other unconditionally. That is something I’ve never encountered before. We stick together and help each other with anything, no matter what it could be.

  Wulf and Jasmine have just gone away for a week, and between all of us, we have been taking care, or should I say spoiling, Orion until they come back. Jasmine was so excited, as it’s the first time the two of them were going away alone. She was worried about Orion, but once she saw how happy everyone was to look after him, she relaxed. Wulf acted more chill, but I know that he phones Draco every day to know how his son is doing.

  Bjarni and Gabriela finally moved into their home about a week ago. I think both were reluctant to leave, but with the twins, their place was becoming cramped. It was quite funny, though, as it takes about five minutes to walk to their home from the entrance of the compound, so they’re practically still here.

  Draco was surprised that none of the others wanted to leave the compound yet, as he thought more would want their own house. I know that he was secretly pleased with it, as he likes to have everyone here. To be honest, I can’t see myself anymore without everyone around. The other women and I still do the healings, but it isn’t as hectic as it was in the beginning, and we are able to have days where we don’t do any.

  Today is Scarlett’s birthday. Cassius has been driving us all mad with his preparations for her birthday, as he wanted to organize it himself. Little does he know that he’s going to be the one surprised. Scarlett found out that she was pregnant two days ago and decided that she was going to tell him today. I really want to be there when she does, because I can’t wait to see his face. Mainly because I know that one of the presents he got her was a car, and I very much doubt he’s going to let her drive while she’s pregnant. Also, the lingerie that the women helped him buy isn’t going to fit for very long.

  Nova is terrible. She got Sam to arrange a pregnant mannequin that she is going to dress in lingerie and bring it out after Cassius gets his news. Ceric is just as bad as her, as they have both been excited choosing the lingerie.

  Because of my pregnancy, Draco didn’t want me anywhere near the bikes to teach the women how to ride, but it worked out fine, as the mates of the women who wanted to learn have been teaching them. Ceric and Nova are one of those couples, and it’s quite comical to see them, as Nova tends to do her own thing instead of listening to Ceric’s instructions, which has him pulling his hair in frustration.

  They had a scare a little while ago with their little boy who got sick. We were all worried about him, but with Bion’s wonderful knowledge and all the women coming together and healing through Brielle, he pulled through and is now as strong as ever. Seeing how distraught Nova and Ceric were at the time was heart-wrenching. I always worry that if Zan falls sick, it will be Draco and me like that.

  “I know you’re awake,” Draco says in a calm voice as he walks towards the bed. I smile at him when I see his eyebrow raise in question.

  “I was admiring how hot you looked standing there with Zan,” I confess, and he grins.

  “I think you were just admiring how good I am with our son so that he doesn’t wake Mommy up,” he quips, which has me winking at him. “He’s hungry.” He lowers Zan next to me, kissing my lips gently before straightening again.

  “Of course he is. He is always hungry,” I say as I stroke my son’s cheek. He looks so much like his dad that I’m sure he will be a heartbreaker.

  “Do you blame him?” Draco says with a mischievous grin as he comes to lie behind me, supporting my back against his chest as I place Zan to my breast to feed. As soon as Zan starts to feed, Draco gently strokes my back and my arm.

  “Thank you, vixen.” I can hear the love and tenderness in his voice. Leaning my head back, I look over my shoulder at him and see the face of a man everyone respects and some even fear, and with good reason, but I see the face of the man who loves me and my son and shows it every day with every opportunity he gets.

  “You’re responsible for this miracle too,” I whisper, as I see Zan has his eyes closed and I don’t want to startle him.

  “I’m thanking you for so much more than just our son. I’m thanking you for bringing light back into my life, for grounding me. You and Zan are the air I breath. Every particle of my being is in tune with you. All the men in the compound are fierce fighters—they are the best of the Elementals—but the women are just as fierce in their own way. We were strong, but now that we have all found our mates, we are unbeatable. Even though we weren’t aware, in a way, we were all lost, and you have all brought meaning back into our lives.” He kisses me gently on the cheek before he continues.

  “I have seen changes in the men that I never thought I would see. Caelius was a shell of the man he used to be, but Alaia has sparked his inner child once again. Yesterday, I saw him stalking his mate playfully, something I never thought to see. He was laughing with real gusto, with the passion for life that he used to have before, and that he had lost when they captured and tortured him, but his mate has ignited that in him again.” I can feel the deep emotion in his voice when he talks of the other men.

  “I mean, look at Burkhart,” he quips, which has me smiling as I think of how Saskia has gotten him to start meditating. The men are relentless with their teasing of his new hobby, but he just shows them the finger. He still has outbursts of anger when irritated, but he is managing to contain it more and more. I believe that meditating will simply enhance his fighting skills. “He now thinks he’s a ninja or something. Brandr caught him running up and down the length of the training room. When he asked what he was doing, he said he’s training to be so fast that no one will even see him in the mirror.” At that absurd teasing, I can’t help myself and laugh, startling Zan, who was starting to doze.

