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Unwounded: An Unacceptables MC Standalone

Page 4

by Mazzola, Kristen Hope

  “That’s horseshit,” she spit out, slamming her hands down onto the table.

  “Maybe we need to get you your old job at the garage back, just to be safe.” I damned the words that were coming out of my mouth. I didn’t want Raven more than five feet from me, let alone working somewhere else.

  She violently shook her head. “Working at the Red Crow is the first job I have enjoyed since Emma was born. Fuck Seth for trying to take that away from me. I’ll just have to figure something out.”

  A twinge of relief washed over me. “I like that.”

  “What?” Her strawberry lips tugged up at the corners, offering the slightest hint of a smile—the first one since we’d gotten Emma back home.

  “I like that you like working at the bar. You’re a great employee.” I couldn’t look at her. I knew my eyes would give my true feelings away in seconds.

  “Is that all you like?” When her fingers brushed the back of my hand, all bets were off. I couldn’t play coy any longer.

  “No,” I stated, grabbing her face and crushing my lips to hers.

  Once she kissed me back, all green lights were a go in my brain. I whisked her small frame from her seat, slamming her down on the table. I buried my face in her neck, finally devouring the skin I had been lusting after since the moment I’d first laid eyes on her all those weeks ago.

  A subtle moan escaped her lips while her head rolled back with pleasure from my embrace. My fingertips tugged at her clothes, but then I instantly forced myself to stop.

  “We can’t…” I huffed into the seat between Raven’s legs.

  “We can,” she argued, leaning up on an elbow. As her eyes met mine, matching my lust. I damned myself for the restraint I was imposing on us.

  “Your daughter is ten feet away.” I shot down the rest of my drink, glaring at her.

  “You’re either a knight in shining armor or the biggest idiot on the planet,” Raven said breathlessly, adjusting her shirt before sitting up in front of me.

  “I would hope it’s the first thing, but the jury is still out on that one, darlin’.”

  Raven drank the rest of her drink, eyeing me. “Want to play a game?”

  I let my hand land on her jean-covered thigh. “More than anything.”

  She let out a little giggle, sliding down into my lap. Shifting, she straddled me, locking our eye contract. “I want to be sprawled out on this table with your tongue dancing on my clit right now.”

  Suddenly, my pants were extremely confining.

  “I want to feel your tongue playing down my cock as you take me all the way down your throat,” I admitted. As the thought of that gorgeous mouth taking me all the way in settled into my mind, I could barely remember why I’d stopped myself in the first place.

  “The head of your dick slamming into the back of my mouth,” she whispered against my ear.

  “You down on your knees in front of me while I fuck your face until your cunt is dripping wet.”

  “Isn’t this a fun game?” she teased, kissing my beard-covered cheek.

  “It’s either the most fun game I have ever played or the worst form of torture I have ever endured.”

  “I would hope it’s the first thing, but the jury is still out on that one,” she baited.

  Chapter 9


  A few months later

  It had been a long road for Raven and Emma, including tons of lawyers, a few court hearings, and a new custody agreement, but all in all, the dust was finally settling. Seth had really tried to pull one over on Raven, but she never gave up.

  Since our little game in Wyatt’s kitchen, we hadn’t talked other than her telling me about her situation or things that had to do with the bar. It killed me, but I knew Raven needed to stay focused on her daughter and having a biker for a boyfriend might not make it easier on her. I didn’t want to add fuel to Seth’s fire, and keeping our relationship platonic was the only way I knew how to do that.

  “Why haven’t you asked me out for a drink?” Raven took me by surprise, standing in the doorway of my office. That tiny little room had become my home over the last year since I bought the Red Crow, and of course she was able to pin me down in there.

  “Excuse me?” I asked, taken aback that she was being so forward.

  “You heard me. Why haven’t you?” Her arms folded over her chest as she took a few steps closer.

  Rubbing the back of my shaved neck, I just blinked at her, completely at a loss as to what to say to her.

  “Hold that thought.” She held a finger up to me before darting away.

  Like a fool, I just sat there waiting for Raven to return, filled with anticipation.

  Within seconds, she was skipping back into my office with a bottle of champagne clutched in her hand.

  Locking the door, she narrowed her lust-filled eyes at me. “All you have to do is tell me you don’t want this and I will march my happy ass out of this room without a second thought.” As the cork popped out of the bottle, I grabbed it from her.

  “All I have been able to think about since I met you is this.” I chugged from the bottle before pressing the opening to her lips. I held it for her as she drank.

  “Strip,” I demanded.

  “I thought you’d never ask,” she cooed, pulling her black tank top over her head.

  She teased me as she slipped her jeans down over her hips. I had imagined this moment over and over for months, but nothing could have prepared me for how intoxicating she was. Her curves were perfect. Her tits were gorgeous. Her ass was glorious.

  Grabbing her by the hair, I dragged her to the far wall, pressing her against it forcefully.

  “You know, darlin’, once we start, you’re mine, and that is final.” I growled the warning against her soft skin.

  Her head rolled back, landing on my shoulder. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  I gripped her wrists with one hand, letting my other trail down her stomach all the way to her clit. She was already dripping. Best feeling in the world.

