The Velvet Caress

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The Velvet Caress Page 10

by C. P. Mandara

  'Enough talk.' I waved my hand in the air to indicate that our chitchat was over. Bending over to pick up my knife again, I decided it was time to remove the rest of her garments. If she looked almost divine with just half of her clothing removed, she was going to look like a fucking goddess when she was naked.

  Carving up the rest of the blouse took very little time and a few neat snicks severed the bra straps, which was almost a travesty but one I was prepared to accept. The leggings were even easier. Whatever they were made of they almost melted under my knife, and before I knew what had happened Marianna was standing in the middle of a pile of rags, completely exposed… and… oh God, the woman was shaved. Clamping my jaw shut so I didn't start drooling I wondered if I'd popped any pills in my bag. I could do with something to take the edge off my blood pressure right now. Matthews, you're an absolute bastard, I thought. Mind you, I already knew that.

  'Enjoying the view?'

  My head snapped up and I knew I'd been staring. What I didn't know was for how long. Time seemed to slip away from me for a moment or two, but I figured as long as I didn't focus too heavily on certain aspects of her body I'd probably be fine. Maybe.

  'It's not bad,' I drawled, pretending to be completely unaffected by her. She probably wasn't going to fall for that unless she was completely stupid, but hey, she'd decided to work for Mark so she wasn't going to win the Nobel Peace Prize anytime soon.

  'Glad I'm boring you senseless, asshole. Can we get on with the torture and humiliation aspects now? I'm kind of looking forward to those.'

  I sighed heavily. This woman was going to spoil my fun if I wasn't careful. It was long past time to show her who was boss. Having said that, I was going to start slowly and work up to the good stuff in increments. Whilst I had no doubt that she'd talk sooner rather than later, I didn't want my fun to end prematurely.

  Getting several yards of hemp rope from my holdall I made short work of looping it around her neck and tits. As I was going for maximum discomfort I coiled the abrasive rope around each breast several times, squeezing them tightly, so they bulged out of their temporary prison. For now they were perfectly pink and pretty, but soon, if my little temptress didn't spill the beans, they'd be purple and start to bruise. It was her choice, and I didn't mind either way.

  Approaching the task at a leisurely pace, I made sure each coil was neatly aligned with the previous one, and pulled as tightly as I could manage without risk of cutting off all blood supply. It took me approximately ten minutes, but I was satisfied with my work. Marianna was going to be very uncomfortable shortly, and she'd probably be sobbing very soon, but she'd need a little more encouragement to get to that state, and that was what I was going to work on next.

  Rummaging around in the front pocket of my holdall, I found two solid steel nipple clamps with heavy weights already attached in the form of shiny silver bells. They were adjustable and could be retightened at intervals, which was their particularly evil charm. She wouldn't realise this at first, but when she got the idea of what I had planned she wasn't going to be a very happy bunny. I couldn't wait to watch her face as these beauties took hold. I suspected there would be a swear word or two coming my way shortly.

  Attaching the clamps firmly, I noted that she didn't utter a word. Did she actually enjoy pain? Time would tell. Even if she did, there was usually a threshold at which the pleasure aspect disappeared and the pain became overwhelming. That was where we were heading, without a doubt.

  Standing back to admire my initial work, I gave each tiny metal screw an additional twist and listened to the heavy bells tinkle sweetly as her chest heaved up and down. Casting my eyes up to her face, it was to witness her two beautiful green eyes lost in a sensual haze of pain. She looked magnificent. I would have loved to take a photo of her, but that would only distract me at this stage in the game.

  'How does that feel?' There was no answer, but the gentle tinkling of the bells told me all I needed to know. 'It's my job to play the strong silent type, lady. You need to speak up soon, else I'm going to hurt you.' I ran my fingers up the inside of her leg and stopped just short of the apex of her thighs, giving her a minute or two of thinking time, before I pressed my index fingernail into her clit. By my reckoning the woman should be screaming in revulsion right now and begging for mercy. She did neither, and if I wasn't much mistaken she was finding this whole ordeal arousing. I might have a tougher job on my hands than I expected, but one way or another this woman was going to crack open wide beneath the weight of my stare.