  “I’m sorry, my angel,” I murmur, calming him once again. “Daddy is being silly.” I feel Draco’s lips on the back of my neck that sends chills down my back. “Is Brandr and Aria back?” Brandr took Aria and their little boy to visit some of his family. I have missed them, especially Aria’s knowing smirks when she hears one of the women’s thoughts. We have all gotten used to her gift and don’t shield our thoughts, as it’s no use, and we trust Aria, as she never mentions anything she has heard unless necessary.

  “I need to get up,” Draco murmurs as he gives me one last kiss, this time where my bonding tattoo is. “Celmund has finished setting up his toy and will be leaving soon with Talia to go make sure that it’s working on all the chapters. I want to talk to him before he leaves.” He pulls on his low-waisted jeans.

  Celmund and Talia have been working on an energy sensor that will be able to warn us when one of the Elementals start reaching a dangerous energy level. They are about to install the sensor in all the chapters and private homes that house Elementals and for who have agreed to have the sensor installed. Once that is done, it should be easier for us to heal the Elementals before they turn, as sometimes they are holding on by a thread when they come here, and their energy tends to be very unstable.

  About six months ago, one of the Elementals started turning before we could heal him. Brielle tried to stop it and got hurt when the Elemental turned and punched her. I thought Bion was going to turn himself. I thought I had seen him upset before when he attacked Sam. Well, it was nothing like this time. He attacked and beat the Elemental to a breadth of his life. He just didn’t kill him because Bjarni, Caelius, and Wulf managed to pull him back. He was locked up for the period that the Elemental was here getting healed. We all knew that he would finish what he started if he was free. We could still feel his anger pulsating a few days later, and it didn’t help that Brielle was taking longer to heal than normal.

  “Do you want me to take Zan while you get ready?” Draco asks as he walks, now dressed, t
owards the bed and squats down where Zan is lying now fast asleep.

  “That would be great. I need to shower, and then I’ll come through.” He nods, smiling as he stretches out his hands and picks up our son. Once again he kisses me lightly on the lips before standing and placing Zan against his chest. No one outside the compound would ever think that a man like Draco would be so caring and so gentle. He loves having our baby with him, and I know that Zan will love his daddy as much as I love him. When they leave, I quickly get out of bed, shower, and then get ready. I want to be there when Scarlett walks in, as she knows that there is a birthday party for her. Cassius tried to keep it a secret, but she found out. She doesn’t know what surprises Cassius has organized, though, but I think her surprise will be the highlight of the night.

  When I walk into the bar area, I see that Draco is still not here with Zan, but I see Celmund and Talia in the far corner. I can feel myself frown as I make my way towards them. “I thought you guys were about to leave? Are you staying for the party?” I see Talia frown, and then Celmund smiles and nods.

  “Yeah.” At his answer, I see Talia look up at him in confusion.

  “We were going today?” she asks with a raised brow, which has me curious as to how she didn’t know they were leaving. I see Celmund shrug in answer and then kiss her neck.

  “Have you two seen Draco and Zan?”

  “He will be here soon; he’s just sorting something out,” Celmund states with a grin.

  “Maybe I should go get Zan so that he—”

  Celmund interrupts me before I can finish my sentence. “No, it’s okay. Just wait here with us.” Again, Talia looks up at him, and this time, she elbows him in the stomach, something I was very tempted to do too.

  “What are you on about? You are being strange,” she states.

  “You will both see. Just be patient for a little longer,” he says.

  “Don’t tell me Cassius got yet another surprise?” I say. The men don’t know that Scarlett is pregnant, only the women do. Therefore, they wouldn’t be able to advise him on whatever he could be planning.

  “You will see.” Frustrating man, but before I can complain, he inclines his head towards the door. “There he is.” Looking back over my shoulder, I see Draco walking towards me with the baby. His eyes are that magnetic blue, which tells me that his emotions are running high. I wonder if something has upset him? I look from his eyes to Zan and then frown. What is Zan wearing? He has a little black T-shirt on just like his father.

  “Did you get him that?” I ask with a smile as Draco reaches us. Draco grins and nods and then stretches out his arm and pulls me towards him.

  “Look,” he says as he pulls Zan away from his chest. Looking at my little boy, I grin at his contented sleeping face, and then my eyes catch the white letters on his little T-shirt, and I gasp. My eyes snap up to Draco’s to see his eyes contemplating me.

  He murmurs the words that I read on my baby’s T-shirt. “Will you marry me?” I know that to the Elementals, marriage does not mean much, as there is nothing that can break a bond, but I also know that most of the brothers have married their mates because the women wanted it. I have never revealed any wish to get married, even though it was always a dream of mine like I guess of many other women to marry someone who made me happy, who loved me completely and fully. Since meeting Draco, I haven’t thought about getting married, as I know that a mating bond is stronger than any marriage we could have, but Draco’s willingness to go through a wedding for my benefit warms my heart.

  “In my heart, my mind, and my soul, I am already yours, so yes, I will marry you,” I say as I lift my lips to his. When he kisses me, warmth rushes through my body. This is the man who will be by my side until I die, who will frustrate me but then love me until I forget what I was upset about. Who will forever protect me, my children, and all those he holds close.





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