  I let my fingers work a little magic as her hips bucked and her knees shook against me.

  “Oh, Jett,” she moaned. Music to my ears.

  Just as I felt her stomach tighten and her climax build, I stopped, pouring champagne down her spine. Slowly I licked from the top of her ass all the way up her arched back. Putting the bottle back to her lips, I let her take a small sip, all while keeping her body in place.

  “Stay,” I demanded, releasing her wrists.

  I watched as Raven remained in position, perfectly still as I finally freed my cock from my jeans. I wanted her lips to wrap around the head of my dick, but the overwhelming need to be inside her won the battle.

  Without warning, I thrust deep into her soaking wet pussy as electricity coursed down my arms and spine. Fucking her against the wall as her groans cheered me on felt so incredible. Her walls hugged my cock perfectly. Her body felt amazing in my grasp. She was going to be my undoing in every way possible.

  As I got close, I let my fingers play a little more, but this time it was with her throat. I wrapped them gently around the slender base, squeezing ever so slightly.

  “Come on my cock. Now,” I commanded in a low voice against her ear.

  As her walls collapsed and her body quaked, I let myself get just to the brink.

  Once she was done reeling from her own orgasm, I forced her onto her knees. As I rubbed the head of my dick over her lips, I growled, “Open.”

  She did as I asked quickly. As soon as her tongue slid down my shaft and my dick slammed into the back of her throat, I let myself release.

  Letting my body fall to the floor next to Raven, I tucked her into my side.

  Panting, she glanced up at me and murmured, “Holy fucking shit.”

  “You’re fucking telling me.”

  Chapter 10


  With the taste of Jett’s cum lingering on my tongue, I got dressed and started to make my way out of his office
to finish my shift.

  His hand grabbed my forearm. “Where do you think you’re going?” he rumbled.

  “Back to work?” I spun on my heels to be met with a soft stare.

  Pulling me into him, he brushed my hair behind my ear. “I wasn’t lying, darlin’. You just became mine.”

  “I still have to work,” I badgered, running my fingers through his long beard.

  He shook his head, pulling me onto his lap as he took a seat. “You really don’t.”

  “Do I have a unicorn-dust-laced vagina or something? After one fuck, you’re ready to make me your old lady?” I searched his eyes, but he was playing his cards close to the vest.

  “I would have made you my old lady the instant you walked into this bar asking for a job.” His words landed in my gut like a brick.

  “I don’t get it,” I admitted, shifting away from him a little.

  “You will.” He exhaled before kissing my cheek. “Darlin’, you’ll see it more and more every damn day.”

  “What now? Are you expecting me and Emma to move into your house and me to just be a kept woman?” I lifted my eyebrow at him, hoping he would realize how stupid that sounded.

  “Why the fuck not?”

  I jumped out of his lap. “Because that is insane. We barely know each other.”

  He stood, his menacing presence forcing me back against the wall. “I warned you—you’re mine.”

  “I like the sound of being with you, but for fuck’s sake, I am not going to rush into something when my kid is involved.” I puffed out my chest, trying to challenge his overwhelming stature.

  He threw his hands in the air. “I can be patient. I think I have proven at least that to you over the last few months.”

  I let out a sigh, relaxing a bit. “Thank you. I just need to be wooed a little bit more.”

  “Then get ready for the most incredible wooing of your damn life, darlin’.” With a little wink, he slapped me on the ass quickly. “Go on, get back to work. We can discuss this more once we close up. Emma is at her dad’s tonight, yeah?”

  I nodded. “At least do me the honor of coming to my house after work tonight.”

  “Fine.” I rose on my tiptoes to kiss him before exiting the office.

  What just happened?

  * * *

  “Ready, sis?” Wyatt started to put his jacket on as I finished counting out my drawer.

  “I’m going to hang out with Jett for a little while before I head home. See you later.” I offered up the explanation, praying my nosy brother would just take it at face value.

  “Jett!” he yelled, stomping toward the back of the bar.

  “Wyatt, no!” I chased after him.

  It was too late. My brother had Jett pinned against the wall we had fucked on only hours before, screaming in his face.

  “My sister is not some fuck toy you can use to get your dick wet.” Wyatt was seething, his face within an inch of Jett’s.

  Surprisingly, Jett just laughed. “Nice to see the lion is finally being let out of his cage.”

  “I’m not fucking around here, brother. She’s off limits.”

  “I think the lady can speak for herself, brother.” Jett bowed up a bit, ripping himself free from Wyatt’s grasp, and both of them looked to me.

  “I want to hang out with Jett tonight, Wy. I am a grown-ass woman and can make these decisions for myself.”

  He stomped over to me. “You know he is a man-whore, right?”

  The statement bit back at me like a striking whip.

  I blinked over at Jett as he threw his hands in the air defensively. “Former man-whore. To be honest, I have never cared about a woman until I met you—well, other than my sister.”

  I popped my hip out, glaring at him. “Then what makes me so special?”

  Jett took a few steps closer to me, shoving past my raging brother.


  I nodded. “Honestly.”

