You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 9

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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 9 Page 8

by Nikhil Parekh


  When we first met under blazing rays of the Afternoon Sun; you should have seen the ardently unsurpassable fire in our eyes,

  Which was so invincible that it became intransigently impossible for the most thunderous of whipping squall; to make even the slightest of indentation; upon our

  compassionately uninhibited swirl .

  When we first met in the romantically philandering lanes of the mystical forest; you should have seen the insatiably unflinching smile on our lips,

  Which was so unassailable that it became irrevocably impossible; for the most diabolical of misery; to invidiously infiltrate even the tiniest; into our entrenchment of perennial jubilation .

  When we first met on the scintillatingly pristine sea shores; you should have seen the spell binding river of ecstasy on our bountiful flesh,

  Which was so unfathomable that it became incorrigibly impossible; for the most horrendous of abhorrent boredom; to sulk even a capricious whisker; into our

  sky of eternal romance .

  When we first met under the resplendently enamoring and beaming Moon; you should have seen the virgin innocence on our innocuously robust cheeks,

  Which was so impregnable that it became irrefutably impossible; for even the most treacherously savage manipulation; to cast even a diminutive fraction of its lecherous spell; upon our perpetually impeccable enthrallment .

  When we first met in the inscrutably tingling meadows of grass; you should have seen the spell binding mysticism encapsulated profoundly in our ravishing palms,

  Which was so bountiful that it became irretrievably impossible for the most monotonously murderous parasites; to permeate even an infinitesimal speck; into our streams of celestially bonded blood .

  When we first met under the vivaciously dancing rainbows; you should have seen the contours of heavenly newness on our impoverished faces,

  Which were so blissfully revolutionary that it became dogmatically impossible for the most dilapidated dungeons of stagnation; to hover even a ludicrously remote fraction; over our fortress of unconquerable solidarity .

  When we first met in the playgrounds of rhapsodically frolicking college; you should have seen the ardently crimson blushes on our majestic cheeks,

  Which were so poignant that it became unimaginably impossible for the most satanic cisterns of gory bloodshed; to pry even a pathetically minuscule iota; around our cloud of ever augmenting and timeless camaraderie .

  When we first met on the boisterously bustling road; you should have seen the stupendously magical infatuation in our magnetically exhaling gasps,

  Which was so royal that it became incomprehensibly impossible for the most sinister spirits of ghastly corruption; to even infiltrate a sleazily parsimonious inch; into our web of everlastingly golden relationship .

  And when we first met in our delectably new born cradles standing face to face; you should have seen the immortally unending love in our hearts,

  Which was so perpetual that it became unrelentingly impossible for the most insidiously coldblooded chapters of cowardly death; to sprinkle even a frigidly negligible portion of its blackness; upon our life; which had united for infinite more births yet to unveil and by the grace of God; as FOREVER AND




  I’ll keep trying hard; incessantly and till the time; the last iota of crimson blood incarcerated within my poignant veins; doesn’t dry beyond the aisles of infinitesimal nothingness,

  I’ll keep trying hard; relentlessly and till the time; the last bone down my tenaciously lanky spine; doesn’t fatigue beyond the corridors of irrevocable hopelessness,

  I’ll keep trying hard; indefatigably and till time; the last line of destiny on my brazenly intrepid palms; doesn’t abrade into the dormitories of wholesomely bizarre extinction,

  I’ll keep trying hard; insatiably and till the time; the last muscle of my patriotically unassailable shoulders; doesn’t blend completely with threadbare mud,

  I’ll keep trying hard; unrelentingly and till the time; the last hair of my overwhelmingly glistening scalp; doesn’t wither into inconspicuous wisps of

  insipid oblivion,

  I’ll keep trying hard; intransigently and till the time; the last tooth of my overwhelmingly formidable jaws; doesn’t crumble into horrendously barbaric


  I’ll keep trying hard; irrefutably and till the time; the last strand of my unflinchingly intrepid flesh; doesn’t vanish into realms of horrific banishment,

  I’ll keep trying hard; intransigently and till the time; the last smile of my charismatically bountiful lips; doesn’t stutter towards an inexplicably gory end,

  I’ll keep trying hard; tirelessly and till the time; the last globule of empathy of my resplendently fearless eyes; doesn’t fully evaporate into ungainly tornado’s of nothingness,

  I’ll keep trying hard; incorrigibly and till the time; the last blush of my robustly scarlet cheeks; doesn’t fade with the winds of obsoletely despicable dilapidation,

  I’ll keep trying hard; unfathomably and till the time; the last fringe of my valiantly intriguing eyelashes; doesn’t plummet down in infuriated exasperation; to coalesce with the soggy ponds of slush on muddy ground,