  'What's next big guy? You're going to need to do a whole lot better than that, if you want to hear me squeal.' Marianna bit her bottom lip and rolled it under her teeth. My cock began to stir.

  'Who employed you?' My right fingernail bit sharply into her clit, while my left hand began stretching her left nipple outwards.

  'If I tell you that I sign my own death warrant, and quite honestly I'd rather take my chances with you than the other guy.'

  So, it was a guy. I guessed that was something, but not really anything I hadn't figured out already. Mark either had a rival or he'd been fucking around, or this was Michael Redcliff's doing. I was already pretty sure of the answer, but that didn't dull the thrill of the interrogation one little bit. With the amount of willing women regularly at his disposal there was a possibility it was a rival. It could be someone he'd crossed swords with in the business world, and I suspected those were many and numerous.

  'Suit yourself, precious.' Rummaging back in the holdall I searched until I found a clear metal barbell, carefully packaged in a transparent zip lock bag, and a twelve gauge hollow needle. I paraded both about a metre from her nose.

  'Know what these are?' I asked casually.

  'It's a piercing gun,' she said. Score one for her. There was still no begging, and I still couldn't figure out why.

  'Know what I'm going to pierce?' I asked. She hadn't quite figured out what was about to go down, unless I was much mistaken.

  'Well, my nipples aren't exactly available for a piercing and I'm guessing you're not going for anything as tame as my belly button.' She did that lip-rolling thing again and I realised that I wanted to taste her, drink her in, and bite her. All in good time, Leyland.

  'You're smarter than you look, Marianna.'

  'Obviously I'm not, otherwise I wouldn't be here, with you.' She gave me a look that could have withered an oak tree.

  'This is true,' I said, nodding as I snapped on some latex gloves. You're not allergic to latex are you, darling?' She ignored my question.

  'But you're not particularly smart either.'

  That comment had my attention and I looked up from the task I was currently employed in, which was sterilising my equipment. 'Oh? And why's that?'

  'Because when he figures out what you're up to he's going to come for the both of us. What you're doing now will seem like child's play in a few hours' time if he gets wind of things.'

  'Mmm. The mysterious man behind your attack is going to come for me, huh?' I didn't believe a word of it. Immediately changing the direction of the conversation I said, 'Have you seen these?' I pulled a racquet out of my holdall and waved it around in front of her face.

  She wrinkled her nose at me and frowned. Are you planning death by tennis ball?' Her tone was somewhat dry.

  'Nah. I'm not that good at tennis, and this isn't that kind of racquet. It's one of those electrified ones you use to fry mosquitos. I have another one in my bag as well, so I can work twice as fast.

  Her face paled somewhat as the realisation of what I was going to do hit home, but clamping her lips shut she just lifted her gaze away from mine and tried to pretend I didn't exist. She looked so damned regal I wanted to eat her. Oh, the things I could do to her, the photos I could take. Her expressions were exquisite. Unfortunately my time was limited and I had a job to do. Life was tough.

  Chapter Thirteen - Mark

  When they got bored of watching me lick the floor they made me crawl around for thei
r amusement. This wasn't the easiest feat with my legs attached to a nine-inch spreader bar and my hands in cuffs. At first my movements were slow and uncoordinated. The girls, unimpressed by my performance, decided to speed things up a bit with the use of floggers, canes and paddles. It didn't really make me move any faster, but they seemed to enjoy themselves.

  When a few complaints about my lack of enthusiasm were voiced Sophia decided to take matters into her own hands. Pulling a black remote control from her pocket her finger hovered above it, as if deciding what to do. For the life of me I couldn't figure out what she was up to until around 20,000 volts went through my cock. Holy hell. Too stunned to move I remained rooted to the spot, my eyes watering intensely as my hands scrabbled at the cage in desperation.

  'Prepared to play nicely now, pet?' Sophia's glacial expression told me all I needed to know. Swallowing tightly I nodded. 'Off you go then.' She waved me away with her fingertips, but the other hand had a firm grip on the remote control and I didn't fancy another shot of that current whipping through me. This time I crawled around the dungeon as fast as my hands and feet could carry me until I was gasping for breath, but I didn't dare slow down.