  “I have no fucking clue, but all I want in this life is to be with you.”

  “Why me?”

  “Again, I have no fucking clue, but I can feel it deep in my gut.” He took a few more steps, grabbing for my hand. “You can feel it too. I know you can. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t still be standing here.”

  I looked from my brother to Jett and back over and over, searching for the right words. All I could get out was, “You’re right.”

  Wyatt stepped between us. “If you hurt her, I will end you. There won’t be some saving grace of a vote like there was for Luke.”

  “Trust me, that is the last thing that will ever happen. I wouldn’t let anything happen to Raven or Emma.” Jett’s voice was soft and level as he released my hands and turned more toward my brother. “I fucking promise, Wyatt.”

  “Fine—but I’ll be watching.” Wyatt started to retreat back.

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Jett pulled me into him, whisking me into the air for a show-stopping kiss, one that would have made history books if kisses went down in them.

  Chapter 11


  After my showdown with Wyatt, Raven followed me to my house in her car. I wanted her to ride with me, but I didn’t want to press my luck any further than I already had for the evening. It felt like she was a baby deer drinking at a stream, and if I got too close or made too much noise, she would bolt off into the woods before I could really get her to see the real me.

  “Here is it, home sweet home.” I chuckled as she trailed after me into my bachelor pad.

  “It’s cute,” she murmured, slipping her boots off and stowing them next to my old leather couch.

  “I know it isn’t much, but with how much I work and how often I’m gone, it does the trick.”

  “You just need a woman’s touch,” she teased, sliding down onto the soft leather and patting the seat next to her.

  I got as close to her as I could without being overbearing. “What now?” I asked naïvely.

  “You tell me. You were the one who wanted me here so damn badly.”

  I hadn’t really thought past getting her through my front door, but then a spark lit and I knew exactly what I needed to do.

  Grabbing her hand, I pulled her into the kitchen. I offered her a seat, grabbed her a beer, and then got to work making one of the only things I knew how to cook—eggs and bacon.

  “Really?” She laughed while watching me pull everything out of the fridge.

  “Really, really.”

  I pecked her on the cheek and whipped up our breakfast for dinner.

  We sat and talked while gorging ourselves on thick-cut bacon and runny eggs. It felt like we had done this a million times over.

  Once the dishes were picked clean, Raven eyed me a little. “So you wanted me to come over so badly so you could cook for me?”

  “That…and other things.”

  Without letting a second go to waste, I dropped to my knees, pulling her chair away from the table. In front of Raven, there was nothing I wanted more than to show her how much it turned me on that she was finally giving in to me. I had wanted her from the moment I saw her for the first time, and now that I had her, there was no way I was ever going to be able to hold back again. I had never been more drawn to a woman in my entire life. There was a connection, whether primal or heaven-sent, I didn’t care. It was real and all-consuming. All I knew was that I was never going to let Raven out of my life. No matter what was thrown our way, it was us against the world now.

  Her stormy eyes got wide as she started to realize what I had planned, but right when she opened her mouth to speak, I placed one finger on her strawberry-colored Cupid’s bow as I shook my head. I leaned up a little bit, letting my lips connect with the soft skin of her forehead for a fleeting moment.

  “Just let me take care of you. Just let all your reservations and walls fall away. Just relax.”

  She leisurely let out a breath without uttering a word.

  “Good girl.” My fingers interwove with the
fine dark curls at the base of her skull, pulling ever so slightly on the tender scalp underneath. “Close your eyes, darlin’. I want you to just concentrate on the feeling of all of it.”

  I unfolded her arms from across her chest, resting her hands on the tops of my shoulders. I unfastened her jeans, helping her shimmy out of them and her thong before guiding her legs down around my sides. Taking my time, I rolled the pads of my fingers over her ears, down her neck. Over the thin fabric of her tank top, I teased her round breasts, and then I ran my hands down the insides of her thighs. The smallest touch made her shudder as the slightest hint of a smile played on her lips. I stared at her soft features as her cheeks blushed the most adorable hue of deep crimson I had ever seen.

  Pulling the strap of her tank to the side and off her shoulder, I rolled the tip of my tongue over the edge of her collarbone, being sure to give the same attention to both sides of her body equally. The only utterances she let slip were subtle gulps and involuntary sighs. As I explored her body, I made mental notes of each sound and where on her body pushed her to that edge. I noted how she cooed when my nails lightly dragged over the top of her back, how she shuddered when I nipped at the sensitive spot at the nape of her neck on her left side, how goose bumps rose when my fingers connected with the insides of her thighs. They were all spots most men would overlook, lazily just going for the usual places. I had been that man for far too long, but Raven made me want to be different. She deserved for me to know all the places that lit a fire deep within her gut, most of which she probably didn’t even know herself. It was my job to know every inch of her better than she knew it—that was the only way to truly make her mine, to show her I deserved for her to be mine.

  I pushed her legs apart slowly, able to see her desire pooling instantaneously. My mouth watered at sight of her need and want, but I couldn’t be greedy—I wouldn’t be.

  Cradling both sides of her face, I whispered, “Open your eyes. I need you to look at me, Raven.”


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