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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 9

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by Nikhil Parekh

  It was irretrievably impossible for me to capture time; as it intransigently tick tocked and inexhaustibly unfurled into resplendent freshness,

  But the tantalizingly blissful moments when we had first stared into each other’s eyes; would forever remain in my insuperable grip; for not only this birth but an infinite more births even after I veritably died .

  It was imperceptibly impossible for me to capture time; as it intractably tick-tocked and continuously unfurled into inexplicable uncanniness,

  But the wonderfully magnetic moments when we had first inhaled the fragrance of our passionate sweat; would forever remain in my undaunted grip; for not only this

  birth but an infinite more births even after I veritably died .

  It was immutably impossible for me to capture time; as it stubbornly tick-tocked and limitlessly unfurled into brilliantly blessing day and voluptuously star-studded night,

  But the majestically vivacious moments when we had first danced in the untamed rain; would forever remain in my intrepid grip; for not only this birth but an

  infinite more births even after I veritably died .

  It was unbelievably impossible for me to capture time; as it punctiliously tick-tocked and beautifully unfurled into a cistern of unparalleled charisma,

  But the stupendously exultating moments when we had first hidden ourselves into clandestine darkness far away from the boundaries of this tyrannically turgid society; would forever remain in my unshakable grip; for not only this birth but an infinite more births even after I veritably died.

  It was unfathomably impossible for me to capture time; as it infallibly tick-tocked and unceasingly unfurled into a cloud of inimitably silken enchantment,

  But the triumphantly unfettered moments when we had first uninhibitedly announced our relationship to the outside planet; would forever remain in my unbreakable

  grip; for not only this birth but an infinite more births even after I veritably died .

  It was insurmountably impossible for me to capture time; as it immeasurably tick-tocked and unendingly unfurled into infernos of boundlessly unhindered compassion,

  But the surreally sensuous moments when we had first invincibly embraced each other; would forever remain in my peerless grip; for not only this birth but an

  infinite more births even after I veritably died .

  It was unprecedentedly impossible for me to capture time; as it timelessly tick-tocked and endlessly unfurled into the true spirit of magnificently effulgent existence,

  But the impregnably heavenly moments when we had first interlocked our ardent breaths with each other; would forever remain in my unconquerable grip; for not only

  this birth but an infinite more births even after I veritably died .

  And it was unthinkably impossible for me to capture time; as it intractably tick-tocked and perennially unfurled into the benign goodness of the Omnipotent Lord’s divine,

  But the immortally untainted moments when we had first fallen into the skies of Omnipresent love; would forever remain in my unalterable grip; for not only this birth but an infinite more births even after I veritably died .



  Today’ the day when I’d felt the most exuberant; galloping unfettered to the ultimate epitomes of success in my diminutively beleaguered life,

  Today’s the day when I’d felt the most uninhibitedly liberated; floating on the surreally tantalizing belly of cloud nine; for times immemorial,

  Today’s the day when I’d felt the most impregnably sacred; commensurately coalescing each fragment of my visage and soul with the spirit of the Omnipotent


  Today’s the day when I’d felt the most unceasingly fearless; unflinchingly ready to face the mightiest of vindictively satanic maelstroms bare-chested,

  Today’s the day when I’d felt the most vivaciously resplendent; unrelentingly dancing in the heavens of eternal seduction; without the tiniest trace of treacherous manipulative malice,

  Today’s the day when I’d felt the most brilliantly eclectic; when everything that I even nimbly caressed; metamorphosing into triumphantly celestial gold,

  Today’s the day when I’d felt the most unconquerably towering; inimitably looming above every other organism on the trajectory of this fathomlessly unending Universe,

  Today’s the day when I’d felt the most magnanimously benign; altruistically donating even the last iota of my opulence to whomsoever who inhabited my doorstep; without the slightest of whine,

  Today’s the day when I’d felt the most exotically sensuous; with every follicle of my skin bathing in currents of unlimited rhapsody; even as the Sun overhead unsparingly blazed to its unprecedented capacity,

  Today’s the day when I’d felt the most devoutly resolved; coining a whole new chapter of my impoverished existence; for an infinite more births of mine,

  Today’s the day when I’d felt the most unequivocally egalitarian; ubiquitously embracing every caste; creed; color and race; for them being a symbiotically

  quintessential element of living kind,

  Today’s the day when I’d felt the most tirelessly victorious; even though I’d preposterously staggered in virtually every other aspect of my life,

  Today’s the day when I’d felt the most magically sensitive; dissipating into a billion bits of untamed beauty; at even the most evanescent trickle of dawn light,

  Today’s the day when I’d felt the most blessedly harmonious; existing in perfect synergy with my wonderful environment; wholesomely irrespective of my form or finance,