  'Aw, poor baby. He's sweating,' said Scarlett, trying to get her claws into my hair. Thankful that I managed to keep reasonably fit, I scurried away from her and the numerous implements that wanted to tan my ass with fierce enthusiasm.

  'Stop it, ladies. Let him have a breather. It's about time we started the first game, anyway.' Sophia clapped her hands together and I concentrated on getting some much-needed air into my lungs. My ears, however, were primed for the instructions to the game. This was going to be bad. Where the witches were concerned nothing was ever good, but this was going to be really bad. I just knew it.

  'Okay, ladies. Listen up.' To make sure she had their attention, Sophia grabbed a champagne flute and rapped a knife smartly against it. Immediately all eyes turned to the front and watched in excited anticipation for what was to come next.

  'The first game of the evening is called "feel the burn".' She picked up the little jar she had unearthed earlier and shook it. 'Inside here is a bag of Hamley's finest marbles. They vary in size from quite small and boring to rather large and impressive, although they are not particularly special in any way, shape or form. They are made of ordinary glass and they'll roll happily along a smooth surface. There is something a little special about these marbles though, girls.' Turning her attention towards me she smiled. 'I have coated these beasts in one part chilli oil, one part menthol oil, and the remaining part eucalyptus oil. There are twenty balls in here and everyone will get a chance to play with one. Your first job is to rub the unguent off anywhere you choose upon his body. See if you can pick a nice, sensitive spot. You then get to roll it around the room, and my pet will chase after it and bring it back to you in his lips. After that you can hide it somewhere upon your person and have my pet retrieve it, or you can choose to bury it in his ass - whatever takes your fancy. When he's full to bursting we'll spank the living daylights out of him and see if he embarrasses himself. So, who'd like marble number one?'

  As I sat there virtually speechless there was an almighty ruckus as twenty or so ladies fought for the privilege of being the first person to stuff marbles up my ass. Wondering briefly if I was dreaming, I decided that no dream could be quite this bizarre. Looking longingly at my phone in the corner I willed it to ring, but let's face it, no God was going to take pity on me. I might as well face up to the fact that tonight was going to be hell. As far as penance went I was going to taste a little of what Jen had dined on for the last few months. Would I be able to get through it just as elegantly as she had? It was doubtful.

  Sophia had spared no expense on her choice of marbles. Inside those shiny clear spheres were shimmering ribbons of colour in every shade imaginable. The women took great pleasure in parading them in front of my eyes with their gloved fingers, before rubbing their poisonous beauty around my body. Holy hell did that stuff burn. Think of hot chilli powder mixed with a muscle relaxant, such as deep heat. Now imagine it far worse, because the oils that Sophia had used were not diluted in any form. If that weren't bad enough, the ladies knew just where to rub it too. Nipples, lips, balls, and all over my back and ass that had been spanked earlier. The stuff burned through my veins with the tenacity of a forest fire. Pain erupted in liquid waves all around me, stinging my eyes and abrading my skin. The smell was enough to make me want to vomit, and the fumes were so noxious I almost didn't want to breathe. The whole ordeal was vile and could only have been thought up by Sophia.

  Just before they'd begun a heavy silver collar had been placed around my neck, and they'd attached a thick metal chain to the silver D-ring that resided in the centre of it, under my chin. At first I wasn't sure if it was for aesthetic purposes, or if they intended to lead me around by it. Later I would discover that they'd use it for both those purposes and more.

  It was uncomfortable and heavy, and a constant reminder of my status, which was why they'd placed it upon my neck. They intended to have their fun, and a part of me was quite happy to let them. If they wanted to crush me, belittle me, walk all over me with their spike heels and flay the skin from my back, I wasn't about to stop them. A few hours of penance was a small price to pay for my crimes, and even by my own reckoning I hadn't suffered nearly enough. They were beginning to even up the balance though.

  As the jar began its slow journey around the wide circle of seated women all eyes were upon me. Perhaps they hoped I'd make a run for it, though I daresay most of them knew better. When the first marble was retrieved and the first gloved finger beckoned me over I crawled forward obediently. I wasn't going to risk any more heavy voltage ripping through my cock, if I could possibly avoid it.

