You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 9

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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 9 Page 9

by Nikhil Parekh

  Licentiously starved was my convoluted neck; greedily swirling for those pinnacles of impregnably majestic brotherhood; which had so uncouthly divided into sleazily spurious boundaries of religion; caste; creed and color; in the world today,

  Ludicrously starved were my trembling teeth; maniacally chattering for those winds of patriotically blazing courage; which had so raunchily extinguished into scurrilously dastardly betrayal; in the world today,

  Painstakingly starved were my dreary bones; rampantly galloping for those blissfully placating shades of symbiotism; which had so hedonistically become warehouses of morbidly libidinous trade; in the world today,

  Unsurpassably starved was my crumbling spinal chord; wildly staring for those clouds of compassionate embrace; which had so bawdily perpetuated into mirages of worthless meaninglessness; in the world today,

  Criminally starved was my terrorized shadow; restlessly meandering for those unequivocally glorious rivers of freedom; which had so treacherously dwindled

  into maelstroms of political racialism; in the world today,

  Indiscriminately starved was my incoherent signature; implacably ambling for those stamps of heavenly righteousness; which had so tawdrily exploded into surreptitiously gratuitous profanity; in the world today,

  Forlornly starved was my asphyxiated breath; intractably gasping for those fireballs of vivaciously unending titillation; which had so obnoxiously become castrated graveyards of marauding lynchpins; in the world today,

  And cruelly starved was my deteriorating heart; endlessly feeling for those beats of immortally regale love; which had so baselessly extradited into gallows of indescribably crucifying emptiness; in the world today .



  Its Omnipotent light can be felt by one and all on this colossal Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly attain its resplendently sparkling majesty,

  Its eternally fantastic fragrance can be felt by one and all on this gigantic Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly blend with its perpetually ecstatic rudiments,

  Its timeless enthrallment can be felt by one and all on this Herculean Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly imbibe its poignantly burgeoning intricacies,

  Its perennial seduction can be felt by one and all on this unassailable Universe alike; but only those Who fall in love; can truly experience its rainbow of compassionate togetherness,

  Its magnanimously bountiful philanthropism can be Felt by one and all on this limitless Universe alike; But only those who fall in love; can truly become the fabric of its boundless sensuousness,

  Its bounteously proliferating reverberations can Be felt by one and all on this fathomless Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly embrace its winds of unconquerably supreme righteousness,

  Its unflinchingly marvelous solidarity can be felt By one and all on this endless Universe alike; but Only those who fall in love; can truly perch on the Throne of impregnable prosperity,

  Its ingratiatingly holistic charisma can be felt by one and all on this unsurpassable Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly revel in its inimitably unparalleled glory for infinite more births yet to unveil,

  Its waves of heavenly royalty can be felt by one And all on this relentless Universe alike; but only Those who fall in love; can truly swim in its ocean of ebulliently eclectic color,

  Its waves of jubilant rhapsody can be felt by one and all on this unending Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly imbibe its impeccably ubiquitous swirl for centuries immemorial,

  Its patriotically altruistic soul can be felt by one and all on this boundless Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly mélange with its winds of invincible mankind,

  Its resonations of Samaritan goodness can be felt by one and all on this insurmountable Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly become an

  inseparable ingredient of its indomitable stride,

  Its Omnisciently beautiful radiance can be felt by one and all on this limitless Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly enrapture every

  famished pore of their dwindling skin with its ointment of silken companionship,

  Its mists of enamoringly titillating enigma can be felt by one and all on this bounteous Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly replenish

  even the most diminutive aspect of their existence with its magical wand,

  Its entrenchment of timelessly agglutinating unity can be felt by one and all on this blooming Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly march shoulder to shoulder with its essence of amiably ecumenical oneness,

  Its vibrations of irrevocably scintillating righteousness can be felt by one and all on this Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly assimilate its regale splendor to divinely bless every instant of their pristine lives,

  Its indefatigably pulsating rhythm can be felt by one and all on this Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly float in its sacrosanct cradle of dreams and blessing paradise,

  Its streams of aristocratically timeless gratification can be felt be one and all on this Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly gallop on its satiny cloud of mystical mellifluousness,

  Its insuperably exhilarating breath can be felt by one and all on this vivid Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly bond even the most capricious iota of their soul with the Omnipresent iridescence of the Lord Divine,

  And its breathtakingly plentiful illumination can be felt by one and all on this tireless Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly coalesce with its beats of immortally poignant camaraderie and glimmering graciousness .