  Today’s the day when I’d felt the most supremely passionate; igniting unassailably glorious and golden fires even in frigidly blackened streams of stagnating water,

  Today’s the day when I’d felt the most mellifluously romantic; timelessly humming the tunes of eternally fructifying friendship; even as hedonistically pugnacious battlefields had enshrouded every cranny of mother earth,

  Today’s the day when I’d felt the most enchantingly placated; as if every speck of my blood and bone could holistically exist without a morsel of food; for centuries unfathomable,

  Today’s the day when I’d felt the most impeccably pristine; like a new-born child having just evolved out of the womb of my godly mother; and ready to explore the Creator’s unhindered Universe afresh; and full of insuperable virility,

  Today’s the day when I’d felt the most vividly nubile; fervently awaiting like the freshly embellished bride; to be kissed and discovered till even beyond where the

  horizons stretched,

  Today’s the day when I’d felt the most optimally useful; expending every iota of energy entrapped in my demeanor to the service of horrendously besmirched


  Today’s the day when I’d felt the most jubilantly charismatic; radiating an unshakable magnetic aura; which drew even the most diminutive bit of peerless righteousness towards my swirl,

  Today’s the day when I’d felt the most marvelously humane; gorgeously collapsing to the desires of my mind; body and soul; into an inexhaustible ocean of unbreakable camaraderie,

  Today’s the day when I’d felt the most astoundingly procreating; proliferating into an unbelievable shades of panoramically unrestricted mischief; spawning varied civilizations of colorful unity; with my very own blood,

  And I still profoundly remember that Today’s the day when we’d first met several years ago; Today’s the day when each beat of our hearts made and meant for each

  other had immortally bonded together; Today’s the day when we’d stared into each other’s eyes as if there was no other earth; paradise and hell that had ever existed; O! Yes; Today’s the day when we’d first fallen in perpetual love .




  I went to the tree to get blessed with scrumptiously robust fruit; but after witnessing it already threadbarely barren to the ghastliest of limits; all I ended up doin
g was giving it the last iota of meal entrapped within the intestines of my stomach,

  I went to the clouds to get blessed with resplendently tantalizing rain; but after witnessing them turn a listlessly lackadaisical blue; all I ended up doing was giving them every droplet of compassionate moisture circulating within the whites of my eyes,

  I went to mountain to get blessed with indomitably Herculean strength; but after witnessing its peaks crumbling under the impact of nuclear war; all I ended

  up doing was giving it every ounce of enthusiasm fulminating in my nimble bones,

  I went to the shadow to get blessed with profoundly enamoring mysticism; but after witnessing it torturously slavering without the tiniest of respite; all I ended up doing was giving it every whisper of enthrallment embedded in the pores of my humble


  I went to the beehive to get blessed with insatiably unparalleled boisterousness; but after witnessing it metamorphosed into a grotesquely remorseful corpse; all I ended up doing was giving it every grain of unfettered tanginess in my voice,

  I went to the Sun to get blessed with brilliantly insuperable enlightenment; but after witnessing it perfidiously invaded by monstrously demeaning spacecrafts; all I ended up doing was giving it every trace of optimism majestically circulating in each of

  my senses,

  I went to the meadow to get blessed with uninhibitedly untainted frolic; but after witnessing it rotting in a jungle of concretely heartless commercialism; all I ended up doing was giving it every memory of my impeccably pristine childhood,

  I went to the rainbow to get blessed with vibrantly mesmerizing color; but after witnessing it reduced to an amorphous graveyard as the clouds encircled in; all

  I ended up doing was giving it every ingredient of happiness effervescently brimming in my veins,

  I went to the gorge to get blessed with perpetually blissful silence; but after witnessing it indiscriminately marauded by trumpets of savagely belligerent war; all I ended up doing was giving it every reflection of bliss from the innermost realms of

  my soul,

  I went to the ocean to get blessed with limitlessly ecstatic froth; but after witnessing it shriveled into an obnoxiously sweltering desert; all I ended up doing was giving it every droplet of priceless blood euphorically gurgling under my skin,

  I went to the avalanche to get blessed with astoundingly spell-binding coolness; but after witnessing it melting into rivulets of explicitly warm water; all I ended up doing was giving it every granary of refreshing iciness in my laconic countenance,

  I went to the eagle to get blessed with unequivocally regale freedom; but after witnessing it lying saddeningly maimed without its wings; all I ended up doing was giving it every centimeter of liberation encompassing my stride,

  I went to the soil to get blessed with unbelievably unceasing virility; but after witnessing it treacherously adulterated by salaciously power-hungry living beings; all I ended up doing was giving it every essence of my timelessly bounteous proliferation,