  Bubbles looked me up and down cunningly as she thrust her marble out for me to look at. It was standard size, had a pretty blue ribbon, and smelled awful. As much as I wanted to back away from the thing I held my ground.

  'Come a little closer, pet.' Shuffling forward I waited to see where she intended to inflict the first dose of fire. In order to make me sweat she rolled it between her index finger and thumb, until I felt almost mesmerised by the thing. Finally she laughed.

  'Where would you like me to put it?' With her other hand she traced a slow line from my forehead down to the tip of my nose. I nearly went cross-eyed as I tried to think up a suitable reply to that question.

  'How about my big toenail, Ma'am?' I was pretty sure it couldn't do a lot of damage if she put it on there. The coven laughed.

  'Stop messing around Naomi and get on with it, else none of us will be getting any sleep tonight,' said Vivian, who was clearly impatient to have her turn, judging by the tapping of her fingernails and the amount of times she crossed and uncrossed her legs.

  'Hold your horses, Viv, you'll get your turn.' Naomi didn't look at Vivian as she spoke; her eyes were firmly on me. Tracing a fingernail around my nipple she pinched and then pulled it slowly towards her, so I had to shuffle forward to ensure she didn't pull the thing from my body. 'Relax pretty boy, I'll go easy on you as I'm the first.'

  Running her fingernail a couple of times around my areola, just hard enough to graze, she then held the marble inches away from the same spot.

  'Hold your breath, darling.' That was wasted advice, because I already had.

  The marble gently swirled around my nipple, one, two, three times, before it was taken away. At first I felt nothing. I simply watched as Bubbles curled her fist up, brought it into her body and then swung her arm back to release it. There was a sharp click as it bounced upon the floor and then it skittered away across the other end of the room. I was already chasing after it.

  You see, I'd figured out that the quicker I collected all these marbles the better, because this was a game of seconds, minutes, and hours. The longer the oil was upon my body the worse the burn would get, so my task needed to be completed as quickly as possible. The ladies would make me wait of course, b
ut I would do what I could to limit the damage upon my skin.

  Watching the errant marble as it rolled to a halt, I picked it up gingerly with my lips and scurried back to Bubbles. The area around my nipple had started to burn and I knew my lips wouldn't be far behind it. After picking up twenty marbles my mouth was going to be in intense pain, but I suspected that wasn't going to be the worst of my woes. They would begin shortly.

  'Good boy,' said Bubbles, patting me on the head condescendingly as she held out her hand, waiting for me to release the damn marble. I did so as quickly as I could, already feeling the fire begin to seep into my lips. This was probably going to be one of the worst things I had ever done, but at least I'd live to tell the tale. And once my mind had focused on Jen it was hard to remove her. I wondered whether she liked submitting to me, or whether she hated it just as much as I did. If she did come back from the dead could we work around what had happened? Where there was a will there was a way - surely? I was prepared to make massive compromises if she agreed to stay with me. Hell, I'd even go back to vanilla sex if it made her happy. As long as I was with her everything would be okay. Somehow I'd make it work - if she let me, which was doubtful at best.

  'Now, do I put this in your ass or do I bury it somewhere wet and warm for you?'

  A deep, throaty voice snapped me back into the here and now, and I watched her carefully, waiting for the verdict.

  'Hmm, I think I'll hide it here.' Unsnapping the two poppers of her red leather corset she made short work of pushing the marble deep inside herself. Clearly my idea of 'no sex' and Sophia's weren't quite the same. We needed to have a chat about exactly what constituted sexual arrangements and what didn't. We appeared to have very different opinions upon the subject.

  'Go get it, pet.' In case I was unsure of what to do, Bubbles grabbed my head and pressed it between her crotch. Unless I wanted to suffocate there was only one thing to do. My tongue got to work quickly. The woman needed to be screaming the rafters down in double quick time, and if she did it with enough enthusiasm, hopefully an orgasm would be the preferred choice amongst this unruly lot. My ass didn't want to take too much of the other kind of punishment, so clearly it was in my best interests to perform well.


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