  I’ll keep trying hard; irretrievably and till the time; the last iota of my piquantly galloping shadow; doesn’t juxtapose into worthlessly baseless dust; with the treacherously Ominous descent of sinister midnight,

  I’ll keep trying hard; euphorically and till the time; the last whisper down my philanthropically scintillating throat; doesn’t stifle to a timidly capricious mellow; eventually transposing with dungeons of disdain,

  I’ll keep trying hard; unendingly and till the time; the last morsel of enthusiasm in my vivaciously bouncing caricature; doesn’t inevitably snap into pernicious rivers of painstaking perspiration,

  I’ll keep trying hard; irrevocably and till the time; the last ingredient of profusely aristocratic artistry in my fingers; doesn’t disappear into disgustingly insane lunatism,

  I’ll keep trying hard; unfettered and till the time; the last maneuver of my rhetorically swirling neck; doesn’t embed itself for times immemorial; beneath the grave

  of ludicrously mocking desperation,

  I’ll keep trying hard; unconquerably and till the time; the last speck of gloriously sparkling truth in my conscience; doesn’t assassinate into countless pieces

  of derogatorily pulverized ash,

  I’ll keep trying hard; unassailably and till the time; the last millimeter of breath in my emphatically inhaling lungs; doesn’t drain out at the order of the Creator; to perpetually abdicate life,

  And I’ll keep trying hard; immortally and till the time; the last beat of my passionately palpitating heart; doesn’t succumb to the viciously malevolent whirlpools of betrayal; to the hands of the barbarically pulverizing devil .



  The instant you blended every iota of your crimson blood forever with hers; melanging each element of your pricelessly benevolent goodness with her enchantingly sacred spirit,

  The instant you coalesced every puff of your passionate breath forever with hers; beautifully bonding the vibrantly vivacious elixir of your existence with her majestic stride,

  The instant you intertwined each of your philanthropic fingers forever with hers; unflinchingly clasping her nubile visage irrespective of the most truculently hedonistic of storm,

  The instant you intermingled each contour of your tantalizing shadow forever with hers; harmoniously letting unfathomable shades of your magnetic artistry become the perpetual embellishment of her magnificent eyes,

  The instant you mixed every regale emotion of your glorious existence forever with hers; altruistically persevering with her at every step that she tread; although the earth slipped completely from under your feet a countless times,

The instant you transposed every rhythm of your fantastically mellifluous voice with hers; unitedly becoming the tenacity of all tumultuously aggrieved mankind; with her ingratiating shoulders by your side,

  The instant you juxtaposed every speck of your gloriously glistening sweat forever with hers; royally letting the essence of your sparkling perseverance become the empathy in her fructifying eyes,

  The instant you amalgamated every follicle of your bountifully burgeoning hair forever with hers; sensuously tickling her famished skin with your wave of intrepidly enthralling adventure,

  The instant you infused every droplet of your patriotically blazing tears forever with hers; perennially witnessing the marvelously eclectic beauty of this planet; through the impeccable whites of her immaculate eyes,

  The instant you coagulated every smile of your chivalrously bestowing lips forever with hers; transcending even the most inexplicably stuttering aspect of her life; with the fathomless sky of your unfettered ebullience,

  The instant you combined every step that you unstoppably tread forever with hers; profoundly relishing the resplendent blanket of life; unassailably cuddled with her incredulously blessed grace,

  The instant you compounded every bone of your resilient visage forever with hers; facing even the most ghoulishly murderous of adversity to protect your eternal camaraderie; although the world scurrilously snapped at you from all sides,

  The instant you agglutinated every irrefutable fortress of your truth forever with hers; handsomely swirling as the most unconquerable wave of ubiquitous peace; with her spell bindingly enamoring melody by your side,

  The instant you connected every bit of your charismatically gregarious radiance forever with hers; ecumenically blossoming as the pinnacle of compassionate togetherness; which none on this earth could ever dream to invade,

  The instant you united every trace of everlasting righteousness in your soul forever with hers; symbiotically surviving with the redolent petals on her twinkling feet; magically transiting you into celestial siesta,

  The instant you linked every prosperously blissful mannerism of yours forever with hers; considering yourself to be the richest organism on this Universe as you sipped Omnipotent water from her divine palms; although your pockets were torn from both sides,

  The instant you joined every emphatically triumphant moment of your life forever with hers; assimilating an unfathomable ocean of happiness; as she stared like a

  new born princess into the obeisant fluttering of your eyes,

  The instant you bonded every beat of your wonderfully uninhibited heart forever with hers; immortally loving her magnanimously humanitarian grace; more than breath could ever have loved euphoric life,

  Believe me; that very Omnipresent instant itself and without even the most ephemerally parsimonious of ceremony; church; temple; mosque; monastery; monk or myth; in the eyes of the Almighty Lord as well as in perfect synergy with his rules of life; you were impregnably married .