  I went to the rose to get blessed with unlimitedly exotic scent; but after witnessing it gruesomely withered to its ashes in the truculently unsparing storm; all I ended up doing was giving it every irrefutably righteous fragrance of my diminutive existence,

  I went to the bonfire to get blessed with compassionately insuperable passion; but after witnessing it dying into wisps of ethereally disconsolate oblivion; all I ended up doing was giving it every  milligram of my unfettered raw energy,

  I went to the castle to get blessed with inherently celestial royalty; but after witnessing it rattled to worse than the pauper’s gutterpipe in the devastating earthquake; all I ended up doing was giving it every trifle of my truncated opulence

  I went to the clock to get blessed with stringently scrupulous punctuality; but after witnessing its needles having to come to a lividly hopeless standstill; all I ended up doing was giving it every definition of my honest punctiliousness,

  I went to the saint to get blessed with cisterns of philanthropically unflinching righteousness; but after witnessing him entwining hand in hand with the murderously corrupt politicians; all I ended up doing was giving him every bit of selfless truth from the dormitories of my coscience, 

  And I went to her to get blessed with a sky of immortal love; but seeing that she was pompously rejoicing in someone else’s spuriously transient love; all I ended up doing was giving every beat of my unconquerable love to  both of them; so that they eternally loved; loved and only loved; and I left for my heavenly abode; to salvage a chance to get her love; if the Creator ever reborn me again; gave me another blessedly beautiful birth .

  6. BEWARE  

  Beware of the light  which barbarously blinds; without the most infinitesimal of insinuation or warning; and for times beyond a whole lifetime,

  Beware of the sweetness which stealthily poisons; making you irrevocably insensitive to every benign goodness of the Omnipotent Creator divine,

  Beware of the silence which unsparingly devastates; uncouthly trouncing you like a pack of frigid matchsticks; when you thought that the entire planet had come to a celestially tranquil rest,

  Beware of the silk which mercilessly strangulates; catching you unsuspectingly in the most mellifluously enchanting of your dreams; and as you felt the heavens of sensuality to the most unprecedented limits in your persona,

  Beware of the sand which treacherously sinks; burying you an infinite feet beneath your veritable grave; when you thought that you were rolling on paradise;

  in uninhibitedly rhapsodic delight,

  Beware of the ice which salaciously chokes; making you perilously gasp for every priceless breath; when you thought that the tempestuous ordeal of acrimoniously

  sweltering summer had long ended,

  Beware of the truth which endlessly burns; irrespective of the fact that you were the only one on the trajectory of the fathomless Universe; unflinchingly galloping on the path of altruistically blazing righteousness,

  Beware of the night which satanically dissolves; evaporating you towards the coffins of hell; when you though that unfathomably voluptuous blackness was the only rhythm of your blood,

  Beware of the seductress which furtively beheads; indiscriminately pulverizing you for parsimonious wads of sleazy currency; when you thought that you were floating on the ultimate epitome of tantalizing cloud nine,

  Beware of the star which truculently stones; engendering you to dream beyond glittering paradise at the outset; and then perfidiously blending you

  with inconspicuously belittling ash,

  Beware of the dream which salaciously incarcerates; lethally trapping you in dungeons of gory hopelessness; when you thought you were the most blissfully innovative fantasizer on this boundless planet,

  Beware of the smile which torturously tears; giving the most triumphantly eternal happiness of your life for just an evanescent instant; and then perpetuating you to horrifically weep for an infinite more lifetimes,

  Beware of the power which morosely weakens; manipulatively making you the monarch of the entire world by hook or by crook; and then ruthlessly stripping you of even the most mercurial of your laurel; before limitlessly hanging you from the

  cadaverous gallows,

  Beware of the diamond which demonically impoverishes; rendering you as the most disastrously orphaned organism on this unceasing earth; even as you had the power to purchase anything on your nimble fingertips,

  Beware of the brilliance which abjectly devastates; maliciously metamorphosing your delectably natural treasures; into monstrously mechanized and lifeless scientific invention,

  Beware of the clarity which forlornly obfuscates; unveiling such explicitly mortifying facts of life; that transits you in a perpetually dogmatic and inexplicably crucifying haze,

  Beware of the soul which wretchedly hollows; extinguishing even the most diminutive trace of your persona forever from the entrenchment of this earth;

  when you
thought that you had achieved the most invincible state of “Nirvana”,

  Beware of the breath which baselessly kills; drowning you in a world of endlessly strangulating nothingness; when you thought that your compassionate embrace was

  more impregnably interlocked than the walls of blessed paradise, 

  And beware of the heart which murderously betrays; bestowing upon you a life more ghastly than a countless disparagingly dastardly deaths; when you thought that you were insuperably perched on the scepter of immortally resplendent love .


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