  Not the slightest impressed did I feel; even as every cranny of my countenance; enshrouded itself with the most resplendently shimmering silk,

  Not the slightest enchanted did I feel; even as an unsurpassable sky of ingratiatingly mellifluous nightingales; majestically perpetuated caverns of unbelievably rhapsodic melody in my life,

  Not the slightest influenced did I feel; even as the most unprecedentedly wise philosophers; uninhibitedly showered the essence of symbiotically ecstatic life;

  upon my treacherously bereaved soul,

  Not the slightest overwhelmed did I feel; even as an endless tornado of glittering gold; landed like a regal prince; right in the heart of my sordidly dilapidated household,

  Not the slightest appeased did I feel; even as the most stupendously sweet hives of ebullient honey; timelessly charmed my preposterously cacophonic and truculently scorching throat,

  Not the slightest silenced did I feel; even as the magnificently sensuous carpet of voluptuous night; unassailably transited me into wonderfully blissful siesta,

  Not the slightest exhilarated did I feel; even as the most impeccably divine fairies descended from the cosmos; to perennially occupy the barren space of my disastrously sagging shoulders,

  Not the slightest frolicking did I feel; even as the Omnipotent Sun burgeoned a profound throttle from behind the rain soaked hills; and a cluster of vibrantly innocuous butterflies invited me to dance till times beyond infinite infinity,

  Not the slightest intriguing did I feel; even as the most tantalizing of seductresses ecstatically danced in my miserably quavering way,

  Not the slightest pragmatic did I feel; even as the most articulately methodical of classrooms; handsomely perpetuated in my tyrannically famished eyes,

  Not the slightest adventurous did I feel; even as an unfathomable gorge of fascinating mysticism; enticed me in its ravishingly bountiful belly button; from all sides,

  Not the slightest triumphant did I feel; even as every cranny of celestial land on this limitless planet; blessed itself like a royal prince; into the diminutive folds of my clenched fists,

  Not the slightest stimulated did I
feel; even as every speck of gorgeously titillating beauty on this planet; unrelentingly tickled my flaccid skin with winds of indomitably vibrant desire,

  Not the slightest romantic did I feel; even as the regal propensity of exuberant air; compassionately embraced me with eternal rain; on every exhaustedly beleaguered step of mine,

  Not the slightest placated did I feel; even as the most scrumptiously fructifying meals on this boundless Universe; ardently waited to kiss my tongue; choosing only me as the sole consumer for countless more births of mine,

  Not the slightest enthused did I feel; even as the ingeniously impregnable synchronizations entered my insane brain; rendering me with the insatiable power

  to wholesomely metamorphose the complexion of this dastardly earth,

  Not the slightest rejuvenated did I feel; even as untamed waterfalls of heavenly prosperity; ubiquitously descended upon my despondently asphyxiated persona,

  Not the slightest vivacious did I feel; even as immortal whirlpools of quintessentially emollient breath; bestowed upon me a timeless legacy to exist; celestially transcending all hedonistic pain and pugnacious crime,

  Not the slightest eclectic did I feel; even as congenitally inherent artistry copiously exuded from each element of my fantastic demeanor; right since the first time; that  I uninhibitedly cried,

  Not the slightest tenacious did I feel; even as incomprehensibly inexorable fortresses of unflinching power; left the entire world to be the perpetually scintillating impressions of my nimble stride,

  Not the slightest honored did I feel; even as every single bit of imperially aristocratic accomplishment on this gregarious planet; became the immutably perennial jewel of my eyes,

  Not the slightest boisterous did I feel; even as an insurmountably relentless mountain of exotic energy; jubilantly crawled into the piquantly intricate network of my veins,

  Not the slightest enamored did I feel; even as the entire fabric of philanthropically synergistic harmony on this Omniscient planet; became the revered necklace

  of my tireless existence,

  Not the slightest certified did I feel; even as the most professionally enviable degrees in this exotic world; unfurled like a pack of vividly rejoicing cards into my outstretched lap,

  Not the slightest innovative did I feel; even as the lines of my palms were unbelievably gifted to spawn a river of infinite newness; on every pristinely naked

  twig of the tree; that they delicately caressed,

  But I would feel the richest man on this gargantuan earth O! Almighty Lord; if you gave me death at her pricelessly sacrosanct feet; made irrefutably sure that I breathed my very last breath perhaps premature; but with her Omnipresent

  palms forever intertwined in mine .



  If you thought that I’d perpetually love you; even after you brutally slandered me on my hindside with your murderous kitchen knife; just because I fervently showed my eagerness to assist you in the best way I could,

  If you thought that I’d unassailably love you; even after you indefatigably rebuked me for irrefutably following the sparkling pathways of eternally unflinching truth,

  If you thought that I’d bountifully love you; even after you indiscriminately plucked out every intricate vein of my body; to feed your cacophonically favorite puppy dog,

  If you thought that I’d timelessly love you; even after you barbarously barked the most perniciously heinous abuse in my ears; for obeisantly lying at your feet all day like an innocuous prince,

  If you thought that I’d unrelentingly love you; even after you cadaverously wished me all the bad luck that truculently lingered on this Universe; although I worshipped you like the ultimate angel of my dreams,

  If you thought that I’d sensuously love you; even after you parasitically sucked the most infinitesimal droplet of my blood; like a venomously flagrant parasite,

  If you thought that I’d miraculously love you; even after you treacherously whipped my savagely exonerated chest with lethally coldblooded snakes; just because I

  had compassionately lit the candles of your morosely blackened room,

  If you thought that I’d impregnably love you; even after you preposterously laid a mortuary of hedonistic thorns on every path that I tread; and then tantalizingly titillated the raunchy model of your lascivious dreams,

  If you thought that I’d handsomely love you; even after you paid a satanically deaf ear to the most poignantly uncontrollable of my cries; deliberately unfurled a pack of diabolical wolves; right towards the impeccable whites of my eyes,

  If you thought that I’d majestically love you; even after you indefatigably tortured me in devilish coffins of hell; just because I ardently polished the tip of your sanctimonious shoe; a trifle too much,

  If you thought that I’d unflinchingly love you; even after you invidiously gave me pig’s feces to eat; for robustly scintillating breakfast as well as to wade through the chapter of the drearily morbid night,

  If you thought that I’d unsurpassably love you; even after you mercilessly cut each of my silken finger; simply in order to wholesomely liberate the irately petulant itch in your effusively dancing nerves,

  If you thought that I’d insurmountably love you; even after you ruthlessly pulverized every bone of my righteous countenance under your uncouthly speeding Mercedes; just because you ghastily wanted to check the durability of your obnoxiously bohemian tyre,

  If you thought that I’d inimitably love you; even after you charred every iridescent contour of my demeanor with sweltering acid; just because I insatiably endeavored my best to enlighten the frowns of franticness on your dwindling face,

  If you thought that I’d profusely love you; even after you perfidiously chopped my tongue from my immaculate throat; sporadically using it to tickle the squalidly demonic soles of your disparagingly despicable feet,

  If you thought that I’d uncontrollably love you; even after you perilously metamorphosed even the most infantile of my fantasy into nightmares of horrendous

  nothingness; just because I unequivocally squandered every evil glance that wandered itself; towards your beautifully sacrosanct grace,

  If you thought that I’d perpetually love you; even after you unsparingly decimated all efforts of my lifetime like pieces of frigid matchsticks right in front of my eyes; and then luridly enshrouded them with your scurrilous spit,

  Then I am sorry that you’re in for the most fathomlessly unthinkable shock of your life; for I would still love you more immortally than ever before; I would still love you more than this earth could have ever loved even the most vivacious form of life,

  For when I gave my heart to you; neither did I see your religion; neither did I see your outlook towards life; as my love was; is and would for infinite more births always remain unconditional; would always remain tirelessly blind .

  35. WHAT USE  ?

  What use was my infinite coins; if there was none to synergistically share them with me except my own insanely decrepit self; when all that I truly needed for quintessential existence; was just a singleton chunk of them; everyday ?

  What use was my infinite happiness; if there was none to triumphantly experience it with me except my own prejudiced self; when all that I truly needed for holistic existence; was just a mercurial trifle of it; everyday ?

  What use were my infinite clothes; if there was none to convivially wear them with me except my own disdainfully dastardly self; when all that I truly needed for symbiotic existence; was just a tenacious robe of them; everyday ?

  What use were my infinite castles; if there was none to harmoniously live in them with me except my own viciously trembling self; when all that I truly needed

  for perspicacious existence; was just a robust abode of them; everyday ?

  What use were my infinite victories; if there was none to blazingly rejoice in them with me except my own spuriously sanctimonious self; when all that I truly

  needed for
bountiful existence; was just an exuberant handful of them; everyday ?

  What use were my infinite cars; if there was none to euphorically enjoy them with me except my own remorsefully fretting self; when all that I truly needed for vibrant existence; was just an exhilarating model of them; everyday ?

  What use were my infinite fantasies; if there was none to fantastically admire them with me except my own obnoxiously ghoulish self; when all that I truly needed for scintillating existence; was just a sensuous dream of them; everyday ?


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