  It might be the most insanely balderdash and deteriorating rhyme on this enchantingly fathomless earth; I still wont mind it even an infinitesimal trifle,

  It might be the most perniciously sinister and abhorrent abuse on this spell bindingly colossal earth; I still wont mind it even a diminutive iota,

  It might be the most savagely distorted and feckless mumble-jumble on this redolently unassailable earth; I still wont mind it even a mercurial inch,

  It might be the most truculently perverted and sordid imagery on this charismatically blessed earth; I still wont mind it even a minute whisper,

  It might be the most satanically incarcerated and preposterous rhyme on this endlessly enthralling earth; I still wont mind it even an invisible speck,

  It might be the most grotesquely ghoulish and cacophonic on this timelessly mesmerizing earth; I still wont mind it even an obsolete fraction,

  It might be the most remorsefully fretful and dolorous monologue on this iridescently majestic earth; I still wont mind it even an inconspicuous bit,

  It might be the most notoriously atrocious and sanctimonious slang on this magically Omnipotent earth; I still wont mind it even an insipid chunk,

  It might be the most rambunctiously garrulous and irascible sound on this gigantically eclectic earth; I still wont mind it even a diminishing periphery,

  It might be the most indescribably hoarse and irate word on this bountifully burgeoning earth; I still wont mind it even a nonchalant component,

  It might be the most treacherously invidious and quavering wail on this stupendously triumphant earth; I still wont mind it even a parsimonious firmament,

  It might be the most derogatorily nonsensical and disdainful shit on this boundlessly gregarious earth; I still wont mind it even an evanescent centimeter,

  It might be the most villainously decrepit and tawdry fantasy on this unsurpassably gargantuan earth; I still wont mind it even an ephemeral trace,

  It might be the most luridly heinous and prejudiced animosity on this magnificently celestial earth; I still wont mind it even a fugitive figment,

  It might be the most indiscriminately lambasting and unrelenting litany of complaints on this beautifully convivial earth; I still wont mind it even a non-existent speck,

  It might be the most ludicrously staggering and exhausted adieu on this gloriously flamboyant earth; I still wont mind it even a infidel step,

  It might be the most uncontrollably ferocious and devastating echo on this magnetically enigmatic earth; I still wont mind it even an obfuscated segment,

  It might be the most dwindlingly asphyxiated and tortured beat on this Omnisciently sacrosanct earth; I still wont mind it even an fleeting section,

  But please O! eternal Beloved; for God’s sake O! Heavenly Beloved; howsoever absurd and inconsequential it may be; I really wont mind it the least; but say

  something atleast,

  For I could bear an infinite deaths smilingly and without the slightest of complaints; rather than witnessing you as silent as a stone in the ghastly grave; so for heaven sake please; please; please say something atleast .



  Brutally starved were my staggering eyes; frantically groping for those rainbows of eternal prosperity; which had become so ghoulishly amorphous and obsolete; in the world today,

  Pathetically starved were my lambasted lips; rapaciously wandering for those hives of perennial sweetness; which had parsimoniously evaporated into corpses of lackadaisical abhorrence; in the world today,

  Horrendously starved were my tortured fingers; unrelentingly searching for those uninhibited bits of free space; which had so luridly metamorphosed into salacious jailhouses of the sinister devil; in the world today,

  Preposterously starved were my tottering cheeks; intransigently loitering for those whirlwinds of ingratiating passion; which had transited into penalizingly inclement commercialism; in the world today,

  Despondently starved were my numbed ears; indefatigably straining for those sounds of everlastingly mellifluous harmony; which had so bizarrely drowned

  in obstreperously maladroit traffic; in the world today,

  Truculently starved was my monotonous brain; timelessly stretching for those precociously exhilarating forests of astounding innovation; which had converted so deplorably into coffins of ribald hell; in the world today,

  Flagrantly starved were my beleaguered eyelashes; relentlessly glimpsing for those dew drops of unfathomably sensuous ecstasy; which had so fanatically fulminated into insanely tyrannical bloodshed and crime; in the world today,

  Lecherously starved was my aggrieved throat; desperately searching for those raindrops of pristine exhilaration; which had so egregiously adulterated themselves with derogatory corruption; in the world today,

  Lasciviously starved were my fetid toes; agonizingly penetrating for those meadows of irrefutably silken honesty; which had so disparagingly converted themselves into
a gutter of ghastly lies; in the world today,

  Despairingly starved were my deprived palms; tirelessly fumbling for those entrenchments of aristocratic artistry; which had so perniciously disappeared into the dungeons of miserably fermented doom; in the world today,

  Unsparingly starved were my staggering veins; limitlessly stuttering for those waves of unflinching solidarity; which had so barbarously unfurled into carcasses of bludgeoning viciousness; in the world